The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Have you gotten together with friends/family who live outside your home since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Talk about it.
Yes from day 1. I and Everyone else I know is still healthy
Yes. Initially took precautions by not seeing family/ friends, but I think when the surgeon general compared the upcoming week to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor (and lo & behold it never panned out, as most predictions from the govt level) was when they completely lost me.
This thing has been used by the media and democrat party, but I repeat myself, as a political weapon to influence the election. More convinced of that each day.
@teufelhunden528 – if that is indeed the case, why are Republican governors slowing or rolling back their openings? Seems like they would be hurting their own party’s chance for re-election… unless there is a real risk.
Yep, wearing a mask, washing hands, avoiding rioting, looting cretins…commonsense that used to be taught in kindergarten….wish the governor knew as much before he ruined the livelihood of 1000’s of small business owners
I live in a gated community called Rossmoor. We do not have one case to our knowledge out of 10,000 residents of COVID-19 with the exception of a worker who tested positive as being asymptomatic. He did not have any contacts with any residents. WE mask up on our walks through the beautiful grounds here. Then I meet three times a week with my neighbors all six feet apart and not wearing masks because we are outside. I think I will begin wearing my mask anyway because I have read sometimes the finer droplets stay around even outside. My immediate family like brothers and and his kids do not mix it up. WE have not visited each other yet. I am single so I need lots of company which I have invited and we meet outside. I want to visit Colorado to see my Dad but that is breaking the mandate. I will not leave the state. Besides they will not let me come due to the virus. I will be happy if this monster ever go’s away. So crazy.
No, but not because of the pandemic, I’ve been too busy with other things. If I wasn’t so busy, and I wanted to visit with family and friends I would visit as long as they are ok with it. My daughter is more concerned about the virus than I am and I respect her decision and will keep my distance.
We are kind of in the same boat. I’m concerned about the virus, but felt with proper precaution I could visit my daughter and family in Pasadena. Have not seen my grandson yet, he was born April 11. My granddaughter will be 4 the end of this month and I have not seen her since January. I have suggested to my daughter that I would stay at a motel, wear a mask and not pick up the kids, but she is not comfortable with me coming down there yet. Especially now that I’m back at work at Macy’s and come in contact with many people although Macy’s is being very proactive, perhaps in August’
I met a girl friend for lunch in Petaluma and we sat outside. My friends in Walnut Creek had a small get together, we were 7 people and we sat outside and kept our distance, but it was nice. I miss my social life.
Hanne, that’s too bad not being able to see your grandchildren. Especially when they are little during their formative years, watching them grow up is such a joy. I only have one granddaughter, she is an adult now, and the years I spent with her when she was little were some of the best years of my life. I hope you get to see your grandchildren real soon.
No, but occasionally with relatives 50+ miles away (Via Zoom) and immediate neighbors.
Yes. No protests, looting or riots though.
Yep! See my brother weekly, my mom almost the same amount of time. The rest of my family has been sporadic but we have seen each other – no masks. Some inside, some outside, just depends on what we are doing.
With the exception of walking invitations (nature, etc.) and outdoor church — no I haven’t, but it’s tempting. Reopen (with precautions) and let healthy people return to normal, and others can stay home if they wish.
At first I thought this was based on age and health, but I think it’s based on your confidence level. I’m seeing elderly ladies in their 90s at outdoor church services — six feet apart with masks (good for them) while others half their age (or younger) are staying home. Like Rollo said, there is inherit risk in everyday living, and life goes on.
Can’t wait to get back to work — at work. Working from home isn’t for me.
“Like Rollo said, there is inherit risk in everyday living, and life goes on.”
“Inherit” = receive (money, property, or a title) as an heir at the death of the previous holder
Inherent = existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute
Anonymous2 – Thanks for the correction! I don’t edit my posts, but I probably should.
We attend church in Lamorinda (Orinda). In this town, we have inherent and inherit.
Why do you feel the need to correct them, just go with the flow and be nice. You knew what they meant
Bishop Estates exactly that. We all need to practice being kinder. Thanks for the reminder.
I also appreciate the correction 👍
No, and no plans to do so for the foreseeable future.
I have one relative who lives in another area of the country that mandated few public/social precautions for COVID-19 Age mid-50s, now in ICU with COVID19, on a ventilator, most likely will die. No way I’m engaging in any risky, or potentially risky, activity to put myself or my husband in that position.
Sorry Mary…positive thoughts your way.
Mary Fours I’m sorry but encourage you to be hopeful. Positive thoughts your way. Hugs
Yes. We didn’t gather with Family during the Holidays, since some of them are older. But we have gathered with our neighbors and friends 6ft apart, outside, just to say “HI” have a beer/wine and enjoy each others yards.
I have, and it has gone well so far. We have always kept it outdoors and at a distance. It’s tough though because my in laws aren’t really minding the rules and have travelled.
No because it would be a trip for us or them and nobody is flying. I do have a brother close but he is a first responder and we decided phone is enough for now. We do talk to neighbors at distance. I know nobody wants to think about it but, seriously this could be the new norm if a vaccine isnt found so we should all get used to it.
Just to RIOT and LOOT!
What are you? A cop????
Just kidding……
Of course!
No, we’re being very careful. We don’t want to feel in any way personally responsible if it can be avoided for anyone’s becoming ill, and we’d like to survive this also, if we can.
Can only take my mother to essential doctor visits since she is in a residential care facility. No one in our family has visited. A couple down the street has come into our back yard a couple of times. But I am done with Cower-in-Place. If it is so bad that we have to live like The Boy in The Bubble (stared John Travolta) then I want out! I’ll take my chances and live my life to the fullest.
Some, with masks. Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Easter, and a birthday coming up. I meet them with my mask on because they are working and exposed to the public. So limited visits. So far, okay all around.
Not really. I had to attend a business meeting, but it was done outdoors with masks on. Otherwise I am following the rules. I would hate for someone to get sick or die because I didn’t bother wearing a mask.
Yes. At first we sheltered in place for 8 weeks before coming around family.
We have not exposed ourselves to any friends yet.
Have done Social distance coffee dates with my best friend.
I do take precautions for the health and safety of my kids, husband and myself.
Family is a must see!
Yes. I’ve had my sister and her husband over for dinner; my wife’s friend, who is an elderly comes over often just to hang out ; I’ve gone to my brother’s house for a swimming party with the fam bam (no one wore a mask), it was less than 50; I’ve gone to a backyard graduation party it was less than 50 people (some wear mask some didn’t). I’ve kept a normal lifestyle with my fam bam and friends since the pandemic. We wear masks, we mind our own business, and practice social distancing. We remind our friends (social bubble), and family – stay in place with 6 feet of space, and wear a mask on your face. Though as much as we want to be a part of some demonstrations, and hanging out at the beach/park on a hot summer day, we know our limitation (we avoid big crowds). Oh thank goodness the mall is now open, my teenage children have an outlet.
Nice try FBI
Yes, visit with friends and family. No masks.
Same here. I been going on as normal. When we didnt know about the virus I was worried but now that I know what I am dealing with and it really not that big of a deal. I dont go on public transportation but I am going to still see my family and friends.
You didn’t say if you wear masks or socially distance. Judging by your haughtiness I don’t think you do and I think it’s selfish. According to Fauci, etc al, soon we’ll all know someone super sick and likely in hospital, or some facsimile, given the current numbers – approaching 100k per day. You said it best though, ignorance is bliss.
Yes, of course we’ve been socializing. Some of our older friends are more cautious, and very few hugs* but socializing, dining, drinking, etc. The mortality rate of this ordinary virus is LESS than the mortality rate of seasonal flu. Our government, particularly Newsome, have stopped our civil liberties and y’all are just laying down and taking it. No singing in church! No church! Wear a useless facemask out in public at all.times, even though science proves masks are useless. *I miss hugs
Yes, lots of time. We maintain six feet or more distances. So far Covid-free.
I miss my social life too, but that’s okay if it’s on hold. We’re supposed to be in Australia, and I haven’t decided if looking at pictures online would make it better or worse. Probably the latter.
Absolutely. As far as we can tell, none of us has had it and if we did we didn’t know it. We all reported a persistent dry cough between November 2019 and January 2020 and are wondering if that was actually Wuhan Flu.
Yes but not the family members who are not taking this somewhat seriously.
I not afraid – I just hate being sick 🙂
No, haven’t seen family. Covid has helped – because I was already unwelcome – due to being “conservative.” The MSM has successfully destroyed an entire generation with their toxic brainwashing.
Of course I have. The government can’t make me not assemble with whom I choose to.
The liberals in government have done a great job of making people fearful of others in society nowadays. The sheep are grateful to have their freedoms curtailed under the guise of safety.
Hosted my first block party in Grants Pass since moving up here in Sept.
last year, good BBQ and fixings. Neighbors are great up here!!!! Josephine
county only has about 50 cases,population of county is only 87,000……
We have socialized with others outside only, everyone wears masks, social distancing maintained. I do miss hugging my parents though.
For my own understanding, is the idea that this disease is simply a creation of a liberal agenda? This is more about personal liberty and the me and less about the we and helping more vulnerable populations? I see a mention of “Wuhan Flu”, the mainstream media, and basically a political bent throughout a lot of these comments. I personally know 3 people that have died and 2 that were hospitalized by this novel virus and genuinely dont understand how other people can be so dismissive of the suffering of others. It isnt about death rate (roughly similar to the flu), its the hospitalization rate and how our system is not set up to handle the additional load. Spending 10 days in the hospital would both suck and be potentially financially crippling but not having access to it sounds even worse.