Home » Contra Costa County’s New “Cover Your Face” Order Starts Today

Contra Costa County’s New “Cover Your Face” Order Starts Today


A new health order in Contra Costa County requires anyone working at or visiting an essential business, such as a grocery store or gas station, to wear face coverings to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.

The order also requires public transit and government workers to wear masks when they come close to others, or where the public is likely to be present.

Members of the public must mask when they:


  • work at an essential business
  • are inside an essential business, such as a grocery store
  • visit a healthcare provider or facility
  • wait in line for or ride public transportation

“We now know that a significant number of people with COVID-19 lack symptoms, or become infectious before they start showing symptoms,” said Dr. Chris Farnitano, Contra Costa County’s health officer. “That is why we all need to start wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where it’s sometimes hard to maintain physical distancing, such as standing in line at the store.”

The new order does not extend to people driving in personal vehicles alone or with members of their households.

When outside, everyone must carry masks or face coverings and use them whenever they come near six feet of others outside their own households.

People engaged in more strenuous exercise, such as running or bicycling, should stay further apart from others while breathing heavily and take steps to avoid breathing on others, such as moving to the other side of the road to avoid pedestrians and wearing a mask if possible.


The new order does not replace the county’s stay-at-home health order or the need to maintain physical distancing, wash hands frequently and cover coughs and sneezes – all fundamental to reducing the spread of COVID-19.

“Stay in place, maintain your space, cover your face,” Dr. Farnitano said. “One key way the COVID-19 virus spreads is through respiratory droplets that people expel when they breathe or sneeze. By masking and observing physical distancing, we can help protect everyone in the community.”

The order does not require children 12 and younger to wear masks. Children 2 years old or younger must not wear them because of the risk of suffocation.

Face coverings can be anything made of cloth, fabric or other permeable material that covers the nose and mouth and the lower part of the face. Medical-grade masks are not required – a t-shirt or bandana works fine, Dr. Farnitano said.


Masks with one-way valves for easy breathing do not qualify as face coverings under the order because they can release respiratory droplets into the surrounding air.

Violation of or failure to comply with this Order is a misdemeanor punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both, according to the Contra Costa County Health Department.

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It is about time! Yay contra Costa county. Boy I can not wait to see all the negative comments about this.

Janie wins first negative comment.

Bah, bah, bah

But you can’t purchase masks anywhere… thats crazy did someone secretly buy up every type of masks knowing this would be required

@Steven Powers it’s not masks that are required, it’s face coverings.

If you’re on the internet you know how to make them from bandannas to socks. Grow up.

There are a couple of no-sew ideas for making masks on the CDC website. One of the simplest requires just a T-shirt and scissors. Another uses a bandana and two rubber bands or elastic hair bands. Here’s the link I found:

We currently have face coverings (gaiter style) in stock at McGuire Harley-Davidson in Pacheco.

Yes Steven, it is part of the conspiracy. The democrats created this fake crisis, bought all of the masks and are going to sell them at an elevated cost all in the hopes of funding future political ambitions on your dime.

Yeah you want that on you headstone?

Newscum ( FDA approved btw) just spent 1 billion dollars of our tax money on substandard face masks from a known substandard company in China (BYD). I think he bought them for us, so they’ll be “free”, I’m sure. He’s selling them, I mean giving them to medical personnel first though. He’ll sell some to other states for a nice high price, so he’ll get our 1 billion back, plus more! He’s just borrowing tax money for profit. No worries. Delivery of 22 million masks a month. Yay! They should be in any time now, so don’t worry.
In the meantime, wear a t-shirt or bandana over your face( it’s the same type of substandard covering anyway).

What!!! Don’t know how to make your own. No talents in that grey matter?

It says “face-covering.” Easily Constructed from a bandanna and a couple of your daughter’s hair ties.

What does a person do if they don’t have the material at home to make a mask? They are not allowed to go into a store to purchase the material without a mask.
It’s a catch 22.

Dawg, there’s this wonderful thing called the Interweb (or something like that). I understand that you can actually order stuff and people will bring it to you.

@ Dawg
Try this one:
1. Get a long sleeved t-shirt.
2. Put your head into the shirt but not all the way over your head. Do it so that you are looking through the neck hole.
3. Tie the sleeves around your head.
4. Adjust the hole into a slit so that your whole face isn’t poking out. Only the eyes!

Voila, a homemade face-covering!

And the bonus is that you will look like a Ninja.

Why not just cut eye holes in your T-shirt and when necessary pull it up to cover your face. This might not work for the ladies.

So are children under 12 not carriers? If not, why are they not in school?

And if I am the only one at the gas station, why am I wearing a mask? Do the gas pumps breath out the germs?

And if the police are not around, are the ‘mask police’ going to cite me?

And are the First Responders who live together (firefighters) going to wear a mask all the time in their station because they are not one household?

There are just a few holes in this ‘requirement’ being forced upon us.

I’m not a fan of wearing a mask. They are hot and uncomfortable. I’d rather do my part, however small, to slow the spread of this disease so we can get back to normal. Nothing is perfect. These guidelines are created quickly based on the information that is available at the time. They will likely evolve.

What is your plan, sit on the sidelines and poke holes and people trying to solve the issue? Will you complain that you cant work? Did you realize that people who violate these rules perpetuate the disease and make it harder for the rest of us to get back to work? Are you going to be the one that complains that your loved one dies because there was not a hospital bed available when they needed it?

There are suffocation risks for children, that’s why face covering is not mandatory for them or must be done under the supervision of an adult. Also, understandably, children may not understand the whole “don’t touch” guidance. So instead, adults should cover up and help protect the children.

@ Dan
If these guidelines were created quickly, why was this not a requirement 6 weeks ago when this started?

My plan would be to release the hordes back on the street. Instruct those that are vulnerable to take precautions. Stay home if you are sick. If you want to wear a mask, at least wear one that protects you against a virus and not some old t-shirt that has been cut up into a ‘face mask’. When I grew up, the old t-shirt was called a bandanna, not a virus stopping save your life piece of clothing.

I am working. Working from home. Happily for the most part, but I am also missing the social interaction that goes with work. I have not lost a penny of pay, and I do not think I will.

Do you realize that this virus has been around longer than the SIP started? Do you realize that more people have been infected that have not been reported and have overcome this horrifying disease without medical intervention or even being symptomatic?

There are plenty of available hospital beds for sick ones. There are 34 people in our county in the hospital. Are you under the impression that are hospitals cannot handle 34 people at one time? Or even 34 in the ICU?

I do not believe those who violate these ‘rules’ will perpetuate this disease. Why, cause I don’t believe the hype and fake news.

@parent – To clarify, the mask is not to protect you, it is to limit the risk that you will give the disease to somebody else. I am well aware that the virus has been around well before the shelter in place. Diseases by there very nature take time to build to a critical mass which is what happened in Italy, Spain and New York. I am also aware that the reason we have empty hospital beds is because people are respecting the shelter in place orders. The good news about this disease is that most people have educated themselves and are respecting what needs to be done for the greater good… and then there is you.

as other states release their hoards we will see the effect. Probably in a couple of weeks. Particularly interested in Georgia and Florida. Let’s wait a short while and see.

Some of the states that did not use SIP are a mess even with moderate precautions. Let’s look at the big picture and not be so self centered with our own little community.

@ Dan

FYI, I am not alone in my thoughts.

And I agree that most people have educated themselves about this disease. Most people realize that we are being fed lies by the media/politicians. Most people realize that we cannot continue to live in fear. It was fun for the first couple of weeks …

And as you said, and then there is you …. May I be so bold to suggest that you get your head off of the mainstream news of following Trump/Newsom so blindly and look at the actual data?

@ Ozzie
Yes we will see in a couple of weeks, you are correct.
As for me being self-centered, nope. I have been outside TODAY to help my neighbors, have you? I do not know many self-centered people that would go outside to help a neighbor on a non-fear factor day, do you?

This is ridiculous and we have reached the tipping point of compliance with public health directives.
We were told to flatten the curve. We did so and hospitals are below capacity. But we’re still on lockdown and now it’s getting more restrictive.
The most recent studies show the mortality estimates for COVID-19 are wildly overstated. We also have learned that many more people have already been infected than previously thought.
Sweden, a nation of 10 million people, adopted far less restrictive social distancing guidelines and they’ve had about 2000 deaths. Their neighbors, Finland and Denmark, adopted the US lockdown model and they’ve experienced deaths at the same rate as Sweden. Sweden also has experienced a much higher number of deaths in vulnerable populations than their neighbors.
There is no immunity and there is no vaccine. The 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic ended when effectively there were no more hosts for the virus to infect. In other words, herd immunity was reached. There are 330 million people in the United States. Almost everyone is going to get COVID-19. Face masks and social distancing is just delaying the inevitable infections. Most infected people will not require hospitalization. Most people will recover. COVID-19 is ten times more deadly than the flu and and and estimated 500,000 to 600,000 people will die from it. Almost all of the people who die will be in vulnerable populations. The Spanish Flu strikingly affected the healthy age 18-45 cohort and, despite outliers, the COVID-19 seems to have the most lethality with the vulnerable, as opposed, to the healthy. No one wants to see anyone die but our current measures won’t stop it from happening. Our current measures are going to lead mass unemployment, poverty, mental health issues, domestic violence, homelessness, and eventually, a breakdown in adherence to the rule of law and civil unrest.
So, let’s skip the shutdowns and all of the rest of these measures and just get back to work.

Stupid – the information you cite as facts is largely incorrect. Sweden experienced a significantly higher death rate than their neighboring countries when adjusted for population.

Hospitals are under capacity because elective procedures have been postponed in order to prepare for an influx of patients. It is easier to fill an empty hospital than to empty a full hospital.

I agree, thanks for sharing this info, majority of deaths are over 80 years old and have preexisting conditions, I have young kids and accordingly to the CDC only 2 have died in their age group…. It is way more dangerous for me to drive them in a car than get infected by this virus

@ Dan
You like to always say people are incorrect, but I notice you never produce a single source for your statements. Do you have any, or is this just your (un)educated opinion?
In this example you address his Sweden comparison, but what about the immunity statements, the inaccurate mortality rates, or the statement that most people who get this will not require hospitalization …

@parent – I’m not sure I understand your issue. His statements about Sweden were false. This is an issue easily researched.

Based on preliminary studies out of Stanford and USC, the gross mortality rate is probably understated, the quantity of infections is probably understated and the mortality rate (number of people who die divided by the quantity of cases) is probably overstated. This research is preliminary and based on a small sample size. Much more research needs to be performed before opinions can be fully formed.

@ Dan
Sweden, I will not argue that point.

As for the studies, I think you misread. The mortality rate is not UNDERstated, it is OVERinflated.

LA, Santa Clara County, San Mateo County and Germany have all come to the similar conclusions. Now we are hearing about a death back in mid-feb,course we do not know if this a legitimate COVID or a COVID related, but that kinda says, we have been dealing with this a LONG time.

So I think you might want to reconsider the small sample size comment that needs more research. Each of the four municipalities ran their own test. Now, maybe you could argue San Mateo and Santa Clara are close, hence the same, but Germany and LA help reinforce their studies? Would you not agree?

@parent – No I would not agree. Both the Stanford and USC studies used the same lab and the same senior scientists to oversee their studies which means there could be inherent flaws. In addition, the antibody tests have an error rate of about 1.5% which means they could provide a false positive or false negative 1.5% of the time. That coupled with the small sample size calls into question the validity of the overall study. Now, i’m not calling this bad science. It is a starting point but until these findings are widely supported. It is still too early to say if the infection rate is understated. It probably is but it is still too early. That is the difference between science and opinion.

One of my good friends just lost her LEG due to uncontrollable blood clots from the disease. How is this political in any way? So all the doctors are lying to us too? It’s all just a big conspiracy?

My husband just walked the dog (wearing a bandana as a mask) and told me not one other person out there walking was wearing a mask.

There are some exceptions. One of them is walking outside by yourself or with members of your household. There is a recommendation that you carry a face covering with you. Read the actual order, page 2 paragraph 2, not the summary published here. The actual order can be found here: https://813dcad3-2b07-4f3f-a25e-23c48c566922.filesusr.com/ugd/84606e_7aedf6a44a884872ad17824ef2855107.pdf

You don’t need a mask unless you are on public transit or in a building other than your home, people hiking and driving with a mask on obviously did not read the rules

If I’m walking my dog I don’t need one on, believe me I’m not coming within six feet of anyone when I’m out walking. Read the exceptions.

“Stay in place, maintain your space, cover your face”. Such jingoism these days! Anyone being reminded of the 1956 movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”? I’m sure local cops are going to love this extra duty.

I wear masks in stores and have been for awhile but not on walks since I’m looking for fresh air not more CO2. 🙂

First thing I noticed is the cartoonish artwork, which exemplifies the dumbing-down of society. Many TV advertisements use the same tactic.

The second thing I noticed is the rhyming of place, space, and face. So childish and simplistic.

Third thing I noticed is the wording of the sentence “When should I wear a face covering?” Since this message is coming from the Health Department it should be “you” instead of “I”.

I don’t trust the childish nature of such tactics. Makes me not take this seriously, like it’s not for mature adults.

As an essential worker I am now required to wear a mask for my nine hour shift. I do this to protect you. When you enter my essential business you should be wearing one to protect me. This only works if we all comply. I don’t want to infect you and you shouldn’t want to infect me.
We are all in this together.

Hey guys lets play follow the leader. If New York was to ban sex between non-married couples Dr. Farnitano would be all over it? I can imagine his statement. “You know we can’t be too careful. If we can save save one life. Our job is to protect you against you.”

Every new ‘law’ coming out is a flaccid attempt to make it look like our government knows what they are doing. The truth is that they don’t. This virus has been here longer than they first thought. All of the models used are wrong. All of the data is incomplete. This is not science. This is crap. Open up now.


What happened to only those working with the infected/possible infected need masks? I have been wearing a mask when indoors at grocery store, but I’m not wearing one walking down the street or pumping gas.

Just FYI. Wearing a face cover does not mean you can go out sick now because you have a mask on. The masks only do so much and don’t completely prevent you from passing on the virus as it can escape out the sides of the mask and still spread. So if your coughing or have a fever stay home and don’t be like the guy at Safeway on Willow Pass yesterday who was walking up and down the near the registers coughing a storm, I don’t know why the stores don’t kick these people out…

You can use any sort of cloth like a T-shirt, bandanna or scarf. I was just in 7-Eleven and they are not requiring them yet but I’m sure Safeway will be later today

Don’t know why children under 12 are exempt they are the ones who constantly wipe their noses and rub their hands on stuff.. I see it all the time at hospitals and stores… And they cough and sneeze without any concern of covering their face or direction they do it in.

Wearing mask nearly makes me pass out. If something happens to me, hope the county has good lawyer.

If you have breathing problems you are not required to wear a mask. I don’t know if you have to get a Doctor’s note for that, though.

It was really hot today and some places have no air conditioning. Feel for the workers, as I was ready to pass out in line too.
I get clostrophobic 🙁

Wife said my face should’ve been covered from public view a long time ago.


I hope that you did not make the same mistake as she apparently has.


A day late and a dollar short.

In June will we need hazmat suits?

Exactly! We are putting a bandaide on a scrab, already…

Oh goodie!

I can wear a mask and walk into a bank?!

Selfish selfish selfish
Essential businesses stayed open to provide some normalcy for people who were sitting at home and not working their office jobs. Please take into account people who work at fast food grocery stores gas stations have been working through this pandemic since it started. We risked a lot to ensure you could eat takeout and get groceries the least you can do when entering our store is wear a mask until this is all over.

Agreed. Thank you for all you and your colleagues do!

@ Essential
So, if these places were not open, how would society survive?

I agree that essential workers are risking their health everyday by going in, but I do not agree that it is the most dangerous thing you can do. Imagine a soldier who goes to battle, or a firefighter going into the burning building, or the hazmat guy walking into a chemical breach (1986 Louisiana Cold Storage Explosion), or the police officer stopping a motorist for speeding.

Yes Essential Workers are extremely important every day of the year, but let us put some perspective on it as well.

My family truly appreciates the work you are doing in the face of the risk to yourselves. We’ve been wearing masks for several weeks now. May you and yours stay safe and well!

A sincere thank you for your contributions to keeping life as normal as it can be right now. No doubt it’s stressful to risk exposure doing your job, especially at the outset. The point is that 5 weeks into the lockdown doesn’t seem like the time to be adding this new burden when our situation is fairly mild. This requirement would have made sense if implemented a month ago when officials were saying masks might be making your exposure risk greater.

@parent, “So, if these places were not open, how would society survive?”

Probably part of the plan. You WILL be told what to eat (even if you are allergic to it). You WILL be told where you can live. You WILL be told what work to do.

Conspiracy theory? No, read as many here have suggested Agenda 2030. It’s a document published by the UN. They had a non-binding document called Agenda 21 but were displeased that society wasn’t adopting the ideas so then Agenda 2030. Know what is coming. Know how to moderate it. Not all the ideas are bad but obvious solutions but it’s the attitude that doesn’t help. But we after all are supposed to be a country with checks and balances but that ship sailed long ago.

BTW, seeing the public with masks reminds me of the Twilight Zone episode “Eye of the Beholder”. Look it up. 😉

@ parent
“So, if these places were not open, how would society survive?” I think this is exactly his point. He is asking you to respect his safety in return for providing you with the services you need to survive. It’s really common courtesy.

As far as the military, fire and police departments – they are given years of training, leadership and PPE to perform their jobs effectively and minimize risk. Grocery store workers did not have this luxury.

@ Captain
Guess I am joining the revolution. I will not be told where to live, eat etc … sorry, I believe I still have a choice, I believe I still have freedom and if I do not, then I will fight for it.

@ Dan
Years of training? Basic training for the military is what 8 weeks? Police Academy is a little longer … fire academy is a semester … no, there are no YEARS of training for this event. And PPE, have you ever seen the PPE that sits in a patrol vehicle or a first response engine? Yeah, it does not prepare them for it.

I am respecting essential workers safety, I wear my mask when I walk in, but don’t expect anymore than that from me. It is off as soon as I pass the threshold of the store.

There are no masks available! Cloth masks are only slightly better than nothing. They don’t work.
MAKE MASKS AVAILABLE to us non-hoarders.

Janie not negative just said what was obvious look at the comments mostly against it

Americans used to value freedom. Now most value conformity. What happens when you trade your freedom for security?

mike . Agree 100% ! And it is a false sense of security. This virus like all other viruses are always going to be around. No matter what, people are still going to get sick and people are still going to die. If everyone would excersize common decency and common sense when they are sick, we will keep the numbers down. People are drinking the koolaid. The numbers dont add up to this type of response . Dont ever give up freedom , for a false sense of security !!! We have a Bill of Rights and it is not null and void during a “pandemic” !!!

Only the weak willed need the validation conformity provides. This virus does, however, point out the disadvantages of nursing homes and assisted-living facilities. It is an unnatural arrangement just as this response to the virus is an unnatural arrangement. Man has interfered so significantly with the natural course of events on this planet, we are faced with greater and greater challenges as a result. I don’t have that much confidence in Gavin Newsom, based largely on his history, to allow him to decide what he thinks is best for me, personally.


I’m moving back to CoCoCounty around May 15th.

Am I going to be allowed back into the state?

Why would you do that??!

When we go back to work, possible May 13th, will I be able to ride with a co-worker to various job sites? Or will the 6 ft distance still be in effect?

CDC recommends encasing yourself in a block of concrete before ridesharing.

Liquid latex poured from above is also acceptable. If you have a silicone straw, place two small pieces in each nostril before pouring if you would like to breath. Do NOT use a plastic straw – they are effective but you may run the risk of offending someone.

Government-issued armbands to follow.

Try rubbing peanut butter on it first

Well that’s very clever. I haven’t seen that sort of little doohickey in the middle of a mask, either. I wonder if it’s something to use to hold the mask for removal or adjustment instead of the fingers…

Dear Paranoid,

You just literally made me laugh out loud. Thank you, it felt really good.

Some were observing it at work. Old norton antivirus CD got some laughs. Took care of a couple things on way home and people in Pittsburg were by-n-large compiling.

Plate of Bacon, …

Children are carriers; they should wear masks. The concern over suffocation would only apply to the very young. I’ve seen ten years olds without masks in grocery stores with mom. It is very inconsiderate of these parents to teach their little honey boo-boos that the health of others does not matter.

….just a negative person

About time someone took action and told people to keep their faces covered for the sake of humanity!!! Don’t like the parks where people are running by and coughing while passing you…or the people who get too close because they cannot control their dogs from going into the middle of the trail. I have my mask ready to go at all times.

Before anyone makes comments about this post for all the kind hearted great folks out there-I am grateful. But. . .
Yesterday I was outside of a store on Willow Pass Rd. and a repeat male shoplifter was giving the very nice young man who was processing folks going into the store and advising them they must wear a mask to enter was bullied by this thief. The young man was just doing his job and he was wearing a mask. He was of the same minority as the thief by the way, not that it matters.
The thief got in the young mans face and said what are you going to do about it if I come into the store? Give me a face mask you have to. HE was threatening the young man! The thief proceeded to push pass the employee and go into the store take what he wanted and walk out while saying rude uncalled for things.
The rest of us were taken aback but that is what California has created a bunch of thieves now using the excuse they don’t have a face mask to steal. Thanks all you voters who passed Prop 47. This allows these types of low life’s to endanger us all. The young employee should not have been exposed to this type of behavior.
Just saying. Wise up and stop voting for these types of slap on the hand propositions.

Cool, now you can cover your face legally. hint hint



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