Home » One Arrested, 25 Cited During DUI Saturation Patrol In Concord

One Arrested, 25 Cited During DUI Saturation Patrol In Concord


Concord Police Officers arrested one person on suspicion of DUI while conducting a Saturation Patrol on Friday.

In addition, Officers made 46 vehicle enforcement stops and cited 25 drivers for various vehicle code violations.

Funding for this DUI Saturation Patrol was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


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history did not repeat

if the cops want to give tickets so bad
hy arent they at the concord ave exit by honda? so many people run that light and cause accidents every day.. .most dangerous intersection in concord i think. have to go by there twice a day to get to work. always makes me nervous.

Actually, that’s what seems to be the problem ~ they only want to issue tickets while on overtime through a “grant”.
Sit at any intersection and watch the red light runners, cell phone users as well as the Tinted Windshields.
Paper plates and expired tags from 2018 and older also.

@ Anon

“… they only want to issue tickets while on overtime through a “grant”.

Really?? OK,. This should be common sense. But for the cop haters out there always wanting to shine a poor light on their performance, this is for you. Yes, they are writing tickets the rest of the time. In fact, they have a great motorcycle unit that does pretty much nothing but that. They’re just telling you what was done as a result of this operation!

Unfortunately, they can’t be everywhere. If you’re seeing problem areas, report them to CPD instead of complaining about it here on Claycord.

Is this why the helicopter was out last night?

I’m with Krafty Life. The helicopter was out for a long time on Saturday night.



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