Home » Concord Police, Other Law Enforcement Agencies Escort Body Of Fallen South Carolina Deputy To Concord Funeral Home

Concord Police, Other Law Enforcement Agencies Escort Body Of Fallen South Carolina Deputy To Concord Funeral Home


Concord Police, along with law enforcement officers from several other local agencies, escorted the body of fallen South Carolina Deputy Jeremy LaDue from the San Francisco Airport to the Ouimet Bros. Concord Funeral Chapel on Clayton Rd. this evening.

LaDue, a 29-year-old Antioch native, was killed in a vehicle collision on Monday while on duty in Charleston County.

LaDue’s family is unable to have a funeral for the fallen officer due to the shelter-in-place order.


His body will be guarded by the Antioch Police Department at the funeral home in Concord until his private burial service is held early next week.

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Pretty darn disgraceful that no state or county official is willing to make an exception for a fallen LEO. What cop would try and break up a funeral for a fellow member of the force, anyway???

Getting real low on patience with this B.S

My nephew died recently and they will not allow the family to hold a service of any kind. He will be cremated all alone by some guy working for the Neptune Society. They will then deliver his ashes to my sister. I don’t care about the service myself, because I’ve always viewed them as unpleasant and disturbing. Sort of morbid. I want my last memory to be seeing him alive and happy. My sister’s family would have liked a service, and I’m sad for them not being able to have one.
Everybody mourns in their own way.

It’s an act of honor genius.

Dawg, That is truly heartbreaking. I’m so sorry. Is your sister’s family forbidden to have a service after your nephew’s cremation? That doesn’t seem at all right.

Oh, duh. I guess I forgot about the gathering part. I hope they have a service for him when they’re able.

The virus doesn’t care about making exceptions. What part about we have no therapies, no vaccine, no innate immune response is hard to understand? SARS-CoV-2 will be here for years, build up some patience, otherwise you’re going to have a rough time

I was wondering what was going on. I was scared to leave my house to go to work because I heard a helicopter circling. Then seeing the row of cop cars and cones had me thinking someone was murdered and the killer was on the loose. I guess I’ve been watching too many crime shows lol

Too many reruns of gunsmoke? This is a whole new era Bob.

Many prayers go out to Officer LaDue, his family, and the whole thin blue line family!! I will always back the blue! Too many amazing men & women taken too soon, who have given their lives for our safety! Thank you for your unwavering service Office LaDue! Rest easy!

Sending my sincerest condolences to the family and friends of this fine young man! I am so sorry for your loss.

Condolences to the family. So sorry for your loss. Many Blessings of peace to you all.

sympathy to all

God Bless his family and friends.

I was scared to death last night. With all the prisoners out I swear I thought I was in danger. I would have appreciated a warning whats going on!
Now that I know I want to share my condolences with the family.

Scary? That’s what I call IMPRESSIVE. A great way to show honor and respect during these trying times.

RIP young man.

yes – you read right. Since I did not know what was going on – it WAS scary!! Hearing a helicopter circling is not my average night entertainment!
Now that I know what it was, it changes my whole outlook.

Condolences to the family and friends of this young man.

It was an impressive show of respect for a fallen officer. It was near midnight and the night sky was lite up by all the flashing lights. It was quiet and then it got loud and the helicopter was there. Then the procession was so long it was slowing to a stop and the motorcycles were racing ahead to block intersections. I have never seen a midnight procession and it was impressive. Couldn’t get any info at the time but now it makes sense.

As a former LEO, I would probably have attended a service, but not having one may save others lives, it makes sense.


Dawg, that is how cremations are done! Don’t blame it on what’s happening now, The family is never there and always receive the ashes later! As to the service, it can be done at a later time. We’ve always chosen to hold our service/memorial at a later date.

Rest in Peace Deputy LaDue.

RIP my brother.

Prayers for the LaDue family. Rest in peace Jeremy.
We have the watch from here💙👮🙏💙

Not having been successful at getting this article and video to post, I have messaged my near-Charleston cousin please to find a way to let Deputy Jeremy LaDue’s colleagues and family know how very respectfully his remains were and will be honor-guarded.

Please note it will be Officers and Deputies from throughout Contra Costa County watching over Deputy Ladue in Concord. Many of which include will include sworn Officers who attended The COCO LETC with Deputy Ladue and CPD Honor Guard.

You donkeys! Why make an exception, do you think people won’t get sick because it is a funeral for law enforcement?? 🙄🙄.

Why does his body need to be guarded by the police department at the funeral home??

You’re being obtuse, right

Call it being guarded or standing watch, that is the tradition. It’s respect.

I have done this…respect & make sure no one steals the badge & to great any people who want to view the body. I was not paid for it.

Our paths crossed many years ago. So sad to see a such a happy, good person who had a bright future just ripped from them. May you Rest In Peace Jeremy. My condolences to his family and friends. You’re all my my prayers.

Do our tax dollars go to pay these officers who are riding around making a spectacle of themselves?

Some were paid and some were not. It came down to who was on duty and allowed to participate and who volunteered to participate. If you want to count fuel and vehicle use then your answer is a solid YES. Really happy they were able to do this for the family as he was not given the traditional services a Deputy killed in the line of duty would receive.



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