Home » The Claycord Online Museum – When Did Concord Become Concord?

The Claycord Online Museum – When Did Concord Become Concord?



This was published in the Contra Costa Gazette in April of 1869….

And this was published in September of 1869 disputing the name “Concord”….

From the looks of it, Fernando Pacheco (one of the founders of the city we now call Concord) didn’t like the name “Concord” and disputed the name change from “Todos Santos”.


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So according to Fernando this website should be called “ClaySantos”?

There was a period during the 1860s when the County delinquent tax register referred to the town as “Concord in the Town of Todos Santos.” Before that, most folks referred to the town as “Drunken Indian.”

The mayor used to include the part about drunken Indian. Maybe since the Washington football team and Atlanta baseball team and Cleveland baseball team all decided to shed their native American nicknames the mayor is doing so as well?

I had forgotten the first bit. Thank you Cowellian.

The “Drunken Indian” history may be true, but we must deny & hide any part of our country’s history that is deemed politically incorrect or insensitive!….. do we have any statues we can tear down?

“Drunken Indian” is the one and only true name of that great city.

Did they go into what they (the sponsors) considered the significance of choosing the name of Concord? And is Concord that much easier to say then Todos Santos? Finally, in 1869, how much did anybody really care what Pacheco had to say?

I enjoy these posts, particularly the photos, and even more so, from the era where you original CCC residents can wax nostalgic. I really enjoyed the tales from the Park and Shop photo not too long ago.


Pacheco was once the largest city in the county.
The slough was deep enough for ocean going
sailing ships to arrive to load flour from its mill.
One year 600,000 bags of flour were loaded
onto ships. They said there were so many wagons
hauling goods that you couldn’t cross the street.
That’s some of the reasons people were influenced
by Pacheco back then. See the attached history

I have always preferred Todos Santos. Concord sounds too “east coast”.

Concord is a very historic name that predates California, especially in reference to our Revolutionary War. Nevertheless, I agree that there is a certain elegance to Todos Santos that Concord can’t match. But they never asked my opinion on the matter.

Someone should start a movement to rename the city !
Changing the name from Todos Santos to Concord was a racist white man act to steal it’s Mexican Heritage!

I don’t live there but if I was an uptight PC Liberal resident, I’d go all righteous, bat sh*t crazy to get this done.


I think I heard a rumor that a homesick Massachusetts transplant just started calling her neck of town Concord. Or maybe I imagined it.

Dr. Jellyfinger – we’ve got enough bat sh*t crazy Liberal residents, we don’t need anymore! Enjoy your life where you live 😊.

Viva la Todos Santos¡

Born and raised in Concord, raised my children in Concord.
But I’d love to change the name! Todos Santos, California!!!❤️

The name Concord, always reminds me Welch’s Concord grape jelly.

Drunken Spirit Poles

I’m dyin’ here!!🤣

If I were going to change the name, I’d go whole hog and make it “Monte del Diablo Rancho” which seems to have withered somewhere in the controversy. It sounds more impressive, descriptive, and romantic than either “Concord” or “Todos Santos.”

Name change would be lipstick on a pig at this point. Why don’t they start clearing out these homeless camps. Especially the on on willow pass by Safeway where blockbuster used to be. They’re setting up shop there now too

What does that have to do with naming the town?

Maybe it is time to change the name of “Todos Santos Park”. I don’t even know what a “Todos Santos” is.

“All saints”

All Saints

Concord should be renamed to Bidenville. With all of the homeless camped along the creek, it sure sounds appropriate.




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