Home » DeSaulnier Announces Walnut Creek Student As Winner Of “2019 App Challenge”

DeSaulnier Announces Walnut Creek Student As Winner Of “2019 App Challenge”


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier announced Emily Xie of Walnut Creek as the winner of the 2019 Congressional App Challenge for California’s 11th District.

Xie, a student at Las Lomas High School, designed and created “Every Second,” an app that serves as a digital short-term memory device for senior citizens. The app tracks the user’s daily activities and records consumption of medication, food intake, and interactions with other people. It utilizes wearable technology to connect to a web platform that family, friends, and caregivers can check.

“Technological solutions that allow friends and family to check in on their loved ones can provide peace of mind and stability both for seniors in our community and those who care for them,” said Congressman DeSaulnier. “Emily’s work is a great example of the ingenuity of young people throughout Contra Costa County and I am proud to congratulate her on this accomplishment.”


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Emily, should you be looking on Claycord for a mention of your accomplishment, I’m here to say I think your concept was very empathetic. Were you paying close attention when elders around you expressed frustration with forgetfulness? Good job. “Find a Need and Fill It”…but you’re too young to remember that ad. 😉 I think I need your app!!

You have a good memory. I can remember seeing the slogan all around on.. oh what was it again, cement mixers?

Until someone sues because it’s an invasion of one’s privacy. Probably why Kaiser didn’t already think of that. Seniors have the rights to privacy too.

Come on…this is a brilliant idea. There are other things to worry about Auntie Barbara.

Aunt Barbara – I’m sure her app is voluntary. One must elect to use the service. There would be no invasion of privacy, as the user makes the decision whether or not they reveal their activity.

Mark needs one of her devices

Congratulations to the young lady. She is a shinning example of what this new generation is all about, empathy. Yes, there is still bullying in school and online. However, I’ve noticed as a whole, they are way nicer to those that are different then my generation and my previous generation were. They are also not as apathetic as us Gen Xers are. They actually want to make a change and this young lady saw an opportunity to help people that can be over looked at times. Bravo! Hope to see your name pop up more in your future successes.

All this is for another vote in his pocket. A young, impressionable student he can try to mold!

Exactly – how dare he try to mold students into tech-savvy people who will be able to make an awesome six-figure-salary for their entire adult life.

How are these kids going to ever enter the booming coal mining business that Trump told us he was going to revive…

Dont be ridiculous Rob,hard work is only for the poor white man.
Anyone being born into the work force right now doesn’t fit the criteria .

Did Mark DeSaulnier just wake up out of bed & rush down to Las Lomas?

He’s disheveled, his hair is in disarray, and he’s unshaven with grey stubble.

Wow. That app sounds brilliant!! I would probably benefit from that.

He looks like he just woke up and grabbed a sweater out of the hamper.There’s no way he’s married.

Please!! You just had to find something hateful to say. Your commenting about his sweater? He is very good looking and his sweater looks great, not to mention how much nice it is for Mark to recognize this young lady’s accomplishment. What do you think about that? You sound kind of immature.

I can picture him out on a ledge somewhere….

Maybe if we all pictured him out on a ledge … oh, nevermind. …

HEY!!!…That was my idea 3 years ago….

Congrats on making it happen

Her idea is better than what the Clock Boy cam up with.



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