Home » The Water Cooler – Would You Support A Business Who Opens Against The Stay-At-Home Order?

The Water Cooler – Would You Support A Business Who Opens Against The Stay-At-Home Order?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: If a business (such as a barber shop/hair salon, etc.) were to open against the orders of Contra Costa County, would you support them if you thought they were taking all necessary precautions to keep you safe?

Talk about it….

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Anybody that protests against government fascism and tyranny has my support.

The reason it’s going on so long is because people are not doing what they can to slow down covid. They think it’s stupid or a joke. People dying and being so sick they need a ventilator is not stupid.
It’s disturbing how many people Dont wear masks Or don’t wear them properly in public.
Zero faith in humanity. Can’t even wear a mask to protect people from you and vice versa.
Personally witnessing firsthand how disgusting and greedy small business owners can be. When their employ I ees are uncomfortable and it doesn’t matter as long as they work.
So no. Hell no. Would not support any business open against county orders.

Tee-not every year, It’s just for the highly contagious deadly flus.
No, the majority of people are not collecting unemployment.
In just America 85,000 dead and rising.

You bet!

YES!!! 100% all day all week all month…


100% yes

absolutely! This entire lockdown in way overkill. Are we going to live 6 months a year like this every year the new fku comes around, which btw killed 79,000 in 2018.
I have noticed the majority people wanting this politician power play prison camp to keep going are collecting unemployment, dont have financial stress and like having their extended time off. For those of us small business owners not getting assistance, not able to pay our bills, credit tanked and going hungry, have some compassion, greedy? We are not greedy, we need to open back up so we can survive, if we can regain our business. the government officials are the greeedy .


Social distancing and masks can be used in high volume areas. The statistics do not support extreme shutdown. The majority who have had it exhibit only mild symptoms. So, yes.

Horowitz: “We now know that the majority who contract COVID-19 are asymptomatic. That changes everything”. David Horowitz, Conservative Review.

YES! YES!! And YES!!!

money is temporary-
killing grandma lasts forever

if you trust business owners who openly violate emergency county orders, how do you know they aren’t violating Food-Safety/Health Code and other laws?

but hey- you do you. Live dangerously swaggerman
I’ll wait for the light to turn green

YES!!! Let freedom ring!

Your so called “freedom” doesn’t give you the right to tell business owners how they can conduct business. Just keep that in mind. If you can obey no shirt/no shoes/so service for your entire life….you can adjust to social distancing and masks.

Freedom of CHOICE. you can choose to stay on lockdown it is your given right. I too should have the right to choose what business to visit.
Stay home, secluded, your choice
I should have my rights to make a decision. Again if I don’t feel appropriate anything, clean, health safety a practice used prior this lockdown i have the freedom to choose if i go in.
This is a Dystopian life and needs to stoo.

No way. I’d talk to law enforcement about options.

You must be a real hit at parties.

Would you talk to law enforcement if you found an illegal underground railroad? Or if you found a Jewish child hiding in an attic? Or if your neighbor makes negative remarks about the government?

I’d travel to support them.

We went to Yuba City to sit in a restuarant

Well done, Sir

Soooo traveling to places with low covid 19 cases…stupid as the people living up there. Sure just bring it to their doorstep while you’re up there.


Yes. In a heartbeat. This has gone on long enough.

No way.


If the salon I usually go to opened up, then yes! I’m beginning to look like a crazy person — I need the works!

Already supporting my local restaurants that are doing takeout, but would really enjoy if I could go in and sit down again. Would be nice to duck into Sears and get a new pair of work pants. I would be on the first plane to Hawaii if everything wasn’t closed down and a 2 week quarantine in effect.

Maybe being in a job working with the public this whole time has skewed my sense of things, but I just can’t stay scared anymore. Let’s do masks and sanitizer where appropriate, and see how things go. Its seems to work ok at the grocery store.

The State of California, as well as its counties and cities, all have official policies of ignoring laws they don’t like. But NOW, they want everyone to take them seriously. We’ll see how that works out.

Very astute observation…no shortage of jurisdictions that wantonly disregard immigration laws with their stupid “sanctuary” policies, which in many instances have led to harm/death of American CITIZENS…but NOW, oh man, if you bring that umbrella and cooler to the beach…

On point, sir.

NO WAY!!!! I Stay away from restaurant who break the law to, reopen against SIP they risk losing their license. Restaurants would not stay for long if they reopen again SIP!! good luck with that!!!

Oh goodness, so many exclamation points, you must be REALLY serious!!!!

Good grief, just relax, Karen.

The above posters also enthusiastically compete for the Darwin Awards…
You do you…

No, I would not.

At the beginning… no. At this stage of the game, absolutely. Sadly, I believe the cure has done more damage than the cause.

I was about to write the exact same thing. I took it very seriously for many weeks, but I think now that we have more info, the cure may be worse than the cause. This is unfortunately more dangerous than the typical colds/flus we normally deal with, but not by the orders of magnitude the experts thought it was when they put these orders in place.

Someone posted the age breakdown of fatalities in our county, in another post. The largest group has been people 90 years old and over, and even then, the overwhelming majority of them survived. And that was just the ones that were sick enough to go to the hospital and get tested. And who knows if it was even the primary factor, given the pre-existing conditions most victims seem to have. For most non-elderly, reasonably healthy people the survivability appears quite high. Not guaranteed, but nothing is.

I think we should consider focusing our limited resources on protecting those most vulnerable, and accept some risks, by modifying the SIP to mitigate more of the serious, non-virus damage. I’m obviously not an epidemiologist, but many of them have been wrong repeatedly, including the professor whose models contributed greatly to these lockdowns. Then, he gets caught violating the lockdown in an egregious way, after testing positive?!? Then, his excuse is that he had immunity, after telling the rest of us we would not get immunity and would have to wait for a vaccine?!? I gave all of these people the benefit of the doubt for weeks upon weeks- now I think it might be healthy to question their methods a bit.

YES!!!! Of course!!!!! People need to get back to work and feed their families! This isn’t about our health anymore; it’s about government control over us!

Oh stop it. It’s not about the governments having a big plot to control you. It’s about people staying alive. This thing kills old people , middle aged people and now children. It’s a horrible death . The idea that government can’t close businesses in the face of a pandemic is suicidal.

– I guess you don’t have a problem with taking something from someone else for your own gain. You want to stay safe and alive at the expense of 30+ million unemployed Americans and at the expense of an estimated 265 million worldwide who will die from starvation (U.N. estimate). You want to stay alive at the expense of those who die fro heart attacks, strokes, suicides, domestic violence, murder. You want to stay alive at the expense of all those that have to go without medical treatment because they now can’t get it. You want to stay alive at the expense of all those that are not currently being diagnosed with an illness in time.

Where I come from taking something from someone for my own gain is unethical and immoral. In some cases it is criminal.

If there was a vaccine or cure for this thing coming in a month or two, I’d agree with you. A short term hit to civil rights to save tens of thousands of lives, with a guarantee to return to the status quo soon after would be easy. That is not in any way what we are dealing with though. You either start to relax things now, and hopefully prevent the economy from completely collapsing, and risk infection rates going up, or you do it later, after the economy is completely ruined, and then risk infection rates going up. So what are we buying with this hit to civil liberties? What does the time get us? More testing? What difference will that make? Contact tracing? For a disease that is mostly asymptomatic? We are devastating people’s economic lives for nebulous and dubious goals, which keep getting shifted every day.

Enough. Protect the nursing homes, protect the at risk, put proper standards for distancing and hygiene in place, and let’s get this over with.

Not only would I go, I’d help direct traffic.

And anonymous….you stop it. Please present the evidence that this is killing children, and more than just the occasional middle aged healthy person. Absolute B.S.
Stay the Hell in your house for the rest of eternity.

Anon, Oh Stop it yourself!

People need to stay alive, yes. To do so, they need to earn a living. That means, they need to open their business. Yes, people have died, they will continue to die, just like people continue to die from the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc. We must choose our poison, so to speak. Many people are willing to choose the what you deem as poison by opening up.

“It’s about people staying alive.”

Is that your purpose in living? Mere survival? If that’s the case, the government can keep you 100% safe by locking you in a padded room with a straight jacket. Are you game?


I don’t understand why nail salons can’t be considered as an essential service providing “pedicures” by appts only. A lot of people are physically challenged when it comes to bending, twisting & reaching or have arthritis in their hands … By law, everything must be sterilized and it’s easy to control the number of clients in the salon, so why not? I know of a few people who can barely wear their shoes, or experience pain from the weight of a blanket on their toes… the manicurist can mandatorily be tested & then provide pedicures only by appointment only. This absolutely should be considered as an “essential” service.

Because they’re germ factories

Never been to a salon have you? The several I have been in are clean. Lots of cleaning of equipment and washing of hands. Not sure I deem it an essential business, but they should be opened if we are allowing McDonalds, Walmart etc to be open.

Salons have to adhere to strict regulations set by the health Dept. I’m not saying to open for manicures as most people can manage that themselves and I consider that a luxury, not a need. However, maintenance of feet is an entirely different issue for seniors & physically challenged. So yes, I would definitely consider pedicures for that reason an essential.

Because nail appointments require a long period of intense, personal contact. The duration and intensity of the contact matter.

I’m not suggesting a glam pedicure here. Just clipping & cuticle. So soaking feet (15 mins) clipping nails (10 mins) cuticle care (15 mins). Lotion … out in 45 mins max. No nail polish, no gels, no glitter …Just basic foot care for clients who are physically unable to tend to their own feet. I’m sure there are a lot of senior men & women that would pay the regular full pedicure rate for just the basics right now.

a business free to choose

I mean if everyone else is a scared rabbit
they wont come

but if a business displays its freedom and the public as well
who is going to oppose them or arrest them
they are not hurting anyone
anyone concerned will just stay at home
basic common sense really

now the demorat socialist’s movement is experimenting on you seeing how far they can push you into socialism and appressed mentality.
do you conform easily ….do you rat out your neighbor…do you follow commands ….all worthy ideals that hitler used in the beginning of his take over
Pelosi and her puppet newscum are pulling off the biggest experiment ever into socialist tactic takeover and getting away with it

only beholding to the masters the Chinese government
who was able to perform the hugest germ warfare experiment and get away with it

with this knowledge of cause and effect they can and are already developing the next virus

to target specific ages and or gender or even race

you wanted to know what would happen when a rogue nation thought is was to big to fail …..

your living it right now

at least for a while …anyways

start to increase your immune system because it is going to get worse as we are bombarded repeatedly with germ warfare

so anyways lets open those boarders wide open and embrace the suck

just let who ever in and enjoy it right

oooohhhh left sorry…..heil

this fictional opinion is not related to anything we will ever be privy to or actually be told ….or able to stop

Thank You for your Post!!

I generally support the SIP. However, if it was an establishment that served or sold something I needed and they practiced social distance I would buy or order whatever I need. However, at this stage I don’t need much, mostly a haircut. Since I work at Macy’s I have a nice wardrobe, and what I want to buy now, things for my daughter and grandchildren, I can get at Macys.com I like to read, but I can buy books online, I don’t eat out much, especially in this area, since I meet friends in Petaluma or Sonoma.

Yes, and if anyone has a problem with that, I identify as a resident of the state of Georgia, so it’s cool.

Semper Fi, Jarhead.

Yes. Provide me a list, I will walk into each one this week. Support the small businesses so they have a chance to survive.

Yes, it’s happening already

I think this begins a social experiment to determine how much personal interaction can be tolerated without increasing the infection rate in the population. We are already learning about the uneven distribution of disease hot spots involving ethnicity and societal and social groups. The information gained could be used in the future determination of which business and industries require the most control.

I suspect that in a year or so, the barriers being installed now could be removed and stores until they are needed for another epidemic.

“… without increasing the infection rate in the population.”

I agree with you, but no such determination is possible without 100% testing mandated by decree. Not gonna happen.


Enough is enough….. definitely took shelter in place serious for 6 weeks now, it’s time start opening up things slowly.
To keep us on lockdown without the ease restrictions people are going to start rebelling.

Absolutely not. If the business can’t follow the SIP for the good of the community what makes me think they are taking the proper precautions to keep their clients safe? Sorry, you would lose my business so fast because I see that you value money over people.

Thank u! If only u knew what went on behind the scenes

Well said.

YES! And if a restaurant opens with a “No entry when wearing a mask” sign, I’ll sit down, order a nice big meal and leave a 100% tip.

YES full support 🙌

Yes, but my question is, “Would Claycord dare publish a list of such businesses, or a place where unmasked protesters were meeting?”

Everybody talks big and bad until they start coughing and can hardly see because their fever is so high, or how about that swab tickling your brain, sounds like fun to me!!!

If you’re talking about the test swab, it’s no big deal. It’s weird and kind of annoying for about five seconds, but the residual irritation stops in about 15-20 minutes. Sneezing is harder.

I took the test at about 6PM and was totally over it by the time I got home (6:30).

Interesting to see what people think are “needs” today and can’t live without.

Interesting to see all the Karens who want to dictate the lives of others while failing to grasp they are free to stay locked up in their homes as long as they wish.

It is interesting that people who for real or imaginary reasons feel that they need to “Cower-In-Place” think that everyone else should be forced to do the same thing, no matter how much it costs or harms them. This is kinda like the Pharaohs having all of their servants/slaves killed to keep them company when they die.

Yes, not much into TV and I miss browsing McCaulous for entertainment. Have been getting takeout all along and stuff I needed at CVS. Would like to do so without feeling like a criminal. Started out for Big 5 one day, but got sidetracked. I need to get my oil changed and have work done at the house, but I’ve been putting it off with the SIP. I’ve had enough of this. I have to say, however, that I found the power shutoffs far more anxiety producing. I’m going to die eventually anyway, but I’d rather be comfortable with lights, heat, AC, and the ability to cook until that happens.

I would spend at every business that opened against the health order and placed an American flag at the entrance.

Still gotta be careful going out, y’know. Might get run over by drivers of fire trucks that have nothing better to do than drive through neighborhoods for people’s birthdays. Or worse, be trampled to death by nurses, who have nothing better to do, performing choreographed dance routines.

Ahh I see what you did there..

Yes, enthusiastically.

No. It would increase the spread of Covid-19 causing even more delays.

Ask Master PO


Yes, it’s happening already


No, I won’t. There are many places I won’t shop, eat or visit because I choose not to. Others are free to do what the choose too. I sincerely hope they do not suffer health consequences for their decisions. But for myself, no.

That’s a very reasonable, fair and respectful answer. I understand your position too. Not sure there is a clear winning answer here. Civility is rare these days. Thanks for being a good person.

Yes I would!

It depends, if it’s a small business then yes I would support them and use there services. If we don’t support small businesses our economy is going to take a huge hit. And people truly need to get back to work to live. I have been lucky enough that for now my income hasn’t been effected and so ever week I have been supporting a different small business that has been open during these times. Although I can see it is getting busier out there which is good! Yes this virus kills but so can a lot of things. You could walk out of your house and for unknown reasons die. You can drive to work and get killed by a crazy driver. You can be out on a walk and get mauled by a dog. Everyday day is unknown. It’s a part of life.

lets do a little science experiment: lets see how many people on this thread that are willing to ignore the SIP are dead of Covid within a year, and how many aren’t. That way we can actually have verifiable data. There’s currently 56 postings. About 36 in this thread have said yes.

I would make out with a covid positive woman everyday of the week..If anybody could find 1…they are kind of a rare breed

Are you going to count asymptomatic people who get hit by a bus as Covid deaths?

@russ sayin, read @Bob Foo

@Sam, Dr Fauci said it’s OK to hookup with a total stranger you meet online.

I’d vote but it’d just screw up your numbers. I’m not destined to die of a virus related disease. Not sure why I feel I know that. But I do. Fate I think, is not done ‘effing with me yet. 🙂 Besides, somebody has to pay taxes, seen our deficit? It’s incredible: https://www.usdebtclock.org/

I’m in as long as she’s positive. I think I’m gonna date exclusively COVID-19 coronavirus + with symptoms. Does tinder have a filter for that?

Yes, of course

It’s idiotic to assume only businesses classified by politicians as “essential” are essential….and can operate safely.

Yes, because I want to choose what is essential for me and not someone else.

At this point,…yes, yes, yes…, I would support any business that would open its doors against Contra Costa County’s orders to stay closed.

These are just my thoughts (flame me if you must), but here we go:
Our leaders over-reacted, in the ways they handled the situation, and don’t want to (or politically can’t afford to) admit it. I don’t care what our Idiot-Governor, his Minions, or Law-Enforcement has to say about it. We can’t afford to put our lives on hold much longer. The chickens will come home to roost, sooner than later. Who wants to be broke when that happens? That scares me more than getting Covid-19. Those who think they are at risk, it should be their choice to stay home.
If work called me in today, I’d be relieved. Social Distancing is still a good precaution, but masking-up should be a personal choice.

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel, “creeped out” while in a public place when everyone has their face covered? People are dressed as: Doctors, Hazmats, or Antifas.

Yes. We’ve flattened the COVID-19 curve, now lets work on flattening the unemployment, poverty, and despair curves. It’s absolutely maddening that our County government refuses to commit to a date when we can start phase 2.

We need to ‘flatten’ some politicians!

@ chuckie the troll~
You sure got that Right,… 🙂


Yes !


Yes, I believe I would with precautions.

It shouldn’t be forgotten that the State and County encourage and facilitate the breaking of Federal law with respect to marijuana. They are not really big on rule of law.

I seriously don’t understand where people are getting the idea that “everyone is going to die” when businesses open up.

first of all the alleged death rate for this disease is less than 1%, and that’s not even taking into account the millions of people that probably have it that never had any symptoms and will never get tested. So going on that, the risk alone is extremely low. Furthermore, a large majority of deaths have been people who are above the age of 80, and in senior homes or other assisted care situations. That means less than half of the less than 1% of coronavirus victims are actually working age people.

Also, people seem to forget that there are still people working every single day during all of this. I haven’t had a day off work, I’ve worked 40 hours plus so far this year and there’s no signs of it stopping. Why am I not being considered a risk factor for this disease? I have been unable to take any precautions because I have to be out and doing my job. So if this is disease is so deadly, then why won’t I be relieved from my non-essential “essential” position? Diseases deadly enough to ruin the economy but not enough to really focus on who needs to actually be out working?

YES Many of these people have worked very hard for years to open and run the business.

Would stop by and evaluate for myself measures being taken, distancing, masks and if anyone besides me had additional protection of an old norton antivirus cd.
Gives folks a little chuckle and hopefully brightens their day.
Small neodymium magnets and hot glue gun


Probably, if they provided a service or goods I could use. I’m still shocked I was so crushed by this county having no target date for curbside pickup… and I hate dealing with online browsing/shopping. Hubby and I are huge window-shoppers– getting stuck only with shopped-out Target has been horribly depressing and tedious for both of us.

The virus is in charge, everyone else just along for the ride.


Our leaders sure seem to be walking it back now that the people are questioning this lockdown. Yesterday, LA’s Public Health Officer said “three more months”. Today LA’s Mayor said, “Don’t freak out – it’s changeable.” Now Breed is saying all retail can open for curbside pickup starting Monday. And Gavin has moved on to talking about wildfire. Crashing the economy wasn’t political? They only care about our safety? They’re sure changing their tunes in a hurry now. Guess the public health isn’t really all that important when it might cost them votes.

So far, the YES comments are outnumbering the NO comments dramatically.

If Walmart, Home Depot and Lowes can remain open, then Hobby Lobby, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Best Buy and Office Max should remain open. Social distance and wear a mask until this blows over. It does not take a Rocket Surgeon to figure this out.

Absolutely !!! We need to start a petition to recall Newsom ! He is going to run in 2020 for president !!! Look what he is doing to us now , imagine if he wins the WH, socialism/communism here we come !!!


I’ll go out of my way to support businesses that open early. And I’ll tip bigger if no masks are required.

Me and my entire neighborhood will support any business that opens-up in defiance of this Tyrannical government. We would also pay for any fines or penalties that the business might incur from Gestapo enforcement.

Any houses for sale on your block?

Yes. I believe in personal responsibilty. Get the government out of my life.

Yes. This isn’t financially possible anymore.

All states have open carry laws. But 45 of them permit it with limitations. There are also Federal regulations regarding open carry, people either don’t know or forget.


Already did.

My Barber gave me a haircut at his shop about 2 weeks ago and he’s located right here in Claycordland… Going to get another one next week too… and the Barber has a customer for life or as long as I have hair. Whichever comes first.

The Wife’s hairdresser came to the house to do her hair and I’m sure she feels the same way towards her hairdresser.

Personal relationships will trump, no pun intended, governmental edicts everytime.

No, I would not.
Especially when it comes to “personal pampering” services, remember that there is NO way a manicurist or barber/stylist can maintain a 6-foot distance from a client….. and that’s for about an hour at a time.
Let your hair grow into its natural color and texture; allow your nails to grow strong again; and just accept that for as long as it takes to CONTROL this pandemic, none of us gets to “have it all our way“.

An hour?! Takes 5 minutes, 10 tops, to shave and cut my hair. Anyone that needs an hour should stay home.

I agree with the SIP. I have gone to a salon to have my nails done, don’t have the patience to sit there while the manicurist work on my nails. I do them myself then I can listen to music, news etc. A haircut is different, I have very short layered hair, and after a few month it starts to look messy, and out of control, guess I will wear a hat when I go out until I can get it cut.

As long they show seriousness in the pandemic
As this is great opportunity to implement new guidelines lines to keep things more sanitary and clean. I Really believe temperatures should be checked at every entrance or some sort heat sensing technology that identifies shopers or employees with a temperature over a 100 limitinf the amount of people at a establishment and doing something about the high cost of rentband square footage of rentable business space because the fact we need to keep social distancing. This is real stuff folks I wish all of you would wake up and stop seeing this as some sort of government control. Think about Nana and Grandma and uncle joe or aunt lisa or those living with compromised ailments. You realise how many people are touching that slurpee machine handle all day long? Or why do people have to stand so darn close in the grocery store as if its going to make things any quicker. I remember at a grocery store one time seeing a lil old sweet lady maybe in her 90’s seemed very kind just smiling and right behind her not more than a 2 inches apart was this big tall dopey 20 years old with snot coming out his nose and sneezing looking obviously sick and unwell . I wanted to lunge at him and punch him in the face. It made me mad. Remember a lot people don’t have common sense. Another thought Maybe we can think about how we can stop pennealizeing employees who are sick with threats of being fired if they dont come to work. I know all of you have a boss or is a boss has fired or threatened of losing there job if yoy dare call in sick again. Bosses and managers dont give a dam cuz all you think is money money money . Now look what has happened you all are crying to get back to work and put your employees through countless number of pwople all day long and god forbid they call in sick because the customers didnt wash there hands after they wiped there rear. Yet workers tough it out and continue to clock in and stress there bodies even more time and time again and then wonder what ever happen to so and so oh well he got this and that at age 50. Wake up people have you lost your souls and minds. Good bye and thanks for your time.

No, unless it was to get a vehicle serviced. I need to do that. Are those places open these days? I had a bad experience at the last shop I tried. It was very close to home @ Clayton Rd. & Claycord Ave.. It would’ve been so convenient! I’m looking for a competent and reliable mechanic. Otherwise I’m okay with laying low. Being a statistic is not good in general.

Yo, Silva….Uncle said to tell you that D&H Auto on Monument Blvd. is a great shop.
He has never been disappointed with their work.

Hell YEAH!!!

NO. The current practices are for all our safety. Just because you may want a stylish haircut or pretty nails does not mean anyone should put themselves or others at risk! We need to eradicate this virus. Until a vaccine is available, we need to be patient and aware that we cannot be selfish.

Loogie – your position is selfish.

COVID cases are extremely low. Fatality rate is laughably low. More people die from the Flu.

Its not about the haircut. Its about an Nail salon employee or hair stylist able to earn a living. If they can go back to work they can, at least, slow down the cash outflow, and not lose everything. You are choosing to let millions of people their livelhood to reduce an already low fatality rate.

Why not target efforts to assist the elderly, immuno-compromised, and sick. Let others CHOOSE to go to a nail/hair salon or not? If you are concerned, YOU make an effort. If you have family who is concerned THEY make an effort. your safety is YOUR responsibility, not mine.

Selfish is restricting other people’s liberty and rights because of your fears.


With rights comes responsibilities.

I had no problem with the health orders until the county decided to start up jury duty again in groups of 50 people and I was told to expect long wait times and lines at the courthouse. I have yet to enter a store to go shopping during the pandemic and I wear a mask always but asking people to go to jury duty in groups of 50 people is too much . I am terrified for my safety. I will no longer follow county rules that make no sense . I can’t go to a meditation center and sit with 20 people outside and meditate but I can be coerced by the state into risking my life for jury duty ? I can’t shop at a retail store and do curbside pickup which I consider safe but I can be packed like a sardine with people I would normally never associate with from all over the county for jury duty in a badly ventilated room ? I can’t get a haircut and my kids can’t attend school but I can risk my life to go to jury duty in a group of 50 people which is against Cdc rules cause coco seems this is safe while going to church , school or shopping is not safe . So no I’m
no longer going to folllow the rules of the county health authorities because they make no sense and are putting people at risk . Open up your stores and churches . It’s much safer to support them then it is to go to jury duty !

Yes, Yes, yes…..but still to comply with face masks & social distancing.
We need to move on.

Here’s an add on question.

Would you pay a COVID 19 Surcharge?

Depends who it went to. If it went to the business to offset compliance expenses, I would happily pay a reasonable surcharge. If it went to the government, absolutely not.

I already do and I’ll continue to do so. I haven’t missed a haircut appointment since this craziness began.

If you’re scared, you can continue to panic and isolate yourself from the world. The rest of us won’t kneel to fascists and government tyranny. Life doesn’t stop because some minor functionary is on a power trip.

Patriots, take note of the Marxists that are exposing themselves in these times. These are the people that are not to be trusted in the future. This includes politicians as well as neighbors.

Nope. This pandemic is revealing just how stupid most of my fellow humans are. Go ahead and flaunt yer opposition to “teh tyranny diktat fashist” if it makes you feel better about yourself, but none of you get to infect me. We’ll see 100K+ deaths by 5/20, 250K+ by end of summer, and 1M+ by end of year. Look, I get that most of our elected leaders are incompetent corrupt fools, but y’all voted them in, so we’re getting the leadership we deserve. I for one will do my part to avoid spreading it, and avoiding all contact with mindless fools. Humanity: stupidity and arrogance, all in the same package.

Funny, you call the rest of humanity arrogant…

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Yes! If you don’t like it, you can stay home! How many of these 80/90 year olds with health problems wouldn’t of died soon anyways? Keep listening to Gavin, all he wants is the state of California on public assistance.

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Yes absolutely

I would support them only because the county has decided it’s safe enough for groups of 50 people from all over the county to meet for jury duty in a badly ventilated courtroom. This is something that is dangerous and yet I cannot go and meditate with a group of 20 people at church while social distancing or go shopping . Normally I don’t go to places like Richmond, Pittsburg or Martinez or mingle with a group of that size . I stay in concord Walnut Creek Area and literally rarely go out of my apartment these days .If it’s a small retail business , salon owner that I know or church in my neighborhood I would not feel alarmed about supporting them especially if they were using ppe and giving haircuts outside or church was outside . The county rules have become nonsensical. It’s unsafe for me to participate in large gatherings of 50 people unless I’m
summoned for jury duty but I can’t use my good judgement and go to an outdoor church service where I can socially distance or visit a small retail store where everyone is wearing a mask and I can socially distance or do curbside pickup. No I’m not going to follow county health orders because they make no sense . If jury duty is allowed which in my opinion is dangerous to my health then church should be allowed and other business should open .


Yes! Absolutely should allow small businesses to open (including salons and barber shops), just like the big businesses. It should be a personal choice where you choose to go.



Absolutely…. If you can go to big chain stores (target, Walmart, lowes, home depot, Costco, etc) you should be able to get one one appt with your stylist. period!

Yes. And please let it be a hair salon.

No. Not against county orders.


Yes, as long as precautions are being taken and cleanliness between clients are being followed as needed to he safe. In all honesty I believe that Salons/Barbers and Nail salons are some of the most hygiene efficient businesses(or atleast where I go). If you think about it state boards require them to sterilize all of their utensils after being soild even one time along with certain regulations or being fined. AS well as nail salons wearing gloves and masks the entire time anyways along with there never being more than 4 people in at a time. I think if Walmart can be open and work accordingly then so can these small businesses that aren’t receiving assistance from anywhere else at this point in this pandemic.

They have had us under house arrest long enough. We know how to protect ourselves and our elderly so open things back up and let us have our freedom back. This is unconstitutional.


Yes! They have to survive too!

Absolutely, my hair is a mess! Getting a hair cut is no different than walking past people in the super market


Yes!! Absolutely. Already Have !!!

No, not yet. For me it is about the science And safety . Opening up now will cause a surge in more cases. I want to work and I want to support businesses safely. It isn’t about freedom, corona virus isn’t political it’s a virus that kills.

1 million % yes, if politicians can get there hair and etc done we should be able also. Everyone has to take responsibility for there own safety.

Straight up. Theres never going to be a vaccine for it and you can’t hide inside forever. Im a essential worker and have been working everyday. It’s time.

No way

So we can go stand in line at Walmart where thousands of people pass through everyday spreading God knows what, you and you’re trying to tell me that it’s safer them going into a salon one person at a time with probably 20 to 30 people in there throughout the day. Statistically you’re much more likely to pick something up at one of the establishments that are open right now. And what about the millions of people that are currently grocery clerks, delivery drivers, warehouse workers, doctors, nurses, cops, garbage pickup, farmers transportation workers, I guess all you that are sitting at home think their life is less valuable than yours, they should work so you can sit at home? Open up the salons just be safe about it.

Yes…in a heart beat!!!

100,000% NO

While it doesn’t seem so right now, this is a free country and in reality the people will decide when we reopen if the Government doesn’t.
It is happening already.
Those who aren’t ready, I am not sure what you are waiting for.
A cure? Research the percent of viruses with cures and how long it takes. HIV still doesn’t have a cure and the treatment used today took years to develop.
Shelter in place wasn’t intended to be put in place while we waited for a cure, it was put in place to flatten the curve to reduce a spike that our hospitals couldn’t handle. That has happened. Do you know that hospitals are in financial risk of closing and are laying off health care workers.
Now our politicians are in a position to have to make a decision to open. I wnder how many polls are being taken? Opening our state isn’t risk free. People will still get sick and some people will die. It requires a politically courageous politican to make this decision so I fear the wait will be too long in CA unless people stand up and say enough. Nothing in life is risk free.


Not I. But, my 93 yr old Mother is driving me nuts about getting her hair cut.

Emphatically YES!


Over one million people in CCC and only 17 in the hospital?
Our hospitals are NOT being overwhelmed.
We are being Mommied !
Time to open up again.

Has anyone seen the hospital tents at the Pavilion?

Absolutely yes. We have flattened the curve, we have successfully kept our health care from being over run, and now we need to start living – cautiously and with care, but not in fear


Yes we all need to be responsible for our own health and safety. I would like to see restaurants open too. I have sewn over 100 masks and headbands and scrub caps for hospital workers, I wear a mask and keep my distance. I am tired of the government telling me what I can’t do.




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