Home » Police Find Burned Trees, Discarded Trash In Homeless Camp At Radke Martinez Regional Shoreline

Police Find Burned Trees, Discarded Trash In Homeless Camp At Radke Martinez Regional Shoreline


East Bay Regional Park District Police Department Officers were at Radke Martinez Regional Shoreline last week helping East Bay Regional Park District staff clean up abandoned homeless encampments.


The former occupants burned trees and discarded trash across a fragile marsh ecosystem, according to police.

If you see encampments like this in an EBRPD park, call the Dispatch center at 510-881-1833.

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Just Quarantine These Digusting Loser Lowlife Meth-Head Tweakers, For All Of Eternity. Just A Complete Waste Of Air And Space.

I could sure use that milk carton box.

You mean the one that says for use by registered user only? There are (occasionally) people that get fined for having those. But that was back in the “law enforcement era”. I recall one time there was a dog show at the cow palace and they did bust a bunch of people for having those. Good times!

You mean after you fumigate it first?

They should have caught that the first day with all of the Wasted helicopter patrols they do over there along with disturbing the peace of residents.

Exactly my first thought. Why waste the fuel and money if they aren’t looking out the window???

That photo is more than disgusting. How much is enough? Gaven and Mark, I am talking to YOU! Round them up. BeFORE fire season.

Can’t blame this one on P G & E!

If these campers were offered a tuff shed in a compound, would they take it?

Why bother catching them, Becton will not prosecute. She refused to prosecute the two caught in the Pleasant Hill home invasion of three weeks ago.


Back when the East Bay Parks District still allowed the Chabot shooting range to operate we occasionally had to cease fire because wild turkeys stepped into the firing line. Never saw any homeless.

Just sayin’

How is this surprising? Look at the people you see all over downtown Martinez. They’re sleeping somewhere.

What would Kathie think?

Time for all the bleeding heart do-gooders to step up and clean it up.

Maybe some fentanyl will find it’s way into their drug stream.

Oh these poor souls….
Chill out mean people – These are simply “quality of life crimes”…

Where are the environmentalists’ “outrage”??

Is this an inconvenient truth about homelessness??

Feral humans…

I’m sorry, but I just have to correct you:
They are feral subhumans

No one is saying this is okay, all that happened is the people that did it got away with it.

No different, other than the scale of course, than how most of the time we don’t get fine when we don’t pick up after our dogs.

Yeah, that’s what they do. they don’t care about anything except for their next fix.

I don’t like stepping in biodegradable poop.

Looks like it was a palm tree. Good riddance.

What do you think would happen if you gave them a house???

These homeless are like an invasive species. Just like wild feral pigs. There should be a bounty on every one of them. I have no idea why we have so much tolerance for these parasites destroying our neighborhoods and polluting and causing havoc.

Many of these folks live the way they do because they want to despite all the bleeding hearts who are throwing precious money from us hard working tax payers at them. They do not want to change and that has been proven time and time again.

Where are all these homeless people coming from.

Wonder if they saw the homeless camp carved out of the hill below the cemetery and across the railroad tracks from that spot.



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