Home » Hair Salons, Barbershops Can Reopen In 47 California Counties (Not Contra Costa)

Hair Salons, Barbershops Can Reopen In 47 California Counties (Not Contra Costa)


Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Tuesday that 47 counties across the state, including Solano and Napa counties, can reopen hair salons and barbershops with strict public health and safety guidelines.

Newsom said the relaxed COVID-19 coronavirus shelter-in-place guidelines for salons and barbershops would apply to the state’s 47 counties that have filed attestation forms with the California Department of Public
Health, asserting that they meet minimum standards for factors like testing capacity and hospitalizations.

Counties with approved attestation forms are allowed to move further into the process of reopening their economies than other counties that have yet to stem the spread of the virus. The state has already allowed Napa and Solano counties to reopen certain businesses like dine-in restaurants, car washes, pet groomers and outdoor museums and shopping malls.

“We’re moving forward,” Newsom said. “We’re not looking back but we are walking into the unknown, the untested, literally and figuratively.”


Solano and Napa counties are the only Bay Area counties to have an attestation form approved by state public health officials, so far. Some large counties like San Diego and Sacramento have also been approved to
accelerate their shelter-in-place modifications, but much of the Bay Area is still required to reopen at a slower pace, for now.

The state is still prohibiting nail salons to open in the immediate future, but Newsom said he is working with state legislators and public health officials to release guidelines for those personal care businesses. Newsom revealed earlier this month that the state’s first community-spread case of coronavirus occurred at a nail salon.

Hair salons in the 47 counties will be required to follow strict health and safety guidelines, including the use of face coverings by all staff and customers, the removal of frequently touched items like magazines, frequent disinfection and sanitization and staggered appointments to maintain physical distancing and reduce crowds.

“All of us are required to do a little bit more and a little bit better to make sure we’re protecting the spread of this virus, particularly as we meaningfully reopen the economy in this state,” he said.


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Contra Costa County, California’s estimated population is 1,144,863 and only 31,646 have been tested for COVID-19. Why is the testing rate so low?

Because there is no financial upside to the public employee unions that own the county politicians.

Are you aware at this point of people wanting to get tested that can’t? Perhaps the county isn’t full of hypochondriacs.


@PH Dad…

Why would the unions NOT want people to get tested? As a Union member, I find your comment ridiculous and outright false.

ever stop to think that maybe people don’t want to get tested because they don’t need to, because it’s a disease with a quarter of a percent death rate?

There is testing available 1450 Treat Blvd.

hmmm let me see…some of us still reside somewhere in the solar system. Could it be that the authorities realize this and have had to take drastic measures in order to keep us safe from harmful conditions for our own good ?

Not just the county, but the local and state as well. Still spiking pensions and health care for life. Thanks gray davis!

I think we should all pause and bow our heads and thank Newsom for being such a wonderful and caring leader.

Without his caring leadership we might all have died from this horrible virus.

We should all be eternally grateful.

Don’t worry you will be able to go outside soon and get some fresh air to clear your thoughts.

My facetiousness meter is going off! 😀

That’s hilarious. Without help from Trump he was falling on his alcoholic ass. He and Brown squandered a huge cache of emergency medical equipment, including three fully equipped field hospitals. the equipment was allowed to reach it’s expiration date without being replenished and the field hospitals…no one can account for what happened to those. It’s odd, in a state that constantly reminds its citizens to be prepared for emergencies, have supplies ready, check them to make sure they are current etc…the state government under Brown and Newsom failed to do so. But squandered billions on the high speed failure that lined the pockets of their handlers, including Feinstein.

Absolutely. He is a rockstar.

Ask Mark Klass to do that. After the moratorium on the death penalty, Richard Allen Davis is still breathing. Newsome is a POS and has hamstrung the state of California. Enjoy the debt that’s coming because there will be a lot of it. Cheers.

We now sit at a total of 37 deaths in all of CCC but still one of the most rigid…this is beyond safety and is just controlling.

Gavin is judging the East Bay by Richmond.. which is closer to Marin than our side of the bay.(check the huge numbers there) However, Gavin has always hated the East Bay, as he called it Bridge and Tunnel when he owned Balboa Cafe and Plump Jack. He loved his homeless mess in SF and his Pacific Heights snob followers and the Marin stupid Democrats, but the East Bay he can’t seem to get their votes and he has zoned us out! He is a punisher and this is his first step of revenge….. get ready for more friends!
, He is still sour ol Gilfoyle left him and has deep seated issues of controlling

The governor gave the green light for all to open but it’s up to each individual count. Contra Costa County chose not to.

I am starting to look like the Big Lebowski. I am trying to decide if I should get a trimmer and do a number on it or go with the flow.

So happy I can do jury duty and go to a crowded grocery store but, I can’t shop at a retail store or get my hair cut. Keep it up Coco County..

Everybody just needs to grow some balls and open up what are they going to do about it.

The risk of losing professional licensure is a very real one. If you’re a barber and the state yanks your license, what will you do then? Just change careers?

Why not Contra Costa?

Because our County has not submitted the necessary paperwork to reopen. Or is in agreement that we should reopen. Read this and weep:


Cause CoCo refuses to comply with the state and federal rulings.

Not CoCo County? Because………….?

Because we have inept leaders including CC county supervisors, health department and local city councils who are treating us like circus animals, jumping us through the hoops, never getting to the end of the act…just to be thrown back into our cages. This is all about control now and subsidies coming our way from the feds.

LA was allowed to open many more cases there Why not just keep Richmond closed??? That is where most of the cases are or would that not be politically correct?

Because y’all have no self control and are going to flood the Great Clips.

I think salons should ask stylists to get tested before they start working. They are free.

I know of 2 local stylists and 1 barber cutting hair in their garages for cash b cause they need the money desperately and are willing to risk it. Now those in need of a haircut (who don’t know any garage stylists) will just drive to a nearby county.

Way to keep sticking it to the self employed CCC! I guess our supervisors don’t need tax money from all the businesses forced to close by our supreme leaders?

Our health department is the most RIDICULOUS bunch of idiots around. The whole state could open up and the magoos that run that place would still be in the fetal position under their desks, rocking and chanting, “We will not open. We will not open…” Our county is run by FEAR and propaganda.

Apparently counties must file a Attestation Form with the State
Department of Heath, and have it approved. 47 Counties have done this and have been approved. Has Contra Costa Health filed a Attestation Form with the State of California? If so, was it approved? If not, why not?

Zackly! What gives?

CCC have not filed yet. I keep asking why?????

Must be all those stolen cosmetics that kept walking off the shelves. ALL BY THEMSELVES.

Why not Contra Costa County? Because we signed some crazy Thelma And Louise pact with 7 or 8 other counties. If we are going down … we are all going down together. I’m disgusted.

Time for dictator Anna Roth to go…she’s lost her mind.

This is from her latest message…posted on CCHealth website:

“Rather than solely focusing on reopening, however, I think it’s important to also focus on re-imagining what Contra Costa County can be during and in the post-COVID-19 era. Are there paths that can take us to new or never imagined opportunities? How can we work together not simply to get back to normal but to move forward to an even better place?”

So Anna doesn’t want us to go back to our life the way it was…she is ordering us to “re-imagine” it in some way. I guess we’ll be hostages until we do.

Sounds like a dictator this has nothing to do with the virus anymore good see people are waking up to that fact!

Imagine CCC with a new government.

I can’t show up to Jury Duty without a fresh haircut.

Amen, brother!

April 29, 2020
“California Gov. Gavin Newsom said it will be months before places like hair and nail salons, movie theaters and in-person church services can resume operation.”

He also said, “… neither politics nor protests will motivate his decision to reopen the state.”
From SAC Bee dot com

Increasing protests, outright civil disobedience raised a very real prospect of public humiliation of newsom by fed up citizens of CA.

Is NOT presidential material.

He isn’t even governor material. He left SF with streets strewn with used needles and feces. He and Brown did everything they could to make the housing crisis worse and created the largest homeless population in the US (48% of homeless in the US), the largest welfare population (34% of all people on welfare live in California, which has 12% of the population of the US), highest poverty rate, crumbling infrastructure, and job killing taxes.

An let us not forget what the Mayor of SF said in 2004,
In 10 years, he pledged on June 30, 2004, the worst of San Francisco’s homeless problem would be gone.

An that was after being a member of SF board of supervisors from January 1998 – January 2004.

Have to wonder, does the man know his limitations ?

Another case of backpedaling by Newscum. The salons/barbers were challenging him so he opens them up. Just like the churches he ‘released’ on Monday. Is that we have to do, challenge him for every bit of our freedom back?

As for ‘re-imagining’ a new future, Dictator Roth should reimage herself out of a job! She, Newscum, Breed and all the others can go jump in the unemployment lines.

I can image a future without each one of them in office, it is a glorious future!

Using the word “reimagine” is exactly the same as the email phrase “I’ll reach out to you”. Both of them mean the sender has absolutely no intention of doing anything. These are “get it off my desk” words and nothing more. Quoth the Raven, nevermore……

Too many people have drank the Kool-Aid and willfully submitted and bowed their head to the government. The Government got you to do exactly what they wanted to do without much resistance. Bravo…. Your dreams will eventually come true, yes you will be able to be a sub-servant to a communistic/socialistic rule and obviously love it.
Contra Costa political figures need to go and soon. They own us at this point, if you think they have your best interest at heart then why are there so many homeless? why has crime gone up since the lock down? They are all getting paid are you?
I know too many small businesses owners who will not open up and I know about 10 people who cut hair that will not be returning back to work. I know about 5 restaurants that will not open up either, and they each employee up to 30 to 40 people in each restaurant.
So Say good bye to mom and pop stores that was the original intentions of our city leaders anyways.
Recovery for Contra Costa will take about 10 years if we are lucky. The bad thing is city revenue will go down due to lack of taxes the businesses pay.

And yes I will leave the county to buy things just so I don’t have to pay any city taxes to support these criminals.

Jim, I agree with everything you outlined…we are headed for dire straits! Folks, fasten your seatbelts and lock the doors, our cities are being ‘re-imagined’ to something not so pretty!

This is totally nuts, just drive to the other county, no one preventing that, even though they would like you to stay in your county, the essentials are driving around to their employers, really starting to believe this has become more of a total I’m in control and your not issue and less of virus spreading issue

Of course, one of those criteria is that we can’t have any deaths for 14 or more days. And, conveniently someone died yesterday! The sky is falling chicken little! There is no way we can open up our county says the county health director. This virus is deadly, after all, a 30 yr old died! Then perhaps 3 to 4 minutes later he answers another question from the supervisors says…”of course even 90 years are getting the disease and surviving”. Okay, duh, but what does that have to do with not opening our county for barber shops, salons and other so called “non-essential” businesses. Don’t you know every business is essential! Essential to our economy! But, that’s doesn’t seem to faze the county board of supervisors when asked how can they allow one person, an un-elected person to make the decision for the entire county, several of the board of supervisor responded…well, the CA Constitution allows the health director board discretion. I guess the county board though elected doesn’t feel responsible for the people. Now that is sure odd isn’t it? Especially when they are elected to the board by the people. We are not the servants of the county board of supervisors. No instead they report directly to the people. They answer to us directly. Did you also know that the county health director actually reports to this board. They are his “supervisors”. Got it? But the County Board of Supervisors wants to give way to the un-elected to make the decision for them as if they don’t have any power over the county health director. Real odd that don’t you think? Almost like they given up their power and do not deserve to serve the people any more! RECALL?

Has a recall effort started to replace the face-plant 5? Our BOS have BS written all over the place.

In the mean time while awaiting for a RECALL to start. CALL CALL CALL AND TELL THEM TO OPEN OUR BUSINESSES!


JOHN GIOIA – District 1 (up for 2020 election)
Physical Address:
11780 San Pablo Avenue, Suite D
El Cerrito , CA 94530
Phone: 510-231-8686

Physical Address:
309 Diablo Road
Danville, CA 94526
Phone: 925-957-8860

DIANE BURGIS – District 3 (up for 2020 election)
Physical Address:
3361 Walnut Boulevard, Suite 140
Brentwood, CA 94513
Phone: 925-252-4500

KAREN MITCHOFF (This is Clayton/Concord Supervisor); she was unsuccessfully recalled a few years back
Physical Address:
2151 Salvio Street, Suite R
Concord, CA 94520
Phone: 925-521-7100

FEDERAL GLOVER – District 5 not listed for phone number or address. Instead you can call the main office at (925) 335-1900 and leave a message.

I have a question. It seems odd that hair salons can open and nail salons can’t, yet there are some business’s that offer both services. When you get a haircut, your face is pretty close to the stylists face. It seems to me that when getting your nails done these distance would be further. I don’t get my nails done professionally, am I missing something?

Of course, one of those criteria is that we can’t have any deaths for 14 or more days. And, conveniently someone died yesterday. The sky is falling chicken little! There is no way we can open up our county says the county health director. This virus is deadly, after all, a 30 yr old died!

With as many people as AIDS has killed, I’m surprised that Newsome hasn’t outlawed sex!

Then perhaps 3 to 4 minutes later he answers another question from the supervisors says…”of course even 90 years are getting the disease and surviving”. Okay, duh, but what does that have to do with not opening our county for barber shops, salons and other so called “non-essential” businesses. Don’t you know every business is essential! Essential to our economy! But, that’s doesn’t seem to faze the county board of supervisors when asked how can they allow one person, an un-elected person to make the decision for the entire county, several of the board of supervisor responded…well, the CA Constitution allows the health director board discretion. I guess the county board though elected doesn’t feel responsible for the people. Now that is sure odd isn’t it? Especially when they are elected to the board by the people. We are not the servants of the county board of supervisors. No instead they report directly to the people. They answer to us directly. Did you also know that the county health director actually reports to this board. They are his “supervisors”. Got it? But the County Board of Supervisors wants to give way to the un-elected to make the decision for them as if they don’t have any power over the county health director. Real odd that don’t you think? Almost like they given up their power and do not deserve to serve the people any more! RECALL?

How about you all give them a call (phone numbers below) and let them know we will remember that they do not want the responsibility of their oath of office (to protect the Constitution of USA and California Constitution) from ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. You want to know what they said today to me when I brought this up? Well, they said the CA Constitutional allows the County Health Department wide descretion. What I didn’t get to say was that that is AT THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISCRETION…THEY DON’T HAVE TO ALLOW THIS UN-ELECTED BUREAUCRAT THIS MUCH POWER BUT THEY DO BECAUSE…YOU SEE…THEY DON’T WANT TO HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THEIR POSITION…THEY WANT TO ABDICATE THEIR RESPONSIBILITY TO SOMEONE ELSE THAT WAY THEY CAN BLAME THEM AND MISDIRECT THE PEOPLE’S ATTENTION. THEY DO NOT DESERVE TO BE IN THAT SEAT!


Distirct ONE = John Goia ; District TWO = Candace Anderson ; District THREE = Diane Burgess ; District FOUR = Karen Mitchoff ; District FIVE = Federal Glover Board of Supervisors

JOHN GIOIA – District 1 (up for 2020 election)
Physical Address:
11780 San Pablo Avenue, Suite D
El Cerrito , CA 94530
Phone: 510-231-8686

Physical Address:
309 Diablo Road
Danville, CA 94526
Phone: 925-957-8860

DIANE BURGIS – District 3 (up for 2020 election)
Physical Address:
3361 Walnut Boulevard, Suite 140
Brentwood, CA 94513
Phone: 925-252-4500

KAREN MITCHOFF (This is Clayton/Concord Supervisor); she was unsuccessfully recalled a few years back
Physical Address:
2151 Salvio Street, Suite R
Concord, CA 94520
Phone: 925-521-7100

FEDERAL GLOVER – District 5 not listed for phone number or address. Instead you can call the main office at (925) 335-1900 and leave a message.

Thanks, now go give them hell. And, tell them who is the boss. That would be you and me. We the people are the boss. Tell them to open up. Our county medical director should have that much power. Instead the decision is in the hands of the Board of Supervisors IF THEY WILL MAKE THE DECISION…instead of deferring their obligation and duty to an unelected county officer. Ridiculous! Who is running this show anyway?

We The People!

Our governor must have a man bun by now…NOT!

All the screaming and yelling here won’t do any good. Contact the board of supervisors, who have pretty much abdicated and left all the decision making to the CoCo health department. Here are the email addresses of all five supervisors:

district5@bos.cccounty.us (Glover)

Tell them how disgusted you are. The more they hear from you, the more pressure is on them to do something.

Of course send an email – but all call too!

JOHN GIOIA – District 1 (up for 2020 election)
Physical Address:
11780 San Pablo Avenue, Suite D
El Cerrito , CA 94530
Phone: 510-231-8686

Physical Address:
309 Diablo Road
Danville, CA 94526
Phone: 925-957-8860

DIANE BURGIS – District 3 (up for 2020 election)
Physical Address:
3361 Walnut Boulevard, Suite 140
Brentwood, CA 94513
Phone: 925-252-4500

KAREN MITCHOFF (This is Clayton/Concord Supervisor); she was unsuccessfully recalled a few years back
Physical Address:
2151 Salvio Street, Suite R
Concord, CA 94520
Phone: 925-521-7100

FEDERAL GLOVER – District 5 not listed for phone number or address. Instead you can call the main office at (925) 335-1900 and leave a message.

Thank you for the phone numbers and emails. They need to hear from us. Complaining on Claycord and Facebook isn’t going to get us anywhere.

Thanks. Emails sent. Calls tomorrow. This is crazy stupid.

Thank you for the info-emails sent and making calls soon and will do so over and over and over again.

This isolation is killing my 95 yr old Mother and her peers. Not one virus infection in her independent living home (300+ residents) but the damage done by isolating seniors will be incalculable. Not that I think any of those dictating how we are to live our lives cares one iota.

We see you and the damage you’ve done and continue to do…

Alcoholics Anonymous is closed.
Liquor stores are open.
That’s a recipe for disaster.

Let’s vote all these people out!!!! We need our dam jobs. If these officials were “not essential “ everyone would be back to work!

Sounds like it’s time for a road trip. Hair cut, then eat at a restaurant. Almost like normal.

Looks like our president is going to have to take action These communists want to destroy the economy!

NEXT MEETING CCC Board of Supervisor THURSDAY @ 1PM.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://atttrials.zoom.us/j/98599450043
Meeting ID: 985 9945 0043
Dial in: USA 312-777-1449; USA 888-331-6293 (US Toll Free)
Conference code: 918542

If you would like you can make a “public comment” during CCC Board of Supervisors meeting on Thursday (1PM). You’ll need to dial in and use the access code for the zoom call. I’ve provided that information in my comment above ^^^^.

At various times you can comment on the item on the agenda or at certain point of the meeting. Look at the agenda for details. This meeting is about “economic development”.

You can comment on anything no matter if it’s on the agenda or not but the Thursday @ 1PM call is again about “economic impact”, In past, board meeting the “supervisors” are also floated the idea for a county tax, though we’ve never had a county tax before there has been talk about that too at prior board meetings of late, so they can make ends meet.

If you are a small business I’m sure they’d love to hear from you. If you give comments and send in an email prior to the meeting, your comments will NOT be part of the meeting record.

When you are finished with your public comment, you need to ask to have it recorded as part of the record.

I hope you will call in to the zoom meeting and/or go to downtown Martinez location (Pine Street) and try to get into the meeting, or even protest outside the building at 1PM on Thursday to show that we aren’t happy with the Medical Directors decision to keep our county closed.

His decision is greatly impacting small businesses.

Again attend the zoom meeting or go to Board of Supervisor Board Room located at Address: 651 Pine St # 106, Martinez, CA 94553, and



651 PINE ST., #106, MARTINEZ, CA 94553


Heil Newscum ! He gets his hair done for sure , still looks the same after 3 months of this tyrannical BS. His auntie Pelosi too , she should have a gray streak like Morticia Adams. Rules for thee but not for me! I see a recall coming on the horizon !!!


check his latest ducktail hairdo… He thinks he’s fooling us by brushing it up in the rear

Gavins bogus no hair cut
comment image?ve=1&tl=1

It’s not lost on me that my Supervisor’s name is Karen.

I hadn’t thought of that…lol…karen!

Would someone explain to me why the mayor of LA is opening up all retail and churches with restrictions but us in co co county are still in shelter in place?????

Looks like I’m getting my Brazilian in Solano county. Thank god!

Funny how Republicans in the Congress are working so hard to get Federal Liability Protection from lawsuits related to this virus when it’s so benign and just like the flu…

Or, maybe they know something they aren’t telling the rest of us…

Because no one protects companies from folks getting the flu…

Tomorrow Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors (meeting via zoom call; can’t meet in person because it’s too dangersous) but they are discussing economic impact. The meeting starts at 1PM. I’ll be there in down town Martinez (Pine Street) with as many people as I can get there. Please bring signs. if you know of someone who can video our public comments please bring them with you. CCC Board of Supervisors, 651 Pine St # 106, Martinez, CA 94553; Phone: (925) 335-1900. BRING SIGNS . I’m hoping the Sheriff will allow us into the conference room so we can make a public comment.

Link to the zoom meeting information in comment section if you want to dial in and make a public comment. Find the zoom meeting phone number and access code below in the link. Make a public comment. If you can’t meet me at CCC Board of Supervisors main location where they usually have meetings; please meet me there. Bring your friends, ask business owners to come and make a public comments. Let’s then blast it across facebook the comments from our community. If anyone has any contact with news reporters please tell them a few of my friends will be there but we could use their support.

Also to let you know that the CCC Board of Supervisors is allowing their so called health director to make the decision to keep our county on a lock down; shelter in place is still in effect, etc., no salons or barber shops can open because 1 person died, a 30 yr old on Monday and it’s “too dangerous says the county health director”; “it a deadly disease” and “since we haven’t met the 5 criteria in Newsom order, we can not open”.

BTW one of the criteria is any deaths within a 14 day period of time; then that means you go back to step one and start all over. Since we haven’t met the 5 criteria due to the death of this 30 yrs old, we can’t open. Also the Health Director couldn’t say if the individual had any other underlying conditions. He was asked twice. So, this unelected health director is making the decision and the board is just sitting around as if everything is okay. We need to rally in front of the building or call into the zoom meeting and let them know our CCC Board of Supervisors is the decision maker and the effects of this economic impact is greater than the disease. They can override the county health director if they weren’t hiding behind him like cowards, if they only will.

Here is the link to the ZOOM Meeting below in the comment section w/call in numbers, though I really hope there will be a crowd of people in front of this building. Our CCC Board of Supervisors are calling into the meeting because they are too scared to meet in person. Afraid of their own shadow like Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog who is afraid of his shadow. Our County Board of Supervisors are too afraid to face the public and allow face to face public comment. Let’s show them they work for us the people. They report to us. They are our servant government. We are the BOSS!

The County Health Director btw actually reports to the CCC Board of Supervisors. He reports to them! They are his “supervisor”. Get it?
But yet the CCC Board of Supervisors are allowing this unelected department head to make the decision for the entire county. The board members are hiding behind him allowing him this decision. They should be ashamed of themselves! They call themselves the elected. They talked yesterday in a board meeting about “some bad actors” who own property and are threatening the tenants and “this must stop”. They talked about how “some church pastors” are guilting their constituents into coming back to church including the elderly.. COMPLETELY UNBELIEVABLE! They way the elected talk about you and me! They are our servants and we are the BOSS OF THEM! And, we are peacefully protesting and asking them for permission! THAT’S UNBELIEVABLE TOO ISN’T IT? These are private business and they have no business telling a private business owner what to do. There is NO PANDEMIC! And, the numbers tell me so! The data! The SCIENCE says so!

Are you a landlord threatening tenants? Are you a pastor? If the answer is no, then the board weren’t talking about you.


What CCC do so bad that your governor is keeping y’all hostage?? Don’t forget y’all have the power to vote these democratic yahoo’s outta office! Libs are not for America nor are they for the people. They are out for themselves and whatever can line their pockets! VOTE SMART. ITS OUR ONLY HOPE!

Gavin Newsom isn’t blocking CCC from barbers open, the county didn’t submit the paperwork to open them. It’s moot anyway, because of all the other Bay Area counties that did file to reopen barbers, none of them have actually opened them up except Napa County. So it makes no difference at this time. CCC supervisors are probably waiting other counties to show signs they are going to move forward.

You can disagree with what our county has done, but not everything is a conspiracy. The county is being cautious, but it’s not a power grab where “libs” are “out for themselves”. What do politicians have to gain from people having long hair? What kind of weird plot hinges entirely on keeping people from getting a trim?

No consipracy here, just politics. Some politicians understand that the more depressed the economy at election time, the better chances they may have of getting their candidate elected. Keeping business’s closed is the most “legitimate” method. Long hair is simply a visual side effect.

I’m not sure that arguments holds up. True often people vote their pocketbook, so in the Presidential election it might have some traction, but in local elections, if the economy is bad I doubt. And frankly I think most politician, being they left or right looks out for themselves, same as most people do, to a certain degree.

so CCC isn’t open but others are. doesn’t that encourage CCC residents to go to those counties? is that the goal of this cluster f#$%?



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