Contra Costa is now reporting 1,404 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the county, which is 20 more than yesterday.
1,156 people in Contra Costa County with COVID-19 have fully recovered.
There have been 37 coronavirus-related deaths in Contra Costa.
Currently, the county has 211 active cases of COVID-19.
Below is a city-by-city breakdown of coronavirus cases for Contra Costa County:
RELATED STORY FROM THURSDAY: 1,384 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus (207 Active Cases) In Contra Costa County – 9 More Than Yesterday (1,140 Recovered)

Look at Richmond, they went from 286 to 280, isn’t supposed to go the other way, numbers are very inaccurately reported.
I was wrong on Richmond, but I have seen inaccuracies.
This topic is dead to me. I have no problem is Claycord decides to stop posting these reports. I’m going back to normal life.
…and, according to the W.H.O.:
-If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19.
-Wear a mask if you are coughing or sneezing.
-Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
-If you wear a mask, then you must know how to use it and dispose of it properly.
We’re done here.
Over the last 2-weeks, the number of active cases has been increasing.
Is it more testing or an R0 of >1.0?
It’s testing.
Maybe this is the new normal when there is flu season
I’m not sure when it happened but it seems the county either redefined “recovered” or are now disclosing that it’s a computed value and not based on confirmed negative to COVID-19 tests done a couple of days apart which is the normal standard for “recovered.” The old wording was “fully recovered” with no explanation. “Recovered cases” is now explained as “Total cases where the date of symptom onset or test date was over 14 days ago. Excludes deceased and hospitalized.”
That’s quite unfortunate as it means the “recovered” and “active” numbers are nearly meaningless. It also seems that a hospitalized person with an active case of COVID-19 is now counted as “recovered” even if they are nearly dead in the ICU.
Recently I learned that CC county firefighters are not routinely screened for COVID-19. They only test firefighters if they have symptoms. I’m now wondering if that’s the case for all front-line essential workers. If so, it drives the percentage of positive cases up as only symptomatic people are tested.
This also may explain an oddity in the data. On Tue 05/19/2020 there was a huge spike to the number of people tested with 2,019 tested that day. The oddity is that only 0.69% or 14 of those people tested positive. I’m now wondering if that spike was a survey screen of a group of about 1071 to 1375 people. There were an average of 644 people tested each day in the seven days leading up to the spike. It jumped to 2,019. There were an average of 948 people tested after the spike. That’s how I bracketed the spike as either 644 plus 1375 or 948 plus 1071.
If 0.69% is closer to the true infection rate for the county it’s both very good and very bad news. The good news is that with a little more pressure we could drive COVID-19 into oblivion. The bad news is that I had been hoping that the number of active cases would increase to about 100,000. That would also drive COVID-19 into oblivion in this area via herd immunity.
San Luis O Bispo have the lowest cast I know only 250 average just one death
Santa Barbara county have same number total except only 12 dealth
My daily routine for SIP
This morning slept in
After breakfast went for a walk
Did my project to prepare my speech
After lunch gonna lay on my hammock
After dinner watch the live concert and watch a movie
Last night just the re-run SF giants game and GSW
@WC Resident… “If so, it drives the percentage of positive cases up as only symptomatic people are tested.”…and you’re just realizing this now?
I had made the assumption that in recent weeks that enough testing capacity was available that the county was doing screening surveys of asymptomatic people. While not perfect the resulting numbers would be closer to the percentages for the general population. That assumption turned out to be wrong.
There used to be wording on the county’s Indicators Dashboard about that essential safety workers were being tested at intervals. Now the wording is a vaguer “Our goal is to ensure everyone in the State’s priority groups in our County is being tested at appropriate intervals.”
The priority groups are defined at https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/COVID-19/Expanding-Access-to-Testing-Updated-Guidance-on-Prioritization-for-COVID-19-Testing.aspx
Sure enough, per that guideline, firefighters would only be tested if symptomatic.
Ideally, the county would be publishing the numbers for the very last bullet on the list which is “Surveillance testing of asymptomatic persons.”
I would like to know who the people are who died, not their names, just their age and where they lived when they contacted the virus. I tried to call the Contra Costa health department, but they do not answer the phone and the city of Concord refers you aforementioned. I do think we have the right to know what’s going on. I read the Swiss paper and I get all the stats, lots and lots of information on a daily basis, here we get nothing or not much or relevant. Feel like we are treated as too stupid to know, yet we have to follow instructions. Very disappointed
Yeah CCHS very much is, treating us like children. They, are a bunch of gawks
@Elizabeth – The ages are included on the county’s COVID-19 dashboard at https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/dashboard Look for Deaths by Age Group near the bottom of the page.
They don’t have a similar table that shows deaths by city though that’s something they could add to the Cases by Location table should there be enough interest.
If you look at this county web site you will see the age groups and other information of those who died, not where. Why do you need to know anyway???
There is such a thing as respecting the privacy of others. And what are you going to do with the information if you have it? If you find out an 87 year old died in WC or a 68 year old in Concord, does it change anything? Will you stay out of WC and Concord, especially if you’re a resident of Concord or WC? Will it make you more nervous?
Nobody likes what’s going on, but we have to live with it. We don’t have any choice.
Would you take calls like yours, that will irritate the living heck out of any employee? Get real.
@Kentucky Derby
She has every right to know. Who cares what she uses the information for!
You bet your patoodi nobody likes whats going on, we have the right to know details.What is happening here in Contra Costa County is simply Tyranny.
If you decide to be quiet and just sit back and wait, that is just as much your right as it is Elizabeths with wanting to know more information!
@ Sideline
The stats don’t warrant the mass hysteria, overreaction and fear mongering. If you want to worry about it, worry about it all you want. It’s not my style.
I’ve spent a lot of time on here criticizing CC Health, but credit where credit is due: they now have actual info on PPE supply status in the county’s hospitals. Still waiting for info on contact tracing and waiting for them to actively get out there and test more people.
You seem to be suggesting that submitting to testing should be something other than voluntary. Am I wrong?
No, generally I think it should be voluntary, though for certain workers I think it makes sense to require it: nursing home caregivers, for example. And maybe grocery store workers. Maybe. But in general they need to do more than just have testing centers.
They should be reaching out and offering testing in specific communities, through churches and neighborhood groups and associations.
as of 05/29:
1,404 confirmed cases (CCC) with 37 deaths = 2.63% death rate.
and the denominator is getting larger and the percentage is getting lower every day.
@kauai mike. You’re math is wrong. 37 deaths / 1.1 million residents = .00003% death rate.
Just because we have 1404 confirmed cases means nothing. Many people had it and recovered and will never be counted as a confirmed cases.
100% the cure is worse than the disease.
Kauai Mike – the actual death rate is much less. Your calculation only takes into account cases detected by testing. Many cases have been asymptomatic, or mild, so those infected didn’t seek medical care and get tested. The CDC puts the actual death rate at around .4 %.
The $1Billion worth of masks our Governor purchased from China two months ago have until this Sunday to pass certification. If they don’t, perhaps he will consider a US manufacturer.
Anyone get tested at one of the LHI places? If so how long did it take to get results? Waiting on my results so I can go back to work, but unsure if they process on weekends.