Home » Contra Costa County Health Officer To Hold Facebook Live Event Today At 4 p.m.

Contra Costa County Health Officer To Hold Facebook Live Event Today At 4 p.m.


Contra Costa County’s health officer, Dr. Chris Farnitano, will answer questions today about COVID-19, public health orders, and the county’s response to the current health emergency.

WHEN: 4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 27, 2020

WHERE: Facebook – Contra Costa Health Services


UPDATE: Current Shelter-In-Place Order In Contra Costa County Has No End Date, According To Health Department

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Let’s ask about their bloated payroll budget. Time to cut costs by half.

I wish there was a like button for this comment

This a good opportunity to express frustration over CCC remaining in early stage 2 SIP while other counties, like San Mateo, move forward. This is not sustainable. Pressure needs to be placed firmly on Farnitano and CC Supervisors to move forward. Enough is enough.


Stay-at-home orders intended to curb the spread of the coronavirus could end up causing “irreparable damage” if imposed for too long, White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNBC on Friday.

“I don’t want people to think that any of us feel that staying locked down for a prolonged period of time is the way to go,” Fauci said during an interview with CNBC’s Meg Tirrell on “Halftime Report.”

Wrote them all! Thank you for posting.

If he isn’t saying we are moving to Phase 3 immediately, we don’t want to hear it.

Studies show that cloth masks become bacteria traps. Wearing these masks have also been shown to increase respiratory disease in healthy people. How can he promote practices that endanger the citizens of this county?

It’s about control and fear-mongering by the politicians. Don’t try to use common sense.

Where is Chuck Norris when you need him!

Amen Mitch. I am in no mood for more bureaucratic BS.

Denise posted the following yesterday. Be heard. Attend the meeting.

NEXT MEETING CCC Board of Supervisor THURSDAY @ 1PM.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://atttrials.zoom.us/j/98599450043
Meeting ID: 985 9945 0043
Dial in: USA 312-777-1449; USA 888-331-6293 (US Toll Free)
Conference code: 918542

I dont use Facebook. Can someone ask when restaurants will be reopening in CCC?

Not for a while

Miss you Rocco! Bust the doors open 🙂

“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have.”

Thanks Rocco!

No Thanks!

30 minutes? That doesn’t seem like much time to answer questions.

Getting a little taste of stores opening and ir’s very depressing. Take temp at door, don’t touch anything only a few allowed at a time, must keep distance… don’t talk or breaute under your unhealthy mask…etc. etc. etc People lashing out at others in their path or forgetting a mask in the car.
Nordstrom wait on the phone is one hour.
NOBODY HAS TIME FOR THIS ANYMORE Take away all the joys of life and your paychecks. Today I am furious!

How do I get into the meeting?

Completely useless talk by CCHealth. They are not addressing the concerns being raised…just throwing out a lot of vague statements about being careful, not overwhelming hospitals, etc… Absolutely no opening date in sight for CC County.

Here are some of the things I learned in the few minutes I watched the conference:

Viruses don’t have legs! Did you know that? They don’t just walk around by themselves…they need people to carry them.

Everyone needs to wash their hands a lot! Did you know that?

Nothing like being treated like children by an overpaid bureaucrat who is in no danger of losing his job.

Just more of the same old baloney.

Not opening up, population density to high, no enough testing, we don’t know anything.

Contra Costa County has blood on their hands, and the continual shut down will only contribute to more.
If you lock us up a second time, then the doctors nurses and medical industry should not get paid, since people will not have any money.
This guy sounds like a fear mongering fool and just lied about suicide attempts wake up people they will continue to lie to cover up in order to keep us in bondage.
They all have jobs and clearly do not care about any of us other than their pocket books. We want to open up but we don’t want to open up.
I am not going for any followups from my Stoke and they made it too difficult for me to continue care. I have no ability to make any appointments for anymore follow ups so I guess this is what they want.
My sister has cancer and they discontinued her chemo and radiation since March, this does not make sense at all. They continue to lie over and over, I live in a senior community where there is about 10 people who use the pool on a regular basis but hometown america will not let us use the pool at all. This is what the county has caused.

Sad Sad Indeed, what the hell has happened to this great country.

Just more reasons never to live in an urban area. Our retire soon and leave California and all urban areas forever. when the proverbial poop hits the fan, these are always the first places to go bad. Just remember people, this is all about control. And you gave them all that control.

Grim Milestone….Grim Milestone… grim milestone!
GRIM MILESTONE! Grim Milestone!
100,000 dead….Grim Milestone….. ( not nearly the 2.2 million that previous hysterical models predicted, but that isn’t news… is it? ).



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