Home » Concord Family Searching For Stolen 10-Week Old Puppy (PHOTOS)

Concord Family Searching For Stolen 10-Week Old Puppy (PHOTOS)



A Concord family is searching for their stolen 10-week-old puppy.

The family lives in the area near Hillcrest Park off Olivera Rd. in North Concord. They say right after they left their house this morning the man broke-into the home and took the puppy, whose name is Max.

The man is an unknown race male. His jacket appears to have red markings on each elbow.

If you’ve seen the puppy or know the man in the pictures shown above, please call the Concord Police Department.


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This is so disturbing, people that steals pets are usually up to no good. Fear for safety of the puppy and hope he gets found and the family get back their pet.

sense and sensibilty
Amen brother.

@. sense and sensibility. Queer, what I inferred from “up to no good” was a polite turn of phrase, instead of graphically expounding on the worst of human behaviors towards animals. This is a family show, after all. I wish I could say I was from Denmark, it sounds like a pretty happening country, but alas, I am Bay Area born and bred. Pretty boring life really, doesn’t make a good story.

Whether it’s Cowellian in Tennessee or Hanne from Denmark of Aunt Barbara kvetching about Countrywood, I enjoy people’s different geographic perspectives. I wish I had one, but I’m just local boring white bread. Did I mention that I’m boring?

sense and sensibilty? Interesting way for a troll to see themself.

@sense and sensibilty:
You should learn how to spell “sensibility”.

Old Fart,


nice to see the scum was wearing a mask and gloves

What are you talking about, I’m a huge animal lover, what terminology would have satisfied you. I guess in back of my mind I thought of the possibility of someone stealing a pet because they want a free pet, but my mind also conjure up must more disturbing scenarios, which I didn’t want to describe here out of respect for the family. Also read my second post, I AM NOT CUDDLING scum like this. I’m glad that the US had penalties for animal abuse some countries don’t.

I might be somewhat liberal, but I know the difference between right and wrong, and I feel insulted that you jump to the conclusion you did. Again as many subjects here this is not a political issue. As an animal lover, as someone who for many years had pets, who has a daughter that worked for the San Francisco SPCA, who rescue animals and contribute to animal shelters, this is really offending.


It is a political issues. The liberals of Contra Costa County have elected a DA who will not prosecute almost any crime, it is her fault that the puppy was stolen. You will only learn to change your vote when you have become a victim of a crime.


Wait a minute, he shouldn’t be wearing a mask and gloves, it’s not mandatory until Wednesday…or is it?

I’ll bet the bike he’s on is stolen also, anybody missing that?

Let’s give him a moniker, “Thoughtful Thief”.

Thank you for posting, Claycord!!!

Mir24 if this is your dog I will help with a $100 reward for safe return

I might be liberal on some issues, but I’m not for criminals, which includes animal abuse, getting away with anything. However, there is only on person responsible for stealing of the puppy, and that is the person that did it.

And capture of thief, DEAD (preferred) or alive.

I have been a victim of a crime, more than once. Purse snatched as I was walking on Willow Pass about 10 years ago. Window smashed in my car at Stanford Shopping Center, stuff stolen, not a lot of money, but things I valued, and couldn’t replace. It is infuriating and thus I’m not for letting anybody getting away with anything, liberal or not.

@1791 Pretty nasty of you to wish dead on an alleged criminal who harmed no one.

I don’t see this being just a California issue, as far as I can tell every state has criminals. Whatever, stealing pets, abusing pets is up there with child kidnapping and abuse, hope he gets found and the puppy is safe, and then throw him in jail, I have no mercy for scums like this.

I hope the pup is found soon and returned to his family.

As for the thief. (expletives deleted)

Max is adorable. This is heartbreaking. I hope he’s returned home safely.

Please let this sweet puppy get home to his family! Hope the person that stole this dog goes to jail or fined Calif is becoming a sanctuary for criminals!

What a piece of S@#%! Who would steal a puppy? Another reason for
retroactive abortions……………………

This is so disgusting!

Perhaps it is someone they know?? I wouldn’t be surprised if it is an acquaintance or a friend of a friend. Hope that the get their dog back. And whoever this is who stole a family’s dog, you are a scumbag.

Excellent point.
Most likely an acquaintence of one of the kids in the Family and he’s gonna sell the Dog.

I will pledge $200 towards a reward fund that leads to safe return of Max.

My right pocket says no, my left rear pocket says I’ll add 20 dollars to that!

Very cute dog but everytime I hear of a dog being stolen I hope it is walked and not wokked. How can anyone steal a pet? Hey friend look at the dog I just stole. The world is full of them.

Saw a similar puppy being taken into Banfield Veterinary Clinic at Ygnacio Valley Rd and Clayton Rd around 5:30 pm today (Saturday April 18th). Very healthy looking. But the one I saw seemed a little furrier. Not sure. Might be worth a check into tomorrow when they open. Hopefully they were bringing the puppy in for a microchip check. Would hate to be the bearer of false hope.

Those are elbow pads, not markings, on the sweatshirt. Look for the only person wearing elbow pads on a bicycle..hope the pup is found!

I suspect the elbow pads make it easier to smash windows open without getting cut.

sense and sensability….really?? You have to mention Denmark?? And they don’t read Claycord?? Rude comments IMHO for someone losing their puppy. You are entitled to your opinion also. That’s why I don’t always read comments because a lot of peeps make comments that are off the topic. I hope the puppy is found.

Yep, Denmark vs US blah, blah, blah, A nanny from Denmark blah blah blah, lived in New York blah, blah, blah, a Newsome groupie, blah, blah, blah.

This is really upsetting. I pray that little Max is found safe and sound and and returned to his family very soon! Poor little tyke.

I only mention Denmark when it is relevant. Some seem to take offense by me just mentioning it. I don’t compare, I just point out difference, and I always make sure to point out I came here because I wanted, I stayed because I wanted to, I love the US, I love California, I love the East Cost. In my opinion there are certain things you can’t compare, like nature, Yosemite vs. Tahoe, I feel the same way about countries and states, each has something unique and good to offer.

I know I’d REALLY enjoy a visit to Denmark. When I decided to become a Travel Agent It was on my extensive list of places I wanted to see and didn’t actually make it to.😊

Newsome groupie, hardly he is not my type. Don’t like his hairstyle.

Linda T, Thanks for you comment, as an animal lover this was very hurtful to me. I think he meant that the thief and family don’t read Claycord, I have no idea one way or the other, but I hope, and this is the 3rd time I mention this, the puppy is returned soon.

Silva, If you get a chance to go let me know, I will tell you places to visit that are not typically touristy.

One photo shows he removed a glove from his
left hand. Hope he tripped up and left some
evidence behind.

Jerk. Probably stolen the bike too. Poor pup

I hope they find this guy and the puppy is returned safe.

Any other security cameras in the neighborhood? you never know

We now have the same/similar problem we’ve had since the wonderful state decriminalized misdemeanor theft. The thieves don’t care if they get caught. Now with COVID-19, it’s even worse. There is almost no chance they will get arrested. There is no need or reason to call the police. Just use the aforementioned Louisville slugger (or your choice of items) and claim self defense. Shoot first, ask questions later.

I’m thinking it’s someone that knows the family has this dog. Not a random break in. I would check the lead a gentleman posted above and share Max’s photo with nearby vets. Is Max microchipped?


Now we’re on the right track. I would substitute Louisville Slugger ( a fine weapon of choice) with Federal American or Lake City.

Ha! Pulled a Hanne on the post above!

Good points Suzanne and sense. Would have at least stolen more than just the puppy. Anything else easy to carry and in plain sight.

a baseball bat? right. you’d get your butt whipped.


What have you got against good wood?

His behind

Our neighbors Had their two pugs stolen. They put an ad up offering a reward. The two people who stole the dog in the first place, claimed the reward. But har har the reward was a police sting and the scumbags went to jail.

Note the bike. A silver top tube and a gold or olive green down tube. Silver forks. Possibly some blue on the handle bars. Maybe a triangular red reflector beneath the seat. I doubt he’ll toss the bike just because he used it in a crime. Jeans, blue hoodie, and what might be a brown leather patch on the right hip (Levi’s jeans?) or it is might be attached to the lower right fringe of the hoodie.

I thought everyone was supposed to be sheltering in place? Is burglary considered an essential activity?

@ sense and sensibility – If you are offended by Hanne’s opinions….then don’t read them. She has a right to express her views, as well as anyone else on this site. It is not your call to restrict her from mentioning Denmark, or anything else she damn well pleases.

@SF Oh Then how about you be the one to read and reply to them and provide a synopsis if anything new or important comes up, kay?

As I said, if you already know that you do not like, or agree with, a person’s comments ….. then don’t read them. Problem solved! Henny Youngman said it best in his joke in which a man goes to the doctor because his arm is sore when he bends it. The man says to his doctor – “It hurts when I do this” ….Doctor says, “Then don’t do that”. Works for old school jokes and works for freedom of speech also.

You know it has to be someone who knows the family or has seen the dog and wanted it. Hopefully someone will recognize this person even through his ‘required’ disguise and do the right thing. Stealing someone’s dog is almost as bad as kidnapping in some people’s eyes. Bad, bad karma.

Certainly hope that sweet puppy is found and returned to its owner as soon as possible.

Crackhead POS, search homeless camps, you will find the puppy.

This makes me sick. Put me down for $100 toward the reward.

I think I’ve seen him a couple of times on the Iron Horse Trail night right near the 680 / 242 split

I think I’ve seen him a couple of times on the Iron Horse Trail night right near the 680 / 242 split
There’s a lot of people living there maybe if you ask around somebody else has seen him as well

When a pet is microchipped the chip should include GPS tracking capabilities.

In your fantasy world animal chips provide GPS tracking. In the real world the animal needs to have a wand passed over it to read the chip. Why are you so confused?

@Potato addlepate is suggesting that GPS would be a helpful addition to the microshipping. You are the one who appears to be confused

All my animals have been micro chipped through Contra Costa County. You have to have them neutered with up to date shots and licences. I dont know the rules or state laws but I hope you cant just walk into a vets office and get an animal micro chipped. I had a cat stolen and returned 4 years later. So there is always hope. You are all wonderful for contributing to a reward.

I had this happen to me in 2006, perp on a BMX bike ripped out a board from the fence and lured the dog with canned food. I was looking for a young male as the perp, it turned out to be a homeless female.

And Police are useless in these situations, better off kicking their azzes with your mask on.
Train your dogs to fear the gate area as a threat, cannot really do with such a young puppy though.

Sence and sensibility, your so right, it is a bike from many bikes.

The heat just got turned up on this stolen dog story. CNN has picked it up on their website, saying the owner is a nurse at a local hospital. Not a good time to steal from a nurse, it might get you national coverage.



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