Home » Activists, Inmates Call For Action In San Quentin COVID-19 Outbreak

Activists, Inmates Call For Action In San Quentin COVID-19 Outbreak


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Just what we need, more released prisoners. Unbelievable.

Send them to “Chaz”.

Hell No!!! You clearly were not concerned about other human beings when you committed the crimes. Now you demand, to be taken into consideration, tax payers already pay your room and board, medical, dental, vision, classes.

Just one more excuse for newscum to let them all go free and close San Quentin. Then he can sell the property to his buddies so they can build apartments there.
But I’m sure they would ALL be “low income” apartments.

Yeah, RIGHT!
RECALL newsom NOW!!!

It’s all because these criminals have filthy lawyers who will sue the State if they are tested positive for the virus in prison where they belong. Everyone is afraid of being sued now. “Do the crime get the virus” might be a deterrent now.

Oh please, these guys inside can barely get the support of a public pretender. They have bigger fears inside their walls rather than some lame virus

Give them masks if it’s such a deterrent.

If a mask ‘works’ for us non-criminals, buy them a mask and have them wear it. They already have limited contact, and their cells can be considered a social bubble ..

So, problem solved. Keep them locked up.

All staff and inmates are required to wear masks. They were already given masks awhile ago.

You did the crime now do the time.

They wanted us to stay home so we did(to keep everyone safe) understandable, but we We cant get out of paying bills and taxes from the coronavirus but they let these criminals out of jail!

Has it made it to death row?

If it does, it will kill more Death Row inmates than Death Row. Seriously.

Any inmate who has been there for more than two years is not worthy of rights. All the inmates with good behavior and any chance of rehabilitation are moved to other prisons flat out

99.96% recovery rate. Leave ’em in there.

They should have thought of that when they committed their crimes.

Think of the corrections guards that will be exposed to the virus going on in there and will probably take it home to their families others around them. No matter however, the government is willing to sacrifice Souls good and bad for their own agenda.

Hopefully the goverments agenda is to keep them locked up. Conspiracy theory’s much?

Isn’t Scott Peterson there? Hmmmm.

Yes-he is. I take my psychology students on a tour there and we have seen him 3 or 4 times. Very cocky.

A millennial San Quentin inmate with upspeak.

Not how I picture San Quentin inmates.

Not sure I believe he is who he says he is.

Shelter in place, their cells.

I don’t understand why letting them out so they can infect people on the outside is more acceptable than letting them infect people on the inside. Don’t incentivize catching covid as a route to early release – leave them in there until their time is served.

Interesting read on LA County inmates purposely infecting themselves with Covid so they can get released – https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/05/11/l-a-county-inmates-infected-themselves-with-coronavirus-in-apparent-ploy-to-get-released/

@Pink I am totally with you 🙂

You sound more like a libertarian than a republican. You should look into the libertarian platform.

I hear the gas chamber kills the COVID 19.



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