Home » Contra Costa Superior Court To Reopen Today, Jury Duty Will Resume

Contra Costa Superior Court To Reopen Today, Jury Duty Will Resume


The Contra Costa Superior Court will reopen to the public today.

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I will volunteer for EVERY case of a business being fined for opening in defiance of the unconstitutional bans put in place in CA.

If you get me on the jury, you will be found not guilty or hung jury. I won’t let one business pay one red cent from this BS.

This needs to be a movement.

Good luck getting me into a packed court room right now.

They can sign me up. My job helped me ring in the holiday weekend by calling me on Saturday to tell me I was being let go for “financial reasons related to covid.”

I don’t understand this. Why does the court get to reopen, when the County has a shelter in place order? My supervisor wrote to me and said, basically, under CA law, a county health director has certain powers that the supervisors cannot challenge. Why are the courts immune from his order? How come my kid can’t go to school, but there are jury trials?

because the courts are a state function, not county. it’s all technical mumbo-jumbo, but that’s the reason.


We will reach 100,000 dead within a week. Watch the number of infections rise after all of the people ignoring the suggested rules for staying safe and uninfected. We are still in the first wave.

Everyone is tired of the restrictions. Most people understand why. The various states are trying to find a balance between getting on with business and keeping people safe. Relaxing the rules does NOT mean the pandemic is over. Please follow the best practices suggested and stay safe.

REALLY well said / written!

Trials by Judges will have to do for now.
After all this chaotic mess we have been through…Who willl show up” Only dummies, and who wants that deciding your fate?
Worst flu I ever had in my life was picked up at Jury Duty and caused a mistrial.

wait, there was a mistrial not because of some high drama in the courtroom, not because the star witness turned out to be the judge’s love child, but because Aunt Barbara had a flu? Sounds like a great story!

These actions by the County should raise some concern. I would call the County and ask the question, if jury duty is now safe would it not be for all the businesses you closed. I already called and asked that question. Of course you will more than likely get an answering machine. Unfortunately Aunt Barbara, the defendants get to choose jury by trial or by a judge. And most will chose a jury, much easier to get off.

ChuckStir, Gne are the days of anyone making their own decisions.
I’m afraid we are now a controlled species. 🙁

Silly….feel bad for jurors having to attend jury duty. With other people. In confined spaced. In the sweltering heat. With no A/C.

You have to be a real idiot to knuckle under to jury duty after government officials have batted us around like flies the past couple months. Screw ’em!

Henry Lee did a short but interesting segment about the court reopening: https://twitter.com/henrykleeKTVU/status/1265461704177188865

Good to know!



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