Home » Beyond Claycord – 7 High-Risk Sex Offenders Released In Orange County Due To Coronavirus Concerns – District Attorney Blasts Decision

Beyond Claycord – 7 High-Risk Sex Offenders Released In Orange County Due To Coronavirus Concerns – District Attorney Blasts Decision


The following information was released by the Orange County, CA District Attorney’s Office:

SANTA ANA, Calif. – The Orange County District Attorney’s Office is issuing a warning to county residents about seven high risk registered sex offenders who have been released from jail months early despite being charged with cutting off their GPS monitors or otherwise tampering with the tracking devices to render them inoperable.

Many of the registered sex offenders who were released early spent just days behind bars instead of the six months required by law for registered sex offenders who violate parole by removing or disabling GPS monitors. The sex offenders are monitored by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), which submitted the parole violations to the court.


Since April 7, 2020 seven registered sex offenders – with crimes ranging from indecent exposure and sexual battery to child molestation – have been released as a result of rulings by appointed Court Commissioner Joseph Dane.

One of the registered sex offenders, convicted of sexual battery, was released on April 7, 2020 after Commissioner Dane sentenced him 20 days credit time served and ordered him to report to parole. Just two weeks later – on April 24, 2020 – he appeared in court on another parole violation and Commissioner Dane again released him after sentencing him to 16 days credit time served.

Sheriff Don Barnes reported to the Orange County Board of Supervisors today the population in the Orange County jail system has been reduced by nearly 45% since March 7 and there is no overcrowding issue. Sheriff Barnes assured that proper steps, including social distancing, masks, and quarantining of new inmates, are in place.

“These kinds of high-risk sex offenders are the most dangerous kind of criminal and the most likely to re-offend. They are doing everything they can to avoid detection by the parole officers assigned to monitor them so they can potentially commit additional sex offenses. These are not the kind of people who should be getting a break,” said Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer. “As a state legislator, I was the author and founder of the State of California Sex Offender Management Board and the author of Megan’s Law on the Internet, which allows the public to see where these sex offenders are so that they can protect themselves and their families.


It is not the Court’s responsibility to control the jail population by releasing these dangerous criminals back into our communities. The residents of Orange County deserve to have the peace of mind that registered sex offenders are being held accountable and not just let out the front door of a jail by a court commissioner who refuses to follow the law.”

As a result of these dangerous decisions to not follow the law, the Orange County District Attorney’s Office will not stipulate to appear in front of Commissioner Dane on parole violations involving registered sex offenders.

These seven registered sex offenders were released prior to the minimum 180-day sentence required by law for removing or disabling a GPS monitor.

WARNING: Do not contact, confront, or attempt to apprehend.


The purpose of the release of the information is to allow members of the public to protect themselves and their children from sex offenders. (Penal Code section 290.45 (a)(2)) Any use of this information other than for the stated purpose is unlawful.


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Releasing sex offenders should be against anyone’s better judgment. They’re more dangerous than any offender, including a murderer. Murderers don’t have a high rate of repeating their crimes.

Our Contra Costa DA Becton is probably very happy with their release.


I see, our state gov is more concerned about the prisoners than the taxpaying citizens. Seems awfully ironic that the criminals are freed and the innocent incarcerated…

Lots of stuff I’d like to say about this but I’m sure it’s all been said before. One thing I will recommend is if we are going to continue to let these clowns out of jail or prison then come up with a tracking device that cannot be removed or tampered with. It’s 2020. Microchip the knuckleheads or better yet- Tattoo their forehead with the word “Pervert” and put a locking collar around their neck that explodes if they try to remove it. Done!

I like “Pervert” and the exploding collar.

@MoJo, after looking at their mug shots, I don’t think they need a tattoo on their forehead with the word “pervert”. It’s pretty obvious just looking at them they’re perverts.

You can release sex offenders but not open up our beaches???? This is out of line!!

Exactly. Beaches are unsafe but these sexual predators are totally okay? Completely disgusted.

Haha. You get the politics you vote for. Looks like Gavin is setting up a blood bath for us in California

Did they test them for Covid-19 before releasing them? There’s no “right” answer to that question. Either they were not tested and it’s possible they have it and could spread it to others. Or they were tested, which took away testing kits that could’ve been used for law-abiding, formerly-working citizens who are not sexual predators. This is a lose-lose-lose all around.

This is a handsome group of guys…
Boil them in corona infected oil!!!

These creeps need to rot in prison. I really do not care if they die of COVID or any other miserable disease. None of them are respecting the conditions of their release, parole, GPS, etc., and the will continue to assault our citizens and molest our children. They need to be locked up for the safety of others, and the fact that they have been released by the very people we look to for protection, makes me physically ill.



Our State has continued to take a turn for the worst and for that I am very sad. The law-abiding citizens are the ones being treated like criminals.

Whatever a majority of CA residents continue to vote for is simply not working. There is no denying it. Time for people to wake up.

More evidence that liberalism is a mental disorder.

What is everyone so worried and upset about? We have bigger fish to fry, like keeping the people off the beaches and out of the state parks. And keeping people from going back to work. THAT’S what’s going to hurt us and kill us. Not released prisoners. Jeeze.

OMG just look at them. They all look way too CRAZY to be out free on the streets. I understand why some prisoners were release (non-violent & time almost served) but this is insane!

How wonderful of this DEMOCRAT, slimed governor. But beaches unlawful. I cant wait for his karma.

What could possibly go wrong, said no sane person. I’m guessing they want to make room for all of the beachgoers they will be arresting this weekend.

Fine looking bunch. 22 parole violations between the 7 of them and they just let them walk. Unbelievable! I wouldn’t let my children around these guys even if they had no criminal history at all. Yikes!

This is how much they love the people and its children Oh now don’t go to the beach you risk a nice fine!

I would rather get corona virus than have these effers released and around anyone!

I’m scared just looking at the offenders!

I tried getting directions from upside down world to right side up world, but had no luck. Does anyone have a map?

most look like homeless who were probably seen relieving themselves and arrested for indecent exposure.

Correction.. failing to charge GPS monitor

Unbelievable! Thank you Claycord for publishing their pictures, etc. What a ridiculous thing to do.

Pretty sure this a ploy to ensure that the defenseless portion of the population is too scared to leave the house.

I want to see the picture of the person that let them out.

I thought you were talking about the people going to the beach.

DO NOT be naive enough to believe this is an isolated event.

AB-109 was passed back in 2011, it mandated post release supervision for almost all paroled FELONS. Also made parole revocation again, for almost all parolees, the responsibility of CA’s 58 counties. An they didn’t stop there, the maximum sentence that can be given is 180 days County Jail time.

Feckless state legislature decided prison over crowding shouldn’t be their problem, so they forced it down onto CA’s 58 county jail systems.

An here’s what’s been happening SINCE 2011,
2013 ‘Sex offenders routinely released from California jails, records show’
MUST WATCH, will make you angry.


But I thought the governor(s) care about us. Isn’t that what Newsom says everyday by keeping us locked down? I’m shocked! (Sarcasm)

I don’t support vigilantism.

I would never suggest vigilantism as a solution to a problem.

Vigilantism is almost never a solution.


7 more votes for the King of California.

Those are some frightening looking individuals.

Wow..The Creepy Bunch

A lady with a ripped dress runs up to a Policeman and yells “Grape! Grape!” and the Cop say’s “Do you mean rape?” and she says “No…. there was a bunch of them”.

I’m not “all in it together” with these guys! Kay?

Aka….Newsom’s gang of 7.

Yikes. If these are the ones they’re letting go, makes you wonder about the one’s they’re keeping. Surgical castration, life long incarceration or kill ’em. To approach that in any other way all but guarantees more victims.


My guns are all cleaned and working properly. Sleep tight ‘yall.

Relocate them to Gavin’s neighborhood. He has children. Wonder how well he will sleep knowing this scum is nearby.



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