Home » Contra Costa County Issues Health Order Requiring COVID-19 Testing Of Residents And Personnel At Care Facilities

Contra Costa County Issues Health Order Requiring COVID-19 Testing Of Residents And Personnel At Care Facilities


Contra Costa issued a COVID-19 health order today requiring the testing of residents and personnel at several care facilities throughout the county.

The facilities must comply with testing, reporting, and guidance requirements of the health department, according to County Health Officer Dr. Chris Farnitano.



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The next time Dr. Farnitano speaks, he better be muttering the word “Phase 3”

and if he doesn’t???

CHRIS FARNITANO, all of those deaths are on the leadership of CoCo Health Dept. It’s a out time someone in the county had a good idea although it is way too late for those who died in Orinda.

Only 3 months late.

I would guess CC Health Services has been living in a cave without any access to news or internet…..

Nursing homes should have been tested on day one.

Why is CoCo County Health making this request now in stead of 4 weeks ago when there were outbreaks in facilities in Orinda, PH, and Lafayette???
With all the deaths in NY, Pennsylvania, and Michigan for the last 2 months , where has CoCo County been?

Why wasn’t this happening all along? You’d think employees at convalescent homes and front-line medical workers would be among the first tested, and residents next considering they’re the most at risk if they’re infected.

So who has the county been testing all this time?

I’m confused! Why are these specific facilities in question? There are 100s more in CCC. Why were these singled out and not others? As a placement person, I know for a fact a handful on this list have had positive cases. The order states “Residents who are at risk of contracting COVID-19 and experiencing serious health outcomes”. Does that mean someone connected to these facilities have already tested positive? Unfortunately DSS/Community Care Licensing hasn’t published the data from the 6 bed residential care homes. Is this the data? Shouldn’t we test all communal living environments that house seniors?

Testing at least once by no later than July. What use is this?

I agree. I’ve been trying to find out about this testing for months now, and this is RIDICULOUS!!! Exactly what has been happening all this time? I’ve barely gone over this order, but from the little bits I’ve read so far it is absolutely not timely, too vague, and not nearly stringent enough to protect our most vulnerable citizens.

OMG!!!! I thought they were among the first to be tested.. What in the heck is going on CoCo County ????

They want the nursing homes to do the testing instead of the health department. Are we getting our money’s worth out of these guys and girls.

Should have been required a month ago at least. Then required bi-weekly.

open Contra Costa

Trump asked the governors maybe three weeks ago? To test all nursing homes and employees. So you are a little late co co.
Open us up

Did not happen weeks ago because it was part of their plan but now they got called out on it by Alex Jones and others and how people died because they allowed covid patients into the nursing homes on purpose they now want to virtue signal how they care by doing it weeks late to cover their tracks.

They know the seniors are the ones who get really sick and need to be intubated and they can collect a hefty 39k from federal money for each patient they do.

Contra Costa Health is a sham.

Those guys are running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads detached.

Their edicts make no sense.

It’s just like I have said all along.

Once small-minded people get power over the rest of us it’s difficult to wrestle that power away from them.

As we are clearly seeing now, they are holding on without justifiable cause.

The county supes should be taking action but instead, they are hiding in shame.

So all residents must go get tested in CC?? HOW are, we, getting enforcement to make, sure everyone get a test???

So the required testing is for Care Homes, not all residents.

I will not get tested unless the CDC gets a law passed stating that I must be tested. I do not trust our county health director to provide unbiased accurate information.

Thank You Parents you are my good parents LOL I would freak out if the entire resident of the CC are force to go get tested I would just run away lol I did not read it right.

Unbelievable, . . . . are you friggin’ kidding ?

Have been saying for weeks our elderly need to be protected by stringent new regulations.
They are just NOW getting around to this ? ? ?

SHOULD have been ongoing since tests first became available in sufficient numbers.

Back on 08 May THREE WEEKS ago this story on LA Times dot com
‘Senior care homes source of nearly half of all California coronavirus-related deaths, data show’

Question I want answered is,
Serious question they need to answer.

Is amazing how liberals can NOT think something all the way thru and discover is a bad idea.

Read this carefully,
This was thought by some liberal types to be a good idea. So good, New York wanted it also.
$1,000 .per day bounty was talked about to get care facilities to take in CV-19 patients not sick enough to be hospitalized.

The current survey on
is focused on issues and aspects around Covid-19

I would appreciate it if you would take 4 minutes and take the survey.



A bit late for CYA.

This guy is a hack. The VA has been testing employees and patients for about 2 months now.

My mother has been locked down tight in her facility since the beginning of March. The only time I have seen here since has been to take her to two essential doctor visits. There are no infections to-date among staff or residents. They are doing their best, but the mental/emotional trauma of isolation is taking a toll on them (and everyone else!).

It would be interesting to know how resident feel about beig tested, the continued lock-down, etc…BTW- almost everyone there has a DNR on file and visibly displayed in their room.



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