Home » Congressman DeSaulnier Issues Statement On Killing Of Qasem Soleimani

Congressman DeSaulnier Issues Statement On Killing Of Qasem Soleimani


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier issued a statement today following the killing of Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani, who the United States previously labeled as a “terrorist” in 2005.

“Last night’s deadly military strike against Iran’s top general was alarming and represents a massive escalation against Iran that Congress was not consulted on. I join House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in demanding that we work to avoid potential retaliation.”

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You and Pelosi are both idiots. You need to think for yourself and leave the party crap for others. Most of your constituents don’t like her.

Agreed! Each time Mark DeSaulnier has something to say it’s unintelligent and opposite of what most people feel.

Thank you Paul for setting Mark straight
I agree with you 100%

Come on Mark, Congress is a leaky do nothing ship. You are Nancy’s puppet and you are undermining this country. Be a man Mark and think on your own.

We cannot avoid potential retaliation. You know that. Nancy knows that. Furthermore, the Climate Crisis, which will likely be exacerbated, will be largely ignored by the media now. Keep fighting, and thank you for that, but I don’t see a win here. It’s a perfect storm.


Theres no climate crisis,this is planet earth.and no amount of money spent or impeachment tried,you wont and cant change the climate.You still are believing what democrats are trying to sell?

Surprise! Soleimani was expecting a pallet of cash.

Hardly an escalation. The escalation was the attack on our Embassy by Iranian mercenaries, led by a guy who was a guest of Obama’s in the White House in 2011. The attack was a measured response. Consulting with Pelosi and the current house leadership would have been like sending an email to the ayatolla. Pelosi and her minions are not trustworthy. We are talking about people who are willing to pay a foreign agent to create a false dossier. Then use that fake data to justify a warrant to spy on a political opponent. On top of that they lied to the FISA court a out the nature and source of the evidence. How dothen they make up false charges to impeach and even admit publicly that the effort to impeach started before the phone call.

@ Frank; Well done, sir.
In other news; Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) announced today if Princess Nancy and her hate-mongering lemming democrats DO NOT deliver their articles of impeachment to the US Senate as is required he will introduce a measure on Monday to dismiss Her Highness’ slapdash articles of impeachment on Monday January 6th.

Well said.

Mark is a first class jackass!!!

So maybe we should send Iran another $1.6 BILLION in unmarked bills eh?

Trump has authority under the AUMF(Authorization to Use Military Force):


Talk about stupid. The public is informed Mark. KAG 2020.

Not surprising from someone who has said this “The most dangerous person in America isn’t a terrorist, it’s the person who’s president of the United States”

lol. Eden’s mother “cried” on election night, along with Hillary (“If that SOB wins, we’ll ALL hang!”), Don Lemon, Jake Tapper and Chuck Toad. lol. lol.

Good catch TT.

Mark you would be one of the last ones told no matter what. Go back to sleep.

He should just move to Iran and live. He’s not doing America any good.

Did not expect anything less for you, And he doesn’t have to ask her or tell her about this.They where attacking our land!

…and where is his comment about iran attacking the US Embassy?

PISSANT That’s the word I was looking for.

Spineless snowflake.

Thanks, Mark, as one of your constituents, I agree and applause you for the courage to stand up to this, especially after reading some of the comments here. Also, see if you can get American Government added to the high school requirements for graduation again.

It has nothing to do with courage. He got the 4:00 am phone call from Soros.

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Stupid is as stupid does. I really wish we had Forest Gump as our congressman instead of marc dedouche. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but marc has actually moved ahead of tom steyer for #1 douche in the state.

Marky you’re a clown and a Pelosi pawn. Your priorities are in the wrong place and history will prove that. People.. vote this clown out of office.

The Masked Poster – I’ll consider that a complement coming from such an articulate “Masked Poster” .. Marky, are you hiding behind this moniker?

@ The Masked Poster.

District 11 is solid blue, and gerrymandered. Mark does not answer to voters. He mostly answers to public employee unions, trial attorneys and the Democrat machine.

He ignores his constituents and panders to Pelosi. Term limits wouldn’t help. He would simply be replaced with a younger, more radical AOC type.

Fortunately, the Senate is appointing lots of conservative judges. At some point, California voters might have a voice again.

I so disagree with his statement. I think I always disagree with his statements, and will never vote for any Democrat in Ca. They have proved to me that we are on entirely different planets.

Mark, where have you been? Iran has been responsible for so many American deaths, please place your concern at the feet of those responsible…that would be Iran! If you study the culture for the region, complacency is not respected, but reviled.

This is the time to understand to whom one’s loyalty lies….America and not Speaker Pelosi.

Are you kidding? Back the president, not Negative Nancy. Our system is a joke and so is our government! Term limits are needed and a true budget plan!

Hell, pelosi just handed desaulnier’s staffer the “statement” which was then issued to the press.

He probably can’t understand the big words in it.

Why in hell would anyone tell him, anyway?

Btw, there are a lot of constituents in the East Bay that are NOT liberals (as you can see); obviously he doesn’t listen to or represent them!

Ah, yes, Mark…. please enlighten us. I am not ashamed to admit that I have never heard of this person. Could you please explain who he was – his background -and why the US military considered him to be an imminent threat. No, not from Wikipedia, from your own vast knowledge of the Middle East and international relations. Oh and, please explain what you would’ve done differently to diffuse the situation and protect Americans at home and our troops overseas. You don’t know??? You just rattle off what you’re told to say??? Got it.

Everyone is as uninformed as you,and also the same addictions,right?

…. What??? Addictions???

Time to give Mark a MAGA hat and send him to Iran to negotiate.

The Iranians weren’t consulted prior to the attack.

The House wasn’t consulted prior to the attach.

But if the resulting outcome would have been the same in either case if they had been….. Iran would know.

Is Moron Mark ever going to shut up? We all know how much he supports only criminals, illegal aliens and welfare lifers. It’s also obvious that he’s a supporter of terrorists that hate the western world.

wow the Pelosi puppet is at it again

does he even read the crap Pelosi makes him say

I mean the actions of demorats is appalling

an attack on our embassy and what democrats want to give them billions to leave us alone ….hah

since when has a weak standing country ever survived the rest of the worlds aggression ???

anyone have the answer

apparently the mistake of japan has faded in the eyes of iran and said American haters hiding behind the skirt of demorats thinking they can quell Americas sovereign right to defend itself

de slacker your anti fa and a terrorist

you complaining after every time America defends itself
makes it obvious your not an American citizen but a traitor
along with all your cronies ….

thing is the gov has ways to root you out and the penalty for treason is what
…. time out …..I don’t think so lol

your propaganda parades are not fooling the real americans
I wish you would actually act of your own accord and actually look around you and see what is happening and what demorats and the media are doing to this country

germany tried it twice

America will not stand for it

don’t tread on the US OF AMERICA

More mindless drivel from our representative. If the standard lib playbook wasn’t to scream, cry, wear vagina hats and terrorize anyone that doesn’t agree with them, maybe their party would be taken seriously. I hope Nancy doesn’t stop too quickly or Marky’s going to need to be extricated from her nether regions.

I was expecting Trump to do something like this to prevent him being thrown out of office after his impeachment. History repeats itself. However word is he may have broken some laws in authorizing this attack so he may well get booted anyway.

On Nov 29, 2011 at 1:48pm Donald Trump tweeted this:

“In order to get elected, @BarackObama will start a war with Iran.”

He’s not being thrown out-the votes aren’t there.

What laws did he break? The same ones that obama broke when he authorized osama’s killing?

Who would Trump be thrown out of office by?

This is going to turn into yet another decades-long, trillion-dollar fiasco.

And then we’ll be told that we have no money for poor Americans.

What a scam.

Kinda like stacking pallets with freshly printed cash and flying it over to our enemies…you were saying????They should spend it on illegals instead,right??? Tell us your budget plan.

DeSaulnier you have always been a corrupt moron. You are one of the big problems with California along with your crony Pelosi, her incompetent nephew,Gavin Newsom and the decades long Democrat party’s assault on the state. We moved out of California 4 years ago and have never had a day of regret!

Statements like this is why we the people should be demanding Term Limits at every level of government! If not by law then by your vote !

Looks like Soleimani got a little lazy about keeping his cover, and got his final lesson in the art of drone surveilling and deployment. Considered a terrorist by intelligence and defense, he has killed a lot of Americans over his years, and it was his time to go. The Iranians are in a box, as they were not equipped to defend him, and with sanctions taking a toll, who knows what might happen.

Surely, terrorist acts will increase, missiles in Israel, our embassies hit, Straight of Hormuz will get hotter,oil prices rise,all are possibilities, but ultimately this will degrade Iran (The Official leading state sponsor of Terrorism). They can’t win against us, and they know it.

More to come.

Mark wanted another Benghazi that’s what’s in his heart. Never forget Benghazi…

Another puppet statement for Marky. This Iran regime responsible for many american deaths.Good riddance. Our president has shown alot of restraint but now that has ended. If it continues, go after the serpents head.

So what youre saying Mark, is that Nancy told you to be upset that you were not invited to a meeting that you wouldnt understand anyways…

Does anybody with a brain care what Mark says ? He is just a stooge for the liberal Democratic party .Nothing else , nothing original

Great kill! And get the local Hezzbollah commander too? That’s got to be an opportunity that doesn’t come along very often. I bet the local Hezzbollah was somehow the source for the CIA or whoever’s intel. Soleimani doesn’t sound like the kinda cat to make stupid mistakes without friendly help. Matters not, he’s dead. I don’t know where this whole thing is going, but when something like that comes along, you gotta take the shot tactically or strategically speaking. Seems to me anyway. Trump gets a good boy point, gotta give it to him even if it hurts.

Military operations are risky. They have to be conducted with utmost secrecy to be successful while minimizing U.S. casualties. They must be decisive and quick.

Given the stalled impeachment, Mrs. Pelosi has a well-earned reputation for procrastination. That trait would not be especially helpful in military operations.

A known terrorist that is responsible for the death of hundreds of Americans and was planning to kill more and Mark is upset. Tells you where his aligence is.

The president does not congressional approval to act. He has not officially declared war. These politicians know this but rely on the ignorance of people to gin up support.


The president can’t ‘declare war’. War Powers Act.

Mark –
The President has the power to protect our citizens here and abroad. He is the Commander in Chief of our Military. He does not need to consult Congress. Please think for yourself instead of reading the talking points that are issued to these whom can’t think for themselves. You are a total embarrassment to our community.

Mark, maybe we should fill a plane full of cash as an apology for defending the citizens of our country..

Mark you are a Jellyfish. The only reason you got elected was because of Russia.

I wish Mark would keep his opinions to himself. My cousin was one of the injured in Iraq and he will NEVER be the same. So how is killing an evil guy that killed hundreds of our military service members and wounded thousands more be a bad thing. All the dems think about is how to take out tax payer money for themselves. what about all the homeless people in Concord? You can’t go to a store without them begging for money. All the dems in this state better wake up and you better start using our taxes for things like fixing all the potholes on what seems like EVERY street in Concord and dealing with the homeless problem or else you will be voted out like the rest of this states dems. You’ve let Concord go to garbage and I can’t understand why where is all the money? What happened to all the money the construction co. got to build on the naval weapons station? A soccer statium in downtown concord bc so many people around here are so good they are league quality player? Isn’t traffic in Concord bad enough start with fixing our traffic from Market to Olivera and highway 4. EVERY day we deal with less than 2 mile of freeway yet it takes double the time to get that far. I was a dem until now all you are doing is spending our money and I don’t see Concord improving. How about doing your job for once and turning this city back to the great town it once was.

Interesting – of 59 comments so far, only one praised Marky.

Whatta moron. Pelosi’s sock puppet.

I feel so bad for you Mr. DeSaulnier, you were out of the know? As you should be! If it was up to you and your party you would sit on it until you “believe” that it’s a political “Got You”, meanwhile our soldiers, diplomats and country would suffer. I believe that both parties should play in the sandbox together but at this point the Democratic Party has become too extreme and worried about the wrong problems.

Mark is still a very junior member of the California Democratic delegation. There are quite a few lifers with more seniority higher up the totem pole, especially from safe blue districts in CA , and other failing blue states. As such, Mark is a very tiny fish in a very big smelly bowl. He gets to lick that bowl clean every day to pay his dues. It starts by being a good soldier for his boss, who is Speaker Pelosi and her entourage, not his constituents.

Mark, You would express outrage (with the requisite hand wringing) if this President single handedly cured cancer. I’d ask what kind of idiot you are but I already know all too well. Our President, with advice and counsel from military and intelligence leaders, struck a blow for America against terrorism. God bless and protect President Donald Trump. MAGA, KAG, Trump 2020!

Our embassy was attacked…just like attacking USA homeland. Retaliatory strikes are warranted. Without a response to the attack on our embassy, we show weakness and further encourage those that seek to harm us.

Desaulnier – you can now go back to asking Nancy P what else you can dream up for an impeachment. You really did nothing the past 4 years. Not liking the President is not a platform to run for office on. But you are lucky in that you have enough consitutents that are mentally numb and will likely vote for you no matter what.

When Obama took out Bin Laden did Pelosi and DeSaulnier howl they were not consulted?


obama turned it into a typical hollywood moment.

Guess all the gung-ho yahoos aren’t really too worried about ending endless wars anymore. Crank up that Military Industrial Complex war machine (they’re all creaming their shorts right now)!! Who really wanted a “great negotiator” anyway? And WAG THAT DOG!!!

There’s not going to be any war with Iran Silva. If you think of war making as a game of rock-paper-scissors (and tactically speaking that is what it is) Iran only has scissors. And they’re dull. They will strikeout, likely at softer targets, but they were doing that anyway. They cannot project force far from their border and don’t have the resources to protect much but key cities and facilities, and push comes to shove we can overwhelm those in time. Iran knows this. Now things might get sticky for the Saudis, but I’m completely fine with that. And Israel can handle themselves as long as we don’t turn off the US taxpayer spigot that is their lifeline. It’ll be fine. And if it’s not we can send Trump’s kids. About time they earned their keep.

I hope you’re right, Atticus Thraxx. Our assassinating their top general will be perceived as a declaration of war, and we should expect a carefully considered response. They don’t even have to travel to make trouble. they could if they want to but the strait of hormuz is their front yard. Americans are scrambling to get to safer ground again. No he wasn’t a nice guy, but assassinating him didn’t make the world safer. One way or another we will all pay, except for the Donald’s spawn who will be as insulated from any of it as ever. Some of us could live to see photos of them posing with bizarre, pricey spoils on the twittersphere though. Hopefully.

I can’t wait to know what Vladimir gets from it,

If you let Suleiman live; he will continue to conduct operations to kill not only American servicemen but also American civilians as well. This scumbag is evil and is responsible for the deaths of not only our servicemen but also to countless of civilians in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq that were in his way. Nobody wants war, but if you think getting on your knees begging for mercy and hoping this scumbag won’t plan on attacking us, then this is not only delusional thinking but also suicidal. Nobody wants war we did what we had to do.

Welp. I give it to them for not overthinking this..

Of course you could be correct Silva. My prediction relies on rational behavior from the Iranians and that Trump is true to his word. Those are two great big holes. 😂
If they try and close the strait it would be a ballsy gambit. Right now we really don’t have any international supporters. But if they interrupt commercial transit…that changes. It also handicaps their maritime commerce and they really, really can’t afford that with Trump’s sanctions. They really can’t afford any prolonged armed conflict economically or politically either.
65% chance they continue to bark and complain. Possible proxy rocket attacks on US bases in Syria, but not too accurate purposely while they try to get around sanctions and continue uranium shenanigans.
25% chance they lash out militarily at Saudi Arabia and/or Israel prompting military response(s).
5% chance internal coup displacing mullahs with senior military.
5% chance France panics and surrenders to Peru for some reason.

I do appreciate your analysis, my friend. .

More worthless comments from Do Nothing Desaulnier! Just sit back and let our people be killed in our embassies! He does not need Congressional approval unless he’s delaring war. Maybe you should brush up on your political science education. Don’t count on Nancy to get it right. She doesn’t have a clue either!

Trump may have a lousy delivery but have to give him points on this one. The Dems in general are still PO’d that Hilary lost. The vendetta against Trump has to stop as well as the easing of time and our tax dollars. People speak eith your voice loud and clear in all elections local and national. Get puppets like our rep out of office.

Good job now take out their oil fields.

Were you expecting are Embassy to be attacked?

I don’t know if this was a good move or not, but I’m quite sure it would be a bad process to consult the likes of Mark DeSaulnier every time the commander-in-chief was contemplating an airstrike…

I wonder if Mark reads any of this stuff. If he does, he obviously doesn’t have the stones to comment.

I hope he’s feeling the love

Again Mr. D with the spouting of party politics! I didn’t vote for you and you are proving me right I’m not doing so! Can you not get behind anything our President does? You and you party just seem to need to bitch about anything and everything the man does, especially when it’s a good thing! You and your party seem to have become a bunch of bitchy, Winnie, puppets that can’t think for yourselves or do anything of importance. So I guess all you have to do is complain and wine bcuz you are not in power! Thank god! Yes that would be God and I spoke of religion!

Mark’s statement is why he was not consulted.

He completely omitted that U.S. marines were being attacked by Iran militia in our Embassy & set it on fire.

Correction-Lost cause

So far, 1 comment praising Marky and 87 against.

Obviously those voting for Marky are not interested in discussing/debating it. They’ll just blindly vote for the incumbent moron.

And the democrat politicians don’t understand the powers the president DOES have. Those idiots are still throwing tantrums.

And that is the truth, WC Resident.

WC this is how election day will go to,be proud and stubborn is pointless and self defeating when it’s a ;pst cause.

It’s a confused person that thinks most of the country is “Russian trolls”.this is a person is denial of reality so they slap a ridiculous label on something they don’t agree with.IE the majority.
Patriots and Trump supporters(same thing) are not and never have been a fan of Russia,but your own liberal party and media tells this story as some type of distraction or reason that people would support Trump-because they support Russia?It makes the libs feel better and hurls and insult at the same time because they know theres not a shred of truth but it’s what they’ve been told to say lately as a catch phrase/insult to fit the times.

So many comments here remind me of the bullying, name calling rhetoric of our current president. Trump sets a bad example and validates such boorish behavior. Shame on POTUS and the rest of you! Name calling never resolves anything, ever.

Oh dear me, have we offended the fragile sensibilities of another millennial?
Yup, it may not solve anything to suit YOU, but when Trump calls out the dirty tricks of those miserable lying swamp dwellers some of us bullies believe it’s about damn time! He’s the first Republican to finally stand up to those smarmy creeps and their dishonorable behaviors.
They’ve gotten away with that $h!* for far too long, and they hate getting a dose of their own medicine.
Too bad!

Princess Nancy: I didn’t know you planned to take out Soleimani!!!!

Trump: Yeah, neither did he.



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