The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon!
Today’s question:
QUESTION: In your opinion, how would humanity change if all humans’ life expectancy was significantly increased to around 500 years? Also, would you want to live to 500 if you could?
Talk about it….
I wouldn’t mind living that long. I think we’d be a much wiser and more stable society. We’d have to have no more than 1 kid every 100 years or so or soon we’d run out of space!
If 500 years was the normal average life span, then sure, why not? Just think how different things in this country would have turned out if our Founding Fathers were still alive. They would most certainly have changed with the times, and I have a feeling it would be for the better.
Another nice thing is that I would know a lot of my ancestors. How cool would it be to know who my great, great, great, great, great, grandparents were? 500 years is about 15 to 25 generations, just think about all the stories they can tell you.
@Dawg – You have a great, positive outlook. I enjoyed reading your post. Imagining that we could know our ancestors is a fun way to think about the question.
No, we are not. If populations do not have the resources they need it is not because of shortages of those resources but failures by people to govern properly to achieve those ends.
Sorry, but that’s not totally true.
Water, for example. We told there’s always a shortage here in California, but it’s rather a shortage of collecting it. Plenty of water each year but we let it flow out the Golden Gate, rather than build a few new reservoirs.
@JG27AD @BADGE1104
Alright, so it’s the “government” (or the people in charge) who cannot take care of its own people to make sure that everyone has access to what they need. Interesting…
Whose coming to save us???
i’d see that global climate isn’t caused by humans
Don’t tell anyone, you will upset people………
Then we would probably have to work for about 300-400 more years before we could retire. I’m not so sure. I know I wouldn’t want to have lived here 500 years ago. I have often thought that the most interesting time to have been an aeronautical/aerospace engineer would have been in the period from around 1930-1960 though, maybe through the early 1970s when I was getting started as one.
We would become extinct as we would crowd each other out in the quest to survive. The bet is whether 500 years of wisdom would overcome stupidity.
Pick ’em
The world would have to be a far more honest place for me to wish that.
Sure, as long as we could have 21 year old bodies the whole time and term limits of 4 years for all politicians I’m in!
Ask Pelosi how she did it!
Good one!
Devil’s Advocate: How about it if we all had an expiration date of 90 years?
We pretty much have that already… and a “Best By” date of 50
Sounds exhausting! No thank you!
In India yogis use a system called Kaya Kalpa which means “longevity” to live years beyond the normal life range. It’s a two stroke method of reduction then tonification. The method is becoming popular in the west these days.
Given the way as I get older and others do too it seems years seem like weeks and weeks seem like days so I can imagine who much that might speed up even more if one reached 500 years. 😀
I dunno!
Are all the remaining years gonna be like this one?
No thanks. Just think how boring it would be.
Well cooking and cleaning house for 500 years wouldn’t be too cool.
490 years of screwing around and 10 years of wondering where all the time went, just like today.
… and the media would still not remember what happened a year ago.
I’ve seen a large part of Concord go blighted in half a century. I can’t imagine how awful it could be in another 50 years, let alone 500. It seems to me that homeless slums could dominate the landscape.
Would love it.
Do you still suppose we would still be on ‘lock down’……….
Soylent Green here we come.
Orwell’s 1984; came and went.
Soylent Green; almost / 2022
Wonder what will be next of the ilk?
Many have already pointed out the pro’s and con’s of living 500 years. I have requested that someone plays U2’s “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for” at my memorial service. If we lived longer perhaps it wouldn’t be necessary. I might then have time and money to do the things and see the places I still haven’t managed to do.
This is a crazy idea. Would we be in nursing/senior care centers for 430 yrs? Who would pay for this? Death is a necessary part of the cycle of life. It is a wonderful thing, that those who have died did so making room for the up and coming generations. Strange as it sounds…death is good.