The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think Halloween (trick-or-treating) will or should be banned due to COVID-19?
Talk about it.
Seems like we will have to cross that bridge when we get there but probably.
Should we ban kids asking for hand outs?
We should not be encouraging this behavior in our youths
Of course. Trick or Treating is TOO risky. AND sitting together at a dining room table- BAN THanksGiving. AND, ALL that unnecessary shopping. YIKES- Christmas too- BAN Christmas > NOW. Before we might have plans. DO NOT even get me started about the inherent Risks in a New Years eve Party- nope nope nope
That is an obvious Yes! Not Trick or Treating! We have just about everything taken anyway from us now. Oh well. We must think only about crunching the curve as our main priority.
Apparently, the idiocy of my statement was to be Blatant “SARCASM” – DUH. popcorn needs a pill
I’m afraid it will be cancelled, which will be very disappointing for the kids, but better to error on the safe side.
People are behaving as if we’re not still in a pandemic. Retail establishments will soon have signs that read “No Shoes, No Shirt, No Mask, No Service”.
This is the “new norm”. Come on people. Wear a mask, please!
I know my house will be dark for Halloween, don’t need all the unnecessary germs.
Geez, Aunt Barbara. I could have gone an entire lifetime without seeing that!
How about we wait and see before making an issue out of it? It’s almost four months from now.
A better question, what about Christmas, Hanukkah & New Years?
Too soon to tell. Ask again in October.
Keep it going, masks are made for Halloween. But I have a feeling our do as I say and not as I do, tyrant, dictator, governor will put a ban on it.
It won’t be long until the left will want to put a ban on the holiday itself because All Hallows Eve is a religious holiday.
OMG! We’re talking about Halloween? Gee, is it really just around the corner? I guess we may as well talk about Thanksgiving and Christmas while we’re at it. This year is flying anyway, but then when you’re pushing 80 they all fly like crazy. Trick or treaters? Should have been banned years ago. We’re not living in the safe past that’s for sure, not with all the nuts flying around. The world has turned upside down and all of us with it.
I think we should wait until October comes too far away maybe by next month hopefully things will get better and people should follow guidelines wear a mask and social distance and not going out unless it’s needed
Why are we talking about Halloween in July? Argh! This year’s going fast enough with all this COVID stuff.
I think we need to cancel the election and let Trump work his magic for 4 more years.
Too soon to say,…but more that likely it’ll be a No-Go for Halloween. Plus, thinking it’ll be the same with the up-coming Holidays. Sad, so sad, USA isn’t what it use to be,….just wondering what it’s going to be.
I don’t do Halloween.
Too risky . It will be hard enough to keep kids in school up till then.The older generation will do what they want anyway no matter what the govenor says.. Long time to be under restrictions.
No. Most trick-or-treaters will be wearing masks and getting pre-packaged candy. I’ll wear a mask to pass out candy, too. Just let the candy sit out for a day or two untouched and it will be fine. Or spray it down with bleach or alcohol when you get home. No biggie.
I expect, in reality, that more parents won’t let their kids go out on the holiday, but I’ll have candy and decorations ready anyway.
You are hilarious, really.
But seriously what is all this over cautiousness achieving?
It is still a virus that is destroying our state and country in too many ways. What about all of the small businesses going under? People losing their homes but I’m supposed to care about a death row inmate dying of Covid? The media coverage is so biased with scare tactics because it keeps you watching. Turn it off and focus on how you can be helpful instead of terrified.
Oh and recall The Twit, Gaga Gavin
We’ll have to see in October. That’s like three months away…
Isn’t it the season where most of the kids and the under 100 kids wear masks? Let them trick or treat.
Ban all Hollidays. Send out Gavin’s army of enforcement
The only safe crowd is a protest crowd. All other gatherings should be virtual.
As soon as June new job numbers completely shattered analyst expectations our Governor announced his threatening shutdown. Must be a coincidence.
Only allow Halloween if the trick or treaters do not wear a mask. Same for the folks who protest, riot, loot and commit arson.
Seriously now, I am simply fed up (no pun intended) with the cancel-culture. I am a giant proponent of freedom. Let us do as we wish. Want to wear a mask, go ahead. Don’t want to wear one, no problem. Let the market decide. Stores, restaurants, bars, Churches, etc… should be able to stay shut or open up as they think best, under the conditions THEY choose, and then let the public choose. Freedom works every time it is tried.
Finally, something we can all possibly agree on….yes, it should be cancelled!!!
Really? I just want to through this week…
We usually get less than 10 trick or treaters each year
Too soon to say. Worry about your college aged kids going to Covid 19 parties looking to infect each other with the virus first…
Or didn’t you know???
One day at a time.
Let’s get through July 4th first.
Your neighbors already know which homes don’t like Halloween.
Boo!!! 🎃👻💀
Trick or treating is organised begging and a celebration of Satan.
Yes Halloween should be banned this year, parents can do something special for Halloween at home with their kids. Make Halloween treats, bake, arts & crafts, watch Halloween movies with them etc…
Halloween is safer than Black Friday.
Oh for crying out loud. Isn’t it just a little too early to be asking that question?
Nothing should “change” cause of covid. Just like nothing shoulda changed after 9/11.
Newsom and Pelosi masks should be big sellers this year…..
Yes, because it might get us killed. What else can we ban that we haven’t thought of, yet? Let’s ban the 2020 presidential election.
NO…..Our Fearless Leader will have Vaccinated everyone…just in time for the Election….FEMA Vaccine Warehouses are filling quickly.
Wow there’s a lot of crotchety people out there! I hope there is some level of celebration. Kids need a little something to look forward to. At least if passing out candy is banned people can decorate their houses. Come on people! Don’t forget you were kids once!
Oh yes please stay home and make sure you fill out multiple mail in ballots. Please be sure to mark that check next to Biden’s name and then have your child or children drop said ballots off at the post office 🙄 Its Halloween you haters of American traditions! If you don’t want trick or treaters turn your lights off and hide like you have been since SIP🙃
I don’t have kids, but if I did I would just buy a bunch of candy and have a spooky Halloween egg hunt. No need to expose your kids to bunch of random peoples germs. Sticking their hands in candy bowls, knocking on doors and ringing the same doorbell that everyone else is touching. And then trying to get them to wash their hands before eating their candy. Kinda gross.
How many people touch and deal with the food products you buy at your stores? Most certainly way more than the average person handing out cand, Just make everyone wear gloves that are handing out candy to kids in Halloween
Are you kidding me. 3 days before election day!?!
The liberals are going to have the whole country shut down. We’ll be lucky if we can even go shopping by then. Covid-19 wont go away until after the elections…
If we can shop at Safeway and maintain social distances then we most certainly can go trick or treating. I think it’s a common sense issue witch by the way is an issue considering most people don’t have it nowadays 🙄