Home » Gov. Newsom Urges Use Of Face Coverings Amid Uptick In COVID-19 Cases

Gov. Newsom Urges Use Of Face Coverings Amid Uptick In COVID-19 Cases


Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday implored Californians to wear face coverings and follow state and local health guidelines as the state sees a mild uptick in positive COVID-19 coronavirus cases.

Testing across the state has skyrocketed to nearly 90,000 tests per day while the positive test rate has stabilized around 4.5 percent over the last month, according to Newsom. However, the positive rate rose from 4.5 percent on June 14 to 4.8 percent on Sunday.

The state has also seen a 16 percent increase in coronavirus hospitalizations over the last two weeks, from 3,184 on June 7 to 3,702 on Sunday, and an 11 percent increase in intensive care patients.

“Wear your masks, practice physical distancing. Continue the hygiene that is so foundational in terms of mitigating the spread of the virus,” Newsom said. “We are not out of the first wave of this virus.”


On Thursday, Newsom and California State Public Health Officer and California Department of Public Health Director Sonia Angell announced new state guidance mandating the use of face coverings statewide when people are in public spaces that have a high risk of spreading the coronavirus.

On Monday, Newsom and former California Govs. Jerry Brown, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gray Davis and Pete Wilson released a video calling for Californians of all political persuasions to wear a mask or face covering in public.

Newsom added during a Monday afternoon news conference that there are mechanisms in place to enforce the mask mandate.

“The state of California and local governments have the ability, from a regulatory perspective, to go after people that are simply thumbing their nose and abusing the privilege of this moment,” he said.


Nearly 3.5 million coronavirus tests have been reported throughout the state as of Monday. Health officials throughout the state have confirmed a total of 178,054 cases, including 5,515 deaths, since the pandemic began.

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Newsom – no you don’t. You are a charlatan and a criminal.

How much money do you make for every mask you hypocrite? Go back to Montana for vacation. We were just there, and they know how to treat their citizens with respect, decency, and courtesy.

Honestly, do you just look for things to be angry about? Just wear a mask while in public. It’s not that difficult.

Governor Newsom is saving our behinds. I am soooo grateful he is trying very hard to protect the Californians. He works so hard to make sure the mandates are followed and is great about scientific evidence. I am tired of people not respecting the truth about COVID-19! This virus is not politically motivated to not be here because you maybe tired of “it”. Yes we must close up again if this virus spikes way up. That is reality. To say he is a criminal is hilarious and silly.

Bubba Clinton had his Monica, and Any Twosome Newsom gets popcorn.

@ Tired-
Just wear the mask while you are in a store. It’s not a big deal.

@ Popcorn-
I finally agree with something that you have written. “This virus is not politically motivated…” Well said, and true. The rest of your post is nothing more than hysteria and an endorsement of the left’s talking points.
Me thinks Idrinkthekoolaid is a more appropriate moniker.

I actually feel really bad for you…and I truly hope you don’t get this virus.

@tired. Huh? Even Texas requires masks. What’s your issue?


I wonder if all that hair oil Newsom uses kills the Corona


His greatest claim to fame is breaking the law.

How can a lawbreaker be trusted?

I don’t believe anything Newsom says is in the best interests of the good people of Calfornia.

Test goes way up, cases go up a little, panic time by the politicians.

It’s all political and the politicians and health care officials will never relinquish their power until the people take action.

I bought my first package of masks yesterday at Safeway because I didn’t want to sacrifice on the N95s I have on hand for getting a haircut. I wear a dust mask when I go to stores. Those sell (if you can get them) online from vendors for $7 for a package of 50. They leave you some room to breath under the mask. They were selling at dollar stores often 6 to a package before this all started. Since they have a wrap around elastic they wouldn’t work well for a haircut. The package of 10 cloth masks was $7 at Safeway.

I don’t wear a mask for my walks and very few in this neighborhood do. Plenty of room to avoid close contact. I should try it and see what my spO2 reading is on my oximeter before and after. Masks are very stuffy to wear and I bet the spO2 level goes down showing more CO2.

Watch the number of virus-caused deaths. If they go up, then cover. Until then, Governor; GO Suck an Egg!!!!!


So how is he going to enforce this when county Sheriffs and local Law Enforcement have said they will not enforce what they deem to be an unlawful order? What mechanisms does he have in place? Let me answer for you, Newscum, NONE.

Your mandate is not legally enforceable, at least determined by my minimal understanding of the law, thought well educated in Emergency Management Policy and practices. On paper it may sound enforceable but I (and many others) believe you have used a loophole in the California Emergency Services Act out of context and therefore have exceeded your authority. I cannot wait till you (and our president) are removed office.

You started out good, and then failed …. California is NOT San Francisco though you are trying to make our once great state into the debacle you left San Francisco.

And your little video, was cute. Maybe you should go follow a career in the film industry … your acting on the video actually looked like you cared about California.

I’m not a Democrat nor a fan of NewScum and CA’s politics, but I am a fan of common sense and logic. Wear a mask!

wow pelosinewscum
are you imposing a police state

i thought your party and voters were against that sort of thing

autonomous zones and such ridiculous

do not impose or you will lose this state and your higher bosses will not be happy that you destroyed all their socialist agendas

i mean your a democrat politician ….like bullying and threatening will get you nothing but impeached and have your voters turn against you

before you rail off threats actually have something to back them up

your not hillary dude

stop trying to bully people

your comments keep getting more authoritarian and rulerish

even your voters are against you being fascist ….not a good look on your frail frame i mean holding a gun would make you look like a five year old

just stop and be a man and work for the people …all of them or lose your seat …..democrat threats are empty and only make your grip on this state loosen

Hey Newscum why are filling Socal hospitals with COVID cases from Mexico? Lifeflight helicopters bringing them over at 30-100k a flight!
This state is pathetic Gavin can’t even take care of it’s own citizens yet he’s bringing in these patients.
I’ll wear a face mask when I want to, not by anyone else unless I’m going into a store and they require it otherwise it ain’t happening and neither is social distancing.

“…and neither is social distancing.”
What’s so difficult about trying to stay 6 feet away from strangers in public, some of whom may be at risk?
Do anything you want among your own family and friends but don’t crowd, breathe, cough or sneeze on others.

I wear a bandana that was already in my possession. Nobody made any money from me.
Be responsible. Wear your face covering. I wear mine to protect YOU. I expect reciprocation.
If we all comply this thing will slow down, be manageable and we can all get back to some kind of normality sooner.
Thanks in advance people of Claycord for your compliance 👍

Well you won’t get any reciprocation from me. Nor do I need protection from you. I don’t have coronavirus, so why should I wear a mask. If you are worried, then you can stay home.

Masks are wrong and shouldn’t be required, especially since coronavirus is is on the downswing and just about eradicated.

Did you get a test ? Do you get tested regularly ? If not, you have no idea if you’re spreading the virus or not. Somehow I don’t think you’re doing the responsible thing.
I will continue to go out and wear my mask for YOU. You’re welcome.
Cases are on the rise by the way.
I can’t wait until Newsome “comes after you” 😁

1. I guarantee I don’t have it. I know my own body very well. If I have it, I will don a mask.

2. The law is not being enforced.

3. As long as you wear the mask under your chin, you are meeting the statutory requirements. You don’t have to cover your mouth or nose.

4. It’s “Newsom”.

It’s called being asymptomatic. You have no symptoms, but you are infectious and you can spread the virus.
Aren’t you glad I’m here today to give you all of this free education ? And again, you’re welcome 😊
Correct, it is “Newsom”. At least you got one thing right today. Congratulations 👏

Don’t fall for it people. We let them do this to us once. Not again. Pay attention to all of the messaging. They LET the protestors and rioting happen, ramped up the testing so they CLAIM could exactly this. Think and don’t fall for this.

It’s not about a virus.
It’s not about racism.
It’s about an election.

That is all.

Fixing this sentence.

They LET the protestors and rioting happen, ramped up the testing so that they could claim EXACTLY this scenario (the “spike” in cases).

Newsom said they can go after people thumbing their nose and abusing the privilege of this moment. Exactly what moment and privilege.is he talking about? The pandemic, shelter-in-place, social distancing, and mask wearing, is certainly not a moment, and being out in public isn’t a privilege.

“Abusing the privilege of this moment” That is the kind of whimsical word magic he uses to mind melt ignorant folks..pretty comical If it weren’t so sad

He’s not going to go after anyone. Just more talk and posturing.

The virus is real, but anything he does is politically driven.

We have to find the truth elsewhere.

“Thirteen residents of a skilled nursing facility in Concord have died with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19, according to state data. Additionally, 62 residents at San Miguel Villa have tested positive for the coronavirus as well as 13 workers”


Against federal guidelines = negligent homicide

When SIP started 3 months ago we had very little testing and around 2,000 dead. Today we have more testing, no vaccine and around 120,000 dead. The pandemic is still here. Masks are the only protection we have. Stay safe.

“Let them eat cake.” Marie Antoinette, to starving French peasants.

“Stay at home. Relax. Smoke a stogie”. Arnold to the millions out of work, as he lounges in his Jacuzzi.

America-hating Marxists use the mask as part of the Alinsky
‘Top-down, bottom-up and inside-out” strategy
Mask and virus lockdown are top-down pressure
Riots and statue toppling are bottom-up pressure
They hope white middle-class Americans will be forced to opt out and not vote
The Media must be held accountable when they lose in Nov
The Marxist power centers must be dismantled

” “Let them eat cake.” Marie Antoinette, to starving French peasants.”
Then there’s nancy Antoinette, showing off here very expensive stainless refrigerator and freezer. One freezer drawer packed with gourmet ice cream.
Trump ad, after pelosi blunder.

We’ll have to wait until November to see just how much damage, cognitively challenged pelosi has done to democrat candidates. During 8 years of obama administration democrats lost over 1,000 seats in state and federal government.

How about you stay home if you are so worried??

The predictable responses to wearing a mask.. what is the problem? The same people who scream for everything to open also scream and stomp their feet when asked to do the simplest thing to help protect the people working. Amazing.

Hey Newsom,

Even though you are annoying as hell, those of us that are trying to follow suit are wearing a mask when we are suppose too! Just back off already and let Darwin do his thing to those who do not want to simply wear a mask when inside somewhere (other then there home). We are extremely over populated anyways!!

I live in Concord. Someone at my work tested positive for COVID. I had to take a COVID test this morning. I won’t get my results until Friday. I don’t want to alarm anyone but I live alone and still need to leave the house to get food and gas. Please wear a mask so I don’t infect you or someone you know.

TO EVER NOTICE: Hey pervert: WOW you are insulting because I respect and defend our governor. You even suggest that I am sexually involved like Monica was to Bill Clinton. You are one piece of sick 🤒 work. I think that is a low life comment. Kind of scummy. Please go away.

Ugh people

It’s not the plague

Everyone needs to be exposed so your immune system can learn it and fight it

Claiming that a thin piece of cloth is your savior seems illogical

Even more so when you say it’s a death sentence if you don’t wear one

Also China knew about this virus 2 years before it broke out
and said it would not share it with the world

So look to the source for enlightenment

Also a virus like the flu has killed more this year and democrats never pushed for lockdowns and masks or waving their hands in the air

Or are you a vaccine person who puts god knows what inside you that most of the time does nothing

Fearing others is your own sentence
Stop trying to bring us into your fearful life and devotion to democrats
It’s not classy or needed
Think for yourself the politicians lie for a living as we all know so be informed or fall victim to your own lapse of judgment

Ever notice; that comment was very ugly.

Some of you act like wearing a mask is like relinquishing your guns.

Some of you would jump off a cliff if Gavin Newsom said not to.

For those of you stating we need to be exposed to the virus to build an immunity, I understand the logic behind that point. However, I know several people with compromised immune systems. These are people who would likely succumb if they were infected. I would prefer to keep the spread of C19 slow so I’m asking you to please consider other people and wear your mask.

And those people with compromised immune systems need to be extra careful to stay safe. That means no protesting or looting.

Well said! Hard to comprehend the negativity out there about self preservation. Wear your mask. Six feet or six feet under. Wash your hands. Use sanitizer! Duh. You want to believe the pandemic is not here? Just think there are cobra snakes out here ready to strike. It is very serious folks. Keep up your ignorance and you could infect loved ones and yourself. Please be safe and follow the simple mandated rules. No joke. Not a hoax. This is Reality.



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