Home » Gov. Newsom Announces State Order To Close Some State Beaches Starting Friday

Gov. Newsom Announces State Order To Close Some State Beaches Starting Friday


Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a state order Thursday to close some beaches in California to prevent large gatherings and crowds during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Newsom announced a “hard close” of state and local beaches in Orange County a few days after warm weekend weather prompted some coastal residents to flock to the beach, in some cases flouting state and local physical distancing guidelines. The closures are expected to go into effect Friday.

“Last week, the images we saw on a few of our beaches were very disturbing,” Newsom said during his daily afternoon coronavirus briefing.

Newsom on Monday chastised residents in places like Orange and Ventura counties as well for going to the beach, suggesting that state officials would discuss stricter enforcement of the shelter-in-place order with the California Highway Patrol, state park patrols and other agencies.


Orange County currently has the fourth-highest number of coronavirus hospitalizations among the state’s 58 counties.

A Los Angeles TV station reported on a memo Wednesday night expected to be sent to law enforcement chiefs throughout the state discussing a potential closure of all state beaches and parks. Newsom said taking such a step was never on the table.

“That was their memo, but that memo never got to me,” he said.

The governor also praised the greater Bay Area as well as various counties throughout the state, including Los Angeles, San Diego, Mendocino and Sonoma, for doing “all the right things” and following state and local guidelines to protect public health.


Some counties have announced similar efforts for local beaches. Santa Cruz County Health Officer Dr. Gail Newel announced that the county will ban all activities at the county’s beaches daily from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
beginning this weekend and continuing indefinitely.

“Despite warnings against traveling to Santa Cruz County for beach access and against congregating on beaches, local law enforcement spent the weekend responding to numerous issues all along our coastline,” county
Sheriff Jim Hart said. “Unfortunately, these actions are necessary to protect the health and welfare of our most vulnerable residents.”

Newsom has repeated this week that California is “weeks, not months” from modifying its shelter-in-place order to begin reopening the state’s economy. That timeline, however, is predicated on residents throughout the state continuing to practice health and safety guidelines like physical distancing and regular hand washing.

“I don’t want to delay it,” Newsom said of reopening the state.

“The only thing that will delay it is more weekends, like last weekend, in the next few weeks. … I want to get this economy opening as badly as everybody else does but let’s do it safely and smartly.”

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Oh Man , I was just going to bust out my new thong.

Remember folks, 10 weeks is not 2 months…

Can we just close down Newsom instead

This is all a joke.

Only I can close the beaches of Malibu. I am Malibu 108RS


I thought you were Huntington Beach King
Surfin USA 🙂

Vee Hav Vays, this is gonna work on the, me first generation ? ?

They’re already in a month plus, . . . “Time Out”

This could get interesting, tick off 18 to 29 year olds.
The demographic that traditionally votes democrat.

It won’t matter in Ca.

“The only thing that will delay it is more weekends, like last weekend, in the next few weeks. … I want to get this economy opening as badly as everybody else does but let’s do it just as I say.”

If I lived within an hour of a decent beach, I’d be there with my whole family this weekend. Let’s see what they’re gonna do….

Hmmmmm, seems i recall keeping Americans off beaches has a pretty poor success rate.

too bad good ol’ Roy Scheider isn’t with us anymore…. He’d know how to get them out of the water…

All eyes on Southern California. I hope more show up than last week. Go SoCal!

Well … the protests are started. They are not 6 feet apart, I have seen live video. I hope that it stays peaceful. I wish they were 6 feet apart and wearing masks. I do applaud their choice of voicing their concerns and thoughts.

Newscum better have expected this.

Huntington Beach has already stated that they control their beaches and that the dictator (ok they used governor) that he has overstepped his authority.

In Sacramento as well… I noticed the CHP formed a skirmish line to prevent protester from entering into the capitol building. The odd part was, not one CHP officer was wearing face coverings and the intervals between the officers themselves and between the officers and protesters was well short of 6 feet.

Modoc County has also decided to open up in defiance of Governor’s Shelter in Place order.


I saw a couple of officers wearing masks, but definitely not all. I also saw the video where they approached the protestors. They put themselves within 6 feet. Since they took the action, they should have been responsible to put the mask on like the other PPE that they wear daily.

Please note, I am strong LE supporter for many many reasons. Today, CHP failed with basic PPE. They read a statement that said protestors were violating the health code, well so was the CHP. If anyone is cited at the Sacramento protest, the CHP’s shown in the video not wearing a mask should be cited as well.

Solano County has only extended to May 17th. I think Newscum’s power base is starting to fall.

Santa Cruz beaches are closed from 11am to 5pm? After 5pm it’s okay to party on the beach? Huh…

Any legal experts out there think those $1,000 tickets/fines for the recent visitors to Santa Cruz that were cited will stand in court? I believe there were a group of 6 kids who were from out of town, and cited for failure to SIP…I think they had a meet up down there and were busted.

Newsom is just blowing more farts up people’s skirts!

My Heavens . We have discovered a subversive Governor! Why does he have the idea that he’s supposed to try and save lives? So glad so many posters have figured out social distancing is hogwash . Only saves lives of old people , and people with compromised immune systems. So who cares , right?

Newport Beach Police Chief Jon Lewis, and Fire Chief Jeff Boyles said they patrolled by land and by air over the weekend and most city residents and visitors were keeping their distance, that the vast majority of beach goers were practicing social distancing. The media’s fake news posted pictures that made it look as if the beaches were packed. Photos can be deceiving, a telephoto lens will make everybody appear closer than they actually are. Just like your side view mirror where it says, “objects may appear closer than they are.”
Newsom is a spoiled grade A jerk and wants to punish the whole state for something that occurred in Southern California.

Sorry dog, a telephoto lens will not make people closer together than the are, it just magnifies the photo.
Keep drinking the koolaid to stay hydrated.
Please think about EVERYONE else and not just you

I think you got the telephoto wrong … but the pictures did show social distancing going on, for the most part.

Newscum realized he could not shut down all the beaches without a RIOT on his hands so he got petty and is trying to close down Southern California beaches as spite.

Gavin is using his judgement to make this decision. How do we know he is right? Look at Gavin’s other judgements: champions the $80 billion train to nowhere, in favor of the Delta Tunnels project to ship water to So Cal, slept with wife of his friend and campaign manager, supported Prop 47 which caused large increase in petty crime, decides best way to deal with rise in petty crime to release criminals and rely on rehabilitation, promised but failed at addressing homelessness, presides over one of the highest taxed states in the US, promised but failed to address rapid rise in house prices, promised to increase government transparency but is accused of diverting gas tax revenue to his climate change projects, supports sanctuary cities, and so on. But after all that, some people here are convinced we need to follow him and his judgement. The CDC says on their website to go and enjoy the parks and beaches. Remember well the phrase, frequently wrong but never in doubt.

Newsom, typical Democratic wet blanket.

get rid of Newsome!
So, what are they gonna do? Arrest people?

Is his middle name “Christie”?

There’s all kind of serious dysfunction to consider. Everyone is new at this. Case in point: https://imgur.com/gallery/kB5D6aO

Close the beach and let out the prisoners???? How safe that gonna be.

Interesting…so we had to restructure the hospitals to handle 27 patients?

Perhaps there have been many more that have been hospitalized and recovered. No way to know since the county doesn’t give us recovered stats, as far as I can tell.

Also, we were never told we needed to “flatten the curve and keep it there.” How long do you suggest we SIP place waiting for a vaccine that may never come?

Oh, I get it. If you like your beach you can keep your beach!

So very wise and well-expressed! …. and THANK YOU for your work and that of others in the health field.

PSA be on the lookout for posts made by marketing agencies. Lots of misinfo on all media these days

Generally when people don’t have facts, they use emotion to bolster their arguments. That’s what I see here. I don’t care what your I.Q. is, I simply don’t believe you

Looks like you were right.

Listen to public health officials like the two creeps Brix and Fauci? Look back on all the people they let die during the aids epidemic. I wouldn’t waste my time listening to an epidemiologist either. They obviously don’t know what they’re doing. They gather information and guess. How about listening to a virologist, a researcher, someone with an IQ of 200 or so?

So what hospitals? What heads of Public Health and Epidemiologists? I have friends who work at John Muir in Walnut Creek, John Muir in Concord on East Street, the Oakland hospital off of 880 (can never remember the name), Sutter in Burlingame and the former Seton in Daly City that was shut down but is reopened for the ‘mad rush’ of patients. None of them have described the scene you have described above. .

I can tell you the medical professionals at the above listed hospitals are saying what you are saying about the shelter in place. That is why I am asking what hospitals because I would like to understand if we are seeing something different in San Francisco, Hayward, Santa Clara etc …

I am honestly intrigued to hear these events from a front line hospital worker because I want to understand the need for the continue Quarantine/House Arrest.

It was a marketing agency that posted that. That’s why it was removed

Thank you, Sam. There was just something. Not sure what. It just did not smell right. The black blood thing also kind of lost me. Blood can get dark by lack of oxygen but not black and the virus does not “destroy” blood whatever that means in some bizarre way to make it black as far as I know. Sounded like Star Trek.

For some reason marketing firms are producing content like that as well as the dancing nurse videos and distributing through social and news media. Giving the impression that it’s organic. Not sure who’s paying for it yet or why, but its been happening everywhere for the last month +

Orange County sheriff already told Gavin to stuff it. Good for him.

The protest today at Huntington Beach was an example of why the beaches are closed. All the people who said that the beaches should be open, because people would responsibly maintain physical distancing were wrong. The protesters were a dense cluster of a mob, not practicing the correct distancing, and most were not wearing masks.

If Conservatives want the beaches back, then they need to show they can act maturely. Until then, the beaches will be closed because of antics like what happened today.

Natalie, not disagreeing that the protestors were close together and SHOULD not have been. They should have stayed 6 feet apart.

But, do you have the same viewpoint when looking at the CHP officers in Sacramento that were not wear masks? They failed to utilize basic PPE per the Health Code.



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