Home » City Council To Hear Appeal Of Approval Of 70-Unit Townhome Project On Clayton Rd.

City Council To Hear Appeal Of Approval Of 70-Unit Townhome Project On Clayton Rd.


The Concord City Council could pave the way for a 70-unit townhome residential project to move ahead, with consideration of an appeal of the local planning commission’s recent approval of the project.

On Feb. 19, the Concord Planning Commission approved plans for the 70-unit Clayton Road Townhomes, which would be built behind existing businesses on the south side of the 3500 block of Clayton Road on the city’s northeast end.

That approval was then appealed by longtime Concord resident Colleen Coll, citing several factors, including that the development is too dense for that area, that it would adversely affect already crowded nearby streets, and that the project is “pro-developer and not pro-Concord taxpayer.”


If the City Council rejects Coll’s appeal, the project could move forward.

Tuesday’s meeting, which begins at 6:30 p.m., is a remote meeting.

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This City Council loves high-density housing.

Considering all of the proposed projects that have been approved but never started, why not one more?

If the City Council could figure out how to fix the roads it would be doing its job.

Repairing the roadways and sidewalks are what the people of Concord really want.

But no. There’s never enough money.

Term limits for the City Council.

One and done.
But no.

More traffic, crime and litter. Perfect. Can’t wait to retire and get out of this place.

I thought we had heard the last out of Colleen Coll. I do know she confused herself with the Chief of Police for a time.

It’s not about what the people of Concord want. It’s want the City Council wants.The Citizens have been asking to fix the roads for a long time.If developer’s want to build make them fix the roads and pass the cost onto the buyers of those new homes.Get rid of the current Council and start over.

They will all need water hookups, so be prepared to cut back more on your water use….

So it’s somewhere just west of Babel Lane and east end of El Monte and the huge eucalyptus tree ? ? ?

The lot where the old sod store and El Monte storage. I believe the addresses are 3512 and 3518. Its a large parcel, but a horrble location for such a large residential complex. It will sit between Rosylen Drive and Barbis in front of the El Monte school out ot Clayton Road. I feel bad for the residents on Roslyn and Barbis. I think if you cut the number of units down to 25 to 30 it would be more acceptable.

@ Thatguy

I agree with you concerning the number of units. 70 is way too many for that site.

Can it be the lot behind America’s Best Value Inn?

The location is across the street from the plaza with Mountain Mike’s Pizza. Across the street, generally, from Goodwill and that giant Eucalyptus tree on Clayton.

The current business at that location is El Monte Storage. The current address is 3512 Clayton Road.

The address is 3512 Clayton Road which is directly across the street from the Plaza with Mountain Mike’s Pizza. Generally across the street from Goodwill and the big Eucalyptus tree on Clayton.

The business there now is El Monte Storage.

No, please no. The city council is completely ruining this town. Shameful money chasers that only fruit the council more than the residents. How do they sleep at night? Oh right, they don’t live here, they live in Walnut Creek and other places. Smh kick the, all out!

Hey man, I’m all for high density housing especially when it’s high end. Clayton Road has been an eyesore for years. I’m all for it’s improvement and making it a walkable/bikeable stretch to BART and to Todos Santos.

Damn y’all complain about the homeless problem in Concord and then complain when they build housing. Angry little people

Ummmmm……. Homeless won’t be buying these houses.

FYI, The price on these 3 story townhomes will range from $650,000 to $750,000.

Later to be known as “The Projects.”

Sometimes it seems to me that the council is only interested in the homeless and the Monument corridor. what We have shopping center on Clayton Rd
that look terrable, one at Clayton Rd and Treat bl and another where the 99 cent store is on Clayton
Rd. Than there are the roads. i.e.Treat Bl Clayton Rd, Oak Grove Rd, and Dekinger Rd.

You all sound like NIMBYs.

People need places to live…People like perhaps your adult children, retail and service workers, and older adults who are downsizing from their half- and quarter-acre lots.

Obviously you’ve never had the privilege to drive in this community !!

If this article is correct, these are townhomes, not apartments for transients. Why would this add “more crime and litter?” Maybe they would be purchased by people who went to high school here, got good IT jobs in SF after college graduation, and will walk or bike down Clayton RD to/from BART just so they can spend their adult lives where they grew up in CC County. Maybe they will be purchased by empty-nesters who will sell their houses to downsize and use BART as my group of seniors does to go to SF and Berkeley 4-5 times a week for museums, plays, ballet, symphony, lectures, etc. This could be a very good choice for Concord.

70 units on that lot?

So each unit will be 300 square feet?

I’m not watching this tonight.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see that the building will be built.

The city council does what’s best for their own pocketbooks.

I believe there should be a lottery for people who want to represent their districts. One term and done.

Give everyone a chance to without the corruption.

Why isn’t anyone reporting on what’s happening in Clayton re: high-density 3-story complex and the slimy developer buying up all available Clayton land? Approved 3/2 by entrenched, corrupt councilmembers, even after appeal, and now headed to litigation. No resident vote (nearly all oppose it), no story poles to illustrate monstrous size, tons of concessions and waivers for slimy developer, Billy Jordan, and cronyism with Clayton mayors from Howard Geller (his buddy) to Julie Pierce and Tuija Catalano. WE NEED REPORTING ON THIS! Doesn’t Claycord care about Clayton??? Why isn’t Contentious Clayton story getting more press?!!

I walked from my home to Big O on Clayton Road to pick up my car. I walked passed El Monte School on the way at about 3 PM (give or take). I encountered a line of cars waiting to pick up their child(ren) that started at the school and extended almost all the way to Big on city streets. Seems like adding a 70-unit apartment building to this neighborhood could create more trouble. I know they won’t be waiting in the school line, but the congestion could be increased in the neighborhood.

Can someone update and post the outcome from last night’s meeting?
I forgot to watch it.



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