Home » PG&E To Cut Power On Friday To Several Homes Between Bailey Rd. & Kirker Pass Rd. In Concord

PG&E To Cut Power On Friday To Several Homes Between Bailey Rd. & Kirker Pass Rd. In Concord


PG&E will be temporarily interrupting electric service to several homes in Concord on Friday in order to install new overhead equipment.

The planned electric service interruption affects the following streets:

Ayers Rd, Diablo Vista Ct, Myrtle Dr, Ponderey Pl, Debra Ln, Leo Ln, Malu Ln, Concord Blvd, Laurel Dr, Earl Ln, Penny Ln, Swlsta Way, Roberts Crt, Oleary Ln, Lowana Cir, Otilia Ln, Hurtts Dr, Helena Dr, Ellard Pl, Mustang Crt, Paul Ln, Holly Dr, Palomino Pl, Kirker Pass Rd.

The planned outage will be from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.


Anyone with questions or comments should call 925-674-6571.

RELATED STORY: Above Normal Temperatures Expected On Thursday, Friday – Contra Costa County Could See 95-Degrees

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That is going to be a long cutoff. Looks like more than several homes.

Yes, glad to see it get done, but with SIP and 95 degrees that day prediction, not happy to hear this.

Weather Underground is predicting for that area 93 degrees on Friday. Predicted high on Monday three days later is 74 degrees.

Pack bottles of water in freezer tonight or tomorrow to help keep refrigerator cool while power is out.

PG&E needs to postpone this work. Hottest day of the year at 95+ degree. Not safe for elderly and kids to be stuck in their homes with no a/c and power.

Why didn’t they do the critical work when the the weather was good? Due to the SIP there will not be any cooling centers like the library for the elderly or pools for kids to play in. This is really bad planning.

PGE has been in overdrive and has been massively working on projects. I have a family member that works for PGE and he has said they are working like crazy. So, yes, work will be upsetting but you can’t say “poor” planning unless you yourself work in that department of PGE and see the massive amount of work they completed and have yet to do.

Internet Masses: “PGE sucks! They never maintain!”
PGE responds with getting work done.
Internet Masses: “God! Why does PGE have to do all this work?!”

Realist: I get it, but this could seriously KILL SOME OLD FOLKS who have NOWHERE TO GO RIGHT NOW. Maybe when COVID is over and folks can find a place to go for a couple hours it might be different. Seems to me the liability would be really high right now, but then again, when did PG&E ever make good decisions????

Perfect timing. The weather that day is going to be 93 degreess

No air conditioning, no internet, no television, no video games. And these people are supposed to be sheltering in place. Good luck with that.

With current SIP, Saturday would have been a much better day.

Why would PG&E choose to do start a new project during a SIP? Residents are currently working from home and can’t go to anywhere to get out of the heat. This is a health hazard for many and ridiculous that it can’t wait.

All I can think about is all the students that can’t do school work or participate, when participation is at its importance, due to the pass fail grading.

Hope you’re not an English teacher.

Boom..I’m dying over here

@HS Teacher
Here’s something else to think about other than students who have already missed weeks of schooling and will miss ONE MORE DAY. A woman in Texas was jailed for not apologizing to judge drunk with power. Think about that.

It’s going to be 95 degrees with no power and we’re not supposed to leave the house? I guess we have to be roast then! haha!

Look at the pattern, whenever the temperature goes up PG&E cuts off the power. What is the real cauae?

OMG That’s insane! If I lived on one of those streets, I’d be protesting loudly in front of PG&E and calling the MEDIA! THERE IS NOWHERE FOR PEOPLE TO GO RIGHT NOW. The temp with no electrical service can easily KILL PEOPLE. HOW MANY OLD FOLKS LIVE HERE, THAT CANNOT FIND SOMEWHERE ELSE TO GO TO STAY COOL?????????

Our Street had this done a year or so ago and the stated time was 9-5. Service didn’t come back on until almost 730pm; so glad to see they’ve updated their service hours on the letter. I still had stuff in my freezer that went bad, and you can’t file a claim when it’s a planned outage. #A$$HOLES


That’s right, they scheduled this work months ago because they have crystal balls and knew it was going to be hot and piss off a bunch of folks who would call them a$$holes. Congrats…….you proved their crystal balls worked. And no, I don’t work for or know anyone who works for PG&E.

Worst time ever. People are working from home, taking classes from home, it’s going to be a hot day, plus people’s refrigerated food supplies could be affected. A couple of days before Mother’s Day? What are they thinking?! This should have been handled on a better day– weekend and during cooler weather. Was the notice only one day in advance??

Perfect timing. Make as many people as possible miserable and angry. PG&E must have been getting frustrated waiting until the temps were just right.

And Walnut Creek has a Supreme Court.

Interesting to note that Concord has a Penny Lane. Why are my posts being deleted, Claycord?

Could we get clarification as to if those roads are going to be closed also?

Maybe if enough people call then PG&E will reschedule this project. One of the things they need is the letter ID which is in the top right hand corner of the notice that you were mailed for those in the affected area.

Let them know that residents are sheltering in place and it is not safe for them to move to an alternative location. There are also no public cooling stations available due to COVID-19 restrictions. It’s projected to be 95 degrees that day meaning it’s also not safe for some residents to remain in place.

Grew up in AZ 110 or more lose power. So what, take a cold shower. Keep you cool for a while, repeat if you have to. Should have left the windows open over night and closed them first thing in morning. Grill outside don’t cook inside. Keep it cool until 3-4pm.

Oh by the way OLD people live in AZ too and deal with it. Stuff happens. Are ways to keep cool with out Electricity. Sorry but absolutely no sympathy. Glad PG&E is doing work.

Wow, you have adopted the California motto really quickly, “it’s all about me”. You attitude will continue to ensure that CA keeps deteriorating.

let’s also think about all the kids who are virtual schooling right now. what will they do?

Let’s see mmmmmm make it up tomorrow?

I thought The Majority were calling for Government takeover / oversight?
Well, you got your wish!!!
Now, PG&E will have to pay a huge fine everyday until the project is completed.

It’s ONE day people get a grip.

Sit in your backyard under a tree with a glass of lemonade like people use to.

Until it affects you when your wife is laid off from work dealing with a 4 and 2 year old when it’s 95 degree forecast. I’m lucky enough to still be employed but I find this movement on the project scale by PG&E to be silly (IE suspend it) This is also coming from someone that is used to adapting and overcoming for almost a decade of military service. You can have your lemonade under a tree for 10 proposed hours and tell me how many glasses you would have….

Utilities often have to plan their work a year ahead. They try plan by the season but that’s unreliable. Look at the weather report, It’s May and we are looking at rain next week.

Please excuse typos, I must learn to proof read BEFORE hitting “Submit”. – Kirkwood

All power companies in the United States should be included under the National Emergency, be listed aa essential and supply power 24/7.

I’m affected by this. This was already supposed to happen twice. And was postponed. So hard to believe it’s been planned so long that they can’t postponed again. It’s really crappy it’s gonna be so hot. And all 3 of my kids will miss their class zoom meetings. Ugh

The best place to go keep cool is petco or large food stores like whole foods
Or FoodMax, walgreens or safeway out of these zones affected .

Fill you Bathtubs now with cold water to soak in!!
Good luck!

Most likely this is work related to the system hardening that PGE is required to complete by a certain date. From my time in construction I know that they have to notify so many days in advance of a planned shutoff.

Was at my least favorite Safeway on Willow Pass. It was around 5pm when the lights went out. Empty shelves, no lights, everyone in masks, just waiting for the zombies. No back up generator. Had to leave cart. They did put our carts in back fridge.



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