Home » Contra Costa Superior Court To Reopen May 26, Jury Duty Will Resume

Contra Costa Superior Court To Reopen May 26, Jury Duty Will Resume


The Contra Costa Superior Court will reopen to the public on May 26, 2020.

Click HERE to read all the details.

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And the Judge was overheard asking, “Who was that masked man?”

Possibly the worst spot to be in these times. Sitting all day in a crowd from different cities, but don’t let people dine outdoors or get oral hygeine. More poor thinking.
They should just do trials by Judges for the time being.

Yeah, who cares about the 6th Amendment… They are the Bill of Rights until a super duper problem comes along and then they are just The Bill of Suggestions.

How about trials in secret that works with the FISA Courts?

Hell, why not just suspend habeas corpus all together? I mean it’s for a good cause, right? Needs of the many, the greater good and all that stuff. If they got arrested they must be guilty…so why bother with a trial at all.

What a stupid idea to force people into jury duty in a pandemic . It’s dangerous to be in groups of people greater than 10. Business , gyms and hair salons are still closed . I can’t even go to the store for a non essential curbside pickup but you want me to risk my life to serve on a jury during a sip. I haven’t even left my apartment for the last 2 months and get grocery delivery . You people in the health department and at the courts must be out of your mind. This is so unsafe . Why can’t these trails be conducted by zoom . With the courthouse hvac spreading virus particles , there is no way that most jurors and people participating in the court don’t get infected. What a terrible idea

These folks know it’s time to open things back up. Not only the courts but everything else too. The safety precautions they will use at the court are the same ones every other business can use.
Freedom, not lockdowns.

Janus, dood, relax.

@ Amy

It must just be exhausting for you to live in such fear.

No matter what the Government does, it will not eradicate covid-19. If a vaccine is discovered, it is at least a year away and by then there will be covid-20, 21, 22 et al. What will you do then? Become a full blown agoraphobic?

Surviving is not living.

@ Bill Bob

You are right of course and I mean that in not a snarky way either.

Most people have never even read the Constitution and are totally ignorant to what their rights are. Which of course makes it easy for them to be taken away and they are none the wiser.

Ignorance is truly bliss; Awareness is a curse.

The jury duty system is a total sh- show. Waiting around, confusion, people being shuffled like sheep from one room to another. Waste of time.
BTW, those criminals are not part of my peer group (love that part of the constitutional rights that are read when perps are arrested).
Sorry, my peer group includes coworkers, family/friends and my hard working neighbors who pay their taxes and actually work for a living.

@ Rod Barton

It’s all fun and games until it happens to you, or coworkers, family/friends or your hard working neighbors who pay their taxes and actually work for a living.

So tell me Barton, no one in your peer group has ever been arrested for DUI, driving on a suspended license, domestic violence. Not one in your peer group has failure to pay child support or failure to pay spousal support?

You’re kidding yourself if you say no. It’s not all about murderers and child molesters.

I was a police officer for 28 years. You have no idea what people are truly capable of or what your peer group does in private.

The American criminal justice system is the worst justice system, except for all the other justices systems in the world.

Can’t wait for the first bank robbery in a hospital mask..

If I can not get a haircut because the barbers are mandated to close there is no way I am going to be in a room with 100 potential jurors. Absolutely makes no sense.

I totally agree!

Total agreement….if that summons notice shows up in my mailbox…it magically disappears into the waste basket.

I read that a defendant in Nigeria was found guilty and sentenced to death in a courtroom Zoom meeting!

is this why I have not received my check I so desperately wanted and paid for?

You will not be jammed in like sardines. Jury selection will be a very slow process as social distancing guidelines will be followed. A courtroom that would normally hold 75 potential jurors during the jury selection process will be set-up to house 16-18 at a time. A case that would normally take one day to complete jury selection will now take 3-4 days.

Oh well. We can ignore constitutional rights only so long. The right to a speedy jury trial is one of our most basic rights. This especially true if you are in custody while you await your trial. You will have to wear a mask, and they will take your temperature each day as you enter. The court is also going to extreme measures re: cleaning and disenfecting each night.

We are not supposed to be in groups of greater than 10 people . For anyone over 50, serving on the jury could be a death sentence because of the risk of covid infections. Trials should be done by zoom for safety . In person jury duty while school and business are still closed is terrible idea and dangerous . Hopefully someone sues the county and puts a stop to this before somebody dies from covid as a result of jury duty . This is terribly dangerous

@ Amy

Sue the county for following the United States Constitution? Affording defendant’s their rights as enumerated in the 5th, 6th, 8th, and 14th Amendments?

Life in fear to live in terror.

This makes no sense. Groups in enclosed spaces no bueno.

Will suspects/defendants be masked? How could I know who should be convicted? I’m thinking I can have some fun during Jury Selection if questioned!

BTW- No haircut, not restaurant, no jury-duty!

LOL..do it, bro. The more ridiculous thing you say, the more likely you are to be excused.
Example: My religion prevents me from believing that a person like me would ever commit a crime. Therefore, people who don’t believe in god and commit crimes are already guilty.
I actually said this once in jury duty and people thought i was insane.
Dismissed me right on the spot.

C’mon, people! They will find a way to maintain social distancing precautions between people in the courtroom.

In a overheated courtroom? or a blowing air conditioned courtroom?
Both spread the creepy covid, one cough and it’s a death sentence for all, not just the defendant, according to Fauci.

Gotta open up those courts to ensure the peasants who attempt to make a living and feed their families can be charged with criminal offenses.

If jury pools can reopen, so can everything else.

I can’t believe the County Health Department would approve a gathering of 50 people, indoors, from various communities so early! This does not read like Phase 2 or 3 of the state guidelines. Jury service at this time should be done remotely or on a voluntary basis only. I would recommend anyone required to attend go get tested before, test again after, and sue Contra Costa County courts if you test positive.

“Jury service will resume. Be assured that we are working with the County Health Department to ensure your safety. Those summoned must follow the rules above for access to the Court, including wearing masks. To obey social distancing requirements, jurors will be called in two-hour blocks. See your jury summons for call-in information. No more than 50 jurors will be present in a jury assembly room at any time.”

As of today, only the counties of Contra Costa and Santa Clara have mandates that are stricter than California’s.

But here’s the good news: lawyers can now start suing people again.

A suggestion. To reduce overcrowding at the courts, why not keep Contra Costa’s civil courts closed for now.

Let all restaurants, retail stores, hospitals, libraries, museums, barbershops, and hair salons open first. It might take months, given Contra Costa’s overly harsh edicts.

But it would be fun to see the ambulance chasers at the back of the line.

Gotta love the duplicity of the comment section. Nothing but “reopen the county” until that also means jury duty

I’m for opening everything up with safety precautions including jury duty.

Soon to rewrite a lot of American sayings.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their government with certain Rights that may only be rescinded if exercising those Rights carries any risk.’

So Gavin the Great is set to cut billions from the budget due to the pandemic but people still have to attend jury duty??? I guess deciding on the fate of criminals is more important than the risk of allowing people returning back to work.
How about this…if you want people to serve on jury duty you pay them whatever wages they have lost due to Covid 19 layoffs.



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