Home » The Water Cooler – What’s Your Opinion On The Killing Of Qasem Soleimani?

The Water Cooler – What’s Your Opinion On The Killing Of Qasem Soleimani?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

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QUESTION: What’s your opinion on the killing of Qasem Soleimani?


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Very impressed with my President.

Unlike Obama, who invited Al-Amiri INTO THE OVAL OFFICE.

Obama killed Osama BIn Laden and numerous terrorist in drone attacks.

Really?! obama killed osama? I’ll give credit where credit is due, the Navy Seals and their support group.

There is zero evidence that Osama Bin Laden is dead.

Don’t know the guy but what we have to read he was involved in killing many people. It also puts Cockomani on notice that we can obliterate him at his breakfast table without wrecking his living room.

So why not just do it?

To burnbabyburn, You are of course right, but Obama made the decision and Trump made the decision to kill Soleimani, and Trump supporters are giving him credit for that, it works both ways.

Trump got a twofer! With one decisive act, he made the world a safer place and turned the entire Democrat Party into supporters of Iranian terrorism.

Spot on

I see it as a shot across the bow to Iran to show that we mean business.

As expected he’s willing to put the lives of others-American service members and citizens-at risk to distract the public from his impeachment.

At this hour an additional 3000 troops are being committed to the region. So much for his promise of only a week ago to bring the troops home and end our endless wars.

That’s the truth and now he’s put so many US Military people in harm’s way as well of us with his taunting that the US will handle any retaliation. All to deflect from his impeachment. And predicting previously that Obama would do what trump just did.

Obama is the one who put all American lives at risk by airlifting pallets of cash to fund attacks on the US and American interests.

So much bs here…”he is putting the us mil at risk…” Spoken like fools that never served themselves.

What put us at risk was Hillary and Obama giving Iran cash, weapons and material, and polishing knobs in order to get CF funds in return.

Professor – you need to read and remember the news and history. More memos were released in the last few days that specifically say Trump withheld the aid to Ukraine beginning 37 minutes after the July 25th phone call. There is plenty of evidence, even on video tape.

Don’t you remember 1980 when Republicans contacted Iran and said, don’t release the hostages before election day and we will sell you arms to fight your war with Iraq. Thus was born the Iran-Contra scandal. Too bad HW Bush issued a blanket pardon as soon as he got into office so the guilty got away with breaking the law.

If 3000 troops weren’t going there,they wpuld be going somewhere else,the war machine unfortunately keeps the USA chugging alone.As a kid,I would be so happy tp hear about a war ending,then,a week later,I would hear about a new war,then I realized years later,there never really is peace time,ir peace on earth,the sooner you reckon with that,and are mentally ready for anything,the sooner you will understand life and stop complaining that everything you see happening is offensive/and or hurts your feelings.Nobody cares about your feelings,except your mommy,and she is also the only one that wants to hear about them.The troops know what they are up against and these young men want to go in there and kick a$$.

“Speak softly and carry a big stick….”

—–Theodore Roosevelt


From what I understand, Soleimani was planning on attacking American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.
So, in my opinion it was a job well done.

A real President took decisive action against a terrorists!
That’s how ya get sh_t Done!!

Soleimani was an evil man who deserved to die.

This guy was neck deep in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Lebanon, and anywhere else that Shiite vs. Sunni battles raged. He was the glue that held together unlikely coalitions that furthered Irani aggression. He was the mastermind that created and funded Hezbollah and Hamas. He was the guy who saved Assad by flying to Russia and getting Putin on board with bombing Syrian rebels. The world is MUCH better with him gone.

Now the problem is how will Iran respond? My guess is that there will be more rocket attacks vs. Israel, more embassy attacks (probably in far off countries like Nigeria or the Philippines), more roadside IEDs in Iraq, the closing of the Strait of Hormuz. Iran will use their proxies to kill more people, just to save face and look tough.

I’m glad that we finally have a President who backs up his threats with actions, someone who does not kowtow to bullies. Somewhere in Iran, Khamenei is having a sleepless night. In North Korea, Kim is feeling less safe.

Dose not surprise me at all. It only mean 2020 is here and that mean it all about trump re-election, trump to be prevented from going to jail and distraction of impeachment. that it Unfortunately it the only way Trump gonna get re-elected.

Spell check much?

Getting overly confident in your candidate is a pretty good way to wake up on 11/21 and realize that your life will suck more for the next four years then it usually does. Kind of like 11/21/16 did for you. That is why I don’t take a 2020 MAGA victory for granted.

But keep on listening to your CNN echo chamber and living in la-la land. Killing terrorists like Soleimani is a good thing, whether Marky D. agrees or not.

Iran is a piss ant just like North Korea…

That is what happens when someone wants a reaction.Take notice Nancy he is not messing with you and Shift and that midget Nadler. GAME ON

I think its funny that people think Trump actually did this. He didn’t do anything other than say ‘do it’. Our men and women of the armed services planned, scheduled and executed it. They just needed the green light which Trump gladly did if it makes him look tough. If it wasn’t executed perfectly he would have blamed someone else.

I think it’s funny that you think that anybody actually thinks Trump flew the drone and launched the missiles himself. Or that Obama himself killed Bin Laden.

And we are happy to do it.

Today I read that this event could be the beginning of WWIII – sure hope not.

This “war” did not start yesterday. It began 11/04/1979 when our embassy was taken and Carter did nothing.

I too hope that this is not a prelude to WWIII. Wars suck, even if you are the “winner”. But sometimes, you have stop taking the punches and throw some of your own.

The ball is now back in Iran’s court. Let’s all hope that they smarten up and crawl back under their rock.

I thought the beginning of WWIII was in 2016 when Trump got elected?

Don’t take “Peanuts” comic strip so seriously please.

Impeached? Start a war. History tends to repeat itself. (Though he may have just done something that will truly get him removed from office).

It’s a war that Iran started. But I am sorry for your loss

More clueless comments.Will they impeach him now for making the USA safer?He’s not going anywhere,no matter what clown crap they come up with next.

@ CPT Bebops

The last trail in the Senate for President Clinton when like this:
Article One:
Republicans: Guilty – 45, Not Guilty – 10, Democrats: Guilty – ZERO, Not Guilty – 45.
Article Two
Republicans: Guilty – 50, Not Guilty – 5, Democrats: Guilty – ZERO, Not Guilty – 45

See the trend CPT Beboops? The Democrats voted down party lines. What makes you think it won’t be the exact same way this time too?

Do the math: There are 53 Republicans, 45 Democrats and 2 Independents in the US Senate. It would take 67 votes of Senators present to convict Trump. Assuming everyone shows up, Democrats votes as a block unlike the Republicans ’98 AND picked up the 2 independent, it would take 20 Republicans to vote guilty to convict.

What do you think the chances are that 20 will vote against their own party are or that some of the Democrats in highly contested states will break with their party and vote not guilty are to help themselves get elected are? Politics is a nasty business and extremely self-centered.

NOW do you understand why Nancy doesn’t want to sent the impeachment to Senate and why the targeted killing of a terrorist WILL NOT affect a possible impeachment trial in the Senate?

And the part that’s truly hilarious is that Democrats keep whining about how partisan the Republicans are.

I’m on the fence for awhile until we know all the real story. All we hear right now is the sizzle reel. I do however firmly believe that we cannot have it both ways. Either we are going to be tolerable of terrorism, draw imaginary lines and write letters, or we are going to be proactive and mean what we say though tough, strong force. If you have a strong offense, you don’t even need a defense in this scenario.

Somebody kill Hitler. The question during the Second World War was, why didn’t somebody stop Hitler before? He was a product of the brutal first world war and took over the political agenda of a historically proud nation after its downfall. He used demonic Gestapo and youth brown shirts to intimidate his opposition and pledged world domination to his followers.

Sound familiar. The present Iranian General Soleimani had similar aspirations with his Quds force but the question has been answered by his recent killing. Two days into the 2020 decade and history has been changed.

Two thumbs up !! It’s called ”thinning the herd”…………………..

Our President did what needed to be done. Sometimes the best defense is a little offense.
BZ Mr. President!

I look at the same way I look at the war on drugs. Too much effort goes into catching the little guy, and not enough effort into getting the ringleader. Soleimani was responsible for the death and injuries of countless U.S. military personnel, not to mention civilians. Taking him out lets Iran know that some diplomatic activities will have no immunity.

Obama should never have made that deal with the devil and given Iran $billions of dollars. The only thing that got us was a better-funded enemy.

The US has been meddling in Iran for decades – including the overthrow of a duly elected government.

You want to know why the Iranians hate us so much – it’s because of our “Freedoms” – it’s because we literally will not leave them alone.

Imagine a foreign country overthrowing Trump and installing a puppet government to bow to Iran…

Then you will have a little inkling of why they are so furious.

As for this killing – well – apparently the US has now opened the door for other countries to target killings of leaders.

We’d already done that when Sec. Hillary Clinton and pres. Sarkozy participated in Khadafi’s brutal assassination for control of Libyan oil.

Well let see here Robby.

The Iranians shot down a $200’ish million dollar recon drone. The Iranians doubled down on their Syrian and Yemeni operations. The Iranians threw a bunch of ordinance at Saudi oil infrastructure, taking more daily oil supply offline than any attack at any time in history. The Iranians deployed forces to crack down on anti-Iranian protests in Iraq. Our response to all of it was the same: nothing.

Now there is a “spontaneous, popular” assault on the American Embassy in Baghdad this past week. I can tell that you did not live through the Iranians seized control of the American embassy in Tehran and held its staff for over a year like I did. Why did you think the President sent a Battalion of paratroopers from 82nd Airborne’s Immediate Response Force to Iraq. Another seizing of an embassy will not be allowed to occur.

Do you really think the protect was “spontaneous” because I do not. It reeks of Iranian involvement which means Soleimani since he was their go to general.

If the Iranians thought America was going to allow another Embassy to be seized and held they over played their hand. That was a step too far and Iran should have expected a response. Soleimani being in Iraq was a perfect target of opportunity.

I sure hope you are not so naive as to think Targeted Killing is something invented by the Trump Administration because it most certainly is not. I guess you have never heard of Operation Vengeance and the targeted killing Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto of the Imperial Japanese Navy on April 18, 1943.

He was going to target Americans and American interests in Iraq and neighboring regions. There was not any other option…it’s silly to think we can reason with Iran We have neither escalated nor deescalated anything, just bought ourselves some breathing room while they are scrambling to rethink their next move. Solemaini also is responsible for killing Iranian protesters and plotted a terrorist attack on DC he was a bad egg. As far as WW3? No one is going to pick a fight with US over this…maybe Venezuela will send their best to fight along side the Iranian military?

We can only hope that Soleimani had his fillings hurt, along with those of his friends in the terrorism trade. On the bright side, I hear that Satan always has more room in his “Inn”, so Soleimani is all set.

Believe me , Pelosi , Shiff and the rest of the Democrats along with the media are hoping there will be thousands of American deaths . Then they will finally achieve what they have obsessed over for three years . Yes I truly believe they are that sick .

Sorry The Professor, there are no winners in war, just one side loses worst than the other.

So…do you want to loose worst or least?

Muslim terrorists attack the US Embassy in Libya. Susan Rice immediately blamed Americans for the attack, Obama went to bed, and Hillary pronounced that it didn’t matter. Obama then sent billions of dollars to Iran to support even more terrorist operations, many of which were conducted by Soleimani himself.

Iran committed an act of war when they attacked the American Embassy in Baghdad. The entire Democrat Party was giddy over Trump having his own Benghazi. Then the President sent in the Marines, making the Democrats all sad. Then, Trump killed the mastermind of the attack, and the traitors of the American Left took the side of the Iranian Terrorists against their own Country. You people can deny it all you want, but that is the truth!

America has joined the rest of the countries that strike first. Bully for us – NOT.

Iran struck first.

Your loyalties are clearly with the terrorists. I am sorry for your loss.

Another not understanding warfare,or even [ersonal safety.You don’t wait until you’re attacked,how do you know you will survive,so you also under estimate your enemy,these asre deadly mistakes.These things are not covered in Disney films,but the house landing on the wicked witch is quite equal,the baddie is gone and everyone is safe now,Dorothy.

After enduring 8 years of an apology tour, watching drawn and redrawn in the sand, calling terrorists the JV team, and then financially supporting an enemy with a midnight flights of a billion or more, an individual with all his anatomy intact got elected, stood up for America and eliminated the head of a major terrorist group. So yes, I support the President and the killing of a terrorist.

Such a bad move. Now we are at war. Yes he was a terrible violent person. So now we as a nation have made the Middle East more dangerous. Also why believe Trump who said Soleimani was going to attack the American? Trump did not consult Congress. I think Trump had Soleimani killed because he wants to look like a hero and deflect the attention of the Impeachment hearings. I think Trump is wreck-less and incapable of understanding the relationship that Iran has the middle eastern countries. Don’t forget as nasty as this Soleimani was he was well thought of and admired as second in-command. We will notice a terrible disruption in our relationships internally and internationally. I believe many innocent lives will be lost. I also hate the way Trump loves to insult them by saying they have no power.

Soleimani wasn’t wreck-less. Your President made a total wreck out of him! Bwahahahahahahahaha

And why would the Commander-in-Chief consult with Congress, when the house rats hate him more than they hate terrorists?

The Iranians committed an act of war against us by attacking our embassy!

So we should just let everyone who wishes to do harm to Americans abroad have at it? Trump didn’t change a thing in regards to Middle East dynamics by taking out Soleimani…we aren’t any more or less safe than we were before… remember they were already planning ways to attack us and our allies BEFORE we took him out. Simply put, this is a way to tell them we’re watching and we aren’t going to take it lying down. We already turned the other cheek when Iran attacked a Saudi oil field…. we don’t exactly have a limitless amount of cheeks to turn here.

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“We are now at war”??
It takes a declaration of war,nobody would dare declare war on the USA,and they still wont call it a war,just like Vietnam,not a war but a “police action”.We are not at war and wont be.You’re bad for morale,BTW.

An old song lyric from the start of the war, “If He really thinks we’re the devil…let’s SEND HIM TO HELL !” song: “Divine Wind” Blue Oyster Cult 1980.

I’m wondering what Qasem Soleimani was doing at the Baghdad International Airport. If he, and the people with him were part of an official delegation from Iran visiting with Iraqi officials then the USA should have left him alone as the USA is supposed to be partnering with the Iraqi government. If he and the Iranian team had snuck into Iraq then he’s a fair game target to be arrested and tried by the Iraqi justice system.

A downside to this action is that it invites escalation. Historically, leaders and senior officials of other countries have not been targeted as countries did not want their own leaders and senior officials to then become targets.

An unusually competent and capable military commander for the regime and he won’t be easily replaced. He was so ingrained and integral in Quds, it could be months before they regain their swagger.Hehehe!
And I think it was time all the major players were reminded who the big dog is, things have been getting chippy lately. CENTCOM has this handled.

Here’s the CENTCOM commander’s bio: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_F._McKenzie_Jr.

CENTCOM Command Narrative (excerpt): “United States Central Command is recognized as a premier warfighting Combatant Command. We respond, we fight, we persist and we always conduct ourselves in accordance with our Service and American values.”

What a bunch of BS. Most of the people gung ho to recklessly assassinate a foreign leader never even heard of this guy before today. I hadn’t. Now the propaganda will begin to justify an act of war after the fact – just like pretending Hussein had weapons of mass destruction (some nostalgic fake news from the overly self-righteous New York Times). How much money are we going to waste on this?

Face it – Trump has no original plans. He is copying President Clinton who bombed Iraq just as the House was impeaching him in 1998.

Your support of America’s enemies is duly noted. Even though attacking an embassy is an act of war, the treasonous left is fine with it. The first time Iran attacked our Embassy, Carter just let it happen. When our Embassy in Libya was attacked, Obama just let it happen. But this time, Trump not only stopped the attack, but he killed the ringleader, and you people are more upset with him than with the terrorists.

@ Hopeless Johnson;
You wrote; “What a bunch of BS. Most of the people gung ho to recklessly assassinate a foreign leader never even heard of this guy before today”
You really should consider getting out more, there’e a whole buncha stuff you’re missing.

Back in 2015 Israel was reportedly on the verge of killing Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Iranian Quds Force but the Obama administration warned Iran of the imminent attack.

Israel’s Haaretz News reported:
“The report says Israel was “on the verge” of assassinating Soleimani three years ago, near Damascus, but the United States (obama) warned the Iranian leadership of the plan, revealing that Israel was closely tracking the Iranian general.
The incident, the report said, “sparked a sharp disagreement between the Israeli and American security and intelligence apparatuses regarding the issue.”
“sparked a sharp disagreement”, that’s polite talk meaning obama screwed over our ally to warn his comrades, and our ally called him out in his traitorous actions.

Hope,Trumps role model is Reagan,not Clinton,that is a huge insult btw,get your politics straight.People stood up and took notice and knew Reagan was not messing around,and now the country is back to those levels of respect from countries that had lost it during the last administration.The people protesting now are not old enough to remember anything from the 80’s,esp on this thread.

youre in for a miserable 5 more years.

You have no comprehension of strategic warfare.Everything is just hurting your feeelings..

Good shooting! They got several commanders in addition to this guy, so was able to knock off a few targets with one missile. They had it coming….and glad we are finally showing the world we will stand strong unlike when Obama was President (SO glad those days are over!).

For a guy with zero foreign policy, zero military background, and zero diplomacy on the World Stage he is horribly naive to think that taking out the top Iranian military commander will “stop a war.”

You seem to have everything backward,if you think This will start a war,thats a good example.Iran couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag right now.

Hillary would’ve started a war, though.

If Hilary planned to start a war she would have shorted a bunch of stocks the day before…..

Trumps motivation is only for his own narcissistic benefit. Interesting that this is during the impeachment. Did you forget US launched an air strike killing 24 Iranians was that not enough.
Let us be insistent on releasing the evidence that Iran was planning to kill Americans and that is the reason for justifying a war. I bet that will be another lie. We are also loosing our allies support which Trump never gave a rats behind about anyway. He has caused a bad situation in Iran and now has made it worse. He actually thinks if you take their top military leader we will now have peace and not war. How naive can you be? We are at war. Our innocent men and women could be killed and other innocent people will die.

There’s no need for evidence. Mr. Trump already started his propaganda machine and his supporters are already parroting it. See above, “From what I understand, Soleimani was planning on attacking American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.”. Too bad people can’t think for themselves.

Our former allies are unlikely to run alongside us headlong into this one this time, a few more trillion in debt and China will own the US of A.

“interesting that this is during the impeachment”
Yes it is,the enemy loves to catch a country off guard when it’s caught up in it’s own worries and scandals,like trying to impeach a sitting president.I’ve said this before,it makes the country look weak.
But Trump wasn’t lying awake at night staring at the ceiling worrying about his own problems.He was taking care of business,protecting his country.And you can bet anything he has planned for the future,you will hear about it the same time congress does.After it happens .

Islamofascist terrorists never lack for an excuse to murder civilians or uniformed people in the West. We should stop giving them the benefit of the doubt, stop assigning anything approaching morality to their actions, and stop giving them a platform from which to espouse their views.

This guy was no angel, his associates were no angels, and their employers are no angels. Iran has placed it’s influence and resources into destabilizing its neighbors and terrorizing nations in general. Perhaps we should allow them to “host” some conflict for awhile.

I’m not going to shed an tears for this guy, but unfortunately the issues are way more complex than you understand. First you probably don’t even know why you use a term such as “islamofascist” other than it is a talking point from right wing talk radio,

You do understand that he was a Shia and many of his targets where Sunni (i.e. the Islamic State or IS) as well as al-Qaida. It has been reported that he actually helped helped facilitate the capture of al-Qaida militants on behalf of the United States.

The religions and governments in the area need to settle their own religious wars. President George H Bush speaking at a Convention was asked why he didn’t occupy Baghdad during Desert Storm? His answer was a Christian Army should NEVER occupy a Muslim Country. President George W Bush didn’t listen and 19 years later we are still in the middle of a religious war. Nobody long term wins religious war. Agressions across established boundaries should be a UN issue. Our soldiers should not be sacrificed for religion… We should never have been in Bagdad

Oops,N. Korea…not China.

There are no wall marts in Iran. Only targets !!

That’s good.

If Iran retaliates Trump will bomb 52 more locations.

Today it will be 152. The man is a liar.

152 is even better.Thanks for being a patriot

And you paid no attention to why he chose the number 52,you just heard ‘ bombing” but pay no attention to the reason why,it’s just if Trump did it,it must be so wrong.152 is far more appropriate.

70 antiwar protest today,golly,that’s almost 1.5 per state.Awww…They must be outraged with such tiny numbers.

Sounds like 2000-7000 people are completely outraged.

Several things.

Strength is the only language the Middle East understands. Just read some history of endless aggression. Compromise is seen as weakness. That’s why they’re all so eager to die for a cause and meet the 72 virgins in the afterlife.

The level of stupidity in the comments defending the bad guy is astounding. Their religion condemns anyone not of their faith. There is no peace, love and kumbaya. For forty years they’ve chanted Death to America no matter what we do. Obama gave them billions in cash he had to fly there in the dead of night and they still chanted for our death. So commenters trying to find fault with Trump, or that this deflects from impeachment are sadly brainwashed by leftist rhetoric.

And while Nancy won’t pass on the impeachment to the Senate speaks volumes. She wants to ride this dead dog as long as possible. Because the Senate will hold a real trial requiring real evidence and not heresay. And in the process will drag Biden and Pelosi in for what their sons have done with their pay-for-play jobs.

Not only will Trump retain his presidency after 2020, but the absolute hysteria of the House will cost them control. Wasting our money on endless accusations, none of which pans out. Could YOU stand that level of scrutiny?

We have a strong president. Good economy (nothing to do with Obama). Record stock market. Record low unemployment. Record new growth. Record number of companies returning to US. Energy independence (which is why Iran should watch out should their oil fields get blown up-won’t affect us one bit). Got better trade deal than NAFTA. About to get one with China despite the whiners fear of tariffs. No war with N. Korea (watch China rein in Kim and NK return to negotiate.) Gave Israel Jerusalem recognition. And finally some respect for our strength, no bullshit with terrorists and swift action.

But of course the leftist safe-space whiners worry about WWIII. Here’s a thought for you… do you know most world leaders all talk to each other behind the scenes? And do you know they negotiate behind the scenes? And do you know they all know if there is WWIII then it’s game over for everyone? They’re in power to stay in power. It’s a business negotiation. It’s only the social media fools fed by MSM propaganda (for their ratings and revenue) that sustains this retarded way we all think now.

Everyone has an “expert” armchair opinion. Really??? Over half of the commenters are overweight, over a third in the obese category by their own doctors. That is the problem you should deal with, not pushing your point for some sad gratification. Far too many Americans think celebrities are intelligent, and hang on their every word and deed. How sad is that? The pedophillic film (and TV) industry is a money machine that takes nobody people who can pretend to be other people, and elevate them with exposure and cash. That does not equate to intelligence. But when Dobby DeNiro opens his hagged mouth to slam Trump, you eat it up!!! Good little sheep. That’s the way the left likes you.

So please, before you open the mouth, go and research some HISTORY, and read some independent press (usually foreign) and then exert a bit of effort and ask yourself… “Does this make sense?” Otherwise YOU are just contributing to global warming.

Well said laughingly.

Bravo Laughingly!

CPT Bebops and those that think the McConnell is playing a biased approach to the Senate’s impeachment trial.
Schumer is crying that he cannot call witnesses and addition documentation. When Clinton was impeached, he denied that same process. If “do as I say, not as I do” isn’t symbolic of hypocrisy, then I what do we call him? I think anyone with common sense knows.


I love common sense.

If Iran wants to start a war they will stall and posture like they are doing and wait to see if someone weak gets voted in.When Trump is re-elected,this whole thing will go away,they are scared of him,and rightfully so.

32 killed,190 injured at funeral for Iran’s general.In stampede.



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