Home » The Water Cooler – What’s Your Favorite Junk Food?

The Water Cooler – What’s Your Favorite Junk Food?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: What’s your favorite kind of junk food?


Talk about it….

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Good try Chuckie but I don’t think wine qualifies.

I read that you could poor leftover wine into an ice tray and freeze it into little cubes. Then you can use the wine cubes to chill the wine from your next bottle. My only question was what is leftover wine?

Hey Ricardoh-
Wine has plenty of empty calories, enough to qualify as junk. Now in my house, we consider a bottle of wine to be an ‘essential responder’. So it is a debatable point, and the best way to have a debate is with a glass of wine. Enjoy the weekend!

I would rather poor myself a beer then whine.

I am such a poor drinker. I love wine but all I can handle is one glass for an evening.. My dad on the other hand could wipe out a gallon of burgundy on a weekend on his own. He had a dozen gallon wine bottles and every so often we would drive to a winery in Asti and they would fill up his bottles from those large vats. My dad was a great letter writer and in the evening when everyone else was watching TV he would write letters at the kitchen table drinking wine and having classical music on the radio so loud we kept having to tell him to turn the radio down. Every morning he was off to work before anyone else was up.

Pecan pie (the little ones).

PO’d,…. 🙂

If you make it yourself add a little bourbon it gives it a little more of a kick. Most of the time when I bake I add some kind of liquor or alcohol.
Key Lime Cheesecake with rum, brownies with kahlua etc.

Pecan or Pecan?

Kettle jalapeño chips!

Chips of any kind!

No favorites I like them all.

The answer is yes!

Sea salt and vinegar Kettle chips.

Jack in the Box taco’s!

Cheetos, cant find anything higher in sodium….I just can’t resist…


Let your mind do this in Homer Simpson’s voice…..
“Doh! Nuts!……eh, Donuts”.

Baked Items and bite size candies with or without chocolate are my down fall.
Hubby can have all kinds of chips around,….their all his.

Big Hunks…the candy bar type:)

Ah, Dang Simonpure; that was gonna be a future Pick One…


Do you like to freeze them, then smack’em on the floor?

ok, now that I see that in print, it didn’t sound right. But… I hope you know what I mean…..


I do put them in the fridge and break them…they are so bad they are good.

Oh! Is that how you’re supposed to eat those without pulling out your back teeth??

I use to enjoy Big Hunks, but can’t eat them anymore,… 🙁
Ha!,…you are right about that!

Just about everything mentioned above!

Homemade chocolate chip cookies (made with lots, and lots of chocolate chips.) Unfortunately, I developed an allergy to chocolate a couple of years ago, so my next choice is ice cream.

Maple bar donuts!
Also apple fritters!
Gotta love fried sugar dough. Whats better then that?

Don’t forget the bacon on that maple bar!

Let’s take the taoist approach on this one. If food is a necessity, no food is junk food, and all food is junk food. Eat what ya like but don’t skip the cardio!

Chips and onion dip


No love for Wingstop’s atomic wings?
Spicy, fried, fatty, and salty. Heaven!!

Ice cream Butter Pecan or anything with coffee flavor. In the winter marzipan bars covered with dark chocolate, or if available some from Germany or Denmark with truffle in the middle. When I work once in awhile I break down and have MacDonald quarter pounder. Now while I’m furloughed I pretty much cook every night, so I eat healthier.

Ice Cream. Just about any kind.

As Gram used to say, “There’s always room for ice cream!”

Any Hostess product will do!
Ho Ho’s
Sno Balls.
Ding Dongs.
And a special shout out to Little Debbie!

Definitely ice cream. Not all that particular about what flavor.

Fresh made hot buttered popcorn, and not the microwave type. Popped in a kettle shakin over the stove.top burner.

I’m partial to Chick-O-Sticks and Abba-Zabas. 50+ years and counting.

I second the Chick-O-Sticks, or a Clark Bar, but they have to be fresh.

Peanut M&M’s !!! Rule is I can only eat one at a time (before putting the next one in, that is).
But I’m not turning down Crunchy Cheetos, or King’s apple fritters, or Trader Joe’s French Vanilla ice cream with homemade hot fudge sauce over it, either!
Oh, yeah, and then there’s……. 🤪🙄😉🤫😂

Fritos but they’re overpriced especially their chili cheese ones. Walmart has their own fritos knock off. Dollar Tree has a Scoops knock-off (as does Trader Joes) and they now have a chili cheese fritos knock off.

I like dark chocolate and brownies from time-to-time. I make microwave cup brownies not using the overpriced usually 4 packets to a box but either a brownie mix or cake mix if I want a more cake like brownie. Just put about 1/3 of a cup of the mix in a coffee mug and add a little water, microwave for about 70 seconds. Much cheaper and adding a little oil and liquid egg helps.

We’re talkin’ junk food here, stick with the genuine article-damn the cost!!!

Chocolate from Sees

French Frys dipped in a milkshake or soft serve ice cream cone.

Trader Joe’s (Double Rainbow) French Vanilla Ice cream, Crunchy Cheetos.

Oh, and sometimes I stir cashew butter in the ice cream, and I FINALLY figured out how you make DIY malteds (without spending a fortune on Horlick’s malted milk powder)! They sell barley malt powder for adding into bread dough and beer brews! Yummy.

Thanks Silva!
I’ve never heard of your malted idea.
I’ll say a toast to you on my next one!

Popcorn with butter, garlic salt & parmesan
Or my homemade Irish Cream truffles.

Häagen-Dazs peanut butter and chocolate ice cream

Häagen-Dazs peanut butter and chocolate ice cream & Sees candy.

Can we give a shout out to Lucky Charms? As a snack out of the box OR with milk for breakfast. Versatile and delicious.

My after school snack, circa 1969; Twinkies & extra crispy potatoe (Dan Qualye spelling) chips…

I think junk food is a dumb category for food. That is judgemental. I call those tasty foods treats! I like chips, cookies, ice cream, and all treats like that in moderation! Junk is a negative nasty word.

OMG I love everything you have all mentioned including sun flower seeds ranch flavored and UNO Candy Bars.

I can’t choose:
doughnuts (maple, raspberry filled, just about any)
Funnel Cakes
potato chips
french fries
chocolate dipped bacon



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