Congressman Mark DeSaulnier will host a town hall meeting to discuss “The Impeachment Trial and What’s Up Next for Congress” at Stanley Middle School in Lafayette on Tuesday, Feb.18 at 6:30 p.m.
“The Impeachment Trial and What’s Up Next for Congress” Town Hall:
Tuesday, Feb.18
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Stanley Middle School
Multi-Purpose Room
3455 School Street
Lafayette, CA 94549
Doors open at 6:00 p.m.
This event is open to the public.
I know whats up, more BS investigations by the crybaby’s Dems. Nancy Marks puppeteer showed her true hate at the State Of The Union.
Probably close to what trump’s super bowl part cost
How about a mass resignation by all House Democrats!!!
Starting with Nancy the Ripper.
I’ll save you all a trip to the town hall.
The impeachment trial: “It was a saaaaad day when the Senate violated their oath for impartiality by covering up for a criminal President, when the evidence was overwhelming…”
What’s up next for Congress: “We MUST continue to investigate this rogue tyrant before he can cheat the next election by using Putin’s outside interference. We will continue to avoid real issues like the border, drug prices, tax cuts, etc. so that we can start the next impeachment charade. Pronto! After all, Trump is nothing more than Vlad’s puppet.”
Finally, “Nancy ordered me to mention that the Bad Orange Man was mean and unpresidential when he didn’t kiss her ring like I do. This is another reason that the racist, sexist, homophobe, islamophobe, nazi, liar must be removed!”
Now you can spend your Tuesday night at home with your loved ones without missing a thing.
So many liberal tears. Trump 2020.
You hit the nail right on the head, Professor.
TRUMP 2020
Well written Professor, well written
Yup, Al! The professors do seem to be Trump haters. Usually America haters too! Go Trump! 2020!
Democrat party is gone, taken over by socialists and eorse. They want to control it all.
How about some real work, stop the investigations, they did not work. Let the voters decide.
You’ve heard the Democrats. The American people can’t be trusted to choose their own President.
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Hey Mark,
How about you doing something or anything to help the people you were elected to represent.
What’s up next? How about you go to work doing the job you were elected to do?
I did not vote for Trump. I did not want him or Clinton. I voted for a 3rd party candidate. Can’t remember her name right now. I voted for Obama twice. The last election was the worst for candidate choices in my lifetime.
I will be voting for Trump this time. The Democrats are embarrassing, and unfortunately being lead by California Democrats who are far worse than embarrassing. They are divisive.
All of the above.
What’s next? How about “Do your job!” Stop wasting any more time with this crap and do something, anything, of value to the people you represent. You’ve wasted enough of your time in office already.
Isn’t he running for re-election? Sorry but I don’t vote for incumbents no matter who they are.
Yes, Mark is running again. Also, have not, and will not vote for him.
This guy is a complete fool.
Almost want to waste my time and go heckle him.
Can we just vote this idiot out next election. We are paying for these town hall settings that are nothing but propaganda for him and his ilk. The democrats have shown how un-American they truly are and it’s time to take back CA
Id he going to tell me how many more tax dollars he’ll waste and nit do his job?
We need to actually start showing up at these “town halls” and voicing our opinions. Democrats like Mark & Nancy get the echo chamber crowds showing up and everyone pats them on the backs for doing nothing for America citizens as long as they keep going after Trump and screaming Orange Man Bad.
I’m going to make it a point to be at this town hall. I’m sure I’ll be boo’d out of the room, but maybe some other trump supporters will start showing up and we can pop their echo chamber bubble.
I saw Mark at the State oof Union. He looked good in white.
Thank Nancy Pelosi. She picked out his dress for him.
The only thing I care about is finding out when Mark is going to retire!
Impeachment was a sham process, and demonstrates that Democrats want to introduce Stalin/Beria show-trials into the U.S. This should scare everyone.
BTW- When is Mark going to call for a full investigation and criminal prosecution of those involved in foisting the fake Steele dossier on the American Public. You know, the one Hillary paid for.
The John Durham (Assistant U.S. Attorney) Report is supposed to be released this summer covering the making of the dossier and the FBI investigation into Trump’s campaign which included what appears to be illegal wiretaps. Durham is charged with uncovering abuses and criminal behavior and is able to issue subpoenas and file charges. U.S. Attorney General, William Barr, asked Durham to oversee the investigation.
Let’s ban fracking.
These democrats are domestic terrorists. Lies and twisted minds. Plus Using tax payers money for their charades. Pathetic.
Perhaps he will unveil the plan for quarterly impeachment hearings as there is no statute of limitations.
Perhaps he will unveil the plan for quarterly impeachment hearings as there is no statute of limitations. A practical alternative to coming up with a viable candidate………
Democrats can’t do anything right as they have shown us over and over and over, again. Vote this clown out. There is a Republican running against him. If that doesn’t work out, someone else will be along any minute.
De saltinor is for a bill presented to congress that will make every illegal alien legal. It will eliminate ICE. It will also have the government pay to fly back every illegal felon deported to go before a judge to see if they can stay. That would almost be assured. The democrats have lost their collective minds.
I saw on my wifes absentee ballot this evening that De salinor is on that ballot against two other people. I haven’t look at the two yet but for sure I will vote for one of them. Please vote this idiot out of office.
no one is running against him
Au contraire…Marks challenger is Nisha Sharma …. Do your part ClayCord voters! Replace career whore politicians with fresh blood…Vote for NISHA SHARMA for Congress
My ballot shows two people running against him, one a Republican realtor and business owner, Sharma, and the other a Green social justice advocate, Kerr. My money is on the Republican realtor and business owner. We have too many Green social justice advocates as it is, and that’s the problem. From what I can tell, DeSaulnier is about as “Green” and “social justice advocate” as they come, anyway, so it wouldn’t really be any change in policy to elect another one. We have a legal system that handles “justice” quite effectively.
Too bad there isn’t a stronger challenger, as Nisha will get ground to powder by the brown-shirted teacher, nursing, and trade unions as they and Antifa guard the doors of all future Desaulnier Town Halls. The monied folks, meanwhile, will be holding their noses as they buy rounds of campaign ads for the barkeep.
Just remember this on November 3rd
We need to put Mark back in the restaurant business.
Voting Republican or nothing.
It’s over Mark move on and try to do something you have been hired to do. The really sad part is he will get reelected I won’t vote for him but most voters are sheep and just vote for the incumbent no matter how bad they have been.
We will not spend the money to affect a Recall, but Mark—when your term is up—kiss the gravy train goodbye… Take your ill-gotten pension and leave us alone.
Thank you,
Tax Payer,
#Walk Away
Mark isn’t it time to go back to work?
3 years of this crap is more than enough…
We are paying you to do work not conjure up a bunch of falsehoods.
You and the others should be paying us tax payers back for the amount of time you robbed us of.
Or even better yet you all should forfeit you pay and just go away.
you and Eric Scumwall are one in the same you both are liars.