Home » CoCo Supervisor: Churches, Swimming Pools, Dog Parks Can Reopen Starting Tonight At 5 p.m. – Outdoor Dining Will Be Allowed

CoCo Supervisor: Churches, Swimming Pools, Dog Parks Can Reopen Starting Tonight At 5 p.m. – Outdoor Dining Will Be Allowed


According to Contra Costa County Supervisor Candace Andersen, starting tonight at 5 p.m., outdoor dining will be allowed, and dog parks and swimming pools will be allowed to open in Contra Costa County.

Religious services can also resume with up to 100 people outside, and 12 inside.

All activities will require appropriate social distancing.


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SMH! Like that’s anything at all? “Allowed”? From a government official. The government is our servant government. They are not the boss. I just say people please dear god quit asking for permission. The death rate from covid is 0.0007% for our county. That’s the total population stats. Ask yourself it your down turn for your livelihood was worth it. It’s like you are demanding a guarantee from the servant government that they can give you life. That they can decide your liberty your freedom your ability to learn a living over your personal property business. Just listen to how these “servants” talk!

You’re mistaken: 1.9 million infected and 110,000 deaths = 5.8% death rate.
If we did nothing, eventually just about everyone would become infected and at that rate 19 million Americans would die. It’s relatively low BECAUSE of social distancing and public health policies. Don’t be daft, Denise. You sound like such a snowflake.

@Denise I suggest you invest in a statistics class. Or just Google “how to calculate a mortality rate” or, like, literally anything.

@ 94521

Your calculations are grossly incorrect. The mortality rate for infected individuals in Co Co County is < 0. 02%. Leave the epidemiology to the trained professionals.

@94521 – Wrong. the experts assured us over and over that mitigation would only slow the rate of infection, not prevent infection. Now the Doomers are attempting to change the narrative after the fact. Nice try, but no dice.

You are right Denise . Most Americans love freedom and liberty . To be responsible for yourself and keep government out of our lives as much as possible .Then there are people that think of the government as there mother .They believe everything they are told and without question follow orders . No matter how many lives are ruined . We know how to be safe, we don’t need the government’s permission to live our lives . Power to the people!

The government has to step in with regulations because too many people act like irresponsible children. The Florida” man lives everywhere.

What is the source of this information? There are no updates or new information bon the County web site.

What about Gyms ? If not time to protest at my Gym.

Gyms are not included in this.

Thank you for the update. Where can we find this information published?

It does not nclude gyms, only outdoor pools. Gyms are extremely dangerous places to be now. Even when they open, I advise you not to go to one until a vaccine or cure is developed.

A little confusing, as some of this contradicts Contra Costa Health Services statements. https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/ Does she expect a change today from what was announced earlier this week?

I agree!

Just be sure all activities are concluded by 8:00 curfew in concord

Just an FYI Concord removed its curfew mid-morning today.

Only 12 inside church! Outrageous. But hundreds can be in Costco.

Costcos are much larger than churches.

No common sense, right? Costco>Church=absurdity

Protests up to 100 but picnics 12 or fewer. Soccer is allowed, but only if you have one substitute or less. If you have two substitutes one of them must be protesting. Football is definitely out of luck unless a bunch of folks are protesting while playing.

My hair hurts…..

You all make me laugh! Okay, No that’s now how you come up with the statistics for the rate of effect on the society. Let’s take the following categories for smoking, heart disease, and diabetes. How do you find the rate of the effect from the disease? Hm? You would take the number of people who have the disease or died from the disease or who smoke and then look at the total population of the U.S. or California or Contra Costa County to get rates or percentage of the population. Right? That’s the true effect on society. So, let’s me give some numbers for Contra Costa County. First, CCC has 1.16 million people in the county that live here. The number of deaths is 38 (you could also use the number of cases and get a percentage too). The death rate on the population of our county from covid19 is less than 1/10 of 1%. In fact, it’s rate is so low that it’s almost non-existent. For smoking you take the number of people who smoke and then you at the total population. You can do that for any disease. That is how medical profession look at the effects of any disease or behavior. You never use the population of smokers, for example, and use the % who died…you use it as a total population. The CCC Health Dept number are garbage! Oh, yes, they are and there is no way that 5% of the people are dying. That’s not happening. That’s crazy talk.

You can’t compare apples 🍎 to 🍊oranges!! The pandemic is a big deal and you can’t deny it is here to stay unless we can find a defense like a vaccine. So we follow the mandates and pray we are spared from this bad virus. You can’t play Russian Roulette with statistics either. To be successful we must fight this and practice social distance and wearing our masks. I shelter at home unless I need gas, groceries,or stuff from the hardware store. This is the card we have been given so we deal with it.

@Ilovepopcorn You do what you want. That’s your choice. Everyone else will do what they think is in their best interests as well. It’s time for this government overreach to end and for the people who forced it upon us to be thrown out of office.

Popcorn, everyone is playing with statistics- including the politicians. Everyone is just manipulating the data to suit their own agenda.

Given that, they’re all liars.



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