Home » State Extending Unemployment Call Center Hours, Creating Fund For Undocumented Immigrants

State Extending Unemployment Call Center Hours, Creating Fund For Undocumented Immigrants


Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Wednesday that California will boost staffing at its Economic Development Department and extend a state unemployment call center’s hours to make it easier for residents to apply for unemployment benefits during the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Newsom signed an executive order extending the call center’s hours from 8 a.m. to noon Monday to Friday to seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The call center, which has taken calls from state residents since 2013,
will begin operating with its new hours on Monday.

Call center operators can answer questions in English, Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese. Phone numbers for each language can be found at edd.ca.gov/unemployment/telephone_numbers.htm.

The department’s unemployment insurance division will also gain nearly 1,500 employees as outlined in the executive order. The state will reassign 740 EDD employees and 600 employees from other state government agencies and departments to support the efforts to bolster EDD staff.


“Many Californians are one paycheck away from losing their homes
or from being able to put food on their tables, and COVID-19 has only made
these challenges worse,” Newsom said. “California is focused on getting relief dollars and unemployment assistance in the hands of those who need it as quickly as possible.”

The EDD has maintained its frequency of about 21 days to process unemployment insurance claims, in spite of millions more applicants, according to Newsom. Roughly 2.7 million state residents have applied for unemployment insurance during the pandemic, he said.

Newsom also announced a $125 million effort, including $75 million in state contributions, to support undocumented immigrants who have been affected by the pandemic. The state’s philanthropic partners, including the
Emerson Collective and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, have committed to supplying the additional $50 million.

While undocumented residents are ineligible for federal benefits during the pandemic, the $125 million fund will offer $500 one-time payments to undocumented adults with a cap of $1,000 per household. Applications are expected to open next month, according to Newsom.


“I’m not here to suggest that $125 million is enough but I am here to suggest it’s a good start and I’m very proud of starting here in the state of California,” Newsom said.

Health officials around the state have confirmed a total of 24,424 coronavirus cases, including 821 deaths, according to Newsom. In addition, 1,145 people are in intensive care due to the virus, a 0.2 percent decline from Tuesday’s total.


Getty April 15, 2020 - 3:51 PM - 3:51 PM

Why are we giving people that are here illegally anything????

parent April 15, 2020 - 4:33 PM - 4:33 PM

Cause Newscum hopes they will vote for him when he runs to be King of the United States.

Mike Wagner April 15, 2020 - 4:34 PM - 4:34 PM

Maybe because they are picking produce in the fields of the Central Valley for $12 an hour and helping to get food on our table?

Or are you saying you’d work one of those jobs?

Original G April 15, 2020 - 4:50 PM - 4:50 PM

Majority of field crops are picked by machines these days.
There is even a machine, invented by a farmer unable to get enough field labor, to pick romaine lettuce.

Bad Nombre April 15, 2020 - 4:55 PM - 4:55 PM

It is worth noting that being undocumented doesn’t exempt one from paying taxes (nor does it exempt those who employ them from paying the employers’ share of payroll taxes).

Jason April 15, 2020 - 5:05 PM - 5:05 PM

What’s wrong with $12 an hour for unskilled labor?

Gittyup April 15, 2020 - 5:05 PM - 5:05 PM

I never made $12/hr in my life, and I picked Walnuts for FREE. Newsom is making wimps out of the whole state.

Ricardoh April 15, 2020 - 5:06 PM - 5:06 PM

Mike if they are working the fields picking produce why do they need unemployment?
How many past farm workers are still working farms? The vast majority of illegals are taking US jobs and don’t know a peach from a rutabaga.

DaTruth April 15, 2020 - 5:47 PM - 5:47 PM

A lot of them have certain legal documents so with that in mind your arrogance and own definition along with the title of this column is a bit ignorance.

@Original G

Sweet! Just like the auto business, lets take away jobs from ALL hardworking people shall we? Next is the cheese factories in the valley. And just because have machines, does not mean all farmers are using it, maybe you should go take a field trip for your next school assignment.

@parent- we already have a tyrant; I’d rather take the King who has responded better than the man himself. *sighs.

@jason I challenge you to go take whatever skills you have and do the work itself bud.
@Gittyup- yeah, neither did farm workers make $12 dollars per/hr about 5 years ago and be realistic; you got something from picking up those walnuts for free, bud.

@Ricardoh- I hope to God that you are not and never will run a business; its logistics man. I’m sure you are not able to tell a taco from an authentic taco huh? Taco Bell rocks dude!

Gittyup April 15, 2020 - 7:52 PM - 7:52 PM

@Pete V English As A Second Language. They teach it in Adult Education. Might help you express your twisted thoughts with more coherence..

Yeah, I helped my mother pick walnut while my father was in Korea fighting for the rights of foreigners and scat like you.

Gittyup April 15, 2020 - 10:09 PM - 10:09 PM

Sorry Pete V. That was intended for @DaTruth otherwise known as Da Loser.

PD April 16, 2020 - 6:24 AM - 6:24 AM

Actually it’s not “we” money ,money’s coming from a none profits organization so dont be too worried won’t be coming out of our tax money

Mark April 16, 2020 - 9:56 AM - 9:56 AM

If undocumented workers were not picking crops, legal workers would be, probably at a higher wage.

We should not give a nickel of tax payer money to illegals.

Pete V April 15, 2020 - 4:02 PM - 4:02 PM

PHEW, that’s a load off, been very worried about the plight of people who knowingly and voluntarily entered this country ILLEGALLY. While I don’t think they should get a dime, I know this state is clinically insane so it will happen, in which case money should only go to those with an ITIN, even though that’s not much of a safeguard since yet one more govt “do-gooder” program that is rife with fraud.

Mike Wagner April 15, 2020 - 4:36 PM - 4:36 PM

No Pete.

Youre just not that smart and haven’t figured out who helps get the food to our grocery stores so that we can eat the freshest produce in the world. – – – I wonder how long you’d last in the fields of the Central Valley? Maybe 2 days???

4th generation CCC April 15, 2020 - 4:50 PM - 4:50 PM

Do you think it is moral to let people and small children die of starvation just because they were not lucky enough to be born here.

Pete V April 15, 2020 - 6:59 PM - 6:59 PM

@ Mike,
Oh brother, talk about someone not being smart, how many times are you going to roll out this STUPID “picking crops” talking point? It really is dumb and irrelevant to the fact they are ILLEGAL aliens with zero right to be here.

@ 4th Gen,
Good grief, now here’s someone trying to give Mike a run for his money on who can dredge up the most inane and irrelevant appeal to emotion…bonus points for not just using children, but SMALL children.

By your warped “logic”, EVERYONE “not lucky enough to be born here” would be the US’ responsibility to ensure they don’t starve. And no kids are starving around here considering MDUSD is handing out lunches (with breakfast food for the next day) free of charge, no questions asked, courtesy of the taxpayers.

Not to mention, there are those like me who, even though vehemently opposed to ILLEGAL immigration, are empathetic human beings, which is why our family regularly donates food, money, and time to local charities including CoCo Food Bank and Monument Crisis Center…you, helping the SMALL children. But that’s charity borne from compassionate goodwill, not a taxpayer-funded incentive to break our laws.

Mike Wagner April 15, 2020 - 4:32 PM - 4:32 PM

Oh Boy!
I cant wait for all of the Archie Bunker’s to chime in on this.

You know, the one’s that aren’t willing to pick strawberries and lettuce side by side in the fields of the Central Valley without any protective gear day after day for $12 an hour.

You know, the 60 – 75% of California’s more than 400,000 agricultural workers who are undocumented and are the one’s getting food to our grocery stores.

ZZ April 15, 2020 - 5:11 PM - 5:11 PM

I read there is a shortage of field workers. So I guess that 125 million will barely get used…unless all these illegal Mexicans in northern California are field workers.

Ricardoh April 15, 2020 - 5:14 PM - 5:14 PM

Have you ever picked fruit or vegetables. Maybe you have never even seen it done. They have plenty of protection. I have picked grapes and apples. It’s hard work but I kept up maybe even went faster. I didn’t speak Spanish so I never wasted time in conversation. If they are any good they will have a job otherwise they can go home.

To Do List April 15, 2020 - 5:22 PM - 5:22 PM

If Archie Bunker were here he might point out that he looked at an international comparison of lettuce prices a couple of years ago and found that a head of lettuce is cheaper in either Berlin or Paris than it is in San Francisco, and they still somehow manage without ten million illegal aliens to pick it. But don’t let facts get in the way of your incorrect intuition or CNN talking points.

Gittyup April 15, 2020 - 5:24 PM - 5:24 PM

And I can’t wait for all the uninformed and ignorant bleeding heart liberals to continue to pollute the state with law breakers. When you’re finally a crime victim, let us know.

Pete V April 15, 2020 - 6:02 PM - 6:02 PM

Ah yes, like the swallows returning to Capistrano, you can always count on this llllaaaaame and absurd “lettuce” argument as if it justifies those who willfully violate our immigration laws and sovereignty. Studies have shown that eliminating illegal aliens in the SAS (Seasonal Agricultural Services) sector would have negligible effect on the cost of production.

We’ll just use some simple round numbers and quick napkin math. These stoop labor field jobs are to pick items in bulk…so let’s just say $12/hr to pick 200 heads of lettuce in that hour. We could DOUBLE that wage to $24/hr, and to recover that extra $12 of labor cost for the hour would mean an increase of a whopping $.06, yes 6 CENTS per head of lettuce.

REGARDLESS, I don’t care if it cost me an extra $1 per head of lettuce (which it wouldn’t), I would gladly pay it in exchange for our BORDER to actually mean something and if that’s what it would take for American CITIZENS to do the work, and to punish employers who will sell out their country in the name of “cheap labor”. And while I’m casting aspersions, a huge middle finger to the politicians (of ANY persuasion) activists, and everyday citizens who are apologists for this status quo.

What April 16, 2020 - 1:06 AM - 1:06 AM

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Gittyup April 16, 2020 - 5:51 AM - 5:51 AM

@Mike Wagner Obviously that degree didn’t give you the ability to read labels. Or, maybe you’re “too good” to grocery shop. Lots of that stuff is not grown in California any longer.

Mike Wagner April 15, 2020 - 4:33 PM - 4:33 PM

You gonna work the fields in the Central Valley for us without any protective gear, side by side, for $12 an hour to get food onto our tables?

Mark April 16, 2020 - 10:03 AM - 10:03 AM


C’mon man. Think. Without illegals nothing would change regarding getting good food to our tables. It would still get done. The farms are not going to shut down. They might have to pay slightly higher wages, and consumers might have to pay slightly higher prices. The workers would be better off.

Nothing changes.

The point is people are here illegally. They are technically criminals. I can’t wait for your insightful response.

Bill Cutting April 15, 2020 - 4:39 PM - 4:39 PM

Your giving 75 million dollars to criminals ? The people of California would have more jobs if you would arrest and deport the undocumented I mean illegal aliens. This guy is pure evil.

Mike Wagner April 15, 2020 - 5:37 PM - 5:37 PM

Bill, are you saying youre gonna work in the fields for $12 an hour?

WC April 15, 2020 - 4:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Emmerson and Zukerburg chips in 50M, that’s like a cup of coffee to them.

Gavin 125M won’t do much if you want to support all the illegals your going to need to step it up. Until then, you don’t get my vote.

Bobfished April 15, 2020 - 4:57 PM - 4:57 PM

I’m pretty sure that the growers would find people to work if there were no illegals to pick their crops. Maybe hire people who have came here legally. Otherwise they would go out of business.

Mike Wagner April 15, 2020 - 6:32 PM - 6:32 PM

You clearly have no idea how the $45 Billion Agri-Business works.

PD April 16, 2020 - 6:27 AM - 6:27 AM

Lmao people who come here legally definitely not saying to them selfs , hey let me work the fields lol let be realistic

Gittyup April 15, 2020 - 5:09 PM - 5:09 PM

“Many Californians are one paycheck away from losing their homes
or from being able to put food on their tables, and COVID-19 has only made
these challenges worse,” Newsom said.

In typical Newsom fashion, he states the obvious way late. If they are “one paycheck away from losing their homes,” thanks to him they probably already have. And, what does he think people who aren’t working are eating? Roadkill?

Jerk’s a train wreck!

Mike Wagner April 15, 2020 - 7:51 PM - 7:51 PM

Your reading comprehension is poor.

Gittyup April 15, 2020 - 10:31 PM - 10:31 PM

Your personality sucks!

Mike Wagner April 15, 2020 - 5:18 PM - 5:18 PM

The Agriculture Business is a $45 BILLION dollar business in CALIFORNIA.

The Golden State produces 1/3rd of the Nation’s vegetables and 2/3rds of the Nation’s fruits and nuts.

More than 40% of Farmers in the past five years have been unable to obtain all the workers they needed for production of their main crop.

Of the total reported shortages, 70% or more indicated they have experienced more trouble hiring in 2017 and 2018.

Maybe they should come to Claycord and recruit some of the posters here to pick in the fields?

I’m sure there’s a long line just chomping at the bit to do backbreaking work for $12 an hour in the hot sun, right?

Welcome to Claycord!

You just cant fix stupid.

Original G April 15, 2020 - 6:26 PM - 6:26 PM

Farmers are increasingly turning to automation for harvesting.

From CNBC article, “56% of the farmers surveyed have started using mechanization in the past five years, and of the total, more than half said it was because of labor shortages.”

Survey they refer to was conducted in early 2019 and 1,071 farmers participated.

Another article on automation,

An lets give credit also where it is due, progressive liberal politicians and unelected bureaucrats of CA have made thru laws, regulations and mandatory reporting the cost of farm labor more expensive than cost of machines. An hour of farm labor after governmental involvement is much more than the hourly pay rate.

The Fearless Spectator April 15, 2020 - 6:34 PM - 6:34 PM

California doesn’t produce 1/3rd of the Nations vegetables and 2/3rds of the Nations fruits and nuts. As a Nation-State we export them……

Produce April 15, 2020 - 6:49 PM - 6:49 PM

Speaking of fruits and nuts, were you aware that Wagner has a Business degree from the Haas School of Business?

S April 15, 2020 - 7:42 PM - 7:42 PM

Oh please OG… CNBC is your source???

Not a fan of MW for the most part, but he is correct on this one; per the CDFA.

Gittyup April 15, 2020 - 10:03 PM - 10:03 PM

What? Wagner has a degree from Haas School of Business? Oh lucky us!

Savagette April 16, 2020 - 7:36 PM - 7:36 PM

Hey Mike, maybe you should go out and start recruiting for the $45 Billion Agri-Business, since you’re such an expert instead of trolling on Claycord. Everyone has a right to voice their opinion without you chiming in on every comment. People that are in the country illegally should not reap the benefits. People that were not born here, of course, should not be punished but people that were not born here, enter, and remain in the country illegally, is another story.

America April 15, 2020 - 5:31 PM - 5:31 PM

Shouldn’t their country of origin pay them?

Mike Wagner April 15, 2020 - 5:38 PM - 5:38 PM

@ DaTruth…. Nice!

Bill Cutting April 15, 2020 - 6:17 PM - 6:17 PM

What are you like a farming corporation spokesman Mike? Btfo with your “it’s ok to flood the country with more undesirables”because some farmer might have to shell out more. Mike must be a poly science major in Berkeley another trodsky armchair economist. Hey bud farmers will just charge more for their produce to pay Americans and that’s fine by me. With mikes ideology we have to take in the whole world cause “economics man”. Mike has no loyalty to legacy Americans I think that’s what the ol timers call a Benedict Arnold.

Burnbabyburn April 15, 2020 - 6:36 PM - 6:36 PM

Being an illegal alien is no different than stealing. You can make up or find any excuse that you want. It’s still against the law and wrong. However, while I do not agree, I do understand.

Mike Wagner April 15, 2020 - 6:36 PM - 6:36 PM

Bill, sorry to cut the legs out from under the narrative that youre spinning about me, but I graduated from Cal with a Business degree from the Haas School of Business. Not Poli-Sci.


To Do List April 15, 2020 - 7:03 PM - 7:03 PM

Mike: Good good good. Now we are starting to get somewhere. So you have some kind of stack of books on microeconomics and case studies emphasizing maximization of shareholder value dovetailing with Berkeley politics of denying we should have a country and illegals should come here at will to lower labor costs. So the argument in your mind both supports cheaper labor for maximizing shareholder value and bringing in illegals because we should have open borders. So you can remain true to both your education and Berkeley politics by conveniently choosing where to argue which side. I should have gotten a psych degree.

S April 15, 2020 - 7:28 PM - 7:28 PM

Sorry Mike,
Being a product of Berkeley only diminishes your credibility.
Heck, your buddy Trump has an Economics Degree from a very prestigious Ivy League Institution; and look at him…..

Gittyup April 15, 2020 - 7:42 PM - 7:42 PM

Berkeley graduates don’t have to work for their degrees, they only have to get admitted.

Gittyup April 16, 2020 - 6:06 AM - 6:06 AM

@Mike Wagner “I graduated from Cal with a Business degree from the Haas School of Business.”

Well, Whoop de freaking do!

HappyPappy April 16, 2020 - 11:33 AM - 11:33 AM

Thanks Mike, for demonstrating that knowledge and wisdom are not the same.

ZZ April 15, 2020 - 6:59 PM - 6:59 PM

Its @mike wagner, that keeps defending it. I guess he thinks all illegals are field workers.

Bill Cutting April 15, 2020 - 7:08 PM - 7:08 PM

Mike your proof higher education doesn’t exactly make you smart and I may have been wrong about your major but I was spot on with where you got indoctrinated at! Knew you were a product of Marxism. Mikes an example of Berkeley don’t send your kids to mao r us ppl by the way Mike the proofs in the pudding lots of universities are shutting down and that was way before the coronavirus….my point being people aren’t falling for the University scam anymore .. I guess not everybody agrees with your Cosmopolitan point of views.

theonewhosaidit April 15, 2020 - 11:38 PM - 11:38 PM

Do these illegals even have had to work at all to get this money cause I know the people who just got out of school and are looking for work for the first time and never done taxes before are not getting the federal stimulus money. Do you just have to be a leeching illegal non worker and you get free money too? Does not seem right if so. I don’t think illegals should get a dime but if they are going to it should only be illegal undocumented workers not just any illegal that’s here.

double dzzz April 15, 2020 - 7:36 PM - 7:36 PM

State prisoners to pick crops. I see you now cool hand Luke. shake that leaf.

Gittyu April 15, 2020 - 7:40 PM - 7:40 PM

Newsom blew out his brains on cocaine. What we see today is a certified shell of his form self otherwise known as a certifiable moron.

MaryAnn April 15, 2020 - 7:41 PM - 7:41 PM

Yes, I would work the fields for $12 an hour. As a bank teller that makes $10-15 an hour, one would make same $ and wouldn’t have to deal with idiots all day.

Hanne Jeppesen April 15, 2020 - 8:46 PM - 8:46 PM

I grew up in the country (in Denmark) my Dad was a Gardner, most of what he grew was potatoes, but many other vegetables as well. Now in Denmark it rarely gets over 75 degree, however often after crops has been planted, usually late May or early June, we might get frost at night, when that happened, my parents would get up in the middle of the night 3 a.m. go out in the field and cover the tender plants with hay, so they would not freeze and thus make my parents loose a lot of their income. I don’t think you realize how back breaking farm work is. Besides that it is dirty and dusty, at times you might have to work in the rain.
If you work at a bank and think your customer’s are idiots, maybe you could find a job where you don’t have to deal with the public, obviously you are good with numbers. I work at Macy’s and deal with the customer’s all day long, most of them are nice and I love helping my customers. It is a very small percent that is really, really difficult,
5% or less.

mtzman April 16, 2020 - 1:11 PM - 1:11 PM

So, MaryAnn, what’s stopping you?

Original G April 15, 2020 - 7:42 PM - 7:42 PM

Mike Wagner, … Have to at times work with fresh outta school engineers. Some are resistant to take suggestions from a person with 44 years on the job experience, reminding all who will listen they have have college degrees. Right after such an exhibition of humility they are reminded a proctologist’s thermometer has degrees.

“…it’s such a shame that people perceive you as so arrogant. Because it’s going to limit what you’re going to be able to accomplish in life”

IF you can find the video the above quote came from watch it.

Mike Wagner April 15, 2020 - 8:05 PM - 8:05 PM

Cool story G.
Im 60 and retired.

Mike Wagner April 15, 2020 - 7:49 PM - 7:49 PM

@To Do List and S

Sorry to crush all of your spin and narrative about me, but I voted for a real Conservative for President while an undergrad at CAL by the name of Ronald Reagan.

He was a real Conservative.
Not a FAKE one like Dumb Truck.

To Do List April 15, 2020 - 8:30 PM - 8:30 PM

I understand more now. I actually went to a presentation at UC Berkeley two years ago for a program to allow (mostly) disadvantaged middle school kids to take summer classes there. The talk was held in a large room and virtually all of the speakers one by one told us how lucky the kids would be to go there for summer school. They were about the most arrogant individuals I can ever remember listening to and talked about how world class Berkeley is and about how they have dedicated parking spaces for Nobel Prize winners and made it clear how we were nothing to them.

ZZ April 15, 2020 - 9:09 PM - 9:09 PM

Lol. You weren’t quite indoctrinated as an undergrad. It takes a couple years to twist up the mind. Go Bears!

tashaj April 16, 2020 - 10:48 AM - 10:48 AM

@Mike Wagner
It seems to me that anybody with two brain cells to rub together would understand that bringing cheap illegal labor – and subsidizing them with taxpayer handouts, be it MediCal or Newsom’s coronavirus $500 – leaves the farmers with no incentive to replace back-breaking labor with automation. Years ago one could argue that full automation of farm work is a pipe dream – but not anymore. Even custom-designed robotics becomes cheaper and cheaper.

So my assumption is that you don’t live under a rock and you do understand these basics of economics, being a Haas grad. Yet you still advocate that these poor people continue with their back-breaking work. In perpetuity.
So I have a question: why do you hate them so much?

PS – I’m old enough to have done quite a bit of farm work during my summers in school and college. Back when tuition was still within reach, students didn’t have to graduate with $200K in debt and seasonal farm work still made some economic sense.

To Do List April 16, 2020 - 11:22 AM - 11:22 AM

tashaj: what you mention as Mike’s strength is really a weakness. He went to Hass for a business degree and worked in NY city for a decade. His knowledge of farming is what they call “blackboard economics” where he can sit in an office with a view of the financial district and make judgements based on how he thinks things should work. That isolation leads him to conclusions like how Americans can’t work hard or do physical labor as if there is a genetic weakness in us, so we need another race to come bail us out. Its very racist, really. Why were there 20 bicycles in front of the worker’s trailer at my uncle’s farm when they have only three kids there? Because so many bicycles are offered free through charities locally that it is easier to just go and grab another rather than fix a flat tire on their kid’s bike. Blackboard economists would not figure out why there were 20 bikes cause they don’t actually talk to anyone, just make conclusions about how the world is supposed to work.

Mike Wagner April 15, 2020 - 7:54 PM - 7:54 PM

Your reading comprehension is poor. I never said it was ALL for undocumented farm workers.

SF oh April 15, 2020 - 7:59 PM - 7:59 PM

Looks like Mike Wagner has learned how to use the copy/paste function! I counted six entries saying the same thing. Um, Mike, could you please tell us how much money people make, per hour, picking vegetables? I’m not completely clear on that yet. Maybe copy/paste it a seventh time, please. 😂

Me April 15, 2020 - 8:12 PM - 8:12 PM

Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose one name so others can easily chat with you.

Nokeem April 15, 2020 - 9:09 PM - 9:09 PM

Where do the Self-Employed, tax-paying citizens go? Huh? It sure seems like CA EDD is hell bent on breaking the backs of the Self-Employed. EDD cites “complex” rules, but just for us Self-Employed, taxpayers. EDD wants to enforce AB5 during a pandemic! They want to bring UBER and Lyft to their knees in a dispute as to whether drivers are independent contractors or employees, all while the “taxpayers” receive no benefit from the CARES Act. Am disgusted once again as I get the short end of the stick and now this says no -citizens benefit. IF the non-citizens pay taxes, then they should benefit, but me too. What’s going on?!?

Nokeem April 16, 2020 - 8:52 PM - 8:52 PM

Oh and PS I don’t work for Uber or Lyft I have my own company no employees I just work for myself as an Accounting-related profession. I’m so frustrated about the continual shelving of self employed professionals and any benefits whatsoever from tre feds that offered to everyone else! CA EDD still has nothing to offer self employed in spite of Federal Funding! I can bet that anyone who files self employed for Federal benefits will be made to pay a price later. In the current, EDD says self employed will receive the minimum benefit – is that the $46/week. And they want us to give up our businesses?!? Why would we have to do that? Do the airlines need to give up theirs?

Eating and drinking April 15, 2020 - 10:47 PM - 10:47 PM

I recently spoke to a Hispanic men who told me he won’t get a contractor’s license because he doesn’t want to pay taxes and is using that money to buy more property back in his home country and that he also bought a house here and is remodeling it, without getting permits, so he can resale it and if that is not enough, he has family going to college for free due to this tax evasion.
Having children is a choice, not an ability and children also have to go through an immigration process.
Most crops are imported, just take a look at the stickers on them. Also, if these people are doing the crop picking, then why are crops not being picked now and are instead going to waste?
People won’t allowed their families to starve, especially if is letting others go ahead and take something they have not earned nor gotten in line for.

American Citizen April 16, 2020 - 11:01 AM - 11:01 AM

He should be arrested and thrown in jail. With all the friendly gang bangers from his beloved Mexico. I can’t really type what we should do to him because it violates the rules here.

Ezra Pound April 15, 2020 - 10:51 PM - 10:51 PM

Mike Wagner,
I applaud your conviction, and your position. Sadly, you’re wasting it on the people on this site. They lack compassion for everyone and anyone who doesn’t fit their idea of what it means to an American. I’m pretty sure this post won’t even make it past the moderator. I appreciate this site for its local news, but it is run and primarily inhabited by xenophobic, right wing, insecure trolls. You’ve done an excellent job of exposing that. Keep up the good fight.

Pete V April 16, 2020 - 5:47 AM - 5:47 AM

@ Ezra,
What it means to be an American? Hmm, well for starters it’s NOT violating AMERICAN laws and sovereignty—in the process giving the finger to American CITIZENS—to enter this country ILLEGALLY. Now, I will absolutely just be beside myself if you’re not like your buddy and don’t respond with some idiotic platitude about a $10 head of lettuce if we don’t allow illegal aliens to pick it, or “we’re all immigrants”, or that a hackneyed Emma Lazarus poem is official US immigration policy.

Gittyup April 16, 2020 - 8:26 AM - 8:26 AM

@Pete V Thank you. NIcely put!

SF oh April 16, 2020 - 9:41 AM - 9:41 AM

@ Ezra – I get where you’re coming from because I have been there. I am a lifelong Dem. I used to watch CNN & MSNBC everyday. I voted for Obama both times – and argued with anyone who didn’t. Honestly, I don’t know how I kept my job as I was always arguing with my boss during the Obama-McCain election. But the thing that has really opened my eyes lately is the total hypocrisy of the Dem party. Most recently is the situation with the woman accusing Biden of sexual assault. Where’s the fake outrage on this? Where are the Me-Too’ers? Where is the “Always Believe the Woman” crowd? If you can even find an article on the assault charge, it’s always from a skeptical point of view. It’s usually followed up with a Comments Section in which most posts are negative jabs about the woman’s looks, weight, etc. Its just like the Women’s March. They yell and scream about including all women except …. “eww – not those women”. I also see Trump make a remark about something and the newsreaders goes insane and spin it all day long. But when Cuomo or DeBlasio say the same thing – crickets. As I’ve said before, my in-laws are legal immigrants. They followed the rules, abided by the Visa guidelines and did the right thing —- and it ain’t easy!! They’ve never gotten a dime from US taxpayers – nor would they think that they should. I’m not saying the Right doesn’t do the same thing – but if one side is going to lecture the other side, they need to practice what they preach. In every post, in every website. it always boils down to leftists accusing those with differing opinions as xenophobic, racists, misogynists, bla bla bla. Ok, then set an example: come out and show your support for the woman (& women) making allegations about Biden. Accept pro-life women into the Women’s March. Stop assuming others would refuse to “pick vegetables” when you sure as hell wouldn’t pick vegetables either. Basically stop bashing others to prove how inclusive you are – it just doesn’t make sense.

Hanne Jeppesen April 16, 2020 - 12:12 AM - 12:12 AM

Ezra Pound, I agree with you. I too appreciate this sight, but I notice often my comments don’t get posted when I take some of the strong supporter’s to task.
I don’t call them names, and I don’t get personal. I guess you explained, I thought it was a sight where everyone could voice their opinion. Since you and Mike W, I and a few other are the only ones on the more liberal side, it is disappointing to have our comments censored.

Chicken Little April 16, 2020 - 8:17 AM - 8:17 AM

I suspect that your posts are not being censored, but rather posted in the wrong place where you can’t find them.

addlepate April 16, 2020 - 11:17 AM - 11:17 AM

Henne, I’ve noticed that replies I’ve made while on my Android phone oftentimes (every time?) do not get posted under the original posters comment. Perhaps something similar is happening to you. Also, I too have made comments that do not make it past the moderator. It’snot our website, it’s theirs, so they can do as they please.

Gittyup April 16, 2020 - 11:37 AM - 11:37 AM

Comments frequently get “shuffled.” Sometimes they will appear where you intended them, then when you come back later and check again, they have been moved out of place. The website is not https:// which means the website is a secure website. In you’re browser address bar, it will tell you that Claycord is “Not secure.” This means that your comments can be seen by someone using Remote Access and also moderators can also move comments it would appear if they so desire.

To Do List April 16, 2020 - 11:51 AM - 11:51 AM

Hanne: I also think you are not looking in the right place most likely. I don’t believe there is really much censorship here. In the past month I have had exactly one post censored, and I am glad that happened, good call. Don’t write things when you get too tired or mad about something.

Gittyup April 16, 2020 - 12:07 PM - 12:07 PM

@Hanne You might want to take me seriously if you don’t want your comments shuffled.

Why April 16, 2020 - 1:10 AM - 1:10 AM

Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose one name so others can easily chat with you.

Hanne Jeppesen April 16, 2020 - 11:12 AM - 11:12 AM

Chicken Little, No I know how to find my comments. Once or twice they have been posted and then deleted, most of the time they are not posted. Granted most of my comments do get posted, but some do not and it can be annoying. Especially when it is a reply to someone that has called my stupid, (not used those words), but rather anyway with 2 brain cells would see that. I’m very careful to not call people names and do not get personal.

Kentucky Derby April 16, 2020 - 11:20 AM - 11:20 AM

Hanne – All of our comments are at the discretion of the moderator on any site. It doesn’t matter if you’re annoyed by the deletion of your comments. It’s not your website. You play by the rules or play elsewhere.

Chicken Little April 16, 2020 - 12:40 PM - 12:40 PM

Your reply here is in the wrong place. You do this often. But, if you choose to believe you’re being censored, I’m not going to argue with you.

addlepate April 16, 2020 - 4:30 AM - 4:30 AM

I’m a citizen of the US and I’m not going to receive a stimulus check. The taxes I’ve paid are going to illegals. That’s not right.

Hey Mike, if the illegals want to work in our country, why don’t they sign-up to become legal? I doubt you’ll reply and answer that question.

Ozzie April 16, 2020 - 9:09 AM - 9:09 AM

Doesn’t make sense You must owe child support, alimony, or some other debt to the government.

addlepate April 16, 2020 - 11:01 AM - 11:01 AM

Ozzie, there are income limits to receiving the checks. I do not qualify because my income was above the maximum for my filing status. None of the reasons you listed apply to me.


Gittyup April 16, 2020 - 5:43 AM - 5:43 AM

Illegals are doing the equivalent of cutting in line. You can get kicked out of Disneyland for that.

Johoho April 16, 2020 - 7:39 AM - 7:39 AM

Is there any thing that prevents a citizen from getting the money? It’s not like you have a illegal alien ID card. Could a citizen just say that they are undocumented and also get the money

Gittyup April 16, 2020 - 12:14 PM - 12:14 PM

I will venture to say the graft, corruption and outright theft of money from these programs will be completely unparalleled in U.S. history.

Old-school guy April 16, 2020 - 8:05 AM - 8:05 AM

Maybe CA should acknowledge their contributions during this pandemic by making them legal. End of debate,

Pete V April 16, 2020 - 9:32 AM - 9:32 AM

And that’s an old school type of stupid idea.

Sam Malone April 16, 2020 - 9:08 AM - 9:08 AM

Sorry but they do not deserve these benefits. They are sucking the system dry as they are mostly paid under the table and get benefits for free that are bankrupting the nation. No one asked them to come here they did so voluntarily as they know how to work the system and get much for free.

Agree that Newsum is only worried about moving up the feeding chain to become President of the US.

Sad state of affairs.

WC April 16, 2020 - 10:33 AM - 10:33 AM

I like the slant that all illegals pick vegetables that nobody else does so it’s ok. What about the guy with a sheet rock business paying legal residents a high wage, paying employment taxes. Then he gets constantly underbid by a ‘company’ that is hiring illegals at low wages, pays them cash so never having to pay employment taxes. The legal business closes and lays off his legal resident workers he was paying decent wages. That’s fair right?

Ricardoh April 16, 2020 - 11:05 AM - 11:05 AM

Thats the ticket, you hit the nail on the head. That has been happening for years and has just about wiped out citizens in any trade. What really bothers me is they learn how to swing a hammer, cut wood or a pipe but they never become real craftspeople. If they hit a problem they always take a shortcut. Why do the job right when you can do it the easy way. The Owners of their company even like that. It is sad.

Gittyup April 16, 2020 - 11:45 AM - 11:45 AM

To a person, anyone a business has sent out to me for a service call with a noticeable accent has recommended the item to be serviced be replaced rather than repaired. I’m sure it is because they don’t know how to repair it, not the it isn’t repairable. Doing so creates a lot of junk and landfill, when the item is perfectly usable, just needs work.

American Citizen April 16, 2020 - 10:55 AM - 10:55 AM

Give the illegal invaders a trip back to whatever third world dump they snuck in here from. Or give them each a bag of dope and a knife. Drop them off on a deserted island. Nature will take it’s course.

Gittyup April 16, 2020 - 12:10 PM - 12:10 PM

@Mike Wagner Who asked you, anyway?

FPN April 16, 2020 - 12:24 PM - 12:24 PM

The Governor should be removing illegals not giving them money. My Paternal and Maternal Grandparents and great Grandparents were cotton pickers and field workers. The problems they had was illegal workers. The undocumented workers were the reason my family made poor wages and went hungry. It was a serious problem and still is. Undocumented workers keep Americans in poverty.

Realist April 16, 2020 - 1:20 PM - 1:20 PM

TBH, I am mixed race hispanic (born here 3rd gen, family legally immigrated decades ago). I have never asked, but I work around quite a few hispanic workers and get along with them great. No racism from me at all. I am more on the side of, make it easier to be legal. I am for making English a qualifier.

What I do have a problem with: the Federal government helped me, but my own state (that I pay taxes to as well), has not helped. My financial status right now is fine (for now). My mo-in-law (white) is on SSI due to massive mental health issues. We cannot say we give her grocery money or they cut her funding. We cannot find an affordable living space for her (on her meds she is great so no issue, just cost). And the kicker, we an’t get her WIC or any food assistance for her. She keeping denied. Keep in mind, she paid taxes her whole life. So, my state refuses to help a taxpayer. That’s my issue when this stuff comes up.

Gittyup April 16, 2020 - 9:25 PM - 9:25 PM

@Realist You might speak to someone with Legal Aid who could help you appeal the decisions which are denying your mother-in-law services, if you haven’t already. I believe the Social Security Administration has a list of local legal aid offices with addressed and phone numbers that they routinely give out if you ask where you can get legal help. SSI recipients can now receive food stamps (SNAP) to supplement their SSI. There was a change recently in the law that allows this.

To Do List April 16, 2020 - 1:27 PM - 1:27 PM

I think it is fun to tell progressive democrats who argue for open borders that Cesar Chavez was against illegal immigration because it drove down the wages of the people he represented. They do not know what to do with that information because it does not fit into what CNN tells them how they should think. There is a fun piece by ABCNEWS written a few years ago long after his death where they try to “reinterpret” his words to make it look like he supported illegal immigration. They say his stand was “very complex” so they need to interpret it for you. Very 1984ish to rewrite history. So what he said was not actually what he said, and the progressives here laugh at claims of fake news.

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