Home » Salon Owners Rally To Demand They Be Included In Next Stage Of Reopenings In California

Salon Owners Rally To Demand They Be Included In Next Stage Of Reopenings In California


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Nails and perfectly coiffed hair are not essential. Really the definition of non essential. I guess a dog barber would hypothetically be less essential.

Essential for who? For you, maybe not. But for the family that rely on mom/dad working at the salon/barber to bring home money to pay rent, food, etc … it is essential.


It may seems non-essential to you, but you don’t cut hair for a living.

What’s your profession?

Nancy Pelosi would disagree with you.

“Essential” is just a subjective term. Ask 20 people to define “essential”, you’ll probably get 50-60 definitions .

Yeah but making a living and supporting your family is essential…
If you need any example of why these businesses need to re-open, just take a look at people like my friend’s mother who owns a hair salon in Vacaville and is the ONLY source of income for her and her ailing husband.
Let the small business owners re-open their stores, so they don’t have to be dependent on those mysterious stimulus checks.
Could easily have customers book their appointments ahead of time and then limit patrons to a capacity of 10-15 people.
Or maybe Gavin could reach into his pockets and shell out a few million to these business owners to keep them afloat???

@ Anon

It’s essential to the people in this profession to provide for their families and pay their bills.

Get on unemployment then. Your job right now is one of the most dangerous possible, both for you and the people whose hair you cut. You are in constant close proximity huffing peoples’ air all day, yet nothing of any real essential value is accomplished. It’s just hair, nails, and other totally meaningless things ultimately. It is lunacy, might as well open up masseuses.

I completely agree.

I need a haircut BAD.

wait…did that lady say that salon workers are more essential than grocery stores?

Ok, now you lost me. Back into your houses.

Dentists first! Essential not cosmetic always

Aunt B.,

No one business is more essential than another. People need to feed their families and contribute to the welfare of others by paying taxes. If one person is “allowed” to work, then everyone is allowed to work.

Your nails regrow…. Teeth do not. Dentists are essential… manicures and pedicures are not! They are strictly cosmetic. If you have foot issues, see a Doctor or use a nail file not scissors, not a salon smelling like formaldehyde and ammonia you have to breathe in, that overcharges you

Aunt Barbara,

Why the hatred for salon owner’s and hairstylists? Clearly you were wronged in some way. Tell us about it…or are you just a mean spirited, bitter person that enjoys crapping on the working folk?

At least let the waxing salons open. We need our Brazilians !

Government trying to get os back to Natural Native look, it’s safer for you!

My wife did a FINE job on my hair this afternoon. Just sayin’.

Not to mention the average barber or stylist is making more on unemployment (950 a week approx) than they would be cutting hair or doing nails, huffing the infected air of hundreds of people a day, putting their very own mortal lives at significant risk.


Pure ignorant dribble. Go back to bed.

It is 600 (federal)plus 167(state), but if they are business owners, tvey can barely pay rent for their businesses with it. Business owners have fixed cost. The small business loan only applies to those who retain employees and use at least 75% of the loan on salaries. It enough to cover their rent and other expenses.

Open the economy with new rules( social distancing, face covers, just like grocery stores).

Too bad that you have probably never had to support a family running your own business, so would never know how much UI actually covers for these workers. Which is not much when you have an expensive lease to make monthly payments on.

Anon might be right about workers, actually. But not about the business owners

Um.. completely untrue!!!

Most stylists are Actually independent therefore didn’t qualify for unemployment because they are business owners, didn’t get help from ppp and have just recently been able to even apply for unemployment. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Maximum California weekly payout: $1050


Stay at home, collect your free money, quit whining. People at grocery stores are risking their lives for peanuts and would weep with joy to switch positions with you heartbeat.

To open or not open is just splitting hairs

Salon owners should be applying for small business rescue loans. The smart hairdressers and barbers are cutting hair in their garage requiring everyone to wear a mask. The new reality will be all different post pandemic


What’s smart about taking the risk of having your license revoked and/or being fined? People are snitching on each other for having their own family members over for a visit. Hairdressers are held to strict sanitation guidelines and regulations, but I’m sure you already knew that.

They’re self-employed. They rent their space – buy their own equipment – and pay their own health insurance. They want to work and get their lives back. I support them.

I will bet many of them will look into switching political parties very soon!


How have I gotten by for the last 25 + years without going to a barber? They need to open so I can go to one NOW!

I guess there’s one advantage to going bald and keeping the hair buzzed or down to skin. More people should try it. Having hair sucks.

Pedicures are essential!

Everything should be open now.

No more restrictions.

Most people are smart enough to take care of themselves by taking appropriate precautions. Those who are not smart enough, well…


1. Keep sanitizing your hands but never clean the iphone you use on the toilet, and never look up from said phone to keep the social distance
2. Keep prioritizing your hair extensions and fake nails over dental hygiene, and sex from people you meet on dating sites over safety
2a. Keep bringing your fake service dogs into restaurants when they have been deemed carriers
3. Keep refusing church service and arresting priests
4. Keep taking people’s recyclable beverage containers (really!?!?) and when you wise up, stop taking them but keep on charging the CRV
5. Keep letting outhouses and trash from “essential” construction workers line our streets, along with their wipes
6..Keep being pro-choice but don’t give anyone the choice of whether or not they want to be on lockdown
7. Keep telling your neighbors to MOVE somewhere there are no people as you make inconsiderate noise and love on noise-making illegals, I mean, undocment-eds with all of your big heart
8. Keep allowing healthcare workers to stand in line at the grocery store in unsterilized scrubs, fresh from caring for corona patients while Italy puts clothing on 24-hour quarantine after it’s been tried on in retail stores
9.Keep berating Trump and getting angry when someone does the same to your demidols
10. Keep telling the elderly they’re worthless–anyone without an iphone is, you know–and letting non-English speakers ignore their call lights while lawsuits are kept secret and nightmares like this repeat

What are you talking about?

I agree. What are you talking about? This is what the media does to people..hence my term “media induced mental illness”

It’s very clear what SOS is talking about, if you are aware of your surroundings. I see these things happen everyday and its alarming.
Open your eyes and be sure you are not one of the boobs on this list!

Why do so many people have such a hard time understanding that it’s not about haircuts. It’s about jobs. Every business is essential to the people who depend on it for a living.


Thanks Chicken, right on point!

We believe we are just as essential and more essential than the grocery stores. I hope she this and realizes how silly that comment was.


She’s at a protest fighting for her Liberties within the confines of the law. While I’m sure you would be perfectly composed to eloquently express yourself with a news camera in your face, she’s not an “essential” politician telling you when and where you can work. She gets a pass from me for what you consider “silly”.

Essential services include: shipping, media, warehousing, grocery and food production, pharmacies, healthcare providers, utilities, banks and related financial institutions.

technology support.
child care programs and services.
government owned or leased buildings.
essential government services.

Baby steps people. Be patient. Be kind. We don’t want to end up like Texas.
Practicing social distancing protocols. Wear masks. COVID19 has not vanished. It is deadly and extremely contagious. We all are fed up with rules and regulations. It is not solving a thing by blaming our government officials.
We must deal with this as a community to save each other’s well being and especially our first responders. Fortunately we will have to live with this nightmare until the COVID19 has been controlled. I hate to live in it’s shadow but what choice do I have. JUST SAYIN FOLKS!!

I’m thinking it’s hard to be patient when your business is shut down and you have no income, but still have bills to pay and kids to feed.


COVID is a virus, so it lives without a human host for some time, just like other viruses. It cannot be “controlled”. A COVID patient can be cared for, and will likely recover, as all but 33 COVID patients have realized.

Why wouldn’t we want to end up like Texas? Seems to me, CA could use a bit of Texan common sense! Our government officials have made a mountain out of a flu-like molehill. There are just 33 people total in CoCo County (pop 1,080,000) who have died of COVID. There are probably more heart disease patients who have died during the quarantine, than COVID patients.

I can’t believe everyone is still believing this stuff. They were wrong 10 weeks ago. They’re still wrong.

10 weeks ago they were not having to worry about losing their business, their homes, perhaps not even being able to put food on the table. But i guess they are still wrong for wanting to make an honest living? And for supporting their families?

You are WRONG.

I need a haircut bad. I don’t believe the liberal lies. This is so blown out of proportion. It’s all about control. These people’s businesses have practically been destroyed because of the Gavin and his thirst for control. Open the state back up before more damage is done.

I wonder if someone could invent a disinfecting machine for humans. Barbicide for people made of UV rays maybe?

The San Francisco Bay Area went two consecutive days without recording a single death from coronavirus on Sunday and Monday — the first time that has happened since March.
Open this state up! Get rid of Newsome and the one party system in California.
We went from flatten the curve to find a cure!

If this is all fine to reopen everything, then why are Republicans pushing for coronavirus lawsuit immunity for businesses for protection against COVID-19 related lawsuits?


The answer is simple:
1) OSHA writes guidelines as they do for other safety-related issues in the workplace.

2) If the company does not follow OSHA guidelines they are open to lawsuits.

Otherwise – apparently it ain’t so safe 🙂

Here’s some info you may have not seen yet, there are more articles regarding this.

‘ Nursing homes want to be held harmless for death toll. Here’s why Newsom may help them ‘

To avoid the courts being packed with frivolous lawsuits wasting time and money..come on man think..it’s pretty self explanatory

A lot of of these people in the video don’t even know that the mask has to also cover the nose, not just the mouth, for it to be effective. Anyone that doesn’t know how to wear PPE properly cannot safely work in close proximity with customers.

The website for the Profession Beauty Federation of California doesn’t have any information telling beauty professionals how to work safely during the pandemic, if they were allowed to resume work. There is no guidance or any attempt to set an industry standard for working during the pandemic. There is nothing on their website that suggest they are even trying to work with the state health department.

The past health standards for salons isn’t going to be enough; they will have to have stricter standards, and enhanced cleaning procedures. Nothing stated by these protesters, and nothing stated on their website shows that they understand this fact.

If they want to reopen let them reopened they know the risks they’re taking by reopening and people know the risks are taking by going there it’s really a personal choice

To prove to the American people that is safe for a 74 year old “morbidly obese” person with mild heart issues. So when the study finishes up next week that says it works everyone will know he had zero side effects. Kinda smart. I hear it it’s great for inflammation, and removes the calcium build up on the pineal gland and joints relieving arthritis..as well as it being great for detoxification..that help?


Well now since subject of coronavirus lawsuits has been brought up, why is it democrats don’t seem to ever bring up the idea of lawsuit protection or lawsuit reform. Could the reason be campaign contributions and that well worn old adage of biting hand that feeds . . . .

Career, campaign contributions from Lawyers/Law Firms,
$4,284,702 Sen. Dianne Feinstein – California
$7,316,224 Sen. Elizabeth Warren – Massachusetts
$5,194,794 Sen. Kamala Harris – California

Retired, career contributions,
$5,351,169 Sen. Barbara Boxer – California
$6,097,010 Sen. Harry Reid – Nevada
$63,032,653 Sen. Hillary Clinton – New York
$83,269,736 Sen. Barack Obama – Illinois
open secrets dot org

Forget it!!!!!! Even if it reopens I will still never get a haircut from the salon I do not trust the salon. I would rather give my self a haircut no matter how messy it is because safer than sorry. I did a fine job of cutting my own hair no problem. I will continue to do so until all this is over. People are being negative that it will never be over. I am on the positive that this will be over together we can get through this.

Hair Stylist are licensed by the State because they are schooled and tested in the the safety and health of the public. What good is their training and their licences. California makes every Stylist etc pay for their licences every year. Apparantly their licences are garbage. This is nuts let them go back to work.

If you keep on making sense the Health Department is going to pay you a visit!

Government has weaponized the terms Essential work and essential activities. Explain how a Liquor or Marijuana store is essential, and yet a gun store isn’t. An elective abortion is essential (can they do that standing 6 feet apart?) and yet a hair cut isn’t? Grocery stores have lots of wrong-way shoppers and people getting too close to each other and yet remain open, and yet we can’t attend Church, even with ‘social distancing’.

In London during the Blitz they still had plays, concerts, dances, worship services, etc… because they were all deemed essential for the well-being of the community. FREE MY PEOPLE NOW!


The long and short of essential is that there is no food on the table or a roof over one’s head without the essential income to pay for it.

I understand how difficult it is to be without a job. I just don’t understand how anyone can cut hair from six-feet away. Are the beauticians and clients going to quarantine in the shop for 14 days, or are they going out in the community after the vanity appointment?

They need to let them open!

Aunt Barbara: My dentist is opening up this week. Daughter is getting a filling tomorrow. You might want to call your dentist and ask.

Thank Ninja Nurse… I will xo

Ask Gavin and Auntie Nancy where they’re getting their hair and facials done at? I’ll guarantee you they’re not doing their own hair nor is wife hubby doing it. I seen Nancy’s home videos of her doing your own makeup and the ones where she’s in DC with professionally done makeup. Major difference.

My business has been in Clayton for 25 years . My office is more than clean and I am drowning here . It is not fair 7 -11 is open drive through Starbucks and to make me scream the dollar store . I take care of skin and massage and waxing . I have been here for 25 years I need my clients…

all small businesses are suffering. Why should we have to take out loans and go in debit to stay afloat during this shutdown.
We were asked to close and stay home to flatten the curve.
We compiled.
The curve is flattened. Now its time to give people a CHOICE.
To open all nonessential businesses if they choose to, and for the public to patronize those businesses, if the choose too.

I am a licensed cosmetologist, I have not worked in a salon for many years, but what people don’t realize is that all the “hair stylists, manicurists, and skin care workers” are highly trained in sanitation, disinfection, and client safety. In fact, when you go to state board to take your exams, 80% of your testing in solely in sanitation, disinfection, and client safety. And licensed cosmetologists are definitely more knowledgeable in sanitation than any employee at your local grocery store or gas station. I have a good friend that has not worked since mid March and did not receive a dime of assistance until late April when she was finally allowed to apply for unemployment because she is self employed. Enough is enough. Let the salons open. At this point, the only thing non-essential here, is Governor Newsome!

Yes, we know that your utensils, etc., are sanitary. However, there is NO way you can provide any of your services without being a WHOLE lot closer than 6 feet from your clients….. masks or not… for usually at least an hour at a time (thinking of the typical shampoo, cut, blow dry for most women….. but longer if there is color, weaving, perm, etc. required.
Masks only give partial protection. The social distancing needs to be there, too!
That said, I know it’s not one bit easy for you. Were I not retired, my own work as a piano instructor definitely would be completely stalled right now….. and it’s our major contest and recital season of the year. Still, I would not ever intentionally risk another person’s health (and perhaps survival).
“Flattening the curve” as a final goal is worthless if the USA wants to eliminate COVID-19….. as the countries other than USA and England are trying to accomplish worldwide.
Try studying what other generations did to survive hard times like this. There are even FB groups like Depression Recipes, etc., which will help you feed yourselves through this mess…. such things as finding something you can do and barter with others for things you might need. I see so many grocery carts piled with soft drinks, alcohol, chips, doughnuts, and the like. And that’s a waste of money and health if you are trying to “keep things together” for yourself and family.
Take care!

This is a mixed opinion, but *OWNERS* want to be opened. Some stylists are not ready or do not feel safe. Yes, you may complain that you need a haircut and people need to pay bills, but some of us hair dressers have family at home that are immune compromised and don’t want to bring the virus home to our families from one of our clients.

My stylist didn’t close the salon since this SIP began. We’re all still ccp virus-free. I’m happy to not have missed one haircut appointment.



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