Home » Many Shelves Empty At TJ’s On Oak Grove

Many Shelves Empty At TJ’s On Oak Grove


This was the scene at Trader Joe’s on Oak Grove Rd. in Concord this weekend.


Thanks to “Claycord Fan” for the pictures.

QUESTION: Have you gone shopping this weekend? If so, did you get what you were looking to purchase, and was it crowded where you went?

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You should remove this post and stop feeding the hysteria. Safeway this am has plenty of food. Buy what you need, don’t feed into all of the hype.

I feel you. As an American I am ashamed of my fellow Americans. We have a serious problem in the Coronavirus. The last thing we need is another serious problem. This food panic problem is a completely artificial and unnecessary problem. Hitherto, there was zero food supply problem in America, only the problem was that some people didn’t have enough money to buy food. NOW we have a food supply problem, or rather a food demand problem.

Even as new supplies are brought in, it will take time for inventories and distribution flows to return to normalcy. All this is a disruption that will almost surely cause distortions in pricing up and down the supply chain. That is an expensive exercise, and the cost will be borne by the consumer. Best case scenario: Inflation. Worst case scenario: ACTUAL food shortages, food violence, and actual hunger.

Great job, America. We have a bona fide public health crisis, and we respond by artificially creating a food crisis. Now I want everyone to turn on every electric appliances they own, and open all your taps. I know there’s plenty of water and energy, but if we all pitch in, I’m sure we can bring down the electrical grid and empty all the reservoirs.

If you think this is bad? Wait until you see what one of the Cities in Claycord is going to do tomorrow.

Why should Claycord remove what is reality? It is good information, and since you informed us Safeway have plenty of food, you provided a community service and reader to this sight don’t have to waste their time going to TJ on Oak Grove, but can choose Safeway instead. As mentioned in a previous post I went to Grocery Outlet yesterday and they seem to be pretty well stocked.

Pasta and rice gone at three Safeways. Ordered some from an “online retailer”. Delivery by Wednesday.
Watching Contagion” right now. Like the zombie apocalypse but wit(out the undead. Will we get to that situation? Maybe Trump has a hunch.

I went shopping this (sunday) morning. wasn’t too bad. shelves were very bare except for what I was after. Got 10 lbs of corned beef flat cut, 4 heads of cabbage, 5lbs taters, 5 of carrots, plenty of Guinness, and a bottle Jameson. The whole clan was here… I do have some carrots left…

Wow, sounds good! Can I come over? 😉

Calm down people.

It didn’t help with the restaurant closures etc. Now you have panic buying in the stores and food suppliers with no restaurants to deliver to. Very poor planning on Gavin Getty-Pelosi Newsom’s part.. Very poor.

Wow, they ordered restaurants to close so people can’t get food? Talk about ‘smart’ leaders in action

They didn’t close restaurants. They can be open for delivery or take-out. You can’t dine at the restaurant for good reason.

BTW, the message about having a cache of emergency supplies (including food) to carry you though a crisis has been out there for years. If you don’t have it, very poor planning on your part.

Ah, empy shelves in stores, reminds me of growing up in socialist Romania

oh, and some rye bread

Plant a larger than normal vegetable garden this year.

on it

Yep,…Garden started and more to plant.

I drove by Winco in Pittsburg…the line to enter the store was out – wrapped around the side of the building. Walmart had empty shelves…alot of hoarders buying up multiple packages of meat. It’s ugly. Grocery Outlet had the basics…and some pretty descent wine….Thankfully!

Got some corned beef, a head of cabbage, carrots, red potatoes, queso Oaxaca, crema, canned roasted eel with black bean, Sapporo beer, …

Yeah, pretty much everything I was looking for.

Health authorities are telling people to prepare for the apocalypse. The writing is on the wall with several mainstream countries shutting down and now we are seeing shutdowns of many types of businesses throughout the USA. I doubt people will pay attention to Trump asking that people ignore reality and to quit stocking up on supplies.

I went to Costco this morning. Plenty of meat, milk, veggies and canned food.

No Toilet Paper, Tissue, Paper Towels or eggs … the eggs surprised me. Well it ALL surprises me, still dont get why someone would need 10 costco packages of toilet paper.

As Dwight said, this article (and the rest like it) should be taken down. The politicians and the media are feeding this frenzy. People need to relax a bit. We did not panic this way when Ebola hit, or H1N1, or SARS, so what is different this time? We did not know the cause of some of these, they spread rapidly, the timelines will show that they were more aggressive, so … why?

Amen to that. Glad I didn’t bother trying to shop yesterday. This is stupid. I hope some terrorist isn’t spreading this. Guess I’ll be living on Starbucks Drive-Thru.


Very bad planning.. Safeway Countrywood has let us down. One manager would rather make out on the bench outside with a produce worker, than be sure the shelves are fully stocked. It’s a shame, and now shelves are empty with no food or paper supplies, because they did not monitor or ration the hoarding . Gavin thinks it’s cool to close restaurants? Stupidity at it’s peak in California.

The one I spoke with in Concord said the distribution center in Pleasanton has 2100 stores to stock and when they all get picked clean, they have to short each store to make sure they all get something. I doubt the manager making out with his produce worker had any effect on his stock. It actually sounds like an appropriate way to while away the hours between short deliveries.
So, Auntie: haul your backside off to the nearest crowd you can find and breathe in the free air, deeply, way down into those alveol.i

Very bad planning.. Safeway Countrywood has let us down. One manager would rather make out on the bench outside with a produce worker, than be sure the shelves are fully stocked. It’s a shame, and now shelves are empty with no food or paper supplies, because they did not monitor or ration the hoarding OR TAKE STEPS TO PREPARE. Gavin thinks it’s cool to close restaurants? Stupidity at it’s peak in California.

prepare for this are you kidding me did you not get your tp go back in a few days it will be there

Perhaps they were considering …. reproducing?

Very bad planning.. Safeway Countrywood has let us down. One manager would rather make out on the bench outside with a produce worker, than be sure the shelves are fully stocked. It’s a shame, and now shelves are empty with no food or paper supplies, because they did not monitor or ration the hoarding OR TAKE STEPS TO PREPARE. Gavin thinks it’s cool to close restaurants? Stupidity at it’s peak in California. People need to eat to stay healthy and survive. The China bug won’t kill us, stupidity will.

No one could have planned in advance for this. It wasn’t possible considering how fast the virus spread. And it’s not done infecting people. And why are we not blaming China? Or why don’t we talk about how government didn’t act fast enough and close the borders sooner. Our governor has done a good job preventing you from catching coronavirus. And don’t you think Newsum is kinda cute.


You sound drunk.

I had no problem shopping at Walmart in Martinez on Saturday. I got everything I needed. I went in there thinking the worse but it wasn’t bad at all. There are always people trying to make it worse than it is.

You should always be stocked up for a couple of weeks rations and I can understand certain measures to not spread this virus but I think the dirty politicians are using this virus to to create a crisis bigger than it really is so watch out for that people!

RT – You and I are 180 degrees apart on the political angle. I think the politicians are trying to avert a health care crisis by getting the word out that social distancing works. There’s already enough data being collected to prove it saves lives.


I feel that this maybe another coup attempt

People are such Sheep.

Coronavirus is probably already on your boxed packaging that you brought into your home.

Use your Critical Thinking skills.

Wipe down groceries with Antibacterial wipes As soon as you get home.

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!!!

I stopped at Grocery Outlet on Willow Pass yesterday on my home from work, about 8 p.m. They had what I needed, butter, sour cream, whipping cream, cheese wedges for snacks, salad stuff, and they also had some New York tri tip which I bought, had not planned on, but there is enough for at least 2 dinners, had some tonight, they were quite good, they only thing I bought double of was the cheese wedges, because they are not always available. I also bought 2 bottles of Chardonnay.

Today I went to Dollar Tree, they had no hand sanitizer or alcohol, but I always have extra alcohol, not the kind you drink, but for cleaning and disinfection. I bought Epsom salt to soak my feet, since I work retail, some treats for a friends dog, and a few odds and ends, I spend less than $20.00 there. I wanted to make a coleslaw for dinner, and realized I was out of mayo, but I didn’t feel like going to a big store for just that one item, so when I stopped to fill up my car at Arco on Willow Pass I bought my mayo there, although twice as much as there other stores I usually shop in. I’m off again on Tuesday, and had planned on going to Trader Joe’s since I’m running out of things I usually get there. However, I have frozen pork chops on hand, enough eggs for breakfast for a week or so, cans of soup and tuna, also plenty of paper towels, napkins and tp for a good 10 days.

thanks to all the cashiers for trying to smile and be cherful when they have a mile long line don’ttell them they look tired because they are you don’t have to remind them thank them next time

What is wrong with everyone? Buy what you need and no more.

Went to Costco in Concord Saturday morning at 8:40 am. Parking lot was full, but I found a parking spot. Was just going there to pick up a corn beef for St. Patty’s Day. The doors were opened, and people were already going in. An employee at the door telling people “only 1 water & toilet paper per person”. I
didn’t even get a shopping cart, was just going to get one corn beef. I was stopped from going in and was told to go to the end of the line, which wrapped out and around the building. So, I just went home,… 🙁

You tried to cut the line? Shame on you!

Well,….I guess I did, and that wasn’t nice. Like I mentioned, I didn’t have a shopping cart. Plus, didn’t need toilet paper, paper towel and bottled water. But what if someone just wanted to go in to get a prescription, eye glass, hearing aid, or photo center? That would have been really sad. But I did go to Costco today at 10:30 am and got the corn beef,…no line at the door. The cashier was surprised,…just the one item.

This is a disgrace and a failure of leadership.
It all starts at the top……..

VERY true and unfortunate for our country. We’re lacking intelligent leadership.

That’s why we need to recall Gav.

Being elderly and a man I try to avoid crowds when going shopping. I needed a few things like beans, frozen vegetables and maybe a few frozen dinners. Last night I went to the Trader Joe’s near Concord Airport just before closing. It was picked clean. I saw the employees sanitizing the empty shelves. I thought it was their plan to move the stock to the back room and sanitize the whole store. It never occurred to me that people were now hording food until I saw this article. This is nuts.

I Hope people are just as fastidious about washing their hands.

I’m sure Bernie, the socialist/communist pig is happy!

He will be more happy if he’s elected because if you want socialism, you better get used to the empty shelves!

I been using my kitties tuna to make sandwiches, not bad not bad at all. Also found out thawed out corn on the cob works real good too. for you know what.

Just a after thought. If you use frozen corn on the cob it’s better for the old hemorrhoids .

Interesting that people who mistrust the mainstream media are now telling Claycord to remove posts and comments. If the news doesn’t fit your concept of reality it must be fake or censored, huh?

Surprisingly all ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies were running low: flour, brown sugar, white sugar, butter and chocolate chips. They had plenty of other items except the usual toilet paper and milk. They had plenty of paper towels.

Barbie—Safeway had all those ingredients yesterday. I know because I bought them!

Hmmm, are their bare shelves a lack of capacity and supply or a lack of rational thought capabilities on the part of their customer base ? ?

A little bit of both actually. Supply and demand of course. And wouldn’t you stock up in case you had to be quarantined for a few weeks and couldn’t get out of the house to buy necessities?

If kids are home from school and parents are working from home, you have to expect to have more food on hand. Now families are feeding everyone at least three times a day, so there is a legit need for more groceries.

Hoarding is a different thing, tho…

Today (3/16/2020, TJ’s is only allowing 50 people into the store and only limiting 2-items per person.

Well, this is kinda what happens when, for the last 30-or-so years, schools have ceased to teach TRUE critical thinking in the context of using logic, reason, common sense, and MORALITY to identify and analyze situations and events…instead it’s indoctrination about “climate change” (née “global warming”) apocalypse and how important their self-esteem is…result being idiots who lack the ability to be concerned yet still rational with something like this virus, so they freak the eff out and panic buy because they’re ignorant, self-absorbed selfie-taking narcissists.


This tells me a lot of really bad things about how stupid, debased, and lacking in morality our culture has become…it also tells me we are SCREWED if North Korea, Iran, etc. ever detonates an EMP or successfully hacks our power grid.

I started to write, what is TJ’s??? …then scrolled down and discovered that you were talking about Trader Joe’s. It’s like calling Safeway… SW. What are we, 12?


Yeah, this is happening everywhere. Or, EW I guess.



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