Home » The Water Cooler – Federal Government Considers Crack-Down On Emotional Support Animals On Planes

The Water Cooler – Federal Government Considers Crack-Down On Emotional Support Animals On Planes


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

The federal government is thinking about cracking-down on emotional support animals on airplanes.


QUESTION: Do you think people should be allowed to bring “emotional support animals” on airplanes?

Talk about it….

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I agree 100%. While they’re at it, I hope they cut down on all of the idiots who bring their dogs/cats etc with them when they go to the store. Your animals belong at home. They don’t belong at the store, the restaurant, the bank etc while they pee, poo and get in everyone’s way.

I get it, you love your animal. But, there is a place for all. It just isn’t out in public with people. You may think people love your pet, but many are just disgusted that you would bring your pet everywhere you go It isn’t the pets fault. It is YOU we are disgusted with.

Get over yourself and keep them at home.

Welp, you can’t leave ’em in the car while you shop anymore. They made that illegal.

Then leave them home.

I think the bigger question is, why are there so many people that are so emotionally disturbed? It seems we’re living in a society where people are proud of the fact that they can’t handle past, present, and everyday stress.
It just seems weird to me.
I not only think they should not be allowed on a plane, I’m getting so frustrated seeing dogs in stores and everyplace else that I may someday need an emotional support animal to deal with my frustration. (that’s a joke for those of you that take everything they read here seriously.)

I agree. I was just at Bed Bath and Beyond the other day, and while waiting in line, a woman walked by with her German Shep. and believe it or not, there was another woman walking by her with a German Shep. and the two got into a fight. What the F is wrong with people? A TRUE Service Animal is very highly trained. These two obviously just couldn’t leave their mutts at home!!!

agree wholeheartedly

Mr. Fairley -the concept has been abused by too many fakers. New Yorker article a few years ago had the author push the limits. She brought an ESP llama into an antiques museum, a pig onto a plane, a turkey onto a NYC bus and even an ESP snake into a Gucci store. She asked if they had a purse to match her snake. ESP bibs are for sale on Amazon and online “prescriptions” elsewhere online.

Service animals (dogs) only-keep the rest of the zoo out.
An extension of the victim-hood mentality.

I will be devastated if I’m not allowed to bring my emotional support donkey on my next flight.

Kicks you in the ass doesn’t it 🙂

You should see these folks with the support animals when I refer to them as “fake service animals “ loud enough for them to hear

Oh wow what a nice guy. Do you feel good about yourself? Does that make you feel better putting somebody else down? Get a life, pompous bully.

The ‘triggered’ generation and the ‘snowflake’ generation had an overdose of narcissism and think their ‘rights’ should supersede those of everyone else. Give em more medication, or make them provide a certificate proving they are not a danger to themselves or others.

The only emotional support I receive from a turkey is when I get some of the dark meat!

I know you love it when you get to type snowflake and triggered but the fact is most of the people I see doing this are 50+.

AT that’s because its kids like you that are a triggered snowflake and would need to think that so you don’t feel that you’re out of touch with your peer group.Olny the old don’t think like you,right?
That’s self importance/narccisism.

No, if you can fly you are fine,bring a human friend or relative, or stay home. You don’t need a helpless animal with you. Just watch a dog’s face when they are brought into stores, restaurants, etc. They actually look ashamed, knowing that it’s wrong, while humans don’t have a clue they are miserable.

Like that teenage girl who was denied boarding with her “emotional support” hamster ? So she flushed it down the airport toilet and then sued the airline emotional duress? I blame society and psycho controlling parents for pushing this kind of crap. They need to teach boys and girls how to be strong emotionally and physically. Instead of ballet teach your child Martial Arts and Independence?

I for one am an asthmatic and this infringes on folks like me who can become very affected by animals sitting next to me.

I feel for those folks that need the emotional support but others must be considered also.

You should invest in a gigantic plastic bubble.

By the same token, if you need an emotional support animal to fly, stay home or travel by private transport.

NO, I do not think people should be able to bring emotional support animals on a plane.

The most ridiculous news item I have seen lately is the one about the Forty-Niners new emotional support French Bulldog. Really? Sorry for being judgmental, but what a bunch of wusses!

They should just call it a mascot.

About time! A nation of nug bag people! If you can’t live without your emotional support animal for a couple of hours how are you going to deal with it when they die?

Not sure why people feel the need to bring their emotional support dog to Home Depot.

ONLY if you are:
*A Veteran
*Medically necessary for Epilepsy or other condition.

I think service animals should be registered and part of the registration process includes proof of service training. As Turn n Burn said, Service Animals are highly trained. They will not pick a fight with another dog.

I couldn’t agree more with you, Anon Z! These “emotional support animals” are taking away from individuals who truly need the service!!

I agree with you wholeheartedly!

absolutely. In addition all grocery stores. There is nothing worst than some skanky little dog in an old lady purse shedding on the tomatoes. Last month I had to go to Kaiser Walnut Creek Pharmacy to pick up a medication. Sure enough some lady walks in with a dalmatian on a leash- WTF this is a hospital. What Kaiser security doesn’t stop these people with animals and tell them to turn around and put your dog in your car.

If one of those emotional support animals bites me, I might consider biting the emotionally disturbed person back. It’s only ‘fair’.

I couldn’t agree more with Anonz!!!!

The pills just aren’t working?

People abuse this situation and there should be no such thing as an emotional support animal in public. Get your support at home or stay home. There is also the issue with these animals in public places where food is served. Stop making society conform to a small percentage of people looking to skirt the system.

My emotional support chimp has been pissed since they wouldn’t let him smoke on the plane from years ago.

Like many things that was started as a compassionate idea it seems to have gotten out of hand. Dogs are well know (certain breeds) being trained to help the blind, handicapped and police. So it makes sense that can be trusted for the most part to behave on a flight, guess it depends on how long the flight is.
I think these other animals we hear about being brought on flights, such as a donkey, a duck etc. is out of control.
I understand a therapy animal, I had a roommate that had a therapy dog, however she was without her dog for several hours a day while working as a teacher, so I would thing even people who have a dog as a service animal should be able to do without it for the hours they are flying, however if the dog is well trained it should not be a problem. Other exotic animals or animals that are not easily trained should most likely not be deemed a service animal. As for dogs in stores there are no requirement that they be deemed a service animal. I worked at Macy’s in Stanford shopping center, the store and most of the center allowed people to bring dogs in to the store, and they often did, there were very few problems. I now work at Sun Valley Mall at the policy there are different. If you see a dog at Bed and Bath most likely it’s the stores policy to allow dogs in that establishment.

Do I need a doctors note for my emotional support scotch?
Should I put a bib on the bottle?

I’d like to know whatever happened with ALL of the airlines steadfast unbending rule that only one animal was allowed to travel in the cabin at a time, only with a reservation, and it had to fit comfortably in a proper carrier which had to be placed under the seat in front of the owner all the time, and was not allowed out of the carrier while on the plane (excluding seeing-eye dogs)? Throughout my whole career as a Travel Agent there was never any way around that policy whatsoever.

If it isn’t bad enough flying thousands of feet in the sky in a tin can packed full of people.

No yappy, nervous dogs.

You know things have gotten out of hand now that miniature horses can be taken on a plane as an emotional support animal.


service dogs are not emotional support dogs. to qualify as an emotional support animal it just takes a letter from the vet or m.d.. and some people just get a letter online .it is out of hand. i used to be a flight attendant and people would tell me they lied to get the letter. i can’t remember if they fly free when they are emotional support animals

Having worked for an employer (doesn’t matter who) who had to comply with service animal laws, I had to take annual training (video course) in how we were allowed to interact with people who presented with one. As I recall (and I may be mis-remembering), we (by law) were only allowed to ask “is this a service animal?” and if the answer is yes, then we could ask “what function does it perform for you?” (e.g. hearing, sight, etc.). We were NOT allowed to ask for documentation or push back in any way.

Strikes me that allowing service animals, including emotional support animals, in a confined environment for hours at at time, should require documented and registered proof that the animal is indeed needed, it it should be legal for that proof to be requested and displayed.

P.S. In my position, I was ‘back office’ and never had to interact with people with service animals… but we all took the training.

Wow. What’s next handicapped parking stickers?

Whats next,confused Brits again?

I did get a kick out of the guy who thought he was going to be fired so he brought an emotional support clown to the meeting. He was correct, he was to be fired.

During the dialogue with his manager and an HR person, the clown made balloon twist animals. As the guy signed his employee separation papers, the clown mimed sobbing and crying.

I would say his could only happen in California, however it was actually in Australia.

Selfish people have ruined it for people like me. I actually need my dog to fly with me. She sleeps on my lap the entire time with a blanket covering her entire body. She doesn’t bother people and I always ask the person sitting next to me if they are ok with it. Thus far, no one has said, “no.”
It bothers me that people take advantage of this. For example, some idiot brought a turkey on Delta airlines and so on. other have brought the following on board: birds, snakes, Guinea pigs, an actual pig, cats, etc… and I have to suffer the consequences.

No! This has gotten way out of control.

This seemed to take hold after some very high profile incidents where animals (dogs and cats) traveling in the cargo hold were lost and/or injured, some fatally. I believe people started calling their pets support animals so as to be able to have them travel in the cabin, instead. And, from the stories I’ve heard about conditions in the cargo hold, I really don’t blame them. If you absolutely had to take your pet with you (say moving to a new area) and you couldn’t drive, the thought that your pet would be confined in the cargo hold for perhaps hours in especially unpleasant conditions would be emotionally upsetting in itself. I would certainly want my pet with me in the cabin where I could monitor his health on the flight.

I always had to advise clients that fatalities have been very common for as long as they’ve been transporting animals in cargo holds. I had to tell people there was no possible way any animal I was responsible for would be traveling in there. It’s pretty awful, and it is often fatal. It is a terrible dilemma to be moving and have to fly and you have an animal you have to take. Or if you’re going somewhere and don’t want to board your pet or hire a sitter, too.

One solution: Fidget spinners! Hah!

If people are so unstable that they need an animal with them to keep from being ‘triggered’ or whatever, then I don’t want them on my plane!

And perhaps airlines should first make sure that no other passenger is allergic to said animal. This all started with Phil Donahue and his daily freak show back in the 70’s. Normalizing people who are nuts is not compassionate.

I’ve flown with a cat on several occasions. One time I was charged close to $500 for the privilege. The airline provided no service for my pet whatsoever and she had to remain in her carrier at all times under the seat in front of me. I can see why people would want to cheat the system.

They need to get fidget spinners to deal with their issues. Either that, or bring their therapists on the flight.

Some of you people are the reason some other people need animals for emotional consolation,



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