Contra Costa is now reporting 276 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the county, which is 27 more than yesterday.
The county has also confirmed there have been three coronavirus-related deaths in Contra Costa.
The health department does not release any further details, including the cities of those infected, the number of people currently hospitalized, the number of people who have recovered, or the number of people who have been tested.
Santa Clara County, not quite twice the population of Contra Costa, is reporting 32 Corona virus deaths. Michigan, just under ten times the population of our county, is reporting 417 deaths. It’s quite surprising that our county has had only three deaths to date. It’s going to get worse from this point, but I feel safer here than I would in a lot of other populous areas.
So the last five days have been as follows
New cases
Guess we have peaked. Back to work in a week.
That’s very wishful, I doubt anyone is starting back up work in April
Just data…
US wide 236,339 confirmed cases; 5,648 (2.38%) deaths; 8,861 (3.74%) recovered. 327M US population (2018) @ 236,339 confirmed cases in the US = ~.07 of the population.
CoCoCo 1.14M population (2010) @ 276 cases = .02 of population.
So from looking at this it appears that 274 out of 276 have have survived. That’s about 99%.
gives new meaning to “The ONE Percent”.
Or…. because of Common Core; your math is WRONG!!!
Sometimes I make me laugh………………………
I’m wondering if a person can get the virus while grocery shopping. I just came home from the grocery store I wiped all the groceries down with an antibacterial wipe. I wore a mask, but I’m still nervous. With the numbers climbing daily I’m wondering how, and where people become infected ???
Shopping is very low risk , high risk would be if you are in contact with someone face to face for a very long time , if you shopped and got out of there you are at very very low risk
Pick your poison – starvation or Coronavirus…either way you’re going to be dead in ~ 1 week. Just saying.
Anyone see that a restaurant is giving food to the hospital people– they all make 6 figures…a good write off on taxes I guess for the restaurant..what you think ??
The nurses, janitors, cooks, and volunteers, too? Geez
@Reality says…you degrade the very existence of human life, that of which is a gift. I feel sorry for you and hope you don’t wake up tomorrow laying in your own sick.
562 people died in NYC in the last 24 hours.
NYC is going through 300 ventilators per day.
Mayor de Blasio said this morning that they run out of ventilators early next week.
The US is the worst country in the world handling covid-19. The worst. We have Trump and his anti-scientific mob to thank for it.
The Chinese Communists thank you for parroting their lying talking points about the Wuhan Flu. You are a very useful idiot on their behalf.
Maybe we should use North Korea as a model, Ozzie. They’ve completely eradicated the virus, according to Kim Jong Un. Go there, where the Supreme Leader will keep you safe.