Home » The Water Cooler – New Year’s Resolutions – Do You Make Them?

The Water Cooler – New Year’s Resolutions – Do You Make Them?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year? If so, what was it? If not, why not?


Talk about it….

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I didn’t, I set little goals and hold myself accountable all the time.

Yes, my new year resolution is get a girlfriend lol

Not really much of a resolution but the wife is attempting to get me to stop eating meat and most cooked foods. I don’t think I’ll make it too long, Today I had a rice and mushroom burrito and a bunch of fruit for lunch.

Luigi’s Deli sure sounds good right now 🙂

Hey Simonpure,
Some changes are good,…like a bit less red meat, but wouldn’t totally give it up. Hum,…lunch didn’t sound so yummy :(,…spice it up a bit with flavor should help next time. FYI,…but you might already know this,…most fruits taste better at room temp.
Good Luck,…keep me posted too!

Oo, that’s a tough one.

Thanks Roz…yeah, I do not like my fruit cold either. Only grapes. The rice she uses is from Trader Joe’s. I think it’s call Rice Medley. I guess it wasn’t that bad.

To stop reading Claycord.


No. I make resolutions throughout the year. Sometimes I keep them.

So much for the new year resolution. Today, I was doing laundry until I saw the maintenance guy let in the washer/dryer tech guy in to work on the washer and dryer. An hour later I go back to the laundry room to pick up my clothes and I was SHOCK the price went up. Used to be $1.25 to wash now it $1.50 to wash. Dryer now cost 89 cents to dry for an hour. The Taxco condo got an outrageous prince. I though 89 cents for 12 minutes dry but turn out to be for an hour when the digital sign show “Busy” mean it dries for an hour. I went ahead and put 89 cents even though I was not going to dry my clothes anymore just to see if the dryer had change the timer on the dryer.

Several years ago I made the New Year’s resolution to no longer make any. It’s the only one I’ve ever kept.

I had the best success with that resolution also, Dorothy.

Yes I did and have started. Just over a year ago, had to clear Parent’s House out for Sale, and sold it. My siblings and I gathered to keep and let go items. So finally, getting items (alike) in clear (safe) storage,…will be using some of these items in the future and some are on display now. Getting some photos framed and going to finish a crochet afghan my Mother started years ago,…plus a there is more. But I started,…I want to be able to use my dining room table again,…LOL!!

Excellent new year resolution!!!!

No need, I just let my awesomeness continue.

Thanks for voting Trump,that makes people awesome!!

The last New Years resolution I made was to stop making New Year’s resolutions. It’s the only one I’ve ever kept.

Join Weight Watchers! I had to get in a program. I am the common thirty pound overweight lady. I look just fine but feel bad. Now I have lost only five pounds but I am not deprived. They have delicious recipes. I am a total foodie and I am getting different priorities. There are tons of things to do instead of having food take over your life. I can work as a volunteer at the food bank. There are a lot of people that are hungry. Let that food there help others.

Saying you need to lose 30 lbs but you look fine,that’s contradictory.The reason people won’t lose weight is because in their eyes they “look fine”.
Go with facts,not what you perceive in the mirror.
It takes 6 weeks of any diet change or excerise before you begin to see shrinkage,so be patient.

Ilovepopcorn ~
Good for You!,….and your Health!!
Yeah, just been a bit over weight isn’t bad,….but not feeling so good is another thing. I dropped 15 lbs. 2 years ago, to be at a decent weight and feel much better,…but my friends bug me to put it back on. Most of them are 50 lbs. over weight and have health issues.

I do not.

Or is resolving to not have a resolution a resolution itself? 🤪

Most likely. So I hereby resolve not to make New Year’s resolutions! I reckon I won’t be ridden with guilt if I happen to break that one.😉 I’d sure like to hear some of yours Atticus Thraxx.😃

Lol…I will like for those who make New Year’s resolutions to please give me an update in a month from now. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions.

I have been making movie related New Year’s resolutions, like watch all the Rocky movies. This year I am going to watch a Wiener Herzog movie every month. You may laugh, but I generally keep my resolutions.

I don’t. New year’s resolutions are for procrastinators. Any decision important enough to improve your life should be made today.

Procrastinator here…

Well, I failed last year. It was a huge task, so this year I’ll think of something more attainable 😉



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