Home » ALERT: Contra Costa County Issues Mass Quarantine Order For People Exposed To COVID-19

ALERT: Contra Costa County Issues Mass Quarantine Order For People Exposed To COVID-19


To help slow the spread of the coronavirus, protect vulnerable individuals, and prevent the healthcare system in the County from being overwhelmed, the Health Officer of the County of Contra Costa is requiring the quarantine of persons exposed to a person diagnosed with COVID-19.

Violation of or failure to comply with this Order is a misdemeanor punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both.

To read the full order, please click on the picture shown above.


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Anyone who says one man can’t change the world never ate an undercooked bat.


More like the thing NOBODY wants to talk about and its microwave effects on people…….60GHZ, also known as 5G.
You’ll all find out soon enough…..and then nobody will listen to you just like you wouldn’t listen.

Anon you have seen the 5 G. World Order. I saw it too.

Anon, do you have a tinfoil hat too?

Throw them in an auditorium somewhere and let them all live together for the duration.

If they didn’t care enough to comply with the order they should be fine with being around other folks who didn’t care either.

And, no – no medical help for them – we’ll keep the medical folks for people who tried their best to not get the virus.

Ignorance is truly bliss. And rampant. You dont know if anyone FLAUNTED the rules to end up sick, There are already stories of people affected who came in contact with others, purely in ways they had no idea they had become a carrier or through surfaces or through coming in contact with health care professionals. So please go away, Rip Van Winkle…I agree with the people needing to follow the rules, I disagree that they should be thrust into some single space where they will also affect our health care workers and their families.

Cher, if you’ve been here long enough you know that Rob’s dream world is one where our benevolent government protects him from everything.

you are such a troll

I don’t understand? Is this issued to all of Contra Costa?

Question: If there isn’t enough testing going on, and a person may not have any symptoms but still spread the virus, how would anyone know for sure they have been exposed? Someone who has been diagnosed already knows they need to be in quarantine. But like Typhoid Mary, a person could feel great and be spreading the virus to one and all without knowing.

Now wait!! Governor has let convicts OUT of jail to lessen the spread and if I violate this order I am going to be put IN jail??? I am obviously missing something. Will the “experts” on this post please explain.

My thoughts exactly.

Ditto to that comment about convicts being released!
Here is another article to ruminate one!

@Dee Wood: great article! I can imagine that is not the only place where that’s happening… Makes me shudder!

This is confusing. How about having contact with a person that has no symptoms but carries the virus? Mass quarantine – why not weld our door shut like they did in China.

Whoever thought a health emergency would turn into totalitarianism.

And once freedom-loving Americans would be OK with that.

Well, perhaps they aren’t that freedom-loving after all.

go ahead and get sick then.. if you are truly that ignorant.

Logical, freedom isn’t safe. It never has been, and was never meant to be safe.

Agree with you 100%.

@Cellophane…you should move to FLORIDA. They have a moron for a Governor who just enacted a Stat at Home policy TODAY.

They have half our States population and just as many infections.

I wonder how much Personal Freedom you’ll have strapped to a bed with a tube jammed down your throat and on a ventilator, if you can find one.

Thank you all for proving my point.

BTW, I never said I don’t or won’t follow the health protocols.

That was just taken for granted.

Yes indeed, one simply cannot fix stupid Mr. Wagoner.

Really ? A misdemeanor ? Punishable by fine or imprisonment or both ? Seriously? You let out all the f*cking criminals who really did commit serious crimes , but you are going to throw a person , who didn’t follow what the county government said, in jail ? This is really getting out of control with government interference.
If you walk into a hospital seeking treatment and you refuse the treatment , for whatever reason , you can walk out of the hospital. No one will stop you ! You have left ama. ( against medical advice). This is turning into communist China.
The government is seriously taking away our freedom!

Well after all, . . . . .
this is California home of the me first generation.
Common sense concern for our fellow man has to be dictated.

After some posts this week, beginning to believe toilet paper packaging should include instructions.

You just cant fix stupid.
Its not a crime, but it should be.

If we do not get people back to work and stop this government shutdown then we are going to end up with something that is far worse than this virus!
There is a way to protect people and get people to work, we are already doing this to a limit extent.

That’s so ironic.

You just quoted our Reality TV host named President Donald Trump who said back in January that this was nothing worse than the flu.

“We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself”

He’s been so lost.

Whoa, Lily you must be hitting the Ripple again.

Gotta love these lefties berating liberty-loving individuals for ‘spreading death’ while they happily butcher millions of babies in the womb.

Hear, hear.

What about the CVS in the town of Clayton 1 person has been tested positive. Are they going to shut the store. Because of the diamond senior living next door?

Why would they shut down a store cause 1 employee shows positive for the virus? Thats ridiculous.

Hmmm, how’s this for a plan… Let the criminals out of jail, put stubborn sick people in. Close down hotels to customers, put homeless non-paying people in (and give them free food and aid). Shut the schools but keep Walmarts open and allow children in.
I can see why the government needs to be strict, but I think they’re going about it backwards. And as far as restrictions, I think it should be all or nothing. Too many idiots finding their way to bend and break all the rules. It actually pushes further discredit of the threat.

“Never let a great crisis go to waste” and that comes from our liberal friends and rulers that seek to control us anyway possible.


Yes, allowing criminals to be released because they might be compromised, but you or me being compromised by their release, no problem?!
I am willing to do the prudent thing and so are all my friends and family, we are complying with what has been asked of us.
Will the Governor employ the Natational Guard to take into custody these homeless people, or people who really are presenting a danger to the population, fat chance?! Why would they be releasing criminals for goodness sake, the hypocracy is just too much!
I for one will fight against tyranny to my last day, I hope that other Patriots will too, as for the rest of you that have been so propagandized that you believe everything that you hear, good luck to you!

Crazy. Your wrong about CVS pharmacy n virus there. I spoke to them an pharmacy is ok. No virus there.



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