Home » DAILY UPDATE: 1,426 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus (208 Active Cases) In Contra Costa County – 22 More Than Yesterday (1,181 Recovered)

DAILY UPDATE: 1,426 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus (208 Active Cases) In Contra Costa County – 22 More Than Yesterday (1,181 Recovered)


Contra Costa is now reporting 1,426 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the county, which is 22 more than yesterday.

1,181 people in Contra Costa County with COVID-19 have fully recovered.

There have been 37 coronavirus-related deaths in Contra Costa.


Currently, the county has 208 active cases of COVID-19.

Below is a city-by-city breakdown of coronavirus cases for Contra Costa County:


RELATED STORY FROM FRIDAY: 1,404 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus (211 Active Cases) In Contra Costa County – 20 More Than Yesterday (1,156 Recovered)


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Active cases averaging about the same for recent week.
New Cases averaging same for for recent week.

R0 rate is ~1.0?

Testing is up, though.

Los Angeles with FOURTY times as many cases is opening up more than Contra Costa..

as of 05/30:

1,426 confirmed cases (CCC) with 37 deaths = 2.59% death rate.

And that is only the known cases! Imagine what that rate would be if we knew all cases … Based on multiple studies, I would hazard a guess that it would be way lower, maybe even as low as say, 0.26%, like CDC says, or real close to what Germany and the WHO are saying.

SLO county have just only one new cases still the same as for 250 cases still on one dealth
Santa Barbara number still the same average of 1300 had 12 death now just one more up to 13

My SIP routine

Early in the morning get up to do exercise I found on Tubi TV app
after breakfast, I did my project to practice my speech
After lunch was gonna lay on the hammock but chance of rain
tonight watch a movie

Last night watch a romance comedy movie called “Brittany runs in the marathon” Kinda of remind me of the Bridge jone movie thing

The County Medical Officer/Jailer will have more excuses for why we need to remain under house arrest on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, over 1,250 cases of cancer should have been diagnosed in Contra Costa in the past 10 weeks. Same applies to high bold pressure, heart disease, diabetes, etc… Will the county report on actual numbers? Because I’m thinking that if you add up the negative outcomes from “Cower-In-Place”, we will find that the so called cure was worse than Xi coronavirus.

Chuckie, cousin of a friend just had his leg amputated below the knee due to blood clots caused by COVID………. hope you don’t get it

I wonder if there shouldn’t a civilian oversight committee made up of the good citizens of COCOCO to watch over and offer input as well as give direction to the county employees of the Health Department?

I guess it could only help with the decision making which couldn’t possibly get any worse.

We already have that. It’s called the board of supervisors.

We need a new one. Over watch group made up of citizens, familiarity with recall process for every position. Be ready to fire as many as needed until we get good people in every position.

Dr. Sara Cody isn’t allowing Contra Costa to join the rest of the state in opening up any further.

Open up Contra Costa!

So, we keep getting told this is all based on science and not political. Yet, a lot of people keep pointing out how inconsistent some of the restrictions are. We were told that anti-lockdown protesters were going to cause a huge spike and death by spreading the virus. Sunbathing, etc, would be devastating. But, now the same politicians are allowing huge mobs to loot, while ignoring social distancing guidelines worse than just about any other activity I can think off.

When it was anti-lockdown protesters, they shut down events that exceeded 25% of the area’s capacity. Rules were put in place that protesters could not go within 6 feet of a police officer, shout, chant, etc.. Why are the same people not denouncing this even more reckless behavior? This is the part that’s been concerning me for quite some time. It seems like our politicians and media and picking-and-choosing which science and when to apply it to certain groups/activities. I think this is why the Sonoma County Sheriff finally felt too uncomfortable to enforce these arbitrary rules anymore. How do these rules not apply to the current protests. Where are all the people that were so concerned before?:


Simply stated, they are afraid. If they shut down the protests they will be called racist. Besides, you really can’t enforce a six foot distance between two guys setting a dumpster on fire or stealing a big screen t.v.

It’s very sad that man was killed, however the bad cop is in jail, his life is over, and he will receive a long prison sentence. Additional vandalism won’t benefit anyone.



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