Home » STUDY: E-Scooter Injuries On The Rise

STUDY: E-Scooter Injuries On The Rise


The number of hospitalizations and injuries attributed to the seemingly ubiquitous use of e-scooters has spiked alarmingly in recent years, according to a new study by researchers at the University of California at San Francisco.

The cheap, convenient and fun transportation alternative has grown ever more popular over the past few years but so too has the downside, with injuries and hospital admissions associated with scooter rides quadrupling over a four-year period, according to the study that appeared in the journal JAMA Surgery on Wednesday.

“E-scooters are a fast and convenient form of transportation and help to lessen traffic congestion, especially in dense, high-traffic areas,” said UCSF urologist Benjamin Breyer, one of the study’s authors.


“But we’re very concerned about the significant increase in injuries and hospital admissions that we documented,” Breyer said in a news release.

According to the study, scooter-related injuries nationwide to people aged 18 to 34 increased by 185 percent and hospitalizations increased by 354 percent from 2014 to 2018.

The overall number of scooter-related injuries for all age groups grew by 222 percent, accounting for more than 39,000 injuries. About two-thirds of the injured were men and nearly one-third of all injuries were to the head.

Breyer said better rider safety regulations are needed.


One of the companies, Lime, says it is doing several things to improve safety, including building scooters with better wheels, braking systems and balance, as well as initiating a $3 million safety education campaign and committing to giving away 250,000 helmets worldwide, among other things.

“Lime’s highest priority is the safety of our riders, and we advance this through rider education, community engagement, product innovation and policy development,” said Lime Vice President and Head of Trust and Safety Nick Shapiro.

Across the Bay Area, use of the scooters has been booming, with Oakland allowing permits for 3,500 of the devices and San Francisco allowing 3,250.

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I’m actually surprised these companies haven’t been sued into oblivion yet, considering there is no longer a concept of personal responsibility. They must have a pretty tight disclaimer about using them.

Why are people so dumb to allow these mini motorcycles allowed on the sidewalks, college campuses, and streets? Too dangerous.
They are as dangerous as a motorcycle! The dumb idiots also are allowed to use these without a helmet too. So we have to pay for their ER? Many of these folks do not have health insurance. So corporate businesses want these around so people will be available to use their services I guess. Even without an electric motor, they are dangerous. Doctors are now saying that 1/3 of the accidents are serious head traumatic injuries. MORONS for allowing this.

I doubt a helmet would be much help since a typical crash puts the victim’s face right onto the pavement. As for us dumb people who are allowing these vehicles? I had just read where a company had forged a permit in SF and that they were saying it allowed them to operate. These companies are just ignoring any laws and dumping the scooters everywhere. They get their IPO and then leave town millionaires. Scooters? Who cares about them, we got our money! That’s the new economy, don’t yah know?

The last thing to ever hit the ground in 2 wheel wreck is someone’s face.It’s involuntary to put your arms and hand out,and a helmet prevents your face from hitting anything thus the term’:full face”.More emotion based comments with zero fact or experience backing it.I’ve never seen a crash of any kind where a person keeps their arms at their side and dives face first into the pavement.

Mark DeSaulnier must make a press release on this soon and say how he will save us from these scooters!

While in San Diego recently I saw these scooters flitting around at night with little or no lights. People taking them on hills with no idea what they were doing. Running stop lights and signs. Not sure how long it will be before the scooter companies are sued out of business.

If you cant ride them then dont ride them .

Well DUH, people can’t even drive! What makes you think riding a scooter would be any better?!

It gets that third world look and is greener than a car, so the Socialist-Democrats in Sacramento and San Francisco will welcome it to transportation mix.
The amount of injuries to innocent pedestrians will be the issue. The concept is insane.
I could see a scenario where someone avoids poop on the sidewalk, shifts away from the pile, and is struck by a scooter.The laptop is thrown in the air and is snatched by a tweeker who runs away with his/her new prize.
Is this really the city that knows how?

better scooter injuries than car injuries. But brace yourselves for the knee jerk democrat feel-good laws, requiring adults to wear helmets or to pay for licenses on on all types of cycles.

Is insurance required when renting a scooter? If not, it should be.

Lime: Our highest priority is making money.

California Democrats: Our highest priority is making California unlivable.

E-Scooters are awesome – a quick way to get around a crowded city – much faster than a car.

Alas, though with so many Americans being way overweight – I can see why it’s not an option for folks who don’t take care of themselves.

Oh contraire! The scooters are very dangerous. Have you heard of Humpty Dumpty? So you think if you are physically fit you will be safer than an overweight person on the scooter? Like the latest statistics are saying, being overweight would not be a factor. Your head is vulnerable and getting a new one after a bad head trauma is not an option. Also please don’t run into me while you are zipping around.

It is not the scooter that is the problem. It is the genius who decides to ride one while text messaging because they are special and feel smart and feel important making six figures while renting a studio in SoMa that costs more than our mortgages here in lowly contra costa.



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