Home » Students Should Expect Masks, Temperature Checks Under California Guidance

Students Should Expect Masks, Temperature Checks Under California Guidance


By Diana Lambert – EdSource

California schools will look different when they reopen next year, according to new statewide guidance. Students should expect to wash their hands and have their temperature taken often.

They will likely wear masks and only attend classes a few days a week with a small group of classmates. Signs and taped marks on the floor will tell them which direction to walk and where to stand in hallways and in the cafeteria.

A 55-page guidance document, “Stronger Together: A Guidebook for the Safe Reopening of California’s Public Schools,” released Monday morning by the California Department of Education offers sweeping recommendations
about everything from keeping students and staff safe while at school to the types of instructional models that school districts should consider to maintain social distancing.


Ultimately, school district officials will decide how to reopen campuses. The guidance, the document states, “honors the varied local context of each of our local education authorities.”

“As we prepare to move into the likely reopening of our schools, we provide this guidance as a ‘how-to’ for safely reopening our schools,” said Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond in the introduction.

“In it, you will find answers to many questions, including the need for physical distancing and the types of recommended personal protective equipment. You’ll also learn ways that we will have to rearrange our staff and students in order to ensure that that those who are opting for in-person instruction can do so safely.”


The guidance recommends that school districts require everyone to wear masks or face shields while on campus and that they maintain 6 feet of distance from others.

Limiting the number of students in each class and keeping students together with one teacher to minimize interactions is recommended, as is limiting the number of students on campus at one time.

Students also could be spread out across a campus, with classes in auditoriums, cafeterias or outside if necessary.

More staff will be needed to ensure physical distancing for younger children and students with special needs, according to the guidance.


The state guidance also places a strong emphasis on how districts will meet the social and emotional needs of students, as well as strongly urging that schools set up a way to assess how well students are doing academically, either through in-person or remote instruction.

Monday’s document follows several similar guidance documents issued by county offices of education over the past week or two, including Imperial County, Los Angeles County, Santa Clara County, and Sacramento County, as well as by the California Department of Public Health.

School districts in coordination with their county health officers will determine when they will reopen and what safety measures they will be required to use.

“The intent of this documents is to be a guide for local discussion on reopening schools,” according to the introduction. “It is not a ‘one-size-fits all’ document.”


The guidance anticipates many districts will offer hybrid or blended models of education, a combination of distance and in-person instruction or a model where some students go to school and others stay home for instruction, Thurmond said at a press conference Monday morning.

Many school districts have surveyed parents and learned many want distance learning. Thurmond encouraged districts to accommodate those requests to ensure small class sizes for adequate social distancing.

Schools should be analyzing the footprints of their campuses to determine how many students can be safely taught on campus, he said.

The guidance offers a number of examples of how schools can change their schedules to accommodate social distancing:

The two-day rotation blended learning model — Students report to school on two designated days based on grade level for in-person instruction.

On two other days they take enrichment classes offered on the school site or through community partners, like parks departments or nonprofits, that are coordinated by credentialed school staff. On Fridays all students take part
in distance learning; Blended learning model — Half the students at a school will attend in-person classes on campus for four full days per week while the others take online classes from home. Then the students alternate. One day a week all students participate in distance learning while teachers use that time for planning or taking professional development courses; Looping structure — Keeping students with the same teacher as the previous year to build a better understanding of health and safety issues, which decreases health risks, according to the guidance; Early/late staggered schedule — Grade levels would have staggered start and dismissal times, an increased number of lunch periods and multiple meal-distribution points. It also suggests that teachers rotate from class to class while students remain in their homerooms; Recess and sports would be a little less playful, with supervisors in place to encourage physical distancing and only no-contact sports allowed, according to the guidance.

Lunches can be served in the classroom, outside or in the lunchroom, but there will be no buffets and no share tables, according to the recommendations. Sneeze guards and partitions will separate people from one another at the cash register and other places where contact is close.

The guidance also recommends that students, teachers and staff wash their hands or use hand sanitizer as they enter campuses or board school buses and frequently throughout the school day.

It suggests that school districts consider portable hand-washing stations throughout campuses and near restrooms to keep people from congregating. Schools should ensure there also is enough hand sanitizer for each work station, although it should only be used with supervision for children younger than age 9.

Staff and students with medical problems that keep them from wearing a mask should use face shields or a cloth drape tucked into their shirt to cover their mouth and nose, according to the guidance. Staff in the lunchroom, front office, custodial staff and those checking temperatures are required to wear gloves.

“We have not heard from any school district leaders who have said they can’t open because of physical distancing requirements,” Thurmond said Monday.

Thurmond said the biggest challenge to reopening with physical distancing is funding. Discussions with the governor and state and federal legislators will continue to ensure schools have the funds they need to operate safely during the pandemic, he said.

Last week California lawmakers agreed to rescind all the cuts to education proposed by Gov. Gavin Newsom in his revised budget on the assumption that Congress would soon pass, and President Donald Trump would sign, aid for states that would include $14 billion for California.

The state guidance echoes Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance that says teachers should wear face shields so that students can see their faces and avoid barriers to phonological instruction.

The school district is required to provide personal protective equipment like masks and gloves for students and staff if needed. On Monday state education officials announced the governor has committed to providing that equipment for schools.

A checklist on campus access says that campus visitors should be limited and that anyone with symptoms associated with COVID-19 should be denied entrance. Students should be monitored throughout the day, beginning with temperature checks by their parents before school, upon entrance to the school and throughout the day.

Students who develop symptoms while at school should be isolated from others until they can get a ride home or to a hospital.

While the guidance is focused on reopening it also asks school district officials to have a plan to close a classroom or office if someone becomes infected with the coronavirus or entire schools if there is a surge in coronavirus cases.

The department worked in tandem with the California Department of Public Health, which recently released its own guidance on school reopening, and Cal/OSHA, which oversees worker safety, said Thurmond. Staff also met with public health officials, state safety officials, researchers, teachers, parents, students and administrators to compile the guidance. The Department of Public Health guidance focuses on safety, while the Department of Education guidance includes educational programming in its guidance.

But safety is the first priority, ahead of everything else, Thurmond said.

“There is nothing more important right now then promoting the safety of our students, and our staff and their families and addressing the social emotional needs of our students,” Thurmond said. “We recognize that COVID-19 has had a devastating effect on everything that we know about providing education. It forces us to enter into new conversation about the way educational program looks and will look going forward.”

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no science behind this at all. just theatre to enhance their power and try to kiss up to the unions


The indoctrination has begun
Install full control over the children to rule the parents

Get ready to pledge allegiance to what ever flag they offer

The new government will form soon

Your voting helped seal your fate
Remember that when your in re-education camps

I’m picturing students in China and North Korea.

This is SO SAD!

I guess Tony Thurmond has never worked at a high school. Student’s can’t stay 6 feet from each other. While Mt Diablo School District is cutting employees hours because of budget cuts, Thurmond is talking about hiring more staff to enforce the new rules.

Thurmond was never a teacher, only a politician.

Absolutely disturbing…..at this point we all know this is a scam; these maniacs act as if people are dropping like flies all around us. All of this nonsense is to get us “vaccinated.”

What are the quotes around “vaccinated” for? What do you mean?

Fifty Five pages . . . Hmm, . . .
Home Schooling it is.

Welcome to the club! We’ve been here for years.

Welcome to our ‘NEW NORMAL ORWELLIAN NIGHTMARE,’ brought to you out of the Bolsheviks’/Communists’ playbook.

Home schooling is the future.

I don’t understand what the reasoning is behind the constant temperature checks. The majority of cases in children are asymptomatic or minor symptoms – so they wouldn’t have a temperature. Implementing multiple tests throughout the day sounds cumbersome, a waste of the little class time they will have, and ineffective.

What are the requirements for staff and students who have the virus – whether symptomatic or not? Are the asymptotic ones still contagious? How long must they remain at home before being allowed back to school? Should they be required to test negative before returning? Will parents send kids to school while still infected and contagious? Why aren’t these questions addressed in this guidance?
Did you know that nursing homes (per Contra Costa County guidelines) allow their employees to come to work while positive with the Coronavirus? Kaiser and John Muir hospitals require their employees to stay home for a number of days before returning.
Do your homework, folks, to make sure you and your loved ones are protected.

Have class outside while the weather is nice,call it a protest and you can have up to 100 kids in one class

Much of this is completely detached from reality. It seems that bureaucrats sat in a room with certain County Health Officers and came up with this. Temperature checks every morning for 2000+ students arriving at a high school? Get second graders to wear masks and stay six feet apart all day? Go to school some days/weeks but not others? Good luck.

The occupation has begun

Soon your collaboration liberal neighbor will report you as not taking your child to the re education campus

As they are trained to obey and follow the lines
then come home and teach you to follow the lines

We’ve seen this before but liberal mentality is to throw away anything that reminds us of the past so it can be repeated and instilled

These are the first steps look it up in history

You voted for these oppressors

Our children will obviously suffer for this
But hey at least stealing is legal

And you thought no graduations were oh so horrible

This is going to be greatest social experiment gone wrong
I don’t know about you but if you think all the little children in 6-12 grade are going to be corralled and not be able to fraternize

Wow you can not tell me this is going to work with kids hormones and not to mention the kids who have little or no structure at home … is have to adhear to rules above and beyond

I would be very wary of the discipline they will enact to keep the kids in line who don’t adhere to the liberal socialist communist authority agendas and obedience

And I don’t think they will allow you to home school either
This is the first stage of resignation our child will have to attend

So sad this is like a weird sci fi movie
Or a 3rd world dictator country

God bless America as long as he stands in line

I don’t won’t wear a mask at work. Coworkers are all maintaining distancing.

If I was a school teacher and had to wear a mask to teach, I’d quit. My youngest, Senior at Clayton…..Feel bad…..he and classmates have to wear masks? Seriously?

Watch for a wave of arachnophobians ! This is going to screw up a lot of young people.

Wow! this is so LAME! I’m so glad my soon to be 3rd grader is doing online public school..talk about fear porn!!!!

These are only state guidelines, the county does not have to follow them … O wait, I forgot, we have Dr Idiot in the Health Department, so I expect my kid to have to wear a level 4 Biosafety suit to attend the 1 class a week …

On a serious note, how are parents, who have jobs, supposed to manage their work schedule with this ludicrous set of guidelines that are not based on science, data or anything else?

@ Dan
More money out of pockets for parents?

My kids are older but are still in MDUSD. I WFH regularly. But many many parents I know do not have the luxury.

I wonder if we will get a discount on our tax rate because we are no longer receiving the the full teaching experience that we have come to expect.
I wonder with this scaredemic is over, if we the teachers will go back to teaching classes full time without these guidelines of hybrid teaching.

We have lost our collective minds.

Absolutely! Imagine now, if you will, the bullying that will happen to asthmatic children that cannot wear a mask. Also, didn’t the early mandate about wearing masks say not recommended for 12 year old and under due to choking hazard? Folks, don’t accept this absurd thinking, with no data to support it…

There’s a reason California schools rank near the bottom out of 50 states.

Liberals have destroyed this state on every level possible.
You can dump all the money in the US on this heap and it will go down the same progressive toilet the rest of California was flushed down.


Thank goodness my children are adults now. What a totally miserable, pathetic, antiseptic school experience for the children to experience now. Home schooling is the only way now unless you want a generation of germaphobes who will ultimately be unable to fight off even the common cold due to lack of immunity.

Next Year?

In addition to home schooling option, check out private schools and see how they will handle the situation. Defund the public schools.

Set up play dates with your kids and their friends. Let your kids enjoy a happy life. God bless your families.

I guess we’ll see how this all shakes out. With so many kids coming to school ill during a regular flu season, if we take temps we’ll be sending 30% home everyday. People have to work, so they send sick kids to school. I just don’t know the right answer.

I don’t know how you can expect children to wear masks during school? This greatly hinders the learning process especially for younger learners who need to see their teachers mouths to learn how to properly pronounce words. What if a kid loses his/her mask? How do you prevent a kid from playing with his/her mask? Will masks be required for PE? If it is required for PE, this is dangerous. Wearing a mask will definitely be a distraction.

Lots of great questions! This did say something about teachers wearing face shields so kids can see their lips. I imagine those would be the clear plastic kind.

I said it before and I’m saying it again. This is a terrible plan devised by people who have no idea about children and youth. They also are obviously so disconnected tp from reality, it doesn’t even occur to them that parents have to work. And many families can’t afford daycare. And what about the millions of students who do not have access to the internet? How are they supposed to distance learn? What about the students whose parents don’t speak English or are not educated enough to help their student?

If the last quarter of school was any indication, there will be lots of failure. I know of students who never showed up to class and never turned in any of their work. Even students who attend private school.

So it’s really nice that Thurmond wants to measure success, but what is he going to do when he encounters failure? Lower the bar?

This plan will seriously handicap the poor, further putting them at a disadvantage. I encourage all educators and parents to contact Mr. Thurmond by mail or email or phone.


California Department of Education
1430 N Street
Sacramento, CA 95814-5901



The nicest thing I can think of to say to these State officials is to quote Barnabas Collins from the movie Dark Shadows. ” Here are my terms: Goest thou to hell, and swiftly please, and there may Asmodeus himself suckle from your diseased teat!”


Damned straight!

Just imagine how many kids will be sent home, as parents always send their darlings in sick so they can go to work.
Washing hands upon arrival, before lunch and after recess and sterilizing shared objects daily would help immensely. Masks need to go unless you are sick and then you should just stay home and watch cartoons.
Kids need to build their immune systems and parents need to be mindful
As a small child we would say Prayers before and after lunch, since they aren’t allowed to do that anymore, they can just wash their hands instead

p.s… Shield guards at each desk would be a better idea than masks and might stop some cheating and blabbering in class to help the teacher do their job.

Please let us continue living our lives as normal just as we had lived back in Fedurary 2020 with no restrictions that are meaningless.

awwww jojo

the references will continue until the lunacy stops

the (worldho) is dedicated to china
CCCcounty is dedicated to democrat politicians
school board run by dem liberal unions
governor run by unions and a dem agenda
city councils are in hiding
fake mayors are doing what ever they are told to do
city managers are trying to hide
state health organizations funded by demorats are spewing what they are told to spew

Question ……what about the people the tax paying legal citizens working through all of this
also the citizens forced to stay home
the elderly
the non union workers

is anyone working or helping them …..

big fat NO!!!!!!!

we the people are being treated like mice ..lab rats …and even bunnies

this is in human and no doubt against the laws of the constitution and bill of rights

yet not one is standing for us
no elected officials are for us

yes you who voted poorly for liberalcomministsolcialistcontrol
even you are not even being helped

ludicrous statements from officials non officials politicians naysayers representatives paid organizations

all telling us what to do ….not for our health but to silence and force agendas upon us while we sit and wait to get off of time out

some people are obviously ok with it ……silence please for them

but when will the idiotic statements and directives and forced servitude stop

yep never this will drag on into next year when they will say …well it appears this is the new norm and we will be classified to our counties and not to venture out with out …yes ….proper papers ….

yes you won we are being indoctrinated for socialism …..
they will keep the fear machine going to keep control

and again it appears there are some who want that to happen to them
and their families …
I just hope that number is less than the people who want to be free…….

If you write any of thee above listed loons, they will just pass it on to someone else AND JUST SEND YOU A DONATION FORM.
They don’t take the time to do their job or care about anyone but themselves and their fat paycheck

I don’t think the authors of this document has ever visited a middle school, or any school for that matter, during lunch. What’s the plan for rainy days? I just see initial chaos and then everyone ignoring the recommendations, because there is not enough staff to support follow-thru and there is only so much you can put on people, before they run out of care.

This guidance is scare tactic to coerce people into getting the vaccine.

The more dystopian of a picture they paint, the better the alternative; a vaccinated but maskless society will seem.

Don’t be baited into the false dicotomy.

Contact your local officials and tell them you plan to homeschool. Call their bluff.

No better way to get a politician to change their mind than to tell them they will be defunded.

Btw, Anyone who has spent time in a MDUSD middle school knows that mandatory masks are an impossibility. The kids will barely stay in their seats.

For those who are crying about your children wearing a mask in public, think about those around you. Yes, I am actually asking you to be mindful of others and whether your child has a cold and decides to sneeze or cough on other students. That is the whole point of mandating wearing masks.
Washing hands for kids is an absolute necessity at all times. Why, Mr/Mrs Parent? Well, in case you missed the fine print in the Parenting handbook, page 108…it clearly states “that children when coughing or sneezing tend to wipe their hands on themselves or others, without any thought of washing.”
If you are uncomfortable with these guidelines, then maybe home schooling or the continuation of online classes are the best options.

Rod I completely agree. It’s just a mask. Not the end of the world by wearing. People don’t think of others anymore especially if it requires to step out of the norm. My father deals with covid it’s not a big joke like people seem to think it is.

I have kids in elementary school. I’m a single parent. Yes it was hard with school being out. No daycare. But you do what you gotta do. We’ve already talked about the possibility of major changes to their school day. It’s not out of fear, it’s to be safe and to make sure we keep those around us safe as well.

My children are not living in fear but they know the importance. My biggest issue with school is the parents that don’t take this seriously and try to send their kids to school sick. Or them not wearing their masks or touching everything. Yes those that don’t agree with the mask and safety measures should stick with home schooling or online.

Rod Barton…thank you.

If you have the skills to be a private tutor, now is your time to shine. I foresee well-to-do-families, where both parents work, hiring private tutors or perhaps joining with another family or two in the neighborhood and jointly employing one or more tutors to educate their children. If one parent is able to stay home then home-schooling is the best bet. Who would send their kids to an MDUSD school with these new rules in place?

I will still be sending my kids to MDUSD with these new rules. We all know the politicians want to eliminate schools especially in the lower to middle class. They are pushing for homeschooling/distant learning so they can take the funding from these schools and give it to the schools in areas with more money and also to shift it somewhere else.

Ever been to Danville? Everywhere you look there’s a school. They build new houses they also build a school. You see the roads? New roads every 6 years. They say well they pay more taxes…. no way that pays for those schools, not that many. You ever see the break down of where our tax money goes??? Of course not.

Pulling kids out of schools because you don’t like the idea of wearing a mask is exactly what they want. Because once the numbers drop they will argue that we don’t need these schools anymore. We will lose our teachers and we will have uneducated children. This is something we should be protesting, to get smaller classes, more funding etc.

@ Maria

I’ve never heard a CA democrat push for homeschooling.

CA schools are among the lowest ranked in the country. And schools in MDUSD consistently rank towards the bottom in CA.

What do you have to lose by pulling your kids out?

Covid has a 0% death rate among kids.

What will you tell them, when they ask “Why do I have to wear a mask everyday?”


Just this past few days BOTH the CDC and WHO have come out and ADMITTED that getting COVID from an asymptomatic person is — to use their word — “RARE.”

In plain language, they have now walked nearly everything back that the entire “go hide in your homes” panic was predicated upon. For those in the cheap seats: Nearly ALL of this was for NOTHING!

You got rousted outta your job — for nearly NOTHING.
Your kids education was disrupted for three months — for nearly NOTHING.
Businesses closed, jobs lost, many forever — for nearly NOTHING.
Multiplied BILLIONS in losses across the globe — for nearly NOTHING.

The ONLY thing positive that can come from this wreckage is for all of us to realize how GAMED we were; how badly we got ROOKED; what insufferable SHEEP we acted like; and get our collective back up, show a hard-jawed gameface to Sacramento and with tones most solemn and forceful intone, “NEVER will we do THAT EVER again. DO NOT DARE TRY,” and then vote them ALL out.


As your governor I am pleased to announce a new State Bureaucracy at the taxpayers’ expense of 2.3 billion annually.

Please welcome the”CETCB” or the California Educational Thermometer Calibration Bureau. To negate lawsuits against school districts, we must staff each and every public school with two trained and certified minimum wage employees to calibrate; internally and externally, a State provided thermometer immediately before and immediately after use on an individual student.

I am pleased to announce I have appointed “S” as CETCB Director, who will receive an annual salary of 1.8 million.

Best Regards.
Governor Newscum

Pull your kids in protest. They’ll change their turn when the funding is gone.



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