Home » DAILY UPDATE: 1,121 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 21 More Than Yesterday (957 Recovered)

DAILY UPDATE: 1,121 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 21 More Than Yesterday (957 Recovered)


Contra Costa is now reporting 1,121 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the county, which is 21 more than yesterday.

957 people in Contra Costa County with COVID-19 have fully recovered.

There have been 33 coronavirus-related deaths in Contra Costa.


Below is a city-by-city breakdown of coronavirus cases for Contra Costa County:

RELATED STORY FROM FRIDAY: 1,100 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 11 More Than Yesterday (935 Recovered)



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I would like to know exactly how these people caught the virus. We know in senior homes and the first response teams. What about the others. Family, grocery stores where are they catching it?

Most caught he virus with butterfly nets. Others are using mouse traps.

Corona = Crown.
They are catching it in their heads…..hypochondriac and psychosomatic.

Your question is good and one I have been asking. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like we will find out. Too bad.

@ survival … exactly! I’ve been asking this all along. They give us numbers to panic but do not tell us how or where… it’s a bunch of bull

Contact tracing would help to answer that question

Why are they not giving more details? Are these positive cases coming from senior homes? Did most of those that pass come from senior homes and have other health issues? Makes you wonder what there motives are by not telling? Is it to keep the masses in fear?

They are in a senior place in Vallejo and not here…Vallejo is Solono county

It appears to me that the powers that be, including the news media, want us to believe that just anyone in the general public can drop dead from this virus. That way they can keep us all in a state of fear so we do what they say.

Looking at the charts on the CCHealth website, it appears that only nine deaths were in people under the age of 70. My guess is that those three people had other significant health issues that contributed to their death. Why the county won’t give us this information leads back to my initial comment…they want us to cower in fear.

I would like to know what our county health department is doing to mitigate the hot spots within Contra Costa County. Richmond, Concord, Antioch, Pittsburg, and San Pablo seem to be driving the numbers. Is anything being done, or is CCHD just counting? Obviously testing has been ramped up in CC County, but what has been done to help stem the tide in these locations. An article on that from our health department would be appreciated.

Colorado reduced their Covid cases by 25% today. San Diego yesterday. The mask is slipping.

It’s just the beginning of the death audit..the next major scandal..it’s already starting in multiple countries and states..watch the medical mafia fall. Should be a good show

My son caught it and it went around our house. We have no idea where it came from. My sons was mild, my husband had an itchy throat and I was almost hospitalized. We were told it was community spread. They couldn’t give us more than that. We haven’t traveled or been in contact with anyone who had it.

I am sorry you and your family got sick.
Curious though, have you been out to any essential stores with masks on? Or have you had everything delivered?

What they gave you was a BS answer. Evidently they did no contact tracing. Sounds like you are all better and that’s important.

Almost hospitalized for an itchy throat huh..sound like a legit story. Why was your son tested? Is he in the habit of going to the dr for a mild illness? Sounds like a silly made up story, not gonna lie

How do you know that nobody you came into contact with, doesn’t or didn’t have it? Have you all been inside and completely isolated? Have you shopped? I’m confused with your statements. Everyone has been tested for having it currently or having had it? Glad that your family is ok now CF.

Even if you stayed home the entire time, ou could have caught it from Amazon, food deliveries, gas stations etc. etc.

Wow. CF. I’m glad you’re feeling better, assuming you are since you’re posting. I hope so. I’m glad you didn’t end up hospitalized, and the rest of the family’s okay. It’s weird not knowing where it came from, but then we frequently don’t know who gave us the stuff we catch. Scary stuff. My friend probably had it, but she’s still SIP, because she wasn’t tested, and even now they can’t say who is or isn’t immune. I hope you get all better, take care.

Sam Why do you doubt it, when someone says the had covid-19, I think most people don’t lie or joke about any illness, it is considered bad karma. You can catch it from someone that has no symptoms.


Work on your reading comprehension. Her husband had a scratchy throat, hers was obviously much worse. Which tracks quite well with the reported wide outcomes from thos virus.

Additionally, they have testing available to anyone that makes an appointment to get one. Why wouldn’t her son have gotten a test if he had symptoms and was quarantined with how family? My roommate got tested a couple weeks ago when she was feeling off, as we both work with the public. Thankfully she was negative.

Glad the original poster and their family are all better.

@ Hanne Joking about illness is bad karma? Where did you learn your karma, the “Temple Of No Sense of Humor?”

I don’t care what their test said. If you guys actually believe in these conspiracy theories I feel really bad for you and humankind is screwed. Do you ever think outside your bubble. The earth is filled with humans that aren’t affected in anyway by this mystery virus. Use your head. You’re political pawns and your too scared to poke your head out and look around to see it. Does nobody remember we go through this every couple years and it’s always the same outcome? This wasn’t created in a lab it’s not bio warfare. It’s a scam. Financial, medical, political get over it.

@sam. Has it ever dawned on you that you are the one believing in the conspiracy? I cannot fathom how anybody could believe a pandemic with hundreds of thousands of people dying is a conspiracy theory.

dan I have friends and family stationed all over the world. I could care less about your mental illness. Nothing you say will change what I know. But please keep your mask on so we know who’s who..I may even put one on to sell you the Brooklyn bridge but that’s it..


You didn’t read what it said AFTER the part of the itchy throat. The person said My husband had an itchy throat and “I” was almost hospitalized…. She was not almost hospitalized due to a itchy throat…. Before you try to say someone is BSing, Please read the words correctly. And why was the Son tested? Could he not have shown signs that maybe he needed to get tested? You are jumping the gun big time on this…

Some of the answers for the questions listed above can be found at contra costa health


Some interesting numbers. There have been 230 new cases in May. Of those, 160 cases came from Antioch, Concord, Pittsburg, Richmond, and San Pablo. The total cases per day including the cities listed above come to 14.3 and without those locations cases per day are 4.3

If we really want to rid Contra Costa County of the virus, we should be focusing on helping the above referenced locations with mitigation.

I’m curious why you focus on total counts rather than per capita. Of the places you name, only San Pablo has more than 200 cases per 100,000 people.

It’s interesting that we’ve had a big jump in reported cases five days after Easter and five days after Mother’s Day. Maybe those dinners with the extended families had something to do with it.

as of 05/16:

1,121 confirmed cases (CCC) with 33 deaths = 2.94% death rate.

Yes, but that’s the crude case fatality rate. There are presumably many more people who got infected who were never tested. I’m seeing a lot of the experts estimating that most places in the US are confirming only one in ten actual infections.

When did flatten the curve become find a curve?
Time to stop this and let the people get back to their life’s, they know how to be safe.
These are tyrannical lockdowns and the people will get to a point where they will not allow it anymore! Even the police are starting to not support these orders.

I don’t think anybody that looks and understands the data can avoid seeing an obvious weekly cycle. Looking at the total number of deaths for the US (large numbers make patterns easier to spot, number of deaths is more accurate than confirmed testing) the total number of deaths have spiked on April 15, 21, 29, May 6, and 13/14. (Yes, there is a lag, but the lag doesn’t effect the distance between spikes). This is a weekly pattern.
The weekly pattern shows two things: (1) shelter-in-place (SIP) is working for most of the week, (2) people breaking (SIP) and/or ignoring social distancing guidelines on weekends is destroying the gains made for the rest of the week.
If everybody could just postpone their weekend plans for one or two weekends we wouldn’t keep getting new cases every week. Then we could open up – meanwhile one of our neighbors is throwing a party. Ugh.

Could just be that data is not getting reported on the weekends from some locales…..

The Democratic hoax!

The GOP should never be forgiven for making Covid-19 a political ploy that will magically disappear after November.

If you think for a minute that this “crisis” isn’t being milked for all it’s worth by Democrats trying to prevent President Trump from being reelected, you’re the one who’s not too bright.

Beanzy This is not the “GOP”. Just because they are capitalizing on it and turning Democrats into Republicans all over the country, does not mean they caused it. You were told it was a hoax by your daddy Trump then NY needed 40,000 ventilators..that were never used..Democrats will never be in power again



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