Home » CHP: 491 People Arrested For DUI Over A Span Of 30 Hours In California

CHP: 491 People Arrested For DUI Over A Span Of 30 Hours In California


CHP officers made 491 arrests for DUI during the New Year’s Day maximum enforcement period.

That’s the equivalent of removing an impaired driver from the road nearly every four minutes over the course of the 30-hour holiday enforcement effort, the CHP said.

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Remember folks, DUI doesn’t mean drunk driving, it means driving under the influence. In other words, you don’t have to be drunk to be under the influence of alcohol. If your BAC (blood alcohol concentration) is .08 or higher, you will be arrested for DUI.

Wow! I did not realize that exactly. Terrible idea to drive under the influence of any type.
So I never ever drive after I have wine with dinner. I am not drunk but I am sort of whoozie. Would be sick to get in trouble, or hurt or even kill someone. Stay home or let someone else drive. Duh.

It’s really sad that so many people still drive under the influence and risk the lives of others just because they are too stupid to call AAA for free tows and/or Uber/Lyft/friends/family to come and get them.

Obviously the penalties are still not severe enough.

Drunk driving is just stupid. NO EXCUSES!

Good work!

It takes an exceptional amount of stupid to drink, have fun and then drive. Stupid!

HOLY SH*T – I was about to say, I can’t believe that many people are soooo IGNORANT, but yes, unfortunately, I think I can.

500 or so not bad. I’m interested were these checkpoints or were these police officers hanging out in front of bars Stalking ppl like the alien from the motion picture Predator?

I wonder how many alcohol-related crashes there were during the same time period.



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