Home » DAILY UPDATE: 1,100 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 11 More Than Yesterday (935 Recovered)

DAILY UPDATE: 1,100 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 11 More Than Yesterday (935 Recovered)


Contra Costa is now reporting 1,100 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the county, which is 11 more than yesterday.

935 people in Contra Costa County with COVID-19 have fully recovered.

There have been 33 coronavirus-related deaths in Contra Costa.


Below is a city-by-city breakdown of coronavirus cases for Contra Costa County:

RELATED STORY FROM THURSDAY: 1,089 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Contra Costa County – 9 More Than Yesterday (919 Recovered)



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Wait for it, here come the politicians, doctors and scientists with their comments

Bill Gates is neither a Doctor, nor is he a Scientist……but you aren’t questioning his investment into all of this and his “modeling”.

More like concerned Americans questioning authority.

I didn’t realize Claycord had instituted a rule that only people in those capacities could comment. Did I miss a memo?

Don’t forget the constitutional scholars.

dan he’s referring to you and your conspiracy theories

You are correct “King”. Open the state.

We are finally starting to see an increase in the number of tests. For the past week it’s 450, 516, 468, 507, 531, 899, and now 1155 per day. Both 899 and 1155 are new highs.

I sure wish they also did an antibody test at the same time they administered the PCR test. Using PCR, a person tests positive for COVID-19 for only about a week to ten days. A negative PCR means next to nothing unless you are to simultaneously test everyone that’s part of a population. You will learn the active infection rate within that population. PCR tests are useful if you have symptoms, are medically at risk, and doctors are trying to figure out the cause of those symptoms to figure out which the treatment options.


UNICEF and Johns Hopkins released as study on Weds, stating that these closures, shelter-in-place orders, etc will kill an estimated 1.2 million children, worldwide, due to medical/health service and food disruptions. But, dont worry, you’ll feel safe in your house with your mask and gloves….

What happened to personal responsibility? Wash your hands, wear a mask in public, don’t touch your face and use common sense if you have a medical condition.

132 active cases…..

They are not done yet ruining the state. They won’t open things until we are all doomed and nothing will be able to go back to what it was.

I agree with the testing needs, including antibody tests! Everything we are doing seems to be useless and wasteful if we are not provided tests to determine if we have already recovered or are asymptomatic carriers. The cost of supplying tests cannot be more than the loss of closing the economy!
Yet, antibody tests are $169 not covered up front by insurance and regular tests are not available for everybody for free! Makes no sense.

Are you sick? Then don’t worry about a test. The county has been testing sick people for 8 weeks. If your not sick then no test and no mask

Love how people make these post. It just shows how bad they are at understanding the basics….

You just acted like 1100 cases out of 1,057,215 is a number to go off.. I don’t weather to laugh or feel sorry for you…. How can you put the population on there when NOT everyone has caught it? Makes no sense. This VIRUS has not stopped spreading. For all we know, It can still hit all 1 million people.

You saying open the county now is one of the dumbest things to say. You do understand that if you open up the county with things still happening. This can create a massive jump in cases right? With-in weeks you would see that 1100 cases jump to over 20k+ with a lot more deaths. I understand people want to open up places and get out but, Is it worth your life and others?

as of 05/15:

1,100 confirmed cases (CCC) with 33 deaths = 3.0% death rate.



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