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MDUSD Gives Answers To Growing List Of Frequently Asked Questions


The MDUSD has provided a list of answers to many of the frequently asked questions they’ve been receiving throughout the past month.

Below is the list from the MDUSD:

When will students return to schools?


For the remainder of the 2019-20 school year, MDUSD has formally closed schools and has transitioned to a distance learning model.  The school year will not be extended to make up for closure days.

For the 2020-21 school year, we are hopeful and anticipate returning to school sites in August. Our district must continue to evaluate health and safety risks in coordination with the Contra Costa County Office of Education, local Public Health Officials, and state governance. The decision to reopen will become clearer as the school year approaches.

Will summer school or Extended School Year be held this year?

MDUSD has formally closed schools until June 3rd and has transitioned to a distance learning model. For the Extended School Year (ESY) and the credit recovery high school program, staff is anticipating and planning for a similar distance learning program starting mid- June, with priority given to senior students needing credit recovery.


Has MDUSD revised its grading and graduation policies?

In alignment with the guidance provided by the California Department of Education, and pending Board approval, MDUSD will transition to the following grading and graduation policies:

  • Elementary Levels: Third trimester report cards will be completed, and the Not Assessed mark may be utilized in the event that a teacher, due to these unique circumstances, is unable to assess standards mastery.
  • Secondary Level: Third quarter grades will stand, with the opportunity for students to improve their grades going forward. Fourth quarter grades will be a credit/no credit mark based on engagement and work submitted.
  • Graduation Policies: Our current graduation requirements still stand, because they allow for our credit/no credit policy. Students in special circumstances will be considered.

The UC/CSU system in California has revised its policy to accept Credit/No Credit in lieu of grading for the students impacted by the policy. Students are held harmless.

Will there be graduation or promotion ceremonies and celebrations this year?


Yes, MDUSD will look to honor these important milestones and recognize our graduating classes. Unfortunately, as we know, the summertime ceremonies and events have been cancelled, but we are looking now to make alternative arrangements for when such gatherings are once again possible.

Are Special Education services continuing?

Yes, Special Education services are continuing virtually to the greatest extent possible. Teachers are offering their own specialized academic instruction through the same formats as the general education teachers–online video, meetings, google classrooms, etc. They are also consulting with general education staff to ensure that adaptations are being provided to allow full accessibility to learning opportunities  in those courses.   Our teachers also collaborate to develop activities with each other, speech therapists, occupational therapists, and other service providers in order to provide support from a distance.  Due to countywide shelter in place and the challenges with providing related services such as speech therapy and occupational therapy virtually we are continuing to address these needs through consultation and modeling.

Students are being provided access to tools including communication systems, visual supports including schedules, positioning systems, accessible technology and others.  If your child requires access to a tool they do not yet have, please contact your child’s case manager or our special education department for additional guidance.


We are continuing to hold annual and triennial IEPS to the extent we are able by utilizing the Trienniel Review Process where appropriate.   At this time, initial IEPs and triennials that require additional assessment are not able to be completed due to the “in-person,” classroom observations and evaluations required. All IEP meetings will be held in a virtual format during this time period.

For additional information, please contact the Special Education Department.

Are meal services continuing?

Yes, MDUSD is proud to continue with curbside meal services at nine locations district wide, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. English Flyer | Spanish Flyer. Over 12,000 meals are being served to our families each week.

How do I get help from my teacher, counselor, or administrator during this closure?

During the school closure, teachers, counselors, and administrators are available to answer questions and to provide support.  Teachers host “virtual office hours” each day and can be reached by email.  Counselors and administrators can also be reached by email.  Additional information on how to contact staff is located on school websites.

Are there Chromebook laptops available for my child? 

Our technology and school site leaders have coordinated a large distribution, loaning close to 7,000 Chromebooks to our students, but our work to close the technology gap is not done.

To help us bridge this gap, our partners at the MDUSD Education Foundation have established a Coronavirus Remote Learning Fund. Every dollar in donations made to this fund will go toward the acquisition and distribution of distance learning technologies, all designed to do one thing: help our students succeed and stay connected during these unprecedented times.

Please express your technology needs to your school site Principals, because we will continue to distribute new purchases to our families.

Where can I find information about affordable internet?

Because access to affordable home internet options for our families is highly critical, we are proud of a newly formed partnership with EveryoneOn through the California Emerging Technology Fund. Flyers that are specific to MDUSD are available here in English and in Spanish.

How do I update my contact information?

Parents may contact their school sites or Student Services for updates to contact information, including phone numbers, addresses, emergency contacts, and district communications language preferences.

How do I pick up my students personal items from their desk or locker?

Plans on how students can retrieve their belongings prior to the end of the year is currently being discussed keeping in mind physical distancing and flexible scheduling.  Once this is finalized, school sites will be communicating directly with their students and their school community.

Will my student have to take California standardized tests online this spring?

The annual California Assessment for Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) testing for English/ Language Arts, mathematics and science, the summative English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC),  and the Physical Fitness Testing (PFT) have all been suspended or postponed for this year.

What about AP Exams?

AP Exams can be taken online on any device you have access to—computer, tablet, or smartphone. Students will also have the option to write your responses by hand and submit a photo.  Students should contact their teacher with questions or visit the AP College Board website  for more information.

What about SAT or ACT Testing?

At this moment, the SAT and SAT Subject Tests as planned in June have been canceled. Please visit the ACT/SAT College Board website for updated SAT and ACT information.

How will I know that my child is staying on track with their learning?

While we know that parents are providing instruction to the best of their individual abilities, we know that there is no substitute for face-to-face, in classroom instruction by teachers. To that end, we know that all students will require support when school resumes and please know that our teachers, along with other teachers all over the world, will be ready to meet them where they are and provide them with the skills they need to catch up.

During the period of closures, there are many ways in which teachers will be involved in monitoring the progress of students and sharing this information with families. Your child’s teacher is still providing feedback through our various digital platforms and will be available to students and their families during designated office hours. MDUSD will also monitor attendance via remote access to ensure that students are engaged in their learning and to follow up with families where there are concerns.

How do I support my child’s learning if we have multiple children at home?

Creating schedules and having quiet places for study will help when multiple children are attempting their school work each day. Some families may require additional technology to enable their children to access learning activities.  If this is the case, please contact your child’s site principal and make arrangements for device pick up. We are working diligently to close the technology gap and to get our families connected.

Where can I find additional information on social-emotional resources for my child?

Tools and resources for families can be found on the MDUSD District website Counseling Resources for Parents.

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Schools back to normal in August? Maybe. Yet we are still hearing about scenarios where winter-month outbreaks may force another round of (hopefully) temporary school site closures. Districts need to be working on hybrid models now so they can be prepared to turn on a dime between classroom and remote learning this Fall. From what I hear and have seen educators are, for the most part, working diligently to continue to serve their students under radically new circumstances.

Unfortunately, distance learning does not address all the needs of our children. They are losing out on the social development, learning how to share, … this is especially needed for our younger ones and maybe even up through middle school. Distance learning is not effective at that age.

Teachers are trying, but this is teaching children to be screen dependent, stuck to a computer, and that the way they build friends is only online. Ever here about those cases of bad people on line trying to lure children out … yeah … distance learning can be a scary subject.

So yes, I hope we get kids back to classroom learning in August, was hoping for May …, so that our kids can get a full education.

Gavin was mentioning 1/2 days for all students a morning class group and an afternoon class group so that social distancing could still be obtained within the classroom. Not sure how the teachers will be able to handle the longer days so it is still only an idea

Any home schoolers out there? Before this happened.
A relative home schooled her children. One graduated from a well known private university.

There are more home schooled kids around you than you think, and a lot of resources in play. It’s like an underground society. Once you get involved you meet people who know where to obtain access to instruction and materials. A lot of home schooling is not actually done at home, and students learn how to teach themselves. If properly managed by the parents, kids receive a better education than they would get in public school. Do some research.

I’d like to thank MDUSD and teachers everywhere for all there efforts during this crazy time. Every teacher that I have the pleasure of being friends with is working hard to do the best they can for their students. They’d rather be in class with the kids than remote learning. Our kids teachers have been openly communicating and encouraging them. The school easily provided chrome books and has sent out info regarding low cost internet for those who have need. The food service staff is working hard to provide free meals. Bravo to all education workers!!

Parent and Michael both make good observations. Yes, distance learning has its weaknesses, especially in serving little ones, minorities, special ed, and social-emotional development. Relationships between students and teachers are critical for online learning, which is hard to cultivate on a screen (present company excluded🤣?). To Michael’s point, finding ways to effectively stagger student schedules in classrooms to accommodate social distancing, combined with some remote classes where students can continue to learn, interact, and socialize online (they do it 24×7 now anyways) should be top priority as districts institutionalize blended learning strategies.

I have kids in MDUSD and I have been very impressed with how they have handled this situation. For all the negativity that comes their way (some deserved, some not deserved) they were able to adapt to this situation quickly. Within a week of the SIP order they had laptop distribution, meal distribution, frequent communication (from teachers, principal and district). My child’s teachers have reached out frequently to make sure kids are ok and participating. Distance learning is not ideal and my kids struggle with it but the schools and teachers have really stepped up (including Clayton Valley Charter, they have been awesome too) and have been more organized and prepared than our federal government. My family and I really appreciate it!

FYI, I emailed my kid’s principal and was able to make an appointment to get in to his locker the following week.

Why have teachers not been required to “ teach” daily .. M-F 2-3 hrs minimum? They are being paid their full salaries! understand they are home with their children… so are most parents at home, working from home, & caring for their children! & many are laid off without any income. Many teacher are only offering “1 hr a day “office hours”

I hear that! Our teachers are slacking. It is horrendous. They care more about what is easier for teachers versus what is best for students (and parents). Some teachers are sitting at home and working one hour a day. Our kids are getting screwed. If they don’t do virtual classes (happy with 2 hours a day) then they should not get paid. Anything else is ridiculous. If they want me to do all the teaching, they should transfer those salaries to the parents. I still have to do my full job if I want to be paid, care for my kids and teach multiple children everything their teacher should be teaching. We are thinking of pulling out for private school because MDUSD doesn’t give a crap.

Teachers are having to work INCREDIBLY hard. And no matter what they do, they get berated. Almost every teacher I talk to is getting complaints both that there’s too much and too little. Not to mention that these teachers have to create waaaay more new content because a ton of the stuff they had planned for the rest of the year just WILL.NOT.WORK at home (or they have little to none of their materials because they are in filing cabinets in a school they were suddenly locked out of). And they are having to grade/look over a ton more stuff because they can’t assess understanding through observation. Plus there’s the hours of remote collaboration to try to have teachers on the same page with what they’re doing and admin continually changing expectations and policies as they try to figure out how to deal. Many of them are also trying to learn technology they’ve never been trained in. And tons of them are doing all this while ALSO trying to look after/homeschool their own kids, and they are also not getting paid a cent more for all this extra work and stress. They are trying their best in a completely foreign situation, just like you are. I absolutely guarantee they are in over their heads, not sipping margaritas and laughing over this lovely break.

Why did it take so long for the district to instruct the schools to keep teaching???? And why did some of the schools and teachers actually wait for that instruction???

I can’t believe the insults I am reading towards the teachers first of all you try to teach 28 students don’t forget you have to grade their paperwork after hours usually I’d like to see you do that with 28 students not your one or two or three kids at home that’s the problem with our society they have no respect for the people that worked so hard oh and remember you have to meet with all the parents of those 28 students and discussed how they’re doing with with some of the parents who Don’t take any responsibility

Looks like you didn’t pay attention in English class.




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