Home » Man Driving Stolen Vehicle Found With Firearms During Traffic Stop

Man Driving Stolen Vehicle Found With Firearms During Traffic Stop


Contra Costa sheriff’s deputies deployed in response to recent violent crimes in Lafayette and Orinda located and tracked a stolen car Saturday from Lafayette to Oakland, arresting the driver for possession of firearms.

The suspect vehicle was seen going westbound on state Highway 24 near the Pleasant Hill Road exit in Lafayette and deputies followed, but did not chase, the vehicle to West Oakland, where it was pulled over at Willow and Goss streets, the Sheriff’s Office said in a news release.

The driver and a passenger were detained with the help of Oakland police.

A search turned up two firearms in the possession of driver Andres Williams, 44, of Oakland.


Williams was booked into the Martinez Detention Facility on charges that include being felon in possession of a firearm, stolen vehicle and possession of stolen property.

The unidentified passenger was released at the scene.

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Nice work by CCSO, now let’s see if the DA will do her job.


With those charges, he’ll be spending this Christmas (and many more) in one of California’s fine establishments.

Don’t count on it, JazzMan.

Some people never look in their rearview mirror.

Nice work

Seems like prohibited people can get firearms easier than us lawful citizens.

You are correct… good people follow the rules criminals don’t

Prohibited people can also get firearms that lawful citizens can’t buy.

At Slap happy,
You can? What about the two week waiting period??
I was at a Claycord business and witnessed a local Politician picking up their “pieces” after either a lay away or the waiting period.

@slaphappy. Either you haven’t bought a gun recently, or you’re a politician. Not all lawful US citizens can buy a gun, and it is not as easy as just going down to any place that sells guns and buying one.

Clearly you’ve never purchased a firearm legally – if you can pass a simple background check it’s a piece of cake and most likely you will be given the Ok while you wait for <10 minutes in the gun store.

>>> burnbabyburn

Correct – if you are buying a long gun – you go to the gun store they run an instant background check and unless something comes up you get the approval and buy the gun.

For handguns in some areas you need to fill out a form – take it down the police department – they run the background check – perhaps 7 to 10 days max – you get the card – you take that to the gun store and buy your gun.

It’s really, really easy if you aren’t a felon.

10 day wait period. Handgun safety certification. Proof of residence. Extensive background check. Permission slip from police. WOW! I guess I was wrong. That sounds as easy as buying a slurpee at 7-11.

Clearly Rob hasn’t bought a gun in a long time, if ever.

And to 1791, you don’t need to state a purpose for buying g a gun, so I believe you’re full of crap. You know what should require a background check and an IQ test? Voting. But all the liberals start crying and wringing their hands if we even suggest that voters be required to show a simple ID.

Rob,name one place where you have to get permission from the police to get a gun.You fill out an ATF form,and if they find out you lied,its an automatic 5 years in federal prison.The police don’t want anything to do with gun sales,but you need permission from the chief of police in your city to get a concealed weapons permit,and in Calif,most chiefs won’t approval any CCW’s permit’s unless you can prove you need it for work.
Class dismissed.Rob,you’ve never tried to buy a gun.

Rob has clearly never legally purchased a firearm in California. And it seems he’s acquired his information form someone who hasn’t done so either.

Lock him up ! and Boil him !

Ditto to Mike. So take away firearms form law abiding citizenry so the criminals can run even wilder in our midst?

Be those firearms can be traced back to another robbery or worse.

DA step up for once.

Great now lock him up for a long time. DA get them please. This is nothing but evil.

Democrats keep on screaming about gun crimes , but you can bet that the Democrats controlling the courts in Contra Costa and Alameda will make sure that this guy is able to take a plea deal and get out in no time.

KTVU reported at noon today that a man was shot and killed robbing a market on Port Chicago Highway. He pistol whipped the store clerk, who was an Air Force veteran, before attempting his getaway with the money from the register. The clerk pulled out the store gun and shot at the man. The robber ran away collapsing and dying not far from the store. An accomplice who held a customer at gunpoint during the robbery has not been located.

I’ll bet this good news doesn’t make the Yahoo news feed…

Hopefully the accomplice that got away is reviewing the risks involved in that line of work.

suspect shot first according to KTVU and second robber was holding another store employee in the back, not a customer. the guy at the register didn’t see them coming in because he was counting money.

Sounds like other side of the hillers,try to “come up” for x-mas.

If the suspect is caught he will be charged with murder for being involved in a crime that resulted in someones death.

The only thing that gun laws do is make it more difficult for honest, law-abiding citizens to obtain firearms. The whole thing is a complete joke. Criminals don’t buy guns at gun stores, they get them from other criminals. We can hardly buy any kind of firearms here because of the laws passed by our oppressive overlords. Just across the border, everything is available. We can’t even buy ammo here without a background check. It’s an utter joke. It’s not called communist California for nothing.

California gun laws are restrictive but not entirely prohibitive. You will probably be allowed to purchase a handgun after a 10 day waiting period if you haven’t committed a felony or have a record of domestic violence or mental illness. You are legally allowed to keep a loaded firearm in your home as long as it is safely stored. Concealed carry is a different story.
The vast majority of CCW permits are issued by County Sheriffs. Believe it or not, most counties, 43 out of 54, will issue you a permit if you demonstrate a self defense or reasonable cause on your application. The most populous counties including Contra Costa, Los Angeles, San Mateo, Alameda Marin, etc. issue virtually no permits for any reason. This includes currency and precious metals dealers, prior violent crime victims, home inspectors, etc. Here is a link to a map showing the various counties’ CCW policies. http://www.friedmanhandguntraining.com/CCW_map_CA.html
If you live in Contra Costa County, forget it.

If you decide to purchase a handgun for protection, my advice is get trained and practice. Lots of options even in California for quality training facilities with good reputations.

Can hardly buy any guns here is right,but not right.There is a “gun roster” inCalif that list the only handguns you can buy here.I wanted a Walther PPK (James Bond gun) but no,it’s prohibited here,and so are and good quality or high capacity easy to load and use handguns.Anything you’ve been dreaming about buying as a first gun,you won’t get it here.And it makes absolutely no sense.I think they only allow handguns sales by companies that are beneficial to Calif,IE, they pay taxes here.



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