Home » In Case You Missed It – Hair Salons, Barber Shops Set To Open On June 17 – Indoor Dining, Gyms On July 1

In Case You Missed It – Hair Salons, Barber Shops Set To Open On June 17 – Indoor Dining, Gyms On July 1


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Are people “allowed” to hang out with people they don’t live with?

Only if hanging out involves blocking traffic on the freeway, throwing projectiles at LEOs, and setting buildings on fire. Any other hanging out will be criminalized and strictly enforced.

What Teufelhunden528 said.

Google “Social Bubble” and the guidelines that go along with it.

It is way past due! They should have opened a long time ago.

Of course, we cannot let our kids play at the playground or play sports yet … but we can all cram into Target/Walmart to go shopping.

Curiosity … why is Soccer called out separate than Youth Sports? And can adult softball/baseball leagues start playing games, they are not youth sports. The fields are open, I see people playing at Willow Pass most nights and the weekends now.

Team sports are not really on the allowed list….

They don’t put much thought into sub categories I am very confident in saying it’s always been grey area. It takes good common measures as always with anything, and as always, who is to say other-wise. Baseball can be much more personal than say Soccer as you sit near someone in a the dugout and chew bubblegum and spit I would presume.

They don’t factor things that are beyond measures of even the CDC on what is a sudden pandemic.

Good measures fall on good people and it’s I guess the best judgement.

most sports you are trying to avoid and at times contact is made, while others contact is the name of the game.

Human contact is well human contact, and it’s again best you Factor that in.

Life we learn and it’s just better to strive and have some good values on the discussion of contact sports.

CDC will probably be late in re-issuing things and things like basketball hoops will take a long time to get put back like what Walnut Creek did.

Adapt and find ways to be mindful yet inventive if sports and or (insert whatever) means enough to you.

People will do what they wish in the end.

@WC, they may not be officially allowing team sports, but many are already playing. Go check out Hidden Lake Park,or WIllow Pass. Both have regular games.

Baseball is much easier to to segregate. It is easy to put some of your players on a bleacher, and not be compressed into a dugout. Soccer, they run and collide regularly. The state is already allowing baseball games to occur with limited to no guidelines, but not in Contra Costa County.

I think I will wait a little longer to get a haircut. I don’t want a rush job.

Just drive over the bridge to Solano County and give them your money. I got my hair cut a couple of weeks ago. Contra Costa is pushing people to spend money in adjoining counties. My haircut person said they had been slammed all week with people from as far as South San Francisco.

Just got mine yesterday…broke out the #2 clippers.

Yes, everyone needs a nice haircut in ER 👍

BernieM…. Thank goodness for people like you….. reason, truth, plus a sense of humor!

Opening despite the virus is still around and infections are spiking in areas that have opened up. I’ll wait for a while. I have a chic seventies hair length now.

I hope people who are sick stay home from church.Some people go to mass and cough and it’s not ok.
I still think of the lady at Safeway the other day, who stopped by the bread isle, pulled down her mask and let out a big cough then put her mask back on. Ugh! yes that was rude. People just walked by her real fast.. me including.

Pools are allowed at this point but my apartment community pool is still not and giving us no answers.

Curious on if other peoples community pools are open?

If your pool is very small, or if they HOA is fearful of life ability, that may be keeping them from opening.

Yes liability is an issue with HOA’s. I’m assuming they’re following County/State guidelines that say there must be a hired someone at all times while pool is open to make sure all rules are followed; social-distancing, a limited number of persons at the pool whether in the pool or not, etc…
Check with the County for community pool opening requirements.

My grandson’s other grandma and he aren’t being allowed access to their apartment pool in Hayward so far (so me too😞).

Does anyone know in what county Massage Envy is open? What they say as “non essential healing arts – massage” is essential for me!! The tension in the shoulders and neck are unbearable. Where can someone find a massage place that is open (and not the gross kind guys!).


Day spas/massage parlors aren’t allowed to open in any county. You could try getting a medical massage from a chiropractor’s office. It may even be covered by health insurance, assuming you have insurance, and your doctor refers you to it.

Maybe try a red state?

You could also try acupuncture. That’s what I have been doing since massage places are closed. And it’s not as expensive as a massage or if you have insurance usually insurances cover it.

It’s Massage Envy” a simple google and you can see even the pleasant hill one has had many complaints” about you know what I am saying and I will digress on that sister.

try and find ways to give yourself self healing, taking care and stretching even enough to give yourself a good massage. This is key to everyone reading this. Best person to take care of oneself. If that’s not enough find your partner to takecare of massage from what you don’t reach just like the old ways.

Takecare my sister and realistically avoid male massage I just know too much to send you the ways of Massage Envy.


Got tired of waiting and got an appointment further north on the 18th. I expect it will take a while for the local shops, those that will still be in business, to catch up with everyone who needs their hair cut.

I miss my barber, but have become fairly good at cutting my own hair since this all began. While I would like a professional haircut, I believe I will stay away from potential exposures (armrests on barber chairs, “protective” capes being reused and sitting in a chair still warm from the previous person.

Wash your hands, don’t touch your face and mask up.

Have fun living in fear. It’s your right!

I cut my own too now. Don’t think I’m ever going back to the salon. The only reason for anyone going back to the salon right now is if they want to look good in the ER.

I’ve been cutting my own hair for 25 years.

@ BernieM

Fearmonger much?

You catch it and you immediately go directly to a ventilator, and then you die?

I’m surprised you had the wherewithal to log on to a computer and risk a computer virus.

I like how everything that is open is open for adults and nothing is open for the younger kids. Nice work CCC.

Our Civil Liberties are being squashed by the Board of Supervisors and Dr Farantino of Contra Costa Public Health! They are slow because they believe that 44 deaths over three months is somehow horrible! In a county of 1,200,000 residents, there have been more suicides, heart attacks and cancer deaths because of this shelter-in-place! Enough is Enough! You are living in FEAR instead of reading the data. Join us on the Board of Supervisors calls and tell them your stories!

I also cannot reconcile the fact that 24 of 44 deaths in Contra Costa County have been from long term health care facilities—-what has Farnitano done to mitigate this obvious hotspot other than more testing? We have essentially quarantined 1.2 million healthy people, destroyed businesses, and caused mental health and undiagnosed issues to run rampant—agree 100% WhoDatGurl!

My husband grew a beard (we didn’t know that he could grow a beard, it’s been that long since the last time he tried!😄) and I got out the Flowbee.

Hair salons can open but not nail salons, what is wrong with this picture?

Honestly Nail Salons can get personal. Cutting things left out of the this conversation and hair is just rather hands off even with mask and gloves you can give a normal cut no problem.

Nail Salons get personal anyway you might think if you got money to spend you might not know that being a guy. Often you would go to barbershop and in that case you are find darling.

everyone ok with me putting it down again? I got better and I think even pistol pete can’t hold me back anymore.

Since hotels (for tourism and individual travel) shows as opening up on July 1, it looks like the “essential travel only” restriction is also lifted.

This is foolish. We will see a spike in COVID-19 cases in the weeks/months following and then we’ll be on a severe lockdown again.



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