Home » The Water Cooler – Have You Ever Considered Ever Moving Out Of The Bay Area?

The Water Cooler – Have You Ever Considered Ever Moving Out Of The Bay Area?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Have you ever considered ever moving out of the Bay Area?

Talk about it….

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I’m very happy where we live, but Iceland or Greenland is sounding pretty good. Something tells me they’re cruising around Gilligan’s Island style and doing what they want.

Kentucky, Why Iceland and Greenland? I lived in Iceland for almost 4 month, it is beautiful, but cold, although not nearly as cold as Greenland. Both use to belong to Denmark, Iceland until 1944, Greenland still do belong to Denmark, but the have homerule.
I don’t think you would be happy there, Iceland use to have an elected communist government, both are very liberal. When I lived in Iceland in the mid sixties, you could only buy alcohol in government approved stores, and 2 days a week alcohol was prohibited in any bar and restaurant, I think it was Wednesday and Saturday, it could have been Sunday, not sure. However, everyone knew you could buy alcohol on the black market, which was most taxi drivers, or stations.


Hanne – I was teasing. We’re in Lamorinda (Orinda, Moraga, Lafayette) area, and I feel very fortunate to live here. Thank you for the update. You’ve lived around the globe, and I find it fascinating. We’re well traveled and Denmark is a beautiful country!

I read that Macys will be reopening some stores Monday; is your store one of them?

I had always wanted to go to Greenland and Iceland I will go someday. Only if I am still alive.

Born and raised in Concord! I’m not going anywhere. My father use to say ‘this is Gods Country!’

I’ve done it and I didn’t like it. I’m glad I came back.
Yes, in spite of everything.

I’d leave in a heartbeat if my kids & grandkids didn’t live here! Can’t miss seeing them! I’d rather be in Ireland or in the mountains, but family comes first!!

Coming from the east coast, it is the beautiful weather in the bay area that is keeping me here.

I moved here after 2 years in Connecticut and 4 years in New York City. At first I missed the East Coast a lot, even the 4 seasons. I have gotten use to the California weather, and of course the spectacular nature here and also the variety of landscape. I lived in New Orleans for 1 and 12 year, horrible weather, hot and humid 9 months out of the year, couldn’t wait to get back to New York. However, the food was out of this world.

Born & raised San Francisco. Didn’t want to leave either. So now in the East Bay is home and don’t want to go back to SF. I have no plans to move away.

That doesn’t mean I don’t think about it every once in a while. I’ve decided if I ever should really want to leave I would go to New Mexico. Somewhere in the south east area. Very little in the way of natural disasters happen in that area.

Yes, my wife and I are definitely considering it because of the cost of living and rat race. Included in cost of living are taxes and ridiculous politics. We both have aging parents we want to be near, but would like to do it in the next couple of years if we can agree on a destination. The problem is, everywhere else is too hot for me or too cold for her, we do have an ideal climate.

Yes, I’m very intrigued by the Nevada City area-and its nearby Lakes.

I’ve done it once. In the mid sixties I moved to Portland, Oregon and loved it up there. At the time there weren’t any freeways going through town and you can hop in the car and drive 10-20 minutes in any direction and be in some of the beautiful county in the U.S. I enlisted into the Marine Corps and when I returned from Vietnam I came back to the Bay Area.

Thank You for your service, Dawg. You’re appreciated more than you know.

I would but don’t want to be away from the grand kids. I sure would get more rest though:)

Every single day, leaving ASAP. CA used to be great 40+ years ago, now it’s a cesspool of lunatics run amok.

I love the weather but, too crowded. Property taxes are insane. I have about 3 years until retirement and then I can go anywhere I want.

Not sure about all the other States, but not all have what is similar to Prop 13, so property taxes could be much higher in another state, especially if you bought your house here years ago.

I could happily live in Paris for a year, but I’d want to come back here afterwards.
Maybe a cheap, ratty apartment in one of the banlieus. I’d commute in every day and explore everything – every neighbourhood, every museum, every church, every art gallery, every cafe and restaurant, all the night-life. I could spend a couple of weeks in the Louvre alone. Paris is a good city for walking.

Paris is such a beautiful city I went in 1998 two months after the princess Diane died of a crash. Cafes are the greatest. I read a book called “Confession of the party girl” by Vicky Lasang from St.Louis very funny entertaining book about the cultural in Paris.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Words to live by.

Lots of Cities are interesting and beautiful. I love Vienna, London, Amsterdam, Boston, NYC, Vancouver, Canada. Europeans in general love to hang out in Cafe’s. However, when I was younger I use to go into San Francisco a lot and hang out in Cafe’s in North Beach, pretty nice too.

Every waking moment!

Born in Alhambra, CA and raised in the Bay Area. I really like California but my Hubby dislikes the taxes & politics here. He is thinking Texas to live & job options. I’m not sold on it yet.

@Roz, I’d suggest spending a few weeks there in the summer before you make a permanent decision. Summers are unbearable there.

It depends where you are in Texas.
Was in San Antonio one September.
I took a shower early in the morning, strolled around for an hour. came back to the hotel and had to take another shower and change my clothes!
The heat and humidity are horrible!

Look at the Lubbock-Midland area Roz. I mean to visit. Big giant skies, barely traveled roads for miles. It’s a red area and in a red state but I found the people I met and worked with for the most part incredibly kind and hospitable. Sure there’s some knuckle-draggers but no one seems to take them serious or mind that much. Breakfast is the big meal and they go all out and there’s actual breakfast dessert when you’re done. Madness. You’ll have fun. Good people, good country but forget about dieting. Probably not a soy bean or bunch of kale withing a hundred miles of Lubbock.

Ancient Mariner, have you visited the Southern states or the Eastern Seaboard in Summertime?😓

Wow!,…Thank You All for posting to my post and giving info on Texas. We might go there in late-late summer to visit if he doesn’t get his job back (Covid-19), at Valero. I will share info, here, with my Hubby. 🙂

No, Silva. Fortunately I haven’t, but I’ve heard about it. The heat, humidity and (big) insects hold no fascination for me.
London is humid. It’s hot and sweaty in the summer, and the cold cuts right through your clothing in the winter, no matter what you’re wearing.
I’d rather be in California at 105 than London at 85. Same in winter: California is better at 25 then London at 35. The food’s better, too!

I was in Louisiana one summer…
And the livin’ is easy
Fish are jumpin’
And the cotton is high

Yes, Ancient Mariner, it’s all much the same. Those few days in May I was there the year Chernobyl blew couldn’t have been any nicer, but I’ve often heard how uncomfortable London can be. Guess that’s why we live here. I think word’s got out. Too bad.

The biggest mosquitoes I’ve ever seen were in Alaska. A lot of the biggest things are there.

@ Silva~
You are so right about the mosquitoes in Alaska. Was up there last 4th of July to visit our Daughter & her Hubby.

Tried other locales when younger…this is home…and nowhere has better weather than here…maybe the most positive outcome of the china-bat-virus will be a new reality of work-from-home. Businesses have fought it for years, but with the proper motivation…they will have to go along. That alone will solve so many problems (traffic, pollution, relying on mismanaged mass transit, inane dense housing requirements)…we can hope.

It was always the plan to take my CalPERS retirement and leave the state. Move to a zero or low income tax state with a lower cost of living.

Buy a house with some acreage and enjoy at least a ≤ 5% retirement income bump.

Just waiting for the Wifey to catch up and it’s adiós muchachos.

There are a lot of things I miss about the Bay Area, including family and friends, as well as considerations such as the weather, ocean access, and being able to get decent seafood and Mexican food. But there are a lot of things I don’t miss including traffic, taxes, and the cost of living.

Think about it all the time. Retirement planners usually say if you move away from California (and sell your home) you will never be able to return comfortably. Selling your home and buying another can be expensive. Prop 13 is a great protection until taken away. With a mother in Assisted Living close by, it would be difficult while she is alive. But we have been looking at other states and considering our options.

Forty years ago I had relatives up in the gold country. I love it up there and considered moving up after retirement. I got to thinking about the availability of health care as I aged and accessibility to the advantages of civilization. Then Sonora got its 2nd traffic signal…
If I moved out of state it might be Flagstaff, Boise, or Grant’s Pass.

I love Sonora and all those town in the Gold Country, Murphy’s, Columbia, for years my friends and I from the Scandinavian Club would spend a week end in the fall at Sheepranch. Whenever I have someone visiting from out of town or overseas I take them to the Gold Country, it is not a normal tourist destination.


And then I’m going to rent my house out for an exorbitant rate.

Having moved on average every five years of my life and lived outside the Bay Area, I have considered it. I am, however, afraid to move out of California because they might not let me back in. 😉

Done. Didn’t have to go far for a better quality of life. I loved Concord, but it was time to go. Still looking hard at Germany though. Having options is nice.

Born and raised in Concord, served in the Military for 30+ plus years and lived all over the world. I can honestly say this, there is no place like the Bay Area (that I’ve found) anywhere else. As many problems as there are here, I’m in for the duration. East Bay Rules!!

DD, thanks for my Freedom!

Yah, I whine and complain about the Bay Area also, but it’s difficult for me to commit to move! I have looked at and visited many places, with Idaho, Washington & Montana the contenders. But none could ever even come close to matching the weather here…

It has been nice living in the Bay Area for almost 61 years now.
But many of our family members are living in North Carolina and Maryland now, so I might look again at Bald Head Island, just off the coast of the seaport town of Southport, NC. ….. and yet, the hurricanes, you see, so….

I lived in Concord for 68 years, moved to Grants Pass 8 months ago,
should have done it years ago!! Concord has been going downhill since
the ’80s. I love it here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To all those that has commented about moving and the different climate in different areas. First of all remember what Mark Twain said, “The coldest winter I ever spend was a summer in San Francisco. One reason I like to live outside of the City. The East Coast gets hot and humid, but nothing compared to the south, and it is only for a few months. London does not come near that kind of uncomfortable even with the humidity. Denmark when it is right around freezing and humid, it much colder than a clear day with frost. It chills you to your bones.

I live in both CA (Concord) and MN.

I can assure you summer in SF is nothing compared to a winter in MN.


That Twain quote has been debunked a long time ago. But it lives on because it’s kinda true. As far as people moving out, I certainly encourage it. More room on my freeway. Yeah, mine. If I was King we would have lanes for native borns instead of carpool lanes. BTW if you search the museumca.org (oakland museum) you can find a couple hilarious stories that Mr. Twain wrote about traveling out to the Cliff house.

I fantasize about leaving the Bay Area almost daily. We have family here which is the reason we are staying, but I do have the green light from the wife to consider the Reno area as it is still within driving distance. I never intended to stay here as long as I have (24 years now), but that’s the sacrifices you make for love.

Considered it? Hell we’re marking days off the calendar, as soon as your youngest finishes HS my wife and I both taking “early” retirement (mid-50s) and we audi 5000. Born & raised in East Bay and up until maybe 10 years ago never thought I’d leave. But then the state has just become unhinged in so many aspects, such as unfunded liabilities for INSANE and UNSUSTAINABLE pensions, ever-increasing taxes/traffic/crime, and hooray now blackouts during Fall fire season.

And while it used to be cute that “hey, we’re kinda kooky in CA”, it was funny when the state was politically sane…but now it’s slid into INSANITY; nothing but stridency and downright hostility for those who don’t share the groupthink hive mentality of the oh-so-“tolerant” leftists who dominate this state and especially the Bay Area. Plus I hate the weather here, too boring, need some cold & snow in my life and to be less than 1 hour from leaving house to getting on the high-speed chair lift.

Every friggin’ day!

Born and raised in the Bay Area but left years ago. While I miss easy access to the ocean and seeing my friends daily, I don’t miss the heat, the droughts and the cost of living.

Counting the days till we return to New Orleans. Plan to split time between there and The Big Island.



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