Home » Cities Of Walnut Creek, Pleasant Hill To Update ‘Accessory Dwelling Unit’ Laws

Cities Of Walnut Creek, Pleasant Hill To Update ‘Accessory Dwelling Unit’ Laws


The cities of Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek are both planning to update their rules governing “accessory dwelling units,” sometimes referred to as “mother-in-law” units.

Both cities are considering “urgency” ordinances to take effect immediately.

The urgency ordinances are in response to three bills signed Oct. 9 by Gov. Gavin Newsom intended to increase the state’s supply of affordable housing by easing rules governing facilitating the construction of ADUs and “junior accessory dwelling units,” which are smaller than 500 square feet.

Both Walnut Creek and Pleasant Hill now will discuss updates that change requirements concerning parking, easing ADU size limitations, owners living on the property, and other details.


The Pleasant Hill City Council meeting is on Monday starting at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 100 Gregory Lane.

The Walnut Creek City Council meeting is on Tuesday, beginning at 6 p.m. at City Hall, 1666 N. Main St.


RANDOM TASK December 16, 2019 - 9:16 AM - 9:16 AM

so it has been the intent to make demifornia into another mexico

complete with bums and druggies and poverty and bad roads and despair

city councils limiting police patrols and activity to better serve American citizens

DA announcing that they will not be convicting illegals of any wrong doings

now newscum has approved shanty towns

I mean when has a country or state ever bent over or bent the knee so far as to fall flat on their backs in surrender

all while taxing us to death …so where is that money going

gas tax measure Q tax soda tax over all tax …where is it going

not for roads or city maintenance or American citizens pursuit of happiness or a clean city or state

why not just say your giving the state to mexico and be done with it

oh that’s right the powers that be are working the system to gain even more money by defrauding the fed for census money by blowing up the population with illegals

and increased bums as they defund education to create even more uneducated to become street bums

best part now they are not even hiding it

so their goal is a Mexican socialist gov

hmmm how is that working for mexico so far ?

what a waste of a beautiful state and American citizens rights

Jimyjam December 16, 2019 - 10:04 AM - 10:04 AM

How cool! So if it costs about $125,000 to build an in law unit and I charge $2500 a month, I only have to wait 4 years for it to pay for itself. Give or take a few years to pay off the taxes, permits and sewer/electrical/etc. costs.
How many can I build on my property? Good thing its only lack of housing and not lack of rent money that keeps people homeless, right??

FPN December 16, 2019 - 10:29 AM - 10:29 AM

I can’t wait to have multiple dwellings at my back fence, the noise, lack of privacy. What are they thinking?

Bill Cutting December 16, 2019 - 10:47 AM - 10:47 AM

Anything for money right Jimyjam? Random When are you got to realize there is no political solution?

Anon December 16, 2019 - 10:54 AM - 10:54 AM

Sorry, we already have a LOSER who has ruined the neighborhood with their Boarding House.
I’m tired of the blight and riff-raff this has attracted.

It’s to the point that I’m going to buy a Pinto and park it in front of my house so that all of the litter bugs can’t park there.

Where’s the inspections or regulations???? This wasn’t disclosed when I moved into this neighborhood of SINGLE FAMILY homes.

Just me December 16, 2019 - 9:01 PM - 9:01 PM

Is this the boarding house on Grant st?

Anon December 16, 2019 - 10:26 PM - 10:26 PM

Sanctuary Martinez

Mika December 16, 2019 - 1:34 PM - 1:34 PM

You all have very valid points. I am just as concerned. I live in a neighborhood of single family residences. I want it to stay that way.

JJ December 16, 2019 - 2:12 PM - 2:12 PM

Cars parked on the streets overnight, ALL THE TIME, bring crime to the neighborhood. Every neighbor who has parked on our street has had their car broken into.

Where are these ADU residents going to park their cars?????

Natalie December 16, 2019 - 2:37 PM - 2:37 PM

House flippers and real estate investment companies love ADUs. They will buy a property and add an ADU which then drives up the price of the property. So what was once a simple suburban property that an average middle-class family could have afforded, is now priced beyond their range. So now that middle-class family has to be a home renter instead of a home buyer.

Other speculators will buy a house, destroy that house and put up to 3 homes on the property. Again, the average family can’t afford a property with 3 homes on it, so they have to be renters. Instead of buying the property as it orignaly was, they have to rent out one of the tiny houses.

There are valid reasons for ADUs: aging parents, sick or diasbled family member, college aged family member or friend-of-family who needs a place while they attend DVC or CSU. But there are people who take advantage of ADUs for their own financial gain, and they just drive up the cost of housing while lowering the standards of housing.

ADU’s can also create rifts between neighbors, if people don’t talk out their concerns before hand.

FPNTV December 16, 2019 - 4:01 PM - 4:01 PM

I am so sorry. There should be some sort of legal avenue available to you. If all homes are zoned residential single family homes you should be able to file a complaint to stop your neighbors boarding house. I also dont understand how they can rezone everyone’s single family homes after the fact. This is so wrong.

Harpreet December 16, 2019 - 9:29 PM - 9:29 PM

I think this is great. Now I have to go through less hurdles if I wanted to build a small ADU on the backside of my property for my parents. Really considering this as they are of age and need help/assistance.

Steve December 16, 2019 - 10:09 PM - 10:09 PM

This is code for “they are meeting to discuss how they can implement taxes on it to line their coffers.

Benti December 17, 2019 - 1:09 AM - 1:09 AM

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Keep that in mind when you complain about your own “tolerance” This all happens when you can no longer ask not “what your country can do for you….”
And it will continue to happen as long as we have sheep voting for laws that are not good for a family based society.

CR December 17, 2019 - 7:27 AM - 7:27 AM

Consider the number of elderly currently living in their family homes with too many bedrooms, now consider that the house is paid for, and if they move, they cant afford the taxes on a new location. Now assuming this couple or individual has a child with even a family, that cant quite afford to both live in the area and help their parents out. With ADUs, the parents can stay on their property, and the kids can move into the bigger house. Families can help one another. Now consider people working from home, ADUs can create an option for an office, so they don’t have to move. We have a housing shortage. It is driving rents sky high. We have homeless families, and homeless students, and the number of seniors who aren’t able to afford to stay in their homes is increasing. And dont worry, When other cities did this they jacked up the cost to connect to city services, keeping it out of reach for many.

thedude December 17, 2019 - 9:23 AM - 9:23 AM

This is a double edged sword, WITH an ADU, typically you need a separate PG&E meter to assign it an individual address, most other facilities companies fall in line with this as well, at&t will not service an ADU without it having its own address/PG&E meter for E911 reasons. There is alot more detail that needs to be ironed out in the backend.

IMO if you are in need of an ADU and want to build one, prove it. Show your elderly parents need a place to stay etc… prevent the abuse of investors taking advantage and overpricing the neighborhoods.

Anon December 17, 2019 - 10:37 AM - 10:37 AM

Very true, PG&E stopped doing additional meters at Single Family dwellings. I guess they’ll start again with appropriate permits ~ the additional meters won’t be free.

Chicken Little December 17, 2019 - 9:32 AM - 9:32 AM

We don’t have a housing shortage. We have too many people. And building tons of cheap housing only encourages them to keep coming.

JJ December 17, 2019 - 11:17 AM - 11:17 AM

Raise your hand if you know someone who owns two or more homes, (and they are not vacation homes) that sit empty. I know of three.
There are a lot of homes for sale and rent. And a lot of homes that are vacant.

FPN December 17, 2019 - 12:57 PM - 12:57 PM

We dont have a housing shortage we have a lack of affordable housing. This will ruin neighborhoods,

james December 18, 2019 - 4:28 AM - 4:28 AM

Neither one of those things causes homelessness or these people would all still have jobs and be going to them everyday.If you want affordable housing in a good area for people on the govt dole,its never going to happen.

RAJR December 17, 2019 - 3:14 PM - 3:14 PM

The issue of affordability is frankly that it costs way too much to build thus prices are high, regardless of how many we build. Unless your in the business, most would not know how much all the fees, environmental requirements etc. cost. For example: a 4 lot subdivision will cost around $2M before any building is even started. Just a water meter and a sewer hook up costs $100K per house then you add all the fees, environmental requirements, frontage improvements etc, then add land and building costs and your well over the affordability line. To make any money at all, the houses need to sell for at least $1M/ea. = no supply where land is expensive = no affordable houses near the jobs. ADU’s may actually help fill some family needs but it will not fix the affordable home ownership issue.

Mika December 17, 2019 - 5:02 PM - 5:02 PM

@Chicken Little—you nailed it perfectly!

adolfo ochoa December 17, 2019 - 9:53 PM - 9:53 PM

hey all you nasty comentators,have you been homeless? housing crises comes when rent is so high,look under the bridge on contracosta and willow pass ,it look like oakland homeless people ,so making a space avail , is great ,if you dont like it than move,city s and county is allawed to make it ,than s great,better than see bums sleeping on the side walk

james December 18, 2019 - 1:07 AM - 1:07 AM

All the people you mention ,you are in denial that hey are all having a big party,dont want work offered to them and being high all day is the usual reason they don’t have time yo work..,and if they are there because housing is to high priced,shoulnt they be at work and tryng to make it work?High housing price has people living under a bridge??
Please explain how high rent made them quit life and live under a bridge,.You could give them free housing and they will destroy it.

james December 18, 2019 - 1:14 AM - 1:14 AM

Looks like WC and PH want to slowly morph into Concord,then become Pittsburg.This is called selling out your residents.They falsely believe(Concord is married to the idea) that more people mean more money for the city,meaning a better city,It never happens.
And it means much more traffic,tension,property crime,violent crime.

james December 18, 2019 - 4:15 AM - 4:15 AM

I love it when liberals start to “remind” you that nobody is above the law,not Mr Trump,but all the illegal aliens are swept under the rug.Everytime that’s done it proves they can’t be trusted and are manipulative and dishonest and only there interests matter at any cost or task.,because nobody is above the law,let’s not forget.As ;long as you support illegal immigration you have zero room to talk about people not being above the law.Double standard is par for the liberal course.And anything morally wrong in your eyes or that is offensive to you has no place in anything lawful.

Jojo Potato December 18, 2019 - 9:27 AM - 9:27 AM

And I don’t love it when commenters keep bringing up random topics that have nothing to do with any current discussion. Like my friend James here who seems fixated on immigration issues no matter what the current discussion. Sad.

james December 18, 2019 - 6:44 PM - 6:44 PM

Poor child,trying to act like we weren’t taliking about PEOPLE THAT ARE BREAKING THE LAW.. every single person that entered the country illegally is criminal,and they removed your “im here to remind people that nobody is above the law”comment .Your own words.I guess you dont count the illegal aliens as people,you are terrible and a hypocrite.Illegal aliens are not a “random topic” when it comes to breaking the law,this is what they are,this is their identity,they are breaking the law,they .are criminal.that’s the definiton.
Random topic?You lost any semblemce of truth.Why do you bother?
inyour words”nobody is above the law” does that mean only if they are a citizen.Anything you say has zero credibility,as usual.You are on another planet,and its time for your second personality to log on and comment.

james December 18, 2019 - 7:17 PM - 7:17 PM

youre doing just what I said,when someone mentions illegal aliens,you say”this isn’t an immigration issue’ of course it is,its just like saying” Trump is breaking the law”,and someone says”,i don’t want to talk about the govt,i want to talk about the law.”Immigration is the law,and people breaking fall into the criminal category,not the immigration catregory,they are not immigrants,they are illegal immigrants,IE criminals.
Make up your own rules as you please,but only you know the rules and you don’t even follow your own rules.
If you want to talk about “nobody being above the law’ there are millions right now that fit that bill and need to be dealt with,they are border jumpers.

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