Home » Question: In-N-Out Burger – Yea Or Nay?

Question: In-N-Out Burger – Yea Or Nay?


Some people like it, some people hate it.

We want to know what you think about In-N-Out Burger.

In-N-Out – Yea or Nay?


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Burgers are fine, the wait at the drive through doesn’t justify it though. Often on the road we can find a location without too much of s line. Our local in-n-outs… we pretty much avoid.

Yea! Love them and miss them terribly as any time I go to Target their line is HUGE (wrapping around in the lot beside Burlington, extending out onto Concord Ave, etc). I’ll be back eventually.

Yay, but I won’t wait in a fat line for it.

So basically, I get it once a year or something. It is good though.

Yay Will go there before any of the others like McDonalds,Burger King, Jack in the Box, or Wendys for starters


I like it. Good, simple food and not expensive. You always know what you’re getting and it’s consistent.

They also have ‘pup patties’ – a strictly meat, unsalted burger patty for your dog. Good on road trips.

I vote Yea!

I just wish we had them here.

Yea 👍

Yea! Wish there was one closer to me than PH.

Nothing really good about them. Would so much rather have Super Duper than In-n-Out

3 times a year they are good for a double-double animal style..

Dang, you sound like my EX! Did we once date? 😍

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I know many people love In-N-Out but I’ve never been that impressed with either their hamburgers or French fries.

I’m with you. I just dont see the big deal. I think it is a mental thing. People are told they are so great…that suddenly they believe it.

I like them. They provide a good experience. Other fast food can claim they do individual items better such as McDonald’s fries, Habit’s burgers, and such but In&Out provides the best overall experience of food and happy surroundings.

just another burger joint to pick from. nothing special.


Fries taste like cardboard and burgers are nothing special

Sawdust burgers & cardboard fries

No matter which In & Out I’ve gone into, the fries always taste like they’ve been cooked in oil that was used to cook fish in!

Yea…used to love them (protein style) until I tried a Smashburger.

Oh Yeah,….Smashburger are darn yummy!

Yay! But the ironically named In-N-Out lines make it an In-N-Wait experience.

Been eating them for over 60 years, so Yea.

I’ve only eaten at the one in Petaluma. It was little different than the other chain burger places. A burger is a burger. Locally I get a burger at 5-Guys because the fries come from fresh potatoes. I’ve heard that Habit has a good burger but have never been close to one at lunch time.

@ Kirkwood

IN-N-Out makes their fries from fresh cut
potatoes. Go in and check out the arms
on the guy or gal who operates the hand
slicer machine.

I used to work for INO, a little over 7 years. Ate is 5 times a week for about that long. When I left I didn’t touch one for 2 years, but that first one I had? Best fast food burger ever. I was so ready to be sick of it, but I still love it.

I’m not big on hamburgers so rarely ever go, only to take kids once in a while, I might get a shake.

But in general, I love In-N-Out because it’s a great AMERICAN success story, love always seeing the long line of cars waiting, they have awesome customer service, they pay well, great job for teens/young adults.

Depends where you buy them……Five Guys is the best……..AW on Clayton Road is the worst; They are barely cooked

I agree with you on A&W on Clayton Rd, Horribly managed, and the food?…an embarrassment at best.
I’m a toss up on 5 Guy’s and Habit Burger. Both great in their own way.

So…who has posted this?who wants to know?
Is this a free market-survey for In-n-out? Company paying Claycord? Or is it just a friendly neighbor asking for opinion.

Super Burger in Concord is better.
Did I mention it is in Concord?

@ Edi Birsan

Edi, you forgot to mention that IN-N-OUT
tried to open stores in Concord but the
city would not cooperate with them.
I’m sure that Pleasant Hill is enjoying
those big tax dollars that Concord lost out on.

Pleasant Hill City Council is just smarter.

Quality reply Shoulda Coulda. Maybe Edi is horrified because they put a scripture reference on their cups. SO GLAD the Concord leadership kept all those tax dollars out of Concord, we don’t elect them to run our city and make our taxes lower, we elect them to safe us stupid rubes from ourselves.

Thanks Edi! Poor suckers in Pleasant Hill dealing with In-N-Out and the suffering masses in WC that have to put up with a Chick-fil-A. I can’t imagine the horror they live with every day. Just counting the tax dollars alone must be hellish, let alone those pesky Christian values.

Did you mean Super Duper? Comparing a farm to table burger ($$) to a fast food burger ($) isn’t really fair. Yes, they are good but the wait for a burger from them without a long line is as long as the wait for a burger from In N Out with a long line. People will happily drive (literally) 1 more mile to Pleasant Hill to pay less and not deal with the Veranda parking lot if they want a quick bite.

If that’s Super Duper, did the patty quality ever improve? They were great the first few months after they opened. After that, the meat got gristly and greasier. I haven’t been in about a year or so.

Burger Lounge and Next Level are my places these days.

My go to place is Digger’s and that’s in Concord too and a small business, not a chain.

Maybe twice a year I get in-n-out. And I love it each time. so YAY

We don’t need an In & Out in Concord. We need another high-rise and some more apartments.

The pros:
Hamburgers are good
Restaurant is always clean
Service is fantastic

The cons:
Small menu. Sometimes you want something else.
Fries are okay. They are my least favorite of any place that offers fries.

I haven’t been there in a year. If you know the best times to go, the wait isn’t bad at all. Quite frankly, Five Guys is better. Not a fan of their fries either, but hey they have peanuts! I’m even enjoying The Habit more these days. Mona’s is by far the best burger I’ve ever eaten. The variety at other places is sometimes more appealing.

We have Five Guys here, but I’ve had enough customer service issues with them that I won’t be going back.

Five Guys did something dirty to my boy, and I saw it. He got there hungry 5 minutes before closing time, they said they’d take his order, they sure took his money but when he got home in 5 minutes time and sat down to eat, it was all inedible. I could see by looking across the table that stuff was old and cold. Don’t tell someone you’ll take care of them and sell them a burger you made 2 hours ago and fries that were in the warmer 4 hours. He was a regular customer till then. Not nice at all, and people remember.

Everyone knows fried hamburger is good for you but the freshness sells me when I just have to have one. The place is very clean and the employees are very polite. If we had one here in Concord, it would do very well…..and I would be there every week. The hassle with the traffic in PH is a drawback so I go once a month….I know… I’m bad….never heard of Smash burger, where are they?

One of my favorite burger places; we ate at the one in San Ramon last week. The line was long, but moved pretty quickly, as inside was almost empty. I watched it and it took 17 minutes, even though the line was about a block long. In-N-Out is our go-to place when we drive to LA, San Diego or Oregon.

I think the burgers at The Habit are even better, but the parking at the one in WC is terrible.

Until Tommy Burger moves up from SoCal, In/Out is always option #1 when possible.


Yes! But I do go at “off” hours…..which really are only15 minutes long, and at indeterminate times! I always go inside (can’t do the exhaust fumes outside in that line.

Yea! Burgers are good and the bun is a decent size so you enjoy the whole burger without filling up on large bun.

I like Fuddruckers too but their buns are way too big.

I’m not much for fast food, but In-N-Out is not as bad as the others. In-N-Out’s owner Lynsi Snyder, is involved in the In-N-Out Burger Foundation which helps prevent child abuse and neglect. She also funds Healing Hearts and Nations, providing counseling for the underprivileged in Africa and India. She likes to race cars and she’s awfully cute.

Is Lynsi Snyder single?

George, Nope, she’s married, but it’s her fourth marriage so if this one fails, you may have a chance. She’s a billionaire, young, and cute.
Go for it.

Love it! Grew up in inland empire and had 3 in and outs in city I lived in. Up here in NorCal I hardly ever go. Lines at pleasant hill are waaaay too long . Wish they’d open more of them because their food is awesome but we usually end up going to The Habit or MooYa. In and out just not worth that 25-30 min wait

The Habit.. YUM!

In-N-Out is the ONLY fastfood burger I’ll eat. Fresh meat, slice of fresh tomato, fresh green, leafy lettuce, brioche bun. I like the crispy fries and a chocolate shake to go with it. I always go inside, so I haven’t been by lately because I didn’t know if the restaurant (which is always immaculately clean by the way) was open. The drive through would be way cold by the time I got home. Guess I could park and eat it in the parking lot … or some nearby park. I like their business model and for the money, it’s a great burger.

I completely agree and that’s exactly how I feel about INO!


Yea, but not in PH. I don’t like the long lines.

My husband swears the taste different there.
He likes the one in Atascadero 🙄

Yea, great burgers and shakes
Fries not good..to healty…great service.

Nay. My goto’s are Gotts in Walnut Creek and Super Duper Burgers in the Veranda.

Monument Man, Gotts is over priced and the bun doesn’t hold up. Flavorless. Have yet to try Super Duper.

I love the fact that the menu is simple. My usual order is the hamburger with raw onions, fries & vanilla shake. During the rush, the restaurant has a tendency to be tight with the fries. I don’t know if the employee is feeling rushed when scooping up the fries or he/she was told not to scoop uptoo much. b/c they are getting low on the potatoes.

AA Double-Double Animal style, FFs and a vanilla shake is as close to burger perfection as there is.

Definite YAY.

I have eaten many times and many different stores. They have always maintained the stores clean and and the food is very good. The only thing is that they need better traffic flow planning.

Last time I was in San Diego I had a hamburger on a pretzel bun. Not only was the bun good but it never fell apart. I was sort of hoping Mexican restaurants would start making pretzel tortillas because every time I order a burrito the bottom of the tortilla falls out.

Classic reply!!! This can be the honest truth, or a really good troll comment regarding that pretzel bottomed burrito!!!

Love it especially on road trips many along I-5. Been to the store when in Vegas and bought Christmas lights with burgers, fries, shakes, and palm trees strung with a white cord 🙂

One day some years back my boy insisted I must try an In-N-Out Burger, fries, and a shake. He drove me out to maybe Fairfield (or was it Vacaville?) and bought me the meal. I thought it was okay, he said it was worth driving 30 or 35 miles for but though it wasn’t bad, I’d never drive 30 or 35 miles for it, even if I was into fast food, which I avoid. I didn’t see anything that would make it outstanding among fast food burger place besides some extra shake flavors. I don’t get it.

Yea, for that once a year I can brave the line. The burgers and fries are good quality for the price. They have a nice, simple, low-frills kind of appeal you can’t find anywhere else. Plus, the shakes are delicious.

Yea!!! Very good and consistent quality throughout the state.

Overall, yes.

To me their fries are “mealy”. MCD fries are better.

Yay…….5 Guys is $22 vs In-n-Out $9……….although, I’m hungry again 2 hours later

Yay! Dbl-dbl w onions for me! And animal style fries.


Not really hard to make a good burger. However, the In-N-Out experience is superior. It’s clean, friendly, respectful and reasonably priced…hence the perpetual lines

I love their food. Give me two Double-Double burgers (animal style), and a shake,…I’m happy.

The first In and Out Burger I tried was the one in San Carlos, I wasn’t that impressed, suppose it is better than McDonald. When I drive down to LA to visit my daughter, I have at times stopped at on somewhere in the Valley.
The Habit Burger has great vanilla milk shakes, I have not tried their burgers yet.

The best burger, where I take all my European visitors, is Perry’s on Union Street in San Francisco. I tell my visitors this is a real American hamburger, or cheese burger, it is especially good with one of Perry’s Bloody Mary’s. I use to go to Perry’s often, but haven’t been there in years, not sure quality is the same.

If you hate In-N-Out are you even Californian, bro?

Come on. It’s a living legend. You can like Five Guys better for the taste and the fries or whatever, but In-N-Out is an amazing enterprise: the burger, the consistency, the high standard of service, the speed. It’s a point of pride for a state that could really use some these days.

Wonderful response! 🙂

Meh. No burger-and I mean NO burger-is worth that long a wait.

I can’t lie so I will just tell you the truth.

It’s ok.

It’s formula is just nostalgia and trying to copy a formula built by mc donalds by keeping it just simple.

I don’t hate. but it just a small vision and it manifested into what you see before you.

It’s been missing something and the fries…yeah, um. They know that, and don’t want to mess things up from a simple burger experience.

You could make something better at home and that’s no lie.

Truth hurts.

Yes!!!The best burgers, the best fries , the best shakes and THE BEST PRICES!!!

Burger and shakes yes, fries no

They are ok, but not worth the wait in a line. My favorite: Carl’s Jr. 6-dollar burger. That and the Quinton burger at Ed’s Mudville in Clayton.

YEA this is what we had back in the 50s.

its fast, its good, the menu is simple and the price is right

Marie and I love in N Out. Excellent quality for a good price.

The reason the other fast food places are faster is because their lines are shorter (everyone else went to In n’ Out).
In n’ Out is constantly busy because the offer a consistently good, fresh product at a reasonable price and the employees are well groomed and POLITE!
That is why the owner (who inherited this family owned business) is a friggin billionaire.
She hasn’t changed the business plan.
If something works, don’t fix it.
So…. I guess that is a “Yea”

Brandi, Lynsi Snyder was given control of the company’s stock on her 35th birthday.
Not a bad birthday present.

Well…. happy to be mistaken. Thanks Dawg

Brandi, you are not mistaken, she inherited the family owned business on her 30th birthday, but on her 35th birthday she got full control.


Yay, when the line is long, I park and go inside, wait isn’t as long. I know how to get out of my car and go order food. Plus the line does move really quick in the drive thru.

Yea. Just not in my neighborhood.

Yay. The value cannot be beat.

Definite YAY. Yes the lines are long but from start to finish it’s only about 30 minutes and in reality that’s not too bad. Also if you haven’t yet, try their animal style fries (best thing ever!)

Fuddruckers and IN-n-OUT are tops! Fuddruckers has an edge with me as they provide limitless lettuce and tomatoes for their servings plus other choices.


True – and as an added bonus, from the condiments bar you can put a large lettuce leaf on your plate and build a small salad on it, then go to the mayo/catsup bar and mix up some thousand island dressing. I haven’t been to Fudruckers in over a decade.

I haven’t been there since they closed the WC location. It was a sad day.


Ben’s Burgers rules them all IMO.

Yes I like In-N-Out but I do not like dealing with the traffic everyday from it.

Hubby and I love In and Out, but can only get them when we travel back to CA for a visit.
Does anyone remember Jolly’s on Monument? 15 cent burgers, and they were good! Yes, they were small, but at that price you could afford to buy enough to fill up, and loved their fries as well.
Back in the day though, the best burgers, also on Monument, 1/4 Pounder. Unlike Wendy’s they most definitely were HOT and JUICY!
Anyone else old enough to remember CHAPS DRIVE IN downtown? Also a good burger/fry place! My sister worked there during high school, and I still remember the smell of french fries permeating our house, when she came in from work wearing her uniform. They also had really good tacos, and their taco sauce was so good, my parents started ordering it by the gallon!
There are just some things from childhood that bring back the fondest of memories, and I’m glad I grew up in that era.

Yep. I do. We were so lucky.

I think In N Out is great, but I’m not going near that line. Not worth it.

👍Your Right! That Line is always insane anytime of the Day or night there is always such a long line!

In-N-Out is an absolute YAY for me. No matter how long the wait is, it’s worth it for me. I love it. If I could, I would eat it EVERY SINGLE DAY.



After going gluten free last year, In N Out became a favorite due to SAFE fries! Their idea on HOW to wrap a burger in lettuce can be hit and miss, but then again, so can Nations & Habit. Every couple weeks I’ll suffer through the line and treat myself to it. It’s just nice to be able to eat fries on the way home again. 🙂

A big HELL YEA. A SoCal institution that took far too long to expand to the SF Bay Area.

Meh burger. Horrible fries.

I love in in-and-out Burger. I normally don’t even eat meat but cannot drive by in-and-out without going through.

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Definitely Yay! I love In and Out Burger!

Biggest possible yay. Been going for 30 years and only ever had one bad experience. Quality is great. Service is great. Super consistent. Best fast food burger in my opinion. Best burger period for the money.

YAY!!! I LOVE IT!! I’m orginally from Southern California and I when we moved up here to the Bay area along time ago now I was a kid. But one thing I Missed so much was In-N-Out! I was So Happy to see when they came up here!

Absolutely YAY!!! I Love In-n-out

And they’re not just a great burger, they’re a great company. They’re family-owned, based in SoCal. They hire local high school kids and pay $1 over minimum wage to start. The work the kids hard but instill pride of workmanship in their employees. A lot of their senior management started out flipping burgers in high school and are still there 40 years later. They are the opposite of your typical American public corporation.

In n Out is good but i’ve had better. The In n Out in pleasant hill gets too much business and i find the food mediocre at best. The In n Out in pittsburg and the one in brentwood far superior in my opinion.

I do like In and Out. Lately I like Wendy’s Hamburgers the best.

In-n-out is OK if goopy soggy is what you’re going for. It got much more appetizing once I learned you can get fries ” well done” instead of thier standard “impotent mush” style.

Visited the midwest last summer and fell in love with Steak ‘n Shake. Wish we had those here – really good burgers and a decadent menu of legit shakes. I bought some of their steakburger seasoning and put it on almost anything.

Dangitt, now I’m hungry.

YAY!! Their burgers have the freshest and best taste and you won’t find a better chocolate shake!! I wonder if people understand that you can actually GET OUT OF YOUR CAR, go in, order your food, and leave in about 5-10 minutes. The drive through isn’t the only option, people are just too lazy to go in.

Not franchised, clean, fresh and honest food. Look at the kids that work there, then look at the people that work at McDonald’s. You will see a difference….

For fast food theyr’e 9.5 out of 10 and they have the stones to print scripture on their wrappers. I just don’t eat out much, let alone fast food.



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