This is the new COVID-19 daily update on Claycord.com:
- 900 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- 161 new cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County since yesterday.
- 0 deaths since yesterday.
- 6 fewer people are hospitalized since yesterday.
- Only 1 person under the age of 50 (they were in the 31-40 age group) has died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- 53 of the 76 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
- There are currently 7 outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities.
The population in Contra Costa County is 1.1-million.
3,132 confirmed cases with 76 deaths = 2.43% death rate.
From CCHS:
‘The county is closely monitoring recent data showing COVID-19 activity increasing in the community, as it is statewide and throughout the country.’
How can there be “0 new deaths since yesterday” if under the long term care facilities it says: “(2 new deaths since yesterday)”.
A death is a death or one of those is wrong data reported from yesterday.
Is there any data you can share on the age groups of the patients currently hospitalized for COVID-19 in Contra Costa?
@Claycord – There are currently 8 outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities. Not 7. The county’s bar chart of outbreaks shows 6 outbreaks…
@Devin – I suspect the two deaths reported yesterday were long term care facility deaths but they forgot to update the total number of LTCF deaths. One of the people that died was in the 71-80 age range and the other was 81-90. The LTCF numbers seem to be from a separate database than the main numbers and so at times things get out of sync.
Is there a publicly accessible list of the care facilities with infections?
How many of the new cases are the result of rioting, er… I mean ‘peaceful protests’? Will the County do contact-tracing on these individuals?
The entire Xi Coronavirus fiasco has become politicized, with strangers, friends and even family members turning on one another. I am more concerned about Corona-Maniacs than I am of the virus itself.
The State publishes SNF COVID data here: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/COVID-19/SNFsCOVID_19.aspx
Has anyone got an answer for just how many patients were shipped to our hospitals from Imperial County?
I was able to ascertain a number of 4 Imperial cases and 7 Contra Costa County residents hospitalized elsewhere by watching the Ad Hoc Committee on Covid-19 6/25 meeting. Here’s the minutes if you’re interested:
An interesting statement by Anna Roth was “herd immunity is not a local strategy or recommended by CDC.” Folks, we are on a long roller coaster ride…
Sancho Panza the minutes do not say “4 from Imperial County” just that the 4 are from outside CC. Could be from Alameda County at say John Muir just as 7 from CC County could be at say Kaiser in Oakland. I think on the last update video conference they said “a couple from Imperial County.”
It’s not about CC county but it got my attention:
“@UCSFHospitals 16 pts, 5 on vents; ~double 2 wks ago. In SF, cases and hospitalizations up; most of bump in hospital pts is transfers from elsewhere. Forgive the metaphor, but if somebody sneezes in LA, we’ll ultimately catch a cold in SF.” Source: https://www.sfgate.com/news/editorspicks/article/UCSF-Bob-Wachter-California-coronavirus-surge-15376550.php
I’m guessing it’s normal to count inbound transfers. One possible reason is that it means counties to not need to gather data from hospitals outside their own county. CC county reports on what’s happening in the eight hospitals in CC county. Imperial County’s health department does not need to track and report on the patients we are treating.
It still would be nice though if we knew how many transfers in and out there are. As we don’t know, the number-in-the-hospital count can’t be used to measure how well or badly things are for the county.
I’m still wondering how COVID-19 deaths get reported. If an Imperial County resident dies in a CC county hospital then which county reports the death in their statistics?
This is all BS
It seems like they are just adding new numbers to the active cases and not subtracting recovered
@Puffandstuff – Here are the 7-day rolling averages for new cases in June.
05/31/2020 21
06/05/2020 30
06/10/2020 38
06/15/2020 35
06/20/2020 48
06/25/2020 77
06/29/2020 98
The number of new cases showing up daily has gone up five-fold in a month. That’s why active cases is going up. Most of that surge is likely from Memorial Day holiday parties plus people being less careful in general as the situation continues.
The number of active cases is roughly the number of new cases for the last 14 days. It’s much like a rolling average except they don’t then divide the sum by 14. There’s a bit more detail than that such as they use the date of onset of symptoms if that’s known, add people that are still in the hospital, subtract people that have died, etc.
When there is a spike in the numbers, even if it results in no hospitalizations or deaths, then it’ll take 14 days for that spike to drop out of the number of active cases. At present we are dealing with the spike of 100 cases on 6/19/2020 plus the 166 and then 160 new cases reported for past two days.