Home » National Average For A Gallon Of Gas Is Now $1.81, California Is $2.81

National Average For A Gallon Of Gas Is Now $1.81, California Is $2.81


The West Coast region continues to see significant decreases in gas prices despite carrying some of the most expensive averages in the country.

On the week, Alaska (-10 cents) saw the largest decline in the region and the country. Hawaii ($3.20) and California ($2.81) remain the most expensive markets in the country.

The least expensive gallon of gas in the county can be found in Wisconsin, where the average price is $1.22.


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As the price for a barrel of gas is now a negative number I’ll wait until gas stations pay me to fill up.

The price of the May futures contract for WTI crude oil indeed went negative. But that’s only because the May contract is expiring today. You should check the front month futures contract, which is now JUNE.

That gas price will come down lower than $2.81 I am sure However, that will not last for rest of our life. This gas price will expire until 2021 maybe 2022 Once thing lifted. Than people will go crazy to get in line to fill their vehicle with gas before the prices goes up again.

You think the $2.81 a gallon or lower than this will last forever??? Get Real!! because you gonna be just building a castle in the sky

You neglected to mention how much of the cost is taxes per gallon in CA.

Remember the 10-cent carbon charge or the additional tax that Newscum piled on?

Have you ever lived in the Midwest or where there are toll roads?

You literally have to drive around with a bucket full of quarters to pay for the roads you drive on.


Trust me, Mike, we’re paying for the roads we’re driving on, BIG TIME.

Oh, goody!
Let’s bankrupt all American oil producers so we can be held hostage like in 1973.

I remember paying 75 cents for a gallon in 73.

People were outraged.

California state gasoline tax = 61.20 cents/gal
Federal sales tax = 18.4 cents/gal
California state Sales tax = 47.3 cents/gal.

I get $1.26 and change/gal.

It’s $1.91 at a gas station on Clayton rd..

According to Gas Buddy, $2.19 is the cheapest in Concord, at four stations. Where did you see that $1.91?

A show of hands, . . . who now has a new appreciation and understanding of why the dog gets so excited when someone walks past out on the the street ?

For those longing to be out driving, here’s next best thing.

I noticed that too. Thought they all just loved me. 😉

That’s how I felt driving on SR 4 last night! Passed by many doing triple digits…

But I’d take the C6 Vette…cruise with the A/C on, tunes playing, no bugs, etc.

Great fun! Some might laugh but it reminds me of go-kart racing in my younger days. Every driver knows what others around them are going to do. I’d do it again if I could go back 57 years.

This is a good time for our governor to add more taxes to our gas! Since it’s so low and we can all afford it! And by the time this power grab is over, the gas prices will go back up to where they were plus his new tax. Gas will be even higher. Fewer cars on the road because we won’t be able to afford it (except the rich). So we’ll be “back to normal, it will just look different.”

we pay an extra 85cents per gallon
for all the taxes on gas and they don’t go to road repair
as you probably believe like the rest of the lies by this state

look it up be informed
not a sheep

Gavin has to pay for his” golden undies” somehow

How would you know about that? Or are you just insulting as usual?

@ Jojo

Here is a breakdown for the taxes from a CA.Gov site:


Not the taxes Professor, I can look that up too. I was wondering about Aunt Barbara’s detailed knowledge of Gavin’s underwear. LOL.

Nice to see you again Random.

The Democratic Poison is taking hold.

Doesn’t matter that much since most of us don’t drive much.

How do you know how much most of us drive?

These comparisons are meaningless.

The reformulated gasoline that is made strictly for use in CALIFORNIA has nothing to do with other states. Our gasoline is not fungible.

California gasoline is 10% ethanol. This is why rubber products in your car’s fuel system have a much shorter shelf life now. For people wanting something more performance oriented, there are a number of local outlets where you can purchase Sunoco fuel.

True. I am told (by CVX buyers/management) when the margins become extremely large on CARB RBOB, barges with CARB blending components head towards our coast. The arbitrage experts claim you can see the futures drop as soon they depart their docks…I worked in downstream, so I am certainly no expert on such matters…

@whome : you are presenting yourself as having inside information on Chevron operations. Using the ticker CVX. But you flubbed with misusing the term “downstream”. That is the part of the company that does the refining, marketing and sales of consumer products. If you actually worked in downstream then you should have at least some knowledge of those matters. I suspect you are just a complete fraud trying to make some confusion on this internet of ours. Nice try, but no.

I don’t think anything I have stated is not true. Perhaps you can enlighten me? I do have inside information, I don’t trade using it however.

Of course I don’t, and I apologize if I neglected to account for people that might still drive to work, or have a job that involves delivery, my oversight.

I certainly feel better knowing that we’re not paying more for the same gas. To the contrary, we’re paying more for crappier gas. Thanks for setting us all straight.

@Fearless Spect

Most MOGAS (gasoline) is RBOB (regular blended oxygenate blend), whether it be CARB or 49 states RBOB. That’s a product that is “on test” AFTER the 10% ethanol is added.

Some states offer ethanol free gasoline (MOGAS), but it’s actually more costly to make, as it requires greater quantities of higher octane stock (reformed or otherwise), as Ethanol is naturally a 110 octane (R+M/2).

Point is, most large refiners/blenders just want to make one product and slam it out at max rates…that be RBOB

Here’s a few clarifications:

RBOB is reformulated blendstock for oxygenated blending, it means the gasoline before ethanol and deposit control additives are blended in and ready for delivery to gas stations. California has a cleaner-burning spec for RBOB, referred to as CARBOB…that’s the unique stuff used only here. Both RBOB and CARBOB come in regular and premium (octanes), with mid grade typically a blend of the two at storage terminals or gas stations. The term “mogas” is a generic term for motor gasoline, as contrasted to diesel, jet fuel, kerosine, fuel oil, etc.

Ethanol does have high anti-knock properties (hence high octane rating), but a third less energy content (I.e. BTUs) than gasoline.

So now you know…;-)

Get back to us about that after you have to replace the batteries, which shouldn’t be long after having it 4 years.

Yeah, better sell it before the battery craps out. $7K to $9K after all is said and done. But it sparkles…



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