Home » State Of California Has Sent Out $10B In Unemployment Insurance

State Of California Has Sent Out $10B In Unemployment Insurance


Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the state has dispersed more than $10 billion in unemployment insurance throughout the state since March 15, shortly before the state’s COVID-19 coronavirus shelter-in-place order began.

Roughly 4.1 million California residents have received about $10.1 billion in unemployment insurance, including roughly 450,000 people who are self-employed.

“This is unprecedented in our state’s history,” Newsom said.

“These are numbers that no one thought they’d see in our lifetime.”


Newsom said he plans to work with the state Legislature to include more protections for self-employed and gig economy workers in the May revision of the state budget, which legislators must pass by June 15.

For essential workers and workers whose businesses may open in the next week as the state begins modifying its stay-at-home order, Newsom said the state has procured millions of protective masks and other items in recent weeks. The state has dispersed some 14 million protective items and still has a stockpile of nearly 20 million items that are ready for use.

The state has prioritized health care workers, first responders and workers in skilled nursing and assisted living facilities for protective gear, but Newsom said grocery and retail workers will begin receiving protective items from the state very soon.

“I can assure you, all of these months, we have never had so many procedure masks, surgical masks in our possession, now able to be distributed all across the state of California,” Newsom said.


The state is still planning to allow some low-risk businesses and industries to resume operations on Friday. However, Newsom chastised a handful of northern California counties who have announced their intentions to open higher-risk businesses such as hair salons and dine-in restaurants.

“They’re making a big mistake,” Newsom said of Yuba and Sutter counties. “They’re putting their public at risk, they’re putting (the state’s) progress at risk.”


Anonymous May 8, 2020 - 3:23 PM - 3:23 PM

“These are numbers that no one thought they’d see in our lifetime.”

Dripping with irony, that is. 🙁

As far as the “gig economy,” how about create a pro-business environment similar to what Texas is doing so we can attract companies? Companies are expanding all the time, yet I keep hearing a popular expansion policy is “Anywhere but California,” thanks to our high taxes and anti-business environment.

But it may be for naught. If we don’t reclaim our manufacturing base from China, the gig economy is here to stay and we will continue our fall to becoming a third world country.

nytemuvr May 8, 2020 - 4:16 PM - 4:16 PM

@Anonymous… But, but, we’re a “nation-state” says Gabbin’ Newscum.

RANDOM TASK May 8, 2020 - 3:34 PM - 3:34 PM

wow masks

how about denouncing the high speed scam train
its obvious we were duped and you took advantage of elderly and young voters

your sarcasm to keep taxation without representation is not funny to us

we the people no longer want watch politicians make their own rules at our expense

sending a billion dollars to the Chinese was foolish enough but
scamming the public with a 30 year bond for a scamtrain is low even for a Pelosi puppet politician

step up and end the fleecing of this state and actually care about the people
in stead of just using them

Dena May 9, 2020 - 4:01 AM - 4:01 AM

Yep agree with it all, Newsom is not owning up. Sending a billion to china for masks, but yet they were the ones who made the virus not seem as bad so that the us “wouldnt take all their masks” now after they seem to be doing better, we have to rely on them for their masks…. so stupid not hard to figure out lol newson thinks this will be easier than thought.

ZZ May 8, 2020 - 4:11 PM - 4:11 PM

Newscum has RUINED the gig workers! Protect us?! Stay out of our lives Newsum!

Antonius May 8, 2020 - 4:21 PM - 4:21 PM

I guess that “special group” of people that have a fruit stands on many intersections in Concord every day did not get their unemployment check, mask or the county health department notice that we all must remain at home until they give us permission to go out. Call the COVID Police!!!

Original G May 8, 2020 - 4:39 PM - 4:39 PM

Yuba had 20 cases, one death and has only five active cases.
Sutter had 31 cases, two deaths and has only three active cases. Counties should be open.

Even worse,
Tuolumne had 2 cases, zero deaths and has 2 active cases.
Alpine had 2 cases, 0 deaths and has 1 active case.
Del Norte had 3 cases, 0 deaths and has 0 active cases.
Colusa had 3 cases, 0 deaths and has 3 active cases.
Plumas had 4 cases, 0 deaths and has 0 active cases.
Siskiyou had 5 cases, 0 deaths and has 0 active cases.
Glenn had 6 cases, 0 deaths and has 1 active case.
Lake had 8 cases, 0 deaths and has 2 active cases.
Amador had 8 cases, 0 deaths and has 0 active cases.
Mendocino had 12 cases, 0 deaths and has 1 active case.
Calaveras had 13 cases, 0 deaths and has 0 active cases.
Mariposa had 15 cases, 0 deaths and has 3 active cases.
Some would argue these counties above are being caused financial harm unnecessarily by being forced to stay closed.

Is only reason these counties are closed, because newsom fears other counties and their citizens will see open counties, resent the disparity and remember when they cast votes in NOvember, causing democrat losses ? ? ?

Or is he fearful of people becoming fed up, becoming defiant and public ignoring instructions. Have to remember liberals is strange people sometimes.

Am already seeing more traffic each day driving home from work. Last weekend pool parties are in full swing, some at homes that I know to be members of law enforcement.

To keep track of counties, this website.

Cellophane May 8, 2020 - 4:48 PM - 4:48 PM

Newsom. I have no words.

Who’s paying for all this giveaway money?

Sure, people need money but opening up the economy would be better than sending people money to sit at home.

Newsom himself follows no one’s rules.

Yet he chastised people for not following his rules.

No with his voter fraud executive order, he’ll win again by a landslide even if not a single person votes for him.

Dena May 9, 2020 - 4:20 AM - 4:20 AM

Pretty sure he is guna dry us out.. selfish governor. I bartended and all my bartending an restaurant friends need to go back. No more. Going too far slick back weasel.

The Wizard May 9, 2020 - 7:39 AM - 7:39 AM

Dena, Get name for Gav. fit’s him fine.

The Wizard May 8, 2020 - 5:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Remember when voting.. No on Bonds and new Taxes

Eastbay Babe May 8, 2020 - 6:49 PM - 6:49 PM

I have been doing that

Rolling Wheels May 9, 2020 - 4:41 PM - 4:41 PM

Don’t forget about them trying to eliminate prop 13, so property taxes, go higher

me May 8, 2020 - 5:31 PM - 5:31 PM

Newsom has put the state as risk. And he is Pelosi’s nephew btw.

Strad May 8, 2020 - 7:31 PM - 7:31 PM

White House Economic Adviser Larry Kudlow said the Trump administration is preparing contingency plans for a possible second wave of the new coronavirus, but that those plans won’t include an economic shutdown.

Barbie Girl May 8, 2020 - 10:35 PM - 10:35 PM

There was a glitch on the Unemployment Department computers showing some people made zero last year when they indeed made money, paid into it. So they can’t collect unemployment.

MJ Murray May 11, 2020 - 2:25 PM - 2:25 PM

Something does not add up here. I filled for unemployment over 5 weeks ago and I still have not received a cent. Only correspondence I got was that my claim was opened online. That’s all. So….. where are my benefits. Somehow I would not be surprised if “undocumented” received something and I did not.

Cowellian May 11, 2020 - 3:03 PM - 3:03 PM

My son was in that position for several weeks. He gave up on their website and called. Once he finally got through, he waited for hours for someone to talk to, but his persistence paid off. He got his unemployment last week.

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